THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPIUNGPIKLD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON, T W K N T Y -K IC IIT II YBAIL FOURTI??3 flFFER VARIOUS ACliK” Northwest A ir Tour New Lions Head\ A t Springfield Friday Elect Springfield Woman at Meet No. 2fi T H I ’KSDAV, JULY 2, 1931 pike JOES 10 Springfield Man Stats Group Names W. F. j Famous Men and Women Walker District Governor Pilots to Demonstrate All at LaGrande Convention Stunts at Local Airport v. Jrlng Department Pr»»L Mountain Camping Trip« and dent Becomes Department­ al Advisor at Convention Fishing Expaditions Taka Lead in Popularity Mrs. M yrtle Kgglmann, retiring PRO CLAM ATIO N Whereas, the second annual Northwest A ir Tour vlalta Springfield Airport on Friday. July 3rd. 1931. And whereas. Sprtocfleld has shown Itself to be an alr-mlnded community, and Whereas, such an event as this promotes Interest in avia­ tion. and In order that our peo pie may have the opportunity to attend thia event. Therefore. I. W. P. Tyaon, Mayor of the Town of Spring- field. do hereby proclaim F ri­ day. July 3rd, 1231. as a holiday In Springfield and suggest that our dtlxens attend the Air Tour program so far ns Is convenient for them to do so. W. P. TYSON, Mayor of Springfield. oy Churchmen Dr. W. H. Pollard Chosen Lay Representative to Atlanta Rev. D. C. Poindexter of Hood Gathering in 1932 River to Assume Pastor­ ship Here July 12 Signal honor was accorded Dr. W F W alker, former foneral di­ W. H. Pollard of this city Friday i rector In Springfield, was named RUN BUSSES TO FIELD at the annual Laymen Conference UNION SERVICE TO START district governor of the Lions clubs PLAN COUNTY EVENTS held nt the Methodist church In — — - for tbs stats of Oregon at tbs clos Eugene when he was chosen one New Minister to Serve Charge Ing session of the two day slate Ships Arrive 10 A. M. Pro­ of the four delegates to represent . _ . _. _ , Usa of Firaworka in National gram Lasts Until 2; Doro­ convention held In LaGrande last the laymen of the at.te at «he na- at Coburg. Plant Early Foraats Prohibited; Camp­ Wednesday and Thursday. W alker thy Hester Coming tional conference to be held In At- Hour Sermons and Nsll Pollard attended tbs fire Permits Necessary lanta, Georgia next May The largest assemblage of air­ gathering from Springfield ns of­ Two major changes In the rou­ Mrs. Egglmauu returned from This Is the second time Dr. Poll- Hprlngfleld residents can spend a crafts ever on any airport In Lane ficial representatives of the local Georgi- t. Me Dow tine of church work In Springfield Portland Saturday afternoon bring­ ard has been chosen to represent lari. Kas , hss been decorsi ed by thè quiet Fourth of July at home thia county, and the third most valuable were announced this week. The ing with her Miss May Hchlldau Soviet lor hit Services to agrrcul den. the state, being previously elected year *lf they desire to do ao. but Tbs Springfield man has Just group, In terms of dollars, to ever first, the assignment of Rev. C. J. who served aa one of her pages at ture in Kussia sirice IV2J. to attend the national convention they do not hare to. Although the completed serving a term as de­ visit the state of Oregon or the Pike, pastor of the Springfield the convention. Hhe also brought held In Springfield. Massachusetts. attractions beckoning them thia puty district governor under Jack Pacific Northwest will be on ex­ Methodist church to a small con­ home a large number of beautiful In 1*24. year are not no numerous or aa al­ Ferris of laO rande. whom hs re­ hibition at the Springfield munici­ gregation at Portland, and the sec- and valuable gifts which were pres Othet lay delegates from Oregon luring aa they hare been during the places as governor. A movement pal airport all-day Friday after 10 will be E. C. Petaraon. w riter f o r i 0“*1 the , t , r t of 8une letter did no’ slate when or tion will take place between that T h is Action Miss Girard who w ill begin their 8- for tbeir new home at l>ortl* nd lug The beaches will offer the sway from a hole with hla club. It whore tbs fun-*ral services were to time and 2 in the afternoon. After Test of Governor’s Pow er to Par­ _______* term of office Monday are: Mrs. He w,n aa8Ume P»»‘ °™ ’>lp of the Hume things only In a different Immediately colled to strike but don M sy Be Made a t Orsgon be held, buf It wax believed that that time the ships will again be Boat fishermen who want to cast atmosphere. Mr Cox broke Its bark and killed C ity Today Glenn Stone, warden; Nellie Pyue, Ellis avenue church In that city and the body would be taken to eastern on Inspection and will be available their lines In the McKenxie river Heavlsst travel Is expected on It conductor; Ada Love, chaplain; w ill devote a great deal of his Oregon for Interment near other for passenger flights. They will during the two-day Fourth of July the W illam ette highway this year Asked If there were any mors of Oregon motorists who hare not Zella Cantrell, outside guardian; time to study and educational work. datives who have preceded him In remain at the field all night and vacation period had better not a t­ due to tb * rough parts of the Me them In a nest In the same vicinity. Dorothy Girard. Inside guardian ; He has accepted an offer to teach made application for their 1931-32 w ill hop off Saturday morning for death. tempt fishing from their craft K snile which Is now under con Mr Cox replied, "there were sev­ Mra. Clara TutUe Fenton, must- classes at the Portland Bible In­ license plates are now finding Mr McKInnla lived pu a farm above the Blue river unless they Portland where they will appear ln atructlon. The knowledge that the eral well beaten trails where they an interdenominational themselves In a merry mlx-up with clan; Mrs. Bertha W alker, right stitute, a program over Swan Island air­ forest service will close certain have been crawling from one rock near the present airport for several want to hazard being arrested. the chances very likely that they support to the Noble Grand; Mra. school, and will devote some time la n e county law enforcement of- port. popular recreational areas to entry to another, but I did not slay long years, later moving to town. He Complete facilities will be avall- w ill be arrested on the public high­ Minnie Girard, left support to the to work towards his M A. degree after July 7. Is expected to draw enough to Investigate, having no owned the business block housing flrlals were uncertain this morn-, ways If state traffic officers sight Noble Grand; Stella Findley, rtgh, »1 the University of Oregon hall and the ing whether the Injunction granted ab,e a‘ ,he a ,r‘>or‘ for the con: “ ' many for their last camping out­ desire Io meet any more of them." the Community support to the vice-grand; and through extension work. He is ence of all visitors. Automobiles' tbem Steven's Feed store. He spent sev the Thomson resort owners In Port­ ing of the season. will be parked on the field under I Wednesday, July 1. was the final Clara Taylor, left support to the working towards a PhD degree vsral months remodeling this pro­ land last Thursday opened the river Those who find It difficult to ob­ which he expects to obuin later. the "supervision of Lieutenant C . i t o U ,or the t>urcha,e “ « * vice-grand. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC perty a year ago last winter and to fishing until after the hearing serve tbs Fourth of July without Outgoing officer, of the lodge StartlnB Sunday July 5 union A. Swart«. national guardsmen and automoblto license plates, but POSTPONED ONCE MORE then moved to Ashland where be which Is scheduled to take place .U t e and county traffic officers.1‘ boua“ d8 of motorist, hod not are: Amy Love. Noble Grand; church 8erïlcea wlU be held each fireworks displays uad better go to has lived since. Monday. July 8. Rodney Roach Various concessions will be In oper made xPPHcatlon at that time and tbs beaches or to the private ramp evening during the three summer Doris Girard, vice-grand; Alice The annual Baptist Sunday stated that he had not received ation where It w ill be possible to • Governor Julius Meier requested Ing reeorts The use of any fire­ months. Services w ill be In the Doane, secretary; and Genevieve any Instructions from his superiors purchase the noon meal a . well a . tbat Hal H ° » - »ecretary of .U te , works In the forest this year Is en­ school and congregational picnic GUARDSMEN CONTINUE Baptist. Methodist and Christian Louk. treasurer. to permit boat fishing above the Ice cream and cold drinks. These tirely forbidden, warns officials of which has already been postponed church on alternating evenings with ’ ,ew of tbe Pre8eDt financlaI WEEKLY DRILL WORK Junction of the two rivers. two times sad which was to have. Mrs. Clarine Putman Is the fin­ pastors of the three congregations the forest. are being handled by Jack Header condition, grant an extenlson of one ancial secretary. She Is elected at tking turns as preachers. Campfire permits. obtainable I»een held Tuesday of this week A group of boat fishermen went month before making arrests. Host First d rill for the members of er and M. B. Huntiy. the first of the year and holds her from any • agar or.forest official, was railed off by officers of the Springfield's National Guard unit to McKenxie bridge Sunday with refused, declaring he would not vio­ Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the Transportation Provided church awaiting warmer weather. office for an entire year. or from the office at the federal their equipment Intending to launch late the law, and the governor re­ Springfield Christian church wilt since returning from camp was Transportation to and from the Practice for the installation was preach the flrat three sermons. The building In Eugene, wild be neces­ The group plans to have a full held at the armory Wednesday un­ the boats there and were warned field for those who have no auto­ taliated that he would grant an afternoon of outdoor activities and held Monday evening after the re­ first service will be held at the sary In all national forest areas that they might be arrested If they unconditional pardon to any motor­ der the direction of Lieutenants mobiles and from Eugene w ill be gular lodge meeting. Another prac­ Baptist church at 8 o’clock. with the exception of the fttuslaw will serve Ice cream conee. The Swsrts and Gossler. D rill periods did so. handled by the regular Pacific Grey ist arrested without plates during weather, so far. thia summer has tice w ill be held at the hall this forest. The law requiring them be­ the month of July. Regular church services will be hound busses which w ill leave Eu­ not been warm enough to warrant will continue during the summer comes effective July 1. each year. H obs then gets busy and dis­ evening. METHODISTS TO HONOR months without any vacation, continued ln each of the Individual gene on the hour and w ill arrive such an outing. Smoking Regulated covers that most of the arrested stated Swarta. > few years ago a churches each Sunday morning PASTOR MONDAY NIGHT at Fourth and Main streets Sprlng- persons would be given a hearing MASONS POSTPONE Bmoklng In forests or while driv­ summer vacation was tried, but during the summer. fleldd at 20 minutes after each ing through them Is also prohibited THREE FAMILIES PICNIC the work of making up the drills Ladles’ Aid Retains All Officers at hour. The busses wh. proceed di­ in Justice court, and finds also that PICNIC TO JULY 26 after July I of each year. The Meeting Wednesday; Silver ON POWER CANAL BANKS In the fall and the Inability to keep rectly to the airport Instead of mak­ the attorney general has previously LOCAL GOLFERS ENTER smoker la required to stop In a Tired of announcing a date for the men In first-class training ing the loop In Springfield and w ill handed down a decision stating that Tea la Hsld LAURELWOOD TOURNEY cleaned area to smoke and to make the governor cannot pardon per­ Three Springfield families enjoy­ proved unsatisfactory and w ill not the annual Lane Connty Masonic arrive there at 25 minutes after sure that fire In bis tobacco Is out ed a Joint picnic dinner on the be tried again, he declared. sons convicted ln Justice court. picnic to be held at the McCredle A reception honoring Rev. and the hour. The return trip w ill start More than 90 Lane county golfers before he goes on. Hoss refused to Instruct state Springs reeort In the upper W il­ banks of the old power canal at Mrs. C. J. Pike and fam ily who immediately over the same route qualified in the tournament being Oakrldgs to Cslsbrata traffic officers now operating out W altervllle Sunday evening They lamette country only to have to w ill leave soon for Portland to according to plans worked out this The t'aacade post No. 30 of the were the H. E Gerber. Floyd Cor­ NOVELTY STORE FRONT of his office, to make no arrests postpone It because of rain and In­ held at th» Laurelwood course on make their home w ill be held at morning by W. E. Head, manager American 1-eglon at Oakridge, un­ nell and Frank Fisher families. PAINTED RED. W H ITE the Methodist church Monday even­ of the transportation system. This for a few days so they immediate­ clement weather, members of the South Columbia street In Eugene the next few weeks. der the direction of Charles Croner. Miss Maxine Snodgrass w as‘ also ing under the direction of Mrs. L. schedule w ill be effective from ly went to work near Oregon City picnic committee finally decided to Springfield Is represented by Ben The front of the Turner Novelty la planning one of the largest two- a member of the group. There are arresting several who did not have wait until the latter part of July K. Page. Mra. M. M. Male. Mra. W. 8:20 until 3.20. Special busses may­ day celebrations ever staged In a great number of aalmon In the store was painted red and trimmed their tags. They w ill be brought and have set July 26 as the date for Lodge, E. E. Pyne. Grover Richard­ H . Pollard. Mrs. Oeorge Prochnow, be sent to the airport in the even­ son, and Andy Richardson. Lodge that town for Saturday -and Sun­ river now and many of them are In white this week by O. H. Turner and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen. The ing If sufficient travel from Eugene before the Justice of the peace this the event. and Grover Richardson are ln the and Mr. Husby. morning where It is expected they day. being caught according to members The picnic, originally scheduled general public Is Invited to attend warrants them, he stated. This de­ third flight. Andy Richardson In The celebration Is to open with of the picnic party. "Most of these types of stores this reception. pends on the number of people who will be fined $5. It w ill then be for June 21, was later set for June the fourth, and Pyne ln the fifth. a parade In the morning to be fol­ the governor's next move. It will 28. and finally postponed until the are painted red. and we decided All officers of the ladles' aid were go to the field to inspect the ships Pyne Is matched against C. V. lowed by a program at the high be up to him to make good his late July date. that we needed some bright color Tickets for admission to the field elected at the regular meeting on TWO FAMILIES PLAN ; Simon. Lane coroner. In his first school auditorium, and a program promise or to test his authority to here to show that we were still Elaborate plans had been made Wednesday afternoon. The are: will be on sale today and at the match which Is scheduled to be PICNIC FOR FOURTH alive," declared Mrs. Turner. of street sports before noon. After do so. both times (or the entertainment Mrs. M. M. Male, president; Mrs. field Friday morning. The admis­ Lane county motorists need not of the visiting group which it was played Saturday morning. dinner served on the picnic grounds L. E. Basford. vice-president; Mra. sion price w ill be 25 cents and Members of the Carson and tear arrests by county officers for expected would number more than near the school the afternoon will ATTACHMENT FILED ON Jay Fish, secretary; Mrs. Guy H al­ everyone la expected to purchase Adams families In this vicinity will a few days according to a statement 500. Members of the committee MRS. BARNARD HOSTESS be given over to a baseball game T. and wear their yellow tags. The LOCAL STORE STOCK sey, treasurer, and Mrs. made yesterday by H. L. Bown state that they w ill continue these and concessions. A mammoth fire ­ gather at Junction City Saturday AT PARTY ON FRIDAY Moors, Chaplain. A silver tea was air-tour Is a non-profit venture, even for a Fourth of July picnic and re­ sheriff, who favrs Governor M eier’s plans and are assured of more suit­ works display la planned for the the concessions being operated for held following the business meet Notice of attachment of the stock union nt the home of Mra. Sarah evening. Mrs. Ruth Barnard entertained the airport committee, and those stand. He declared that his office able weather In July. Adams. Sons of daughters of Mrs. of the Kennett store was posted on Ing. a group of eighteen friends at a re­ not wearing tags will be eliminate« will have to be governed eventually Mrs. Page, Mrs. Emma Olson by Instructions sent from the sec­ ception at her home Friday even RECENT BRIDE HONORED| Adams and of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. the door Saturday morning. The attachment was taken In favor of Mrs. Johns, and Mrs. Louk had from the field. Children under 12 retary of state, who has charge of LEGION MEMBERS TO ('arson will attend. ing honoring Mrs. Ray E. Boggs years are admitted free. AT SHOWER ON FRIDAY Among those from Springfield the Northwest Textile association charge of the meeting. MEET HERE TONIGHT of Los Angeles. Mrs. Barnard's Included In the visiting fleet of the license law enforcement. There who will attend are Mr. and Mrs. of Portland. Sidney T e lle r and W. always remains the possibility, daughters. Mrs. W . S. W ilkins, and ships will be representative ships Mrs. Don Meaklns (Beth Johns), Springfield post number 40 of G. E. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon G. Keller are the assignees. The MISS TYSON SETS DATE however, that the state traffic of­ Mrs. Herbert L. Boggs and two of most of the best modern makes. a bride of June 20. was the guest the American Legion will hold Its Adams, and son Bob. and Mr. and stock and fixtures w ill be sold to They will range from small single ficers will hand out arrest notices regular meeting at the Community granddaughters, all of Los Angeles FOR COMING MARRIAGE of honor at a miscellaneous shower the highest bidder In Portjand this Mrs. O. W. Carson. to drivers of Improperly licensed are also visiting at the Barnard sealers to the larger transports. given by Miss Olive Gerber at her hall tonight, acordlng to W alter morning. Thursday, July 18. has been Many types of ships never befo-e vehicles. home. home Friday evening. It Is almost certain that Oregon Gossler, adjutant. Delegates from MANY GUESTS INVITED chosen by Miss W lnifrld Tyson, In this county w ill be Included In Present for the evening were the post to the state convention at mtorlsta planning motor trips to daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. P. T y­ the caravan. CATCH MANY FISH AT Mrs. Don Meaklns. Mrs. Charles FOR DINNER SUNDAY WENDLING MINISTER points In other states w ill have Corvallis August 6. 7, 8. w ill be son. as the date for her marriage The tour Is being managed by W illis, Mra. Fred Spencer, Mrs. LAKE NEAR POWER DAM chosen at the meeting. The elec­ HONORED ON TUESDAY to Leland M. Hover of Phoenix, Russell Lawson, director of the trouble in using their plates which Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carr enter­ W ill Orlmes. Mrs. R. Plerrle. Mrs. tion of post officers w ill not be have their expiration date, June 30, Arisona. group last year. Major H. C. French, A parly of fishemen Including C. M. Lusby, Mrs. Addle Fish, Mrs. tained nt dinner Sunday for a num made until later. The new officers Rev. nnd Mrs. W . C. Sage were 1931, stamped on them. The event w ill be a garden cere­ will direct the operations of the Alta Stuart, Mra. Sarah Johns, Mrs. her of their friends. They had as honored by the members of the are to be elected before the first R. L. Burnett, M. A. Pohl, and Ray Nott made a good catch of redslde Genevieve Louk, Miss Mary Ann their guests, Oeorge Carr. Dexter; Methodist church of Wendltng at mony performed In the yard of the handled by the members of the air­ meeting In September. and speckled trout Bunday on the Ixiuk, Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Cecil Caulkins, Mrs. a dinner given In their honor Tues­ parent's home at 8:30 In the even­ ships. The local work Is being SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP RETAINS ALL OFFICIALS lake formed by the Eugene power Frank Fisher, Miss Nellie Stuart, Minnie Caulkins, nnd Mr. and Mrs. day evening. Rev. Sage has been ing. Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of port committee under the direction AGRICULTURE HEAD The dinner was dam between Leaburg and Vida Miss Dorothy Fisher, Mrs. Clara Bert Caulkins. pastor of the congregation for two the Springfield Christian church of Dr. W. C. Rebhan. All officers of the district Sun TAKES OVER OFFICE Most of the best catches of the sea Cheshire, Miss Alma Fish. Miss given ln honor of Mr. nnd Mrs years and Is now retiring from the will officiate. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. day school association comprising Miss Hilda Ditto of Portland will Alice Lusby. Miss Pauline Meaklns, Bert Caulkins who left Tuesday for ministry. The dinner was sponsored son continue to be made on the Max Gehlhar, director of the McKenzie river by the boat flxher- Lee Fountain of Leaburg are the the Wendltng, Thurston, W alter­ be bridesmaid, and Kingsley Rob­ Mrs. Clive Stanley, Miss Maxine Canada. by the Ladles Aid of the church. erts also of Portland, w ill be beBt parents of a baby daughter born to vllle, and Camp Creek, Upper Camp newly organised state department meu. Snodgrass, Miss Eunice Gerber, man. Mrs. D. B. Murphy w ill sing them at their home Tuesday even­ Creek districts were re-elected for of agriculture assumed his duties Mrs. H. K. Gerber, Miss Faye Fish RUSSELL OLSON TAKES the coming year at the meeting Wednesday as the department came SCHOOL BOARD TO HOLD and Mre. Roland B. Moshler will ing, June 30, 1031. er. Miss Thelma Moskop, Mias EARLY FALL GARDENS BRIDE ON WEDNESDAY held at Thurston Sunday. The of Into being at the capttol in Salem. play the piano. Doris Gerber and the hostess. MEETING ON MONDAY NOW BEING PLANTED Visit from Olympia — Mr. and fleers are: Seth Beyers, Wendllng. The establishment of this depart- The couple w ill leave shortly Russell Olson, son of Mr. and president; O. A. Clement, Thurs men marked the passing of the Mrs. Kenneth Girard and family of after the ceremony to make their Reports of the condition of school Mrs. Carl Olson of Springfield, and LANE HAS MEASLES A group of 40 women, working Olympia. Washington, are visiting ton, vice-president; Dan Spores state market agent and several district 19 as prepared by the clerk home In Phoenix. u-nder the direction of Miss Ger­ HEALTH REPORT SHOWS Miss Freda Stone of Portland were of the district, Clayton F. Barber, state-aid bodies all of which have second vice-president; Mrs. Oeorge this week at the home of his par­ united In marriage ln Portland W llllan, Upper Camp Creek, secre been incorporated Into the new de trude Skow, Lane county home de­ Postal Inspeotor Here — S. H. ents, Mr. and Mrs. K arl Girard. will be presented at the regular Wednesday, July 1, at a quiet home There aré four cases of measles partment. A ll farm problems form monstration agent, are now plan tary and treasurer. Mrs. Olson spent the monthly meeting of the school Morse, postal Inspector, was In