THURSDAY, JVNB 26. 1981 TH E SPRINOFITCLI) NEWS CAME SHOWS INCREASE IN NATIONAL FORESTS O ffieiele Estimate Oregon Forest* Have 80.000 Dear; O ther Game P lentiful Big game animal« In the national forest« continue to Increase In num bars. Judging by reports recently summarised by the U. 8. Forest ser­ vice. Ov«r a million big game ani­ mals are estimated for the 151 na­ tional forests, this estimate being based on estimates by experienced forest officers and partly on actual count checked against data seured front state game officials, trappers, and others. The figures apply only to the national forests, and not to areas outside the federal forests. This year's increase is chiefly In deer, although elk also were report­ ed to hare lucreaaed appreciably in numbers. Very slight gains were shown for moose, mountain sheep, mountain goals, and antelope. The grlsxly bear continues to decrease In numbers although Increases in most local'tles are reported foi black or brown heir. Antelope Increase One of the American game ani­ mals once supposed to have prac­ tically disappeared is the antelope. On the national forests these ani­ mals have shown a 45 per cent gain since 1927 and are now believed to number In excess of 11.000 The latest estimates show deer present In everyone of the 151 national for­ ests. The number of deer increas ed, according to the estimates dur­ ing the past year, from 802.450 to 877.780. Despite the many thous­ ands of deer bagged by hunters, most of the western forests show substantial gains In the deer popu­ lation. The forests of Oregon are estimated to have over 80.000; Washington in excess of 26.000 and the two northwestern states well over 100.000 deer. The national forests in Washington show an in­ crease of 500 mountain goats and there are stilt a few mountain sheep left. 1 Thurston ---A - - *— -- — Christ in the Arms of His Mother M inisters Invited to Attend First Showing of Spectacular Fro duotlon on Friday Mrs. Oenevleve Heaman and daughter. Zora. an18,- I stopping at the home of her par- 500.68 was filed in circuit court C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S i ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Steele. Wednesday by L. W. Murphy and Notice is herby given that School Florence Murphy against C. B. District No. 19, in Springfield. Lane Swangc, and some dozen other de­ County, Oregon, will pay at the of­ fendants. fice of clerk of said district, all The complaint seeks interest warrants to and including 1708, from July 1, 1926, and >1500 for dated June 5. 1931. Interest ceases after June 27, 1931. attorney’s fee. ( LAYTON F. BARBER, Clerk. ¡McKenzie Valley j CLERK OF STATE LAND BOARD. TWO BUSINESS NAMES SALEM. OREGON, and marked, ARE RECORDED HERE •'Application and bid to purchase (Springfield will be well repres t-itled Friday evening when the Freiburg Passion Play opens on Hayward field. Eugene. A number of Springfield pimple have signed up as "extras'* In the big meh scene«, and scores more will view the great religious pageant from reserve seals In (he «lauds. The Passion Play has been brought Io thl. dlstrtet by the Eugene Amerl can ta-glon and is endorsed by all of (he ministers in the valley Adolf Fassiiachl. world's groniesl Chrlstus portrayer. arrived in Eu­ gene thia week with his original German company of 40 playera and thep lay will he presented with the assistance of an orchestra of 35 pieces, a chorus of 160 voice» trained by John Stark Evan», and 300 or ao extras and «upernntnor- srles front Eugene and Springfield. The huge pageant is io he pres­ ented on an especially constructed singe In Hayward field. In rase of rain, plana have been made to move It without confusion Into MacAr­ thur Court, big athletic pavllllon. The Freiburg Paaaloti Play la the world's oldest stage production, having originated in Freiburg. Ba den. Germany, In 1264. It Is 300 years older than the Passion Play which Is periodically presented In Oberammergau The Freiburg company is on Ils torst American tour and Faasnseht. who plays the part of Christ, hopes to take It to every country in the world. A record crowd is expected all four nights. The pageant will atari sharply at 8 o'clock and wfll last between two and one-half and three hours. It Is acclaimed os the greatest religious spectacle ever brought to this district. The ministers of Springfield are (o be the guests of the Eugene I,e- glon at the opening performance Friday evening They have been cooperating to the fullest extent with the Legton in making the af­ fair a success. Motion Io have a divorce decree set aside was filed In circuit court I Grades of applicant» for teach Wednesday by the defendant. ere* certificates who took an examl Peter Finch In the case of Sarah nation here thia month are not I expected to be relumed from the Jane Finch, plaintiff. The motion stale» lliai the decree «late education director'» office 1 for from two Io three weeks. »as granted here May 2, 1931 I Examination papers from all ■ountlea are Collected — The counties of lha alale are being county bounty on four bobcats «»« graded nl the slate office There paid Monday to J. II llrenahan «( were 43 appllcuuts who took the ¡examinations In Isine county. t abridge. th 5 0 POI NT E L E C T R IC ----------- lands in Triangle Lake. Lane Two assumed business names County. Oregon. .u | Dated thia June 23. 1931. were filed for record at the office G. G. BROWN. Clerk of »tate of the county clerk. L. L. Utcher I-and Board. (J. 35: Ju. 3 9-18-23-30) filed the name of the R-Besl Tool , company. SUM M ONS The name of the Eugene Radiol IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE company was also filed by Joe V. j STATE OF OREGON. FOR Campbell and 9. E. Campbell. Mrs t-ANE COUNTY. George Rutter has purchased an L. H. Mulkey. Flalntlff. interest in this firm. vs. i Mary E. McGregor. Rachel Welts. Alma Bilson and -------- Bllson. V is it at Cottage Grove — Mrs. her husband. George McGregor Riley Snodgrass and her daughter. and -------- McGregor, his wife. Maxine, and Mias Eunice Gerber On Camping Trip— Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor a n d -------- Mc­ spent Wednesday evening visiting Gregor, his wife. O. L. Carlton M. B. Huntiy are out of town thl» as the administrator of the Estate week on a camping trip. at the Earl Hill home at Cottage of Frank McGregor, deceased Grove. 1 and S. M. Calkins as administrator Arizona Resident Here — E O. of the Estate of Frank McGregor, N O T IC E deceased, unknown heirs of Fran­ Fauatman. brotherlnlsw of E. E. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T cis H. McGregor, deceased. De­ Fraedrlck of this city was u guest fendants. Notice is hereby given that the FURNITURE — PAINTS HARDWARE To Mary E. McGregor. Rachel st the Fraedrlck home here this undersigned Mary C. Mahon Execu Welti. Alma Bllson and -------- Bll­ week. He la associated with the trix of the Estate of James S. Ma­ son. her husband. George McGregor United States Marshal's office at hon. deceased, has filed her final and -------- McGregor, his wife, account In the matter of said estate James McGregor and -------- Mc­ Tucson, Arisons, and stopped for a and Monday the 26th day of luly Gregor his wife. O. L. Carlton as visit here on hit return from Mc­ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. .d. has the administrator of the Estate of Neil Island where he ah dasslsted been set for the hearing of object­ Frank McGregor, deceased, un­ | In taking 18 federal prisoners. Hn ions if any to said account and for known heirs of Francis H. McGre­ left for his home Wednesday even­ final settlement of said estate. gor, deceased. Defendants. ing. MARY C. MAHON. Executrix IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of the Estate of James 8. Ma­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re- hon. Deceased. ifvired to appear and answer the (J. 25; Ju. 2-9-16-23) amended complaint filed against you in the above entitled Bull with­ in four weeks from the date of the N O T IC E O F SA L E first publication of this summons NOTICE is hereby given that the and If you fall to answer for want State Land Board of the State of thereof the plaintiff will take a de­ Oregon, will receive sealed bids at cree against you In the sum of its office in the Capitol Buildtng >850.00 with interest thereon at 8% In Salem. Oregon, up to 10:00 per annum from the 31st day of o'clock, a. m.. August 11. 1931. for September. 1929, until paid and the all of the State's Interest In the further sum of >125.00 reasonable lake bed lands hereinafter des­ attorney's fees and for costs and cribed, giving, however, to the disbursements of suit; that the Surpassing by far anything previously attem pted In owner or owners of any lands abut- plaintiff be decreed to have a mort­ value-giving, the very eream of sum m er dresa ing or fronting thereon, the prefer­ gage lien upon the following des­ ence right to purchase said lands at cribed premises: Lot 2 In Block 6 fashion*. the highest price offered, providing In Cheshire's Addition to Eugene. such offer is made in good faith, Isine County, Oregon, as security also with the understanding that for the payment of said Judgment; the purchaser is to pay the expense that said mortgage lien be fore­ of advertising and survey of the closed and that said defendants and tract, in addition to the amount bid. each of them be foreclosed of all also reserving to the Board the right, title and interest in and to T his Dress Value le These are not cheap right to reject any and all bids: said premises; that said premises one of the "high Said lands are situated in Lane be sold and the proceeds be ap­ silk frocks made up County. Oregon, and described as plied. first to the costa of aale. then spots" of thia Super- to sell “ at a price.” to the sums of money above spe­ follows: Sale— and th a t’s say­ Beginning at a point 654.7 feet cified and the balance If any to They are alluring ing a lot. east of the southwest corner of 9. M. Calkins as the administrator new silk summer Lot 7. Section 18. T. 16 S. R. 7 W. of the Estate of Frank McGregor, BE S U R E TO BE frocks of the better of W. M.. and running thence along deceased unless otherwise ordered k in d , beautifully ON H A N D th<- meander line N. 31' W. 2.29 by the court. The date of the ordei chains; thence north 1.87 chains; directing the service of this sum­ EAR LY fashioned. thence S. 79*4' E. 0.80 chataa to mons by the publication thereof is the west shore of Triangle Lake; June 23rd. 1931. and orders thence S. 7° 21' E. along the Lake publication once each week for Shore. 3.70 chains; thence west four successive weeks, and the date 0.08 chains to the place of begin­ of the first publication of this «urn- mens is June 25th, 1931. ning. containing 0.271 acres. C. A. WLNTERMEIER Attorney Applications should be accom­ 968 W IL L A M E T T E — E U G E N E for plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, panied by draft or certified check for the amount bid, and should be Oregon. (J 25; Ju 29 16-23) addressed to G. O. BROWN, REFRIGERATOR Let Us Explain Its 30 Features To You—Now! WRIGHT & SONS THE “BARGAIN SPOT”! Read! Realize! Act! DRESS AsA for B r e ie r ’a B ig SALE GROUP GENUINE $9.90 to $12.50 VALUES Going Into This Super-Sale at Just C. J. Breier Co. Pacific Northwest States Irish-Murphy Co. Corn Flakes 3 ***" 20c Shortning Best Bulk 10c Pound Large Oval Coffee Sardines Fresh-Roasted In Tom ato or M ustard 16c Pound YELLOW CORN RIPE OLIVES TOMATOES 2’/ a GREEN CUT BEANS PORK AND BEANS SPAGHETTI SALMON— Tall GRATED PINEAPPLE Your Choice 10c Can 4 Cans - - 25c F eed D ept. Mill Run 80 lbs. 70c W heat Bran 60 lbs. 55c WHITE WHEAT SHORTS 90 lbs. $ 1 .1 0 Air Tour Springfield Airport FRIDAY, JULY 3 iigtMauiiiniHaittigBggimauigiwgtggHtigMigtiisBisiÄiuiiwgagRiagBgi 50 - Different Planes - 50 i!:imii!i9i:!iiu!!titiiii««iiiisiuHiii«iH8iiii»iii«ii«iM tii¡iiiiiH«iiiiwi'iiiiii«M iHM twiii« World Famous Pilots Parachute Jumping Women Record Fliers Kacing Stunting Biggest Air Show Ever Presented in the Northwest = ..M l S T O R E N O . 1— 1tB East Broadw ay, Eugene S T O R E NO. 3— 960 C hsrnelton Street, Eugene S T O R E NO. 4— 800 M ain S treet, Springfield Prices are the same at all three stores ’till Monday Evening TONSoFS^nuflflmud COFFEE