THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Williams’ STOCK ADJUSTING SALE Thousands of Dollars worth of High Grade Shoes, Hosiery, Underwear, Placed on Sale at the Lowest Prices in 2 0 Years Our First Sale - Be Sure To Be Here A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Service Store I The Friendly Store T w o heads are better than one. Let's get together when you have problems which the drug store can help you solve. Jt Is part of our service to give you advice based on our years of experience and our scientific training aH registered pharm acists. Duy or night, Bundays and holidays the drug store Is in the service of the com m unity. Ketels’ Drug Store In New Store Main, Near Fifth The Price of Gas-— W hatever it is Violet Kay and General Kthyl will go farther for less m oney than ordinary gas. Your car performs better and your repair bills will be less if you alw ays use good gasoline and oils. T h a t’s the kind we sell. Roll ’em in boys and let us fix you up. “A ” Street Service Station Thursday - Friday - Saturday Summer Dress Event Washable Silk Frocks $2,85 and $4.85 Brand new Styles specially purchased for this event T h e Golden Rule Rulers of Low Price* 10th &. Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer* Bld<.