THE SnUNOPIELD NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1861 Vllamln— Hava you heard that tjnxonf la on ilia rockaf Hormone No. What « I I ha coni to Jail for? ANYONE DESIRING good rich Jsr»ny41u»rn««y milk plea»«- phon« BprlugfInlil 1*6. morning or «Wiling. Je 1* Catch Baaa— Krad Frese. Lloyd Frese. and Rev. It. It Mulholland *p«nt Monday nflarnoon fishing In a gravai pit east of Irving. They caught (our nU-e haaa. Mra. Snapper- I ’m co mad I could quit »peaking to you. Mr. Bnapper— Then get Jual a little bit madder, will you? N O T IC E TO C R K D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that by order of the County Court of Istue County, Oregon, duly made aud en­ tered of record on the 16th day of June, A I). 1*31, the uuduralgned waa appointed Admlnlatrator of the eatate uf Itaaaa Henry Laird, de­ ceased ., All peraona having clalma agalnet aald eatate are hereby required to preaent the aame to the under* algned at the law office of Potter and llalley, 631 Miner Building. Eu gene, Oregon, within ala montha from the date of thia notlca. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia ikth day of June, A. I). 1*31. POMEROY N. L A IR D , Admin- latrator of the eatate of Heeae Henry latlrd. Deceaaed. (J Ik-26, Ju 1-9-16) Business Directory Edw. G. Privat JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathlc Phyalclan First National Bank Bldg l'honea: Office 7SJ; Rea: 143W Office Houra: I to 6 I*. M. Itealdenea 333 II Street FOR SALE Good 16-lneh Block wood, alao 16-lneh and 4 foot old growth alabwood. FRANK TUHY Phono Bp. 182J All Kinde of Lawn Mowers R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G 128 W. 8th Street Eugene- Phono *00 DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON Oataopathlo Phyalclan 304 I. O. O. F Temple ’ T eleph one 3244 Eugone, D m Unlvereal Mortgage Corp. BONDS W. f . Tyaon, Agent 126 E Bt. Phene 86W Eugene Furniture Hospital Upholstering Kcflnlah'ng - Repairing Screen and all klnda of mill-work C E C IL C A L K IN S , P rop rietor 661 H Weat Eighth Phone 401 Donerai Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Altnrney-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Dregon A TTO R N EY A T LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield Oregon Building Walker-Pool« Chapol FUNERAL DIRECTORS 228 M ain St. Residence 126 C 8L 62-J 62-M TOWN AND VICINITY OOOD JUDQMENT BEST ROAD EQUIPMENT IS SPUD CERTIFICATION MOVED FROM CITY ASSET OF MODERN WIFE WORK IS EXPLAINED Prom pt Remove' ef Dlssassd Plants Is Urged If Fields Ara te Be Certified Mra. Wm. Few ef the Nsssssary Item s In the Hem e Wow Manufactured T hera Boye E xpert The road oiling equipment of the K. J. Kernau construction company which holds the contract to resur­ face the black-top pavement be- tween Eugene and W ilbur eras moved to Cottage Orove oBturday. The craw had one days work In tht« vicinity but decided to move the machinery during the wet weather when work could not be carried on the surfacing contract. The con tract calls only for the snrfactng ____ This ol ,b* bUck M »-tn en . extends south to Goshen and then starts again at Crvowell and runs Into Cottage Grove. Tonsils Removed — Mica Clarice Haa Chiclean Kentoo 1» confined to bar home thia Allen of Coburg underwent a tonsil Tim e was when s woman’s ability Early and vlgoroua culling out of weak with an attack of chicken pox operation at tbe office of a local all potato plants In a field that ap­ as a housewife wa» judged by the physician on Friday morning. Visits et Menree — Joe Gerber pear even slightly diseased Is often texture of her cake«, the »ise of Visiting Parents—Mrs. Orrin Met­ a hard thing for a grower to do. but her s-.ltcbes and the apotlessn eas of spent the week-end at Monroe visit­ calf and son have gone to Meyers nevertheless Is absolutely essential her kitchen— but those days are ing with friends. Falls, Washington, to visit her par­ If the crop Is to pass inspection (or past. Visitor from M arcela— Mrs. Lee ents. Tbe chief attribute ot the sue certification, say* G. H Hyslop, HUI of Marcóla was a visitor In housewife of modern days Visiting from Nebraska— Mr. and professor of farm crops at Dregon ceasful Hprlngfleld Saturday 1» good judgment Her test I . the Mrs George »weeney of Hastings, State college Business Visitor— B. E T rip pel Nebraska, are visiting at the home This precaution in Mcessary, ability to manage her household In N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S of Mareóla was a business visitor of hie parents, Mr. and Mra. James Hyslop explains, because of tbe an efficient manner, and to make NO TIC E IS H EK EB Y G IV E N that plant aphids which otherwise would wise decisions and choices for her the undersigned has baan appointed in Hprlngfleld Saturday. Sweeney. carry infection from tbe diseased family In tbe (ace of the Increas Administratrix of tba estate of Kerd Jasper Resident Here — O. W N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Parker, deceaaed, by the County Brother III— Mr. and Mra. Robert to tbe healthy plants. Grower» who Ingly complicated social and econ­ Hprlngfleld, Oregon. June 24. 1*31 Court of l^tue County. Oregon. All Jame» of Jasper was a business Carr and hie slater, Mra. Minnie regularly produce tbe beet potato»» omic order. Fewer and fewer ar­ Notice Is hereby riven that tbe persons having claims ugalnat said visitor In Springfield Saturday N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Caulklna leT) Saturday for Baker make a practice of starting early In ticles for family consumption are undersigned as Biipftlntendent of eatate are required to present them Notice la hereby given that tbs with tbe proper vouchers to the Dexter Resident Here— Mra. Cecil where Mr. Carr's brothers in very the spring, going through their made in the home, and the pro­ Banks for the State of Oregon Is In charge of tbe assets and affairs undersigned has boon duly appoint­ undersigned at tbe law offices of Frlckey of Dexter waa a visitor In Ul. fields at definite Interval» and pull blem nowadays Is to choose be­ of the Commercial State bank of ed administrator of the eatate of Potter A Bnlley. 631 32-88 Miner tween tbe countless brands and lag out ail pants that show any Springfield. Oregon, for tbe pur Elijah C Stuman, deceaaed. and Building, Eugene. Oregon, within Springfield on Saturday Spends Week-end Hera — Roe« :oe makes of commodities advertised. (oee of liquidation. All persons who evidence of dlseaae. any'aud all peraonaa having claims six months from the date of thia Perkin» came to Springfield to F orm er Resident V isits — Mlee Thlr situation, according to Miss may have clalma against said bank against the aald eatate are hereby notice. Uee of good seed Is. of course, »peed the week-end. He 1» doing are hereby notified to make legal D A TED at Eugene. Oregon, this Florence Coffin of Portland, form­ required tu preaenl aald claims, the first step In producing s field Jane Hlnkley. federal agent for proof thereof by filing a duly veri­ duly verified aa by law required, 4th day of June, 1881. er resident of Springfield Is visiting con»(ru<-tlon work for J. C. McMur­ of potatoes that will reach the cer- home economic education In the 11 fied claim, as by law provided, with R U TH PARKER, A dm lalitra friends here this week. at my law office, 717 W illamette ray near Grants Pass Deputy Superintendent of tlflcatIon standards, says Hyslop. western states, Is responsible for the S' Eugene. Oregon, In l^tne coun­ trlx of the Estate of Kerd Parker, th«- new trend In home economics Banks In charge at the office of Corn Shipment Received— A car­ ty. Oregon, within a ll montha from Deceaaed. This means tbe elimination of such Collects Bounty—4 . H. Brsosraau PO TTER A B A ILEY Attorneys for the date of thia nut Ice education, which Is toward greater the Commercial State Bank of of Ookrtdge collected county boon load of whole corn was received by tubers as the long, slim oaao known Springfield. Oregon, on or before Eatate. Dated and flrat published May emphasis on family life and rela­ September 24. 1831. ties amounting to *1 on four bob tbe Irish-Murphy company this ns ladyfingera. thane with pointed (J 4-11-18-26; Jly 2) JM, 1*31. A A. SCHRAMM. Superintend­ week. It will be »old In the kernel, ends, or big rough ones »ritb deep tionships and less on skill in such Data of tael publication June 36, cats at tbe court bouse Monday. ent of Banks. and will be used In feeding animals eyes. Rush potato«« are nearly al­ tasks aa cooking and sewing. Miss 1631. NOTICE OK G UAR DIAN’S SALE (9-24) Junction City People Here— Mr. and poultry. Hlnktey was la charge of an In­ H. K B LA TTER Y. Admlnlatrator OK LAND ways diseased. of the eatate of Elijah C. Stuman, and Mra. J. M llliorn of Junction tensive short course just concluded Notlca la hereby given, that by Treatm ent with corrosive subli­ Visiting from California— Mr. and Deceaaed virtue of a license granted by and City visited In Springfield Batur at Oregon State college, In wbteh Addrtwa P. D. Box *64, Eujene. order issued out of the County mate Is another Important prac­ Mrs. Armand Hibberd, their daugh­ 4$ home economics teacher» from «ay. i tregon. tice when the seed comes out of Court of the State of Oregon. In ter. Dorothy, son. Jobs and Mra. ■even states took part. (M 2 8 ; J-4-11-18-26) and for Lane County, on the 1st day Grove People Here— Mr. and Mre Sidney Hibberd, a ll of Orapevlne. cold storage and Is still dormat if "Home economics course«.’' said of June, 1831, authorising me, as Earl HUI of Cottage Orove were California, are visiting this week at the tubers have sprouted a little, guardian of the estate of Lora las Hlnkley daring one of her N O T IC E OK H E A R IN O OK Merle Ryan, a minor, to sell at visitors at the home of Mr. and the home of Mr. and Mra. John however, it Is best to treat lightly lectures, "have been broadened to KINAL ACCOUNT or not at all, Hyslop believes. Coat­ private sale (he following described Mre. Riley Snodgrass on Monday of Harris. Include not just the study of food *a ^ » a > ^ v IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OK lands belonging to aald minor; I this week. ing the cat seed with land plaster is T H E S TA TE OK OREGON will on Monday, tbe 4th day of Return from Corvallis— Mr. and essential to prevent rotting, es­ and clothing, but tbe care and | ^ | FUR L A N E CO UNTY July, 1931, and thereafter until training of children, the m aintain-: Visits Mother — Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Cliff Abrams returned to pecially where a scant moisture In the Matter of the Estate of sold, upon the premises and at my Marlon Adam» and »on. Bob. motor ing of deairable social relationship« | Rrrlngfleld to make their home this supply slows up germination. Harry C. Jackson, deceased. residence, 344 Grand St. North In in and between families, the wise : Notice la hereby given by the un Eugene. Oregon, offer for tale and ed to Junction City Sunday to spend week. They have spent tbe past Hyselop also emphaalxeg the wis­ use of money, time and effort, and i deralgned administrator that he sell to the party offering the moat the day visiting with bis mother. several months at Corvallis where dom of growing only one kind of the maintenance of the fa m ily ' baa Bled hla final account In the therefor In cash, all of the North­ Mrs. Sarah Adams. their son haH been attending tbe above entitled matter and that at west fourth of the Northeast quar­ seed for certification In one field helath. State college. the hour of ten o'clock A. M of tba ter of Section 18, In Township 16 Many growers like to experiment Pall Creek Resident Here— Mrs 11th day of July, 1*31, at the Court South, Range 8 West of W iliam Visit at Brownsville — Mr. and with more than one variety, he CROP PRESPECTS TOLD room of aald Court In the Lane site meridian; forty acres, more or A. E. Olbbtah of Fall Creek was ad Count Court House In the (Tty of h-aa, In L a m County, Oregon; sub­ milled to the Pacific Christian hoe Mrs. Riley Snodgreas, their daugh­ says, and while that Is a commend­ IN RECENT REPORT Eugene, Oregon, hae been by the or­ ject to the approval ot and con­ pita) In Eugene Saturday for medi­ ter, Maxine, and Miss Eunice Ger­ able practice, planting the experi­ der of said Court, fixed aa the time firmation by said Court. ber motored to Brownsville Friday mental rows in the field to be of­ L ig ht Apple, Reach Crop Predicted E N ID E. RYAN. Guardian of cal care. and place for hearing objections evening to attend the annual Pion­ fered for certlfl'atton results In the Estate of Lora Marte Ryan, a to aald final account and to (ha set­ in State; Strong N u t Crop te T e Attend Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. Minor. tlement and allowance thereof. eer reunion and picnic. They re­ rejection of tbe whole field. Be Harvested I. M. Peterson are planning to at­ Charles W. Johnaon, Administra­ (J 4-11-18-26: Ju 1) turned to Springfield late that even­ tend the annual Masonic Reunion tor ing. LICENSE PLATES MUST A smaller output of pears, fewer Kred E. Smith, Attorney for picnic to be held at McCredb- N O T IC E OK S H E R IK K ’B S A L E Adnlm atrator. BE ON BEFORE JULY 1 prunes, favorable prospecte for the N O TIC E Is hereby given that by Springs Sunday Visitors from Dakota— Mr. and I J 11-18-26; Ju 3-8;) nation's peach and apple crops, and virtue of an execution and order of Kinger Injured— A C. Clearwater Mrs. N. G. Chalburg and family of Operation of Automobiles A fte r­ variable prospects fee not crops sale Issued out of the Circuit Court N O T IC E OK S H E R IF F 'S SA LE Jamestown. North Dakota, who of the State of Oregon for Lane of Marcóla mashed two of his fin­ wards Prohibited Says Secre­ Is discussed In the report issued by County. June 18, 1*31, upon and have been visiting for a short while tary of State, Hooo Notice la hereby given that by pursuant to a decree duly given and gers and Injured others Monday the extension service of the Ore­ at the E. C. Houk home here left virtue of an execution and order made by said Court June 6. 1*31. in when they became caught In a don gon State college. of sale Issued out of the Circuit a suit pending therein In which hey engine which be was operating Monday on the return trip to their Oregon motorists will not be al­ The Oregon apple crop will be Court of the State of Oregon for Portland Mortgage Co., a corpora­ at the Fisher Lumber mill. home. They are considering locat­ lowed to operate their automobiles sharply below average and below Lane County Juno 6th 1931, upon tion. was plaintiff and Ruth Cooper, ing in this state. on tbe highways of this state after that of a year ago, the report says, and pursuant to a decree duly et. a L was defendant, which ex- In for Arm Treatment— Mr. and given and made by said Court June • • ut mu and order of sale was to me Mrs. Jack Long brought their daugh- Attend Grove Meeting — Five July 1. without the blue and white but the average crop for the en­ 4, 1*31, In a suit pending therein directed and commanded me to aell license platee for the next year ac­ tire United 8tates w ill be quite In which The Pacific Saving! A the real property hereinafter de* tar. Jackie, to a local physician's members of the Springfield Rebe­ cording to Hal E. Hoes, secretary of large. The crop in Idaho and Wash­ 1-oan A«»orl«tlon. a Washington crlbed to satisfy certain liens and office Saturday to receive medical kah lodge motored to Cottage Grove corporation waa plaintiff and Frank charges in aald decree specified, I care of an arm broken about two Friday evening to attend a meet state. In charge of the department ington w ill be larger than usual. Pierce. aa Executor of the Eatate will on Friday the 24th day of July, An official estimate of the pear lng of the lodge In that city. Those of motor vehicle registration work. of Loretta Pierce. Deceaaed. Frank 1931, a t the hour of 10 o'clock, a. weeks ago. Persons who put off the purchase crop for tbe Pacific coast places making the trip were Mr. and Mra. ITerce, Laura ITerce. and others m at the southwest door of the Return to Portland — Dr. and Elmer Findley. Mra. Mamie Rich­ of new license plates until the last the production at 14.8 million bu were defendants, which execution County Court House In Eugene. and order of sola was to ma ¿tra d ­ Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale Mrs. Wm. Cobb of Portland return­ mond and the Misses Dorothy and days of the month, thinking that shels which la only three-fourth» ss there will be a congestion In the large as it was a year ago- ed and, commanded me to aell the and aell at public auction for rash, ed to their home Saturday after Doris Girard. real property described therein and subject to redemption os provided having spent a few days in this city license office making neceeeary an The reduction In the dried prune hereinafter described, to satisfy tbe by law. all of the right, title and extension of time w ill find them crop will be caused by a sharp de­ visiting with Dr. and Mra. Milton N ew Insect Control T rie d Judgment and decree given In aald Interest of the defendants lu said selves out-of-luck, says the state o f cline In the California crop. The suit, I will, on Saturday, the U tb suit and of all parties claiming by. V W alker. An unusual type of Insect control flclal. Automobile drivers who do reduction-Is expected to be parGy day of July. 1*31, at the hour of through or under them or any of one o'clock P. M at the southwest them since the 6 day of June, 1*21, Fox Rancher Here— Dee Steel- Is being used by asparagus growers not have their plates from the state offset by a large crop tn the nortu door of the County Court House In in or to the following described real brook of McKensle Bridge was a In Hood River county. Young cock­ office by July will be required to west states. Eugene. I-ane County, Oregon, of property, to-wlt: visitor In this city Saturday. Mr. erels placed In the fields are re- secure temporary ones from the Peaches will be fewer in Oregon fer for sale and aell at public auc­ Lots numbered 36 and 36 In Block tion for cash, subject to redemption number 6. in Westmoreland Addi­ 8teelbrook has recently started a ported to be excellent beetle catch­ county shsrlff. An additional fee is than for the past few years. C a ll-! aa provided by law, all of the right, tion to Eugene. Ijtn e County. Ore­ fox form known os the Castle Rock ers and tbe practice Is quite gen­ required for this service. fornla w ill have a large crop, but title and Interest of the defendants gon. as the same appears platted Fox Farm situated above McKensle erally adopted. John Koberg. who No application blanks are neces­ the freestone supply w ill be less In aald suit and of all partlea claim­ and of record In the office of the ha» a large acreage, recently re­ sary In applying for the platee this than It has been In years, the re­ ing by, through or under them or County Clerk of I*ane County. Ore­ Bridge. ported to County Agent A. L. M ar­ year. All that is required Is that port states. any of them In or to the following gon. Sons Visit Mother— Dr. and Mra. ble, that the cockerels had given the registration certificate and a described real property, to-wlt: Dated this 22nd day of June. 1*31. The Oregon walnut and filbert R. C. Van Valsah and daughters 100 per cent control on his farm, check for the license fee be mailed Ixit ten (10) Iti Block three (3) H L. BOW N. Sheriff. crops are very promising and a re­ In Shelton's Addition to Eugene. By A E. Hulegaard. Deputy. Margarey and Ann of Medford and and A. B. Cooper, who used chick­ to the Salem office. cord yield is expected. The Cali­ pay a few dollars more Lane County. Oregon. (J-26; Ju. 3-6-16 23) Dr. and Mra. C. O. Van Valsah of ens last year, save he has seen only fornia walnut crop is said to be la Dated thia 8th day of June. 1*31. to go East through Califor­ Portland were guests at the home only two beetles this year. H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. NO TICE OP S H E R IF F ’S SALK better condition than a ye«x ago. STORE EMPLOYES PLAN nia than to go direct. But see of Mra. A. B. Van Valsah In Spring- W K L IJt A W ELLS. Attorneys. OP LAND but not as good as in 1*29. Con­ what those few dollars buy! PICNIC FOR SUNDAY (J 11-18 26; Ju 2-6) Notice la hereby given that, by field over tbe week-end. Sulphur Controls C lover M ildew siderable acreage there has been California . . . the South­ virtue of an execution and order Employes of the Irish-Murphy abandoned and unofficial estimates west . . . the picturesque O ld SUMMONS Farmers In Washington county Lumber Injures Workman— Wm. to sell. Issued out of the Circuit IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Court of the State of Oregon In Markum, employee of the Booth- have found that mildew In red clo­ Seed and Feed store are planning Indicate that the output may be South. Then, if you wish, a STA TE O F OKKOON FOR LANE and for LaDe County, upon a decree delightful ocean voyage from ver can be successfully controlled to attend the annual picnic for em­ less than tn 1930. kelly Lumber plant at Springfield CO UNTY. of said Court rendered and entered New Orleans to N ew Y ork, ployes of all Irish stores to be held by dusting with sulphur. Applica­ painfully injured one of his fingers Frank I^a Jole. Anna La Jole, James on the 18th day of May. 1831. In Visitors from Carter — Mr. and with meals and berth includ­ l a Jole and Rosa l a Jole and a suit wherein Charles 8. Cochran Monday at the mill when a pile of tion of 16 to 26 pounds to the acre at Brownsville Sunday. The picnic ed in your ticket. O r you can Harvey La Jole, Plaintiffs, and Horace«U. Cochran, aa execu­ lumber fell on his hand. Fleah on during warm weather on the new bad been planned for Sunday, June Mrs. Frank Snyder of Carter sta­ ▼a. " tors of the eatate ot Sarah E. continue East by train from growth has been found to give the 13, but was postponed because of tion were visitors in Springfield Ellen l a Jole. Ed l a Jole. Fred l a Cochran, deceased, were plaintiffs the Injured finger was torn open to New Orleans. Return on any Friday. inclement weather. best results. the bone. Jole, Nellie Redding, Guy Red­ and H arry W. NeeL aa administra­ n orth ern lin e , and you’ve ding. Elsie Chllllaon. Ben Chilli tor of the Estate of W. B Cooper, completely circled theUnited non, Lara Jacobson. Theodore deceaaed. M ary E. Denton. Lasella States. You’ve seen moreof the Parmenter. Anna Parmenter, Stewart et al. were defendants; Clarence ITirmenter. Lottie Oom- which execution was directed to United States than you could bar, Tony Gombar, L. D. La Jole me slid commands me to sell In see on nearly any other ticket. and Susan l a Jole, h it wife. De­ the manner provided by law the N o matter what your east­ fendants. lands herein described, to satisfy ern destination, we can in­ To Anna Parmenter, Defendant: the Judgments therein specified: IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE Now therefore, pursuant to aald clude C a lifo rn ia at o nly O F OREOON: You are hereby re­ command. I w ill on Monday, the slight additional cost. Sum­ quired to appear and answer the 6th day of July. 1831. at one o'clock mer fares are now in effect. complaint filed against you In the In the afternoon, at the Southwest Let us help you plan. above entitled suit within four or main entrance to the County weeks from the date of the flrxt Courthouse In Eugene, Oregon, of­ publication which date lx June I L fer for sale at public auction and 1*31. and If you fall to appear or an­ sell to the highest bidder for cash, swer for want thereof the plaintiffs subject to redemption as provided will take a decree agalnat you for by law. all of the Interests of all the relief aa prayed for In the com­ the defendants In said suit In and plaint, that plaintiffs and defend­ to the following described lands, ants be decreed to be the owners of situated In Lane County. Oregon, All of the Lot numbered one and towlt; Beginning at the Northwest cor­ all of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 4, ner of the James H. McFarland A Township 20 8. R. 3 West of W. M. W ife don. land cl. No. 68 In Town­ ship 20 South. Range 3 West of containing 40.84 acres. All of the Southeast quarter of W illam ette meridian; and running the Southeast quarter In Section 1, West on claim line 39.46 chains to township 20 S. R. 4 W est of W. M. section line between sections 20 and 21. thence North on section containing 40 acres. All of the west half of the south- line 26.26 chains to the quarter west quarter of the Southwest quar­ section corner, thence East 19.98 ter of Section 4, township 20 8. R chains to the Northeast corner of 3 West of W. M. containing 20 Lot 2 In section 21, South 6.37 acres All of the southeast quarter rhalns to the North line of the John of the northeast quarter, »»ctlon 18, Cochran A W ife don. land cl. No. W W U > MM08M ACMTAAVE« township 20 S. R. 4 Weat of W. M. 66 in said township, thence East 0T TMS CHMSTUS on claim line 64.84 chains, thenoa containing 40 acres. All of the NE quarter of the BW South 8 chains to the railroad right ....D IR E C T FROM THE TRAGEDY THAT GAVE ITS NAME TO quarter and the 8 W quarter of the of way of the Southern- Pacific Com­ 8E quarter of Sec. 18, Tp. 20 8. R pany. thence South 88*47' W a it THE CHRISTIAN ERA PRESENTED ON A GERMANY AND THE 3 West of W. M. In Lane County, along said right of way 28.38 chains to the center of the Coast Fork Oregon containing 80 acres. GRAND SCALE BY SINCERE ANO REVERENT NEW YORK HIPPODROME In the proportions as specified In River, thence along the meanders ot GERMAN ACTORS WHOSE LIVES ARE the complaint; that said premises said riser to Its Intersection- with the be sold by a referee In partition East line of said claim No. 68 and DEVOTED TO THE PASSION PLAY end that the attorneys fees and ex thence North on said line to the penses of suit be paid from the pro­ place of beginning; 221.06 acres ot ceeds of sale and the balance be land; Excepting 2.83 acres conveyed to divided among the owners and for such other rttllef as Is specified In the City of Cottage Orove; also excepting 3.37 acres conveyed td said complaint. The order of the court directing Lane County; alao excepting a service of this summons by the tract of land conveyed by deed re­ publication thereof Is dated June corded on page 602 of Vol. 108 of ADMISSION 11th, 1931, and requlr-e publication the Deed records of Lane County, Oregon; nnd also excepting the once each week for four successive or $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 weeks and the date of the first tract of land described In the deed C A R L O LSO N, Children — 75c recorded on page 638 of Vol. 100 publication Is June l l t l . 1931. Agent C. A. W IN TER M E1KR , Attorney or said Deed Records. Nightly at 8:15 Tickets Now on Sale H . L. BOW N. Sheriff ot Lane According to Weathor for Plaintiffs. Resident Eu­ County, Oregon. gene, Oregon. (J 4-U-18-88: Jn 8) ¿ i (J 11-18-28; Ju 2 -6) NOTICK TO CR EDITO RS Notlra la hereby given that Iowa L. Crump, no the l»th day of May,, waa appointed elecutrlg of I ho ««lata of Kleldlng II Crump, do tesaed, by the County Court ot I .ano County, Dragon. All peraona having claim» ugalnat aald «»late are hereby notified to preaenl Iba aumo duly verified as by law re­ quired Io aald exeeutrtx at the of­ fice of Alta King, attorney, In the Court llouaa. Eugene, I-ana County, Oregon, within a ll moothe of the (Irat publication of thia notice. Date gif Oral publlcatlou being the 36th day of May. 1*31. Iowa L. Crump. IM 311: J. 411-11261 IN C L U D E CALIFORNIA YOUR TICKET EAST FREIBURG FRANK A. DE PUE Sutton Kaiate of M H May, Notlca la baraby glvau that C. K May haa fllad In tba County Court Of iho Htute of Oregon, In and for Laite County, hla ftaal report aa admlnlatrator of the Katala of M II. May, deceaaed; and that tan o'clock In the fnrenoon of Monday, the 30th day of July. 1*31. at the courtroom (hereof to Eugene, Ore gun. have beau by the Court fixed aa the time and place for hearing objections to said report and for the (Inal settlement of (he estate ot said deceaaed. C. K. May, Admlnlatrator of tbe Estate of M H. May. De ceaaed A. E. Wheeler. Att'y. ( J. 18-26; Ju 2-6-18) • Full Auto Equipment Lady Aaalatant M fT AMtC« «V M n U »VAA / a « # NOW ON Hl riRJT AME UCAN TOUR WITH ÏT ADOLF FASSNACH T a The New Shield ahnpe I-enina made In Soft- Llte 8had > 3, reduce Clare. OR È C M E A D E O P T O M E T R IS T IA- W 2 A T ft™ A V fc Hayward Field McArthur Court JUNE 26, 27 28, 29 Southern Pacific