In my lust yarn I told about th ’ pearls Spike nnd I found in a secret lagoon, and how I had brought up a handful T h ’ next day as 1 was p u ttin ’ on my d iv in ’- suit. Spike »potted some .savage» on th* beach watchin* uh and j a i i l i e r i n ' like a lo t o f ding- I) us ted parrota. They were tough lookin’ customers, and Barney »aid we’d better hoist anchor and get away. But I wanted Home more o f those big pearla. So, a fte r I ’d climbed into my d ivin ’« suit, Spike .said if th ' sav­ ages started to come aboard he'd haul ine up. T’d ju s t dropped to th ’ bottom when I spotted a beautiful big pearl. I was renchin’ fo r it when I was yanked through th ’ water, up toward th* schooner. When I came to th ’ surface T il be dodgasted i f there weren’t two big, ugly sav­ ages h au lin ’ away on my 'D on G 'D ong - HUH - WOT ? life -lin o . Soon’a they saw me, they dropped th ’ line, and th ' whole lo t o f ’em jum ped overboard and made fo r the beach. I guess they thought they'd hauled up a devil-god from th ’ sea. Spike, and Tony, th ’ cook, were tied to th ’ mainmast. Soon’s I got ’em loose Spike told me how th ' savages had surprised ’,em, tied 'em up , and then found and stole our pearls. R ight away I thought o f a way to get our pearls back. That night I p ut on th ’ d ivin ’-suit and walked ashore on th ’ bottom o f th ’ lagoon to the native village where the savages were sleeping. I slipped in ­ to the devil-devil house, (vhere they keep the ir wood­ en gods, and sure enough, at th ’ feet o f one o f th ’ gods were th ’ pearls. In my next yarn seo what happens to me before I get back to th ' schooner w ith th ’ pearls. lo o HEARo M E, A iw c im r u r n , T H E SCttOOMEfc M10MMH6 TOflos'M&ILl , amd tits a n im ait y p itf, HAS &EFM ANCHORED FOR MANY DATS. T H P Y HAVE FOUMD ---- B U T ----- DANGER THREATENS • • • t h e m !— « SAVAGE NATIVES ARE WATCHIH6 THEM1. AN CM uoerm UunRh A N O l W A N T " f o o TO Q.UIT uoaein O 'R ound here . T k \ s is ■DUUU SEASON FOR. M E <3»T O UT, " T H E R E 'S U.OTS O f W O R .X - N O T IN M i U lN E . vJHYi cUHAT IS T O U R - ■B u s in e s s |'M A < C H R iS T M A S T ree decorator