THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BPtUNOrULD. <>IU 1 - ¡in i i LANE COUNTY? PLANT NEW CHOP N o r a s »' E tfr ' : < Masons Prepare For Large Picnic IFiret Woman AIR TOUR COWING FRIDAY, JULY 3RD Frog Pc lu a t e <* ’ m. Eggintatin and o Other* * uending Weak at State Stata Collega Expart Stress* '■•« Bunday. June >*. have been com delasatlo •/*. »even womea left train, gathered a^ the Benton-Lane First Payments Cannot Be plated and those In charge of the M or# T h a n M o(lern S h ip t » . . Hprlngfleld Monday morning tor auto park Sunday for the annual re-, Made Before Final Claims affair predict that this will be one Much of the Seed It Imported |,„r,|alld wb,«re they «re «pending Signed; Many Famous Wo­ union meeting. of the largest gatherings of Its Are In September 24 Into United States; Raise me WMg atteadlag the fiftieth an Families at Eugene. Springfield. men Pilots Are in Show kind ever to be held In tbe county. Soma In Eastern States I nual eucampmeat of the order. Thurston. Junction City. Monroe, This Is tbe fourth annual reunion, Blanks on which all creditors of The Grand Army of the Republic Ed Kressy. New YoA artist, now oo^aRle. Harrisburg, Smithfield, Thousands of people will flock to all previous ones being at Beavey doing comic »trips of Ami. lean boy . „ . the defunct Commercial State hank I’lantlng crimson clover a» an ern la also In Its state enuampment In the Springfield Municipal Airport life, learned to dive in an old swim- «*“r Creek. Deadwood and Port __ __ M r- Hop Island near Goshen. . land were represented. j • h«11 raake Proof of claim. ergency crop In Willamette valley Portland this week. Other organi­ ms» ol the board oi a »U.Uttl.000 . from all parts of Lane county, Frl- mmg hole te Oteo. Mason. are orged * bring; their J#Jy (<> An honor «neat at the gath.ring b*'«* “ k“° wn * * fields where spring grain tailed to sations affiliated with the first two Detroit bank families to spend the day In tbe Pacific Northwest Air Tour wb'ch was C- H. Night who came from P™1“* 8 of “* 1"8“ tnt“’n produce adequate stands for a pay­ mentioned and which are now mountains. They have their choice will bring to this city at least 50 Washington to relate some ot hl. w~ k * of,lcU" repreaentin, the ing crop la now being recommended meeting In Portland are the Wo-1 of bringing basket dinners, or ot of the latest and best makes of air men s Relief Corps, Daughters o f ; by U II llyslop. chief uf farm crops recollections as a member of an state banking department, and pub­ purchasing tbelr meals at tha re-, <;raft Qf wh,ch be plk>ted at the Oregon Kxperlment Station Union Veterans of the CIvU War.) early wagon train party crossing lication of the official Notice to Hons of Union Veterans of Civil ‘ •’ "j £• 1 1 ,1 1 J „ sort hotel. hy skilled aviators and many of at Corvallis. the country to Oregon. Mr. Night Creditors. In compliance with state Transportation will be provided whlch w,„ b , by national Heverel of the farmers In this War and the auxiliary of thia group. I r o r V v h e e l e r L a w crossed the country In the same banking laws. Is started In thia Is­ sue of the News. September 24. The Hprlngfleld delegation. In by a special train over tbe South ly known filers. vicinity have taken advantage of Grass is Being Cut, Hangar train with the Rickard family which 1*31, has been sat as the final date i em Pacific to leave Eugene Sunday ihe opportune time for planting of- dudes delegates rrom Iuka circle An entirely new group of place« arrived In Oregon In 1863 when he to Be Moved Back From forded by the late rains of the past numbanf*. They are Udlth Lax ton, School Officials Attend M eet- ,norn|ng at a o'clock. AU Masons will be Included In tbe caravan was three years old. He Is also tbe on which claims against the bank week and local seed dealers report president of the local circle; Mrs. ing at Courthouse Tuesday are urged to drive tbelr cart to the than was exhibited at tbe airport Center of Field last surviving member of this his­ can be legally made. company depots at either Eugene I [aat »ummer. and the program Itself Thia action definitely nets aside some renewed buying activity as a Hurt Doane, assistu nt guard; Mrs. to Urge Change in Act toric caravan. Considerable work is now under or Springfield and leave them ha< been orgsnlxad with a ne rumors that the first payments to consequence Many of them are Wanda llurnes, Miss Clara llamas, James Calvert of Junction City Tbe bleb schools of Lane county while they make the trip on the back-ground. Seventeen of tbe best way at the Springfield municipal and Miss I-els ('lark; and Mrs. deposMors will be made very short­ planting the red clover. spoke during the afternoon on the will very likely operate again dur­ Kihei Jollff Mrs. Jollff Is serving as airport and more will be started train. Special officers will be eta atuab» and exhibitions ever used Farmers In the upper McKensle improvement of highways and ly. F. G. Havemann. deputy. In ahow, in tbs United States during the next few days In pre­ and Mohawk districts declare that chief page for Ihe convention, and ing the next year under the Wheel­ Honed at each depot to guard park travel methods, tracing tbe dev­ charge of the local institution, they now have a better opportunity the Misses llurnes and Clark are er Law Instead of turning back to ed automobiles until tbelr owners ha»e been Incorporated Into the paration for the visit of the second elopments from the teams to tha stated this week that no payments tbe old state law which Is being return. The return trip wlU pro- taDtative program by Russell Lew Pacific Northwest States Air Tour can be made until after the date on of producing a paying hay or feed subordinate pages. automobiles and the airplanes. Ths sessions of tbe I-adles of tbe used by every county In Oregon bably start from tbe Springs nt aoB> gaa»ral manager of the tour. which is scheduled to stop at the which final claims can be filed and crop after the rainfall, they they Residents of tbe Springfield and added that it probably will be some had the first of May and earlier (1. A. It are being held In the with tbe exception of Iotne accord­ « o'clock In tha evening. The aOd MaJor pygneb. army flier, who Held Friday, July 2. Thurston districts who attended The grass on the entire field la will charge of movements of when most of the farm crops were Masonic temple In Portland. Head­ ing to Dr. W. H. Pollard, chairman round-trip fare Is SI.25. time after that before the ratio« of the gatherldg were Mr. and Mra. being mowed down this week and quarters for the convention officers of the Springfield board who attend A program of events arranged j the ships planted In dry soil. Ray Bangh and family. Mr. and depositors returns can be worked Headlining the visiting pilots • hla will be cleared off for hay be­ Commenting on bis suggestion are being maintained al the Heath- ad a meeting at the court house for ent«rlalnment consists of base- Mrs. John Edmtaton and son James. out. In Eugene Tuesday. The meeting I gamea tugs of war. boys' and which will Include a half dosen wo­ fore the tour ships arrive. that red clover be planted now. Pro­ man hotel Mr. Havemann came to Spring- Carl and Kenneth Platt, and Har­ Braces have been placed on the Two national officers. Margaret bad been caUed by the county boun- girle' reces, swimming, sventa, men fliers, will be Miss Dorothy fessor llyslop declares that the field from Hubbard where he has vey Calvert. ground should be worked Immadl Grandin, national president and , dary board to bear discussions for nail driving contest, diving and Hester of Portland, holder of tbe second of tbe original two hangars been asslsUng In the settlement of alely to retain the moisture which Casta Osborne, past president, are and against continued operation of bathing beauty contests and sever- world's record for both men and at tbe field and It will be moved affairs of the bank In that etty LEGION WOMEN ELECT tbe high school districts under the al others. Everyone la urged to women for continuous outside back to the road soon. It now alts attending I he convention. It now holds which closed last spring. Irresent law. He believes that Oregon can pro­ bring their swimming suite. There loops. She will bring her Great cut In the middle of the field and CONVENTION DELEGATES N o tary Public a t Bank H. C. Wheeler, legislator of will be several which may be rant­ Lakes training ship which was pre­ will be In the way when a large fitably produce a large share of GUARD BOYS RETURN The blank forms to be used In Mrs. W H. Pollard and Mrs. M number of airplanes are lined up Pleasant Hill and father ot the law ed at the resort. the crimson clover seed now being sented to her by the manufactur FROM SUMMER CAMP B. Huntly were elected delegates maklDg affidavits of claims must be was in attendance at the meeting Imported Into the United State* Lodges at Springfield. Eugene, era while on a visit to the plant a for Inspection. to the annual American Legion aux signed by a notary public before More than 3.000.000 pounds were Parking of the many automobiles Meinbera of Headquarters com­ and defended hla Uw. The bound­ (luttage Grove. Creswell. Harris­ few months ago. She will do all they ere presented and filed. Mr. brought Into Ihe country during the pany C. Hprlngfleld'* national guard ary board seemed satisfied with ths burg. Mapleton. Shedd, and Flor­ the stunts which can be done expected at the show this year will lllary convention to be held at Havemann stated. He also said Corvallis In August at the meeting past 11 months. large quantities of unit, returned to tbelr homes bare operation of the present law. and It ence. are participating In the pic­ with a plane, including several out­ have to be handled on a different that depositors need not go to any the seed are used In southern Tuesday afternoou aboard a ape will probably remain unchanged, nic. A special Invitation la extended side loops which held the large arrangement than was naed last of the group which waa held here expense In having the blanks at­ lsrt Thursday evening. Alternate stales where the crop Is grown for rial train from Camp Clatsop where althoagh final action has not been to aU Masons and their families crowd at the Held last year breath- summed It la f tinned to run a wire tested to by a notary public as soiling and gTeen manure crops hey have spent tbe past two weeks taken. who may be visiting In the county less. 8he will also attempt to do fence east and west from a position delegates to the convention will be this can be done without cost by Mrs. Haxel Burnett and Mra. Bessie Unhulled seed for local use Is now In attendance at the annual sum­ ' an Inverted outside loop. This is near the alrpb-ne filling station. School officials from Cottage: t0 attend the outing persons at the bank. being harvested along the Atlantic mer encampment for ell guard Grove. Springfield. Eugene and recognised as the most difficult Automobiles will be parked north Endicott There are more than 800 known No Important business waa tran seaboard from Delaware to Georgia, members. event on the program. Tex Rankin nt thia fence and west of the largest Junction City attending the meet -j METHODISTS CONVENE depositors of the bank. The com­ _ _ and a score of other dartng pilots sected at the meeting of the Legion be states, but their commercial hangar. Ing protested that law as now en­ It was one of the best camps mercial and savings departments FOR ANNUAL SESSION' wm ajgo mrlll the crowd with their production 1s seriously hampered by we have had." stated Lieutenant C. forced was oot fair to the districts Visitors at the field now will poet held at the Community hall •will be liquidated separately. «turning the same evening. Nomination of rains during the harvest season Jfwsrts. In command of tbs local maintaining the schools. M eetings at Eujsns Church te The shlpfl wU, arr, ve Bt the fleM Hud three planes always ready for delegates to the convenGon and of Instructions acompanylng the hould Be Up In July Members of the boundary board troops, upon his return. ''None of Leet All Week; Appointment u o.r|ock mornlnf 4nd use and one glider. Two gliders are oflcers for the next year will be blank forms state that: “If you owe Yields of 460 to «00 pounds of the boys were sick, everything argued that operation of school in tbe process of construction or List to Be Reed wm probably leave again at 2:00 uelog rebuilt, and one small single made at the next meeting to be the bank and It holds your note in seed per acre are usually obtained went fine, and we had very little buaaea would be a prohibitory ex­ the same department as your de­ In the afternoon. In the Willamette valley although rain. Most of tt fell during tbe pense. rlace plane Is being built. It will held July 2. Dr. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. Wm. posit balance, either savings or •h o w Program the Orttfon Kxperlment station has night,” he added. probably he ready for teat flights Gan lx have bee a chosen to repres­ commercial, an offset win be al­ 1. Arrival of planes: All planes In three weeks. had yields as high as 1200 pounds LARGE CROUP ATTENDS Fifteen members of the Spring ent the Springfield Methodist will fly low across Held in order lowed. When the claim 1s filed you per acre. Crops which are up by the Meld unit together with their of­ TOURIST FISHERMAN BROTHERHOOD PICNIC will be given a receipt bearingyfht- church members et the laymen that they may be observed closely latter part of July will produce a ficers Lieutenants Bwarts and HAS REAL TOUGH LUCK FISHERMEN FIND COLD seed crop the following year. If ger Walter Ooaaler. attended (be camp _____ 1 . In flight. A large group turned out at same number." 8y * » Inspection of .hips: From the WEATHER IN MOUNTAINS The doors of the bank will be mlnatlou Is delayed until fall the period. F. B. Cannon O l.lo c .to . Shoulder | ! < meeting Swimmer's Delight Friday after­ of tha church body opened Friday morning for the con­ time ships are parked, thirty mln- chances for a profitable crop of W h it . Casting fo r Floh In Considerable fresh snow waa noon and evening for the annual venience of those who were de­ Seoalons which opened at the wlll be devoted to the tnpection of seed the next year are doubtful, RETURNED MISSIONARY L a k . a t Pow er Dam Methodist Men’s Brotherhood pic­ found In the Cascades Sunday by I church Monday will last through planes by spectators. especially on cold. poor, or heavy nic. An afternoon of varied activi­ positors of the institution. VISITS RELATIVES HERE There are many flab stories Sunday of next week. The lists of 3. Parachute Jump by Miss Billie W. K Barnell. O. H. Dibblee and ties waa enjoyed agd was followed soil, says Hyslop. which people give very little ere- ministerial appointment« for the Brown of Los Angeles: Premier H. E. Maxey on a fishing trip over, Gne or two year old «eed, sown JULY 4TH EXCURSIONS Mias Hattie Mitchell. nii«»ionary deuce to. but here te one which next year will probably he read at woman parachute jumper ot the the week-end. The three men drove j *7 » >««• basket luncheon served 20 pounds to the acre, has been to The Sisters Saturday evening »7 ot ,he Brotherhood PLANNED BY RAILROAD In Africa, who la now In the United Is verified by Dr. W. C. Rebtaan. j the session on Baturday. world. Has the greatest number found to give the best results. and continued to Three Creeks lake members. States on a leave of absence, was a local ph y« let an Outatandlnn nnwni the visitors of Jumps to her credit of any wo­ Announcement that roundtrip ex­ gueet at the home of her slater. Sunday morning. It waa very cold 1 F B Cannon, tourlit, decided to •t the gathering this year It Dr man. INDEPENDENCE PEOPLE cursion fares have been authorised there they stated, and fishing was SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Mrs. D. U Murphy the latter part 4. Stunting by Marshall Sea try his luck flahlng In the joke Clarence True Wilson of New York, AT 2 WEDDINGS SUNDAY of last week. She went to Salem not very good. Several deer were TO PICNIC TO NIG HT by the Southern Pacific company above the power dam at Leaburg He was the principal speaker at grave of Medford. Oregon. In his over its entire Pacific lines for the to deliver an address Sunday morn­ seen on the trip. I ----------- 260 horse power Speedwtag Trave- Mr and Mrs. A. E. Dunckel and ing. Miss Mitchell will attend sum­ and made several fine casta with the open session Wednesday even Members of Mrs. Van Valxah's Fourth of July holiday period was Inlr. anna. Edward and Ray. all of In­ mer school and will visit her stater his line when suddenly he twisted Ing. Msny Springfield people heard Sunday school class at the Metho­ made here today by Carl Olson, 6. Altitude race against time: SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC his shoulder causing a dislocation I the address. dependence. were visitors at the and two brothers again later In the dist church will hold another pic- agent for the railroad. Ships will take off and climb up to PLANNED FOR TUESDAY nJc th,g The young peo- Sales dates for the low-fare home of Mrs. Luella Bristow at fall. She has been spending a few Monday evening He was brought to Dr. Rebhan's SAMARITANS, FUN GROUP 1600 feet above the ground. They 420 I) street Bunday morning for a weeks visiting with her parent« at . . . ’ pie will gather at Mrs. Van Val-, tickets, Mr. Olson said, will be July must then do either a loop, a barrel The Baptist Sunday school picnic g w,n 2 3 an(, 4 wlth retunj Hnllt ot abort while. They drove to Eugene Ashland before coming to Spring- office where R was necessary to [ - j - q p|CNIC ON SUNDAY roll or one turn of a tall spin. Short­ which was planned for Friday of Swimmer's Delight for July 7. The territory Included in administer an aneasthetlc before In time to attend the marriage of Held. was postponed because the shoulder could be set In place I Members of the Samaritans, the est time from ground to ground last . week the excursion offer extends from Mias llaxel Hilberg to Clifford , , . .. r>i their picnic dinner and sports K ____ San Francisco to Ogden and Balt again. fun degree of Odd Fellowship will wins race. This Is one of the most of the Inclement weather. Plans Btalsberg which was an event of II MR. AND MRS. WADE TO hold their annual picnic at Rlver- Interesting stunts that has ever now are to have the picnic on Tues Lake City, and from Portland to El o'clock In the morning After day. June 30, if weather conditions LIUINa N t A K U K . N IC A LIVE AT KLAMATH FALLS VISITORS HONORED AT side park two miles east of Goshen been introduced at any air aow. visit In this city they drove to Rose AT FRIDAY LUNCHEON p^ > ____ 8. Stunting by Jonny Blum ot permit. The affair is to be held at burg where they attended the wed PICNIC DINNER S U N D A Y™ 8«"«»« “ • p ™W‘»« Mr. and Mra. A. L. Wade, former SeatUe, Waslngtoa: He Is a naval Swimmer's Delight park. Game« weather Is suitable It was an- ding of Mtaa Fern Busenbark to Dr. John R. Mex. professor of po- IRA GRAY CHOSEN TO residents of Springfield, were In pilot of exceptional ability. Will be Z ^ n ^ n d T ’telk et' m nne^w ni1^ llt,ral economy at the University of SERVE ON FEDERAL JURY Albert B. Wheeler. Both Mrs A group of Springfield people nounced this week, flying a tapering wing Waco In de­ the city over the week-end calling Wheeler and Mrs. Btalsberg are held a picnic dinner at Hendricks A„ peuowa and their fami held in the evening. Oregon, was the speaker at the re- — - on friend». Mr. Wade was sales­ monstrations of stunts and speed. teachers In the schools at Independ , rular weekly luncheon meeting of The name of Ira Gray, spring- bridge Bunday to honor visitors In ,)#a are |DT|ted to attend. The com 7. Demonstration flying of new man for the Springfield office of ence and have been reelected for charge will furnish cof- production Dianes: This will in­ M A D O m A DAI I TFA M L,on» c,ub Prld8y DOOn f’eld' dr“Wn ,edenU COUrt the Mountain Slate« Power com the city over the week-end. The m|Uee M A K LU LA BALL i gome of w# experiences Portland Monday morning for ser- another year. pany for several years, leaving honor guests were Dr. and Mra. fea creanit sugar, and paper plates clude quick take-offs, slow landings, Tbe Mortun Bristow family of DEFEATS PARK GROUP on trip around the world vice on the federal Jury panel to Windom, of Beattie, gueata of Dr. regch the park motorlata are l*lea«ant Hill were also guests at early this spring for North Bend and Mra. W. C. Rebhan. and Mrs. aa),ed to turn to the left Just before climbing turns and demonstrating ‘ which he completed this past serve during the July term of court. to assume a similar position In the maneuverability ot ship, showing The Fischer Lumber company He w)u gppnd tJje gummer Thirty.sjx of the 75 drawn for ser- tbe home of Mra. Luella Bristow and Mrs. V. Husband of San Fran- croaa|Bg the bridge safety and improvement of new baseball team of Marcola defeated bit mother. Bunday. The Bristow office there Mr. Wade was recently clsoo. Thoee participating In the months teaching at the university vice are from Portland. The pro«- A„ Samaritans are asked to wear planes. the Swimmer's Delight ball club and Dunkel families are old ac transferred to the Klamath Falla outdoor meal Included the honor | the,r PGZ pective Jurors have been notified 8. Stunting and demonstrations 12 to 10 In a muddy contest at the Besstons to be held In Portland. office and stopped here on his way qualntances. to report in the federal court In guests. Dr. and Mrs. Rebhan and to assume his new duties. by Gordon Mounts: Pacific Coaat last Sunday. The park team p A«.«.ppV u » c LIGHT Portland at 10 o’closk on the morn- daughters. Joy and Bobble. Mr. and j NEWLYWEDS ARE GUESTS representative of the Fleet Air resort wlU cross bate with the Wendllng C A N N E R Y H A !» Prepare Airport For Toar Ships Boundary Board j — LOCAL WEDDING IS X WESTFIR CHILDREN GET TOLD T H IS WEEK PRE-SCHOOL CLINIC 0 ” CU~ I * T DINNER ON TUESDAY Craft corporation of Buffalo, N. Y. players this Sunday RUN ON CHERRIES tng of July 7' 8. Surprise act: No Information . t u r n e r - : X to “ Canning o f ^ e s at the Eu- NO THISTLE NOTICES MISS LOOMIS HONORED I M a « , L T S i will be given out on thia perform­ The marriage of Miss Beth Dale ance. as it would spoil Its affect. lured by baseball games with West 8™’ P™« «rowers’ association Is TQ BE MAILED TH IS YEAR Several of the babtee and chll Johns, daughter of Mr. and Mra AT SHOWER ON FRIDAY | evening with dinner for Mr. and fir and Thurston. Jitney and earn I expected to be ended this week. ----------- 10. Second parachute Jump by K. 8. Jones, to Donald LeRoy Meak dren of pre-school age In the West­ Notlces to remove thistles from Mrs. Victor P. Husband who were Miss Brown's sister: One of these val dances, and a fireworks display The market for cherries ie not as fir community were given physUal Ins was an event of Saturday. June being made by G. E. Jacoby. K«xl “ « ”as been and the recent infested property will not be sent Miss Alice Mae Loomis, assist-1 ,.a,.entiy married, and for Miss girls will make a delayed Jump. 20. The ceremony was performed examinations at a clinic held there ant ot the dental office of Dr. W. ^*|nl(rM Tyson who will be mar That means she will delay opening are ralne have seriously damaged the to property owners this year ac­ manager. Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. at the Methodist church In Corval­ cording to county officials In charge crop. N. Dow, was honored Friday even r,e(, aoon t0 Leland M. Hover of her parachute until she has drop­ lis with Rev. Smith, pastor of the Dr. 8. M. Kerron, county health Ing at the home of Mra. Marte Pol- phoenix, Arliona with of the thistle control work. The re­ Work Ksteto to Be P robated- Lee E. w ont Is now underway ped at least 1000 feet from the ship physician, assisted by Dr. Benson congregation, officiating. lock In Eugene when the members 11. Formation flying: There will Abbe has been appointed admlnls- loganberries and* raspberries, The quirements of the thistle law have Those present for the dinner Mlsa Ethel Rauch and Everett of Westfir, conducted the examina­ of the Southern Willamette Dental be a formation of 8 Oreat Lake’s trator of the estate of Henry W. cannery la expecting to handle 25 been published in all of the papers Squires attended the couple. They tions. Mra. Della Fltigerald and Assistants' association held a mis­ were Mr. and Mrs. Husband, Mlse airplanes: a formation of 8 Bird Rose, according to an order filed tons of loganberries this season. of the county at various times and Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and Miss Bessie Williams, county health will make their home In Spring all property owners will be expect­ cellaneous shower for her In honor airplanes and 8 Fleet airplanes, and in probate court. ~ ~ Miss Clara Jones. nurses, assisted with the examina­ field. ed to comply with the statute or of her coming marriage to Harris one National Guard squadron. N. O. W. MEETING IS tions. Hurd. Members of the aaaoclaUon 12. Flying lesson: In this event, Administrator Is Appointed— W. HELD ON WEDNESDAY the county will prosecute. POLICE CHIEF TAKES we will endeavor to use the radio W. Cadby has been appointed ad­ elected new officer« at tha meeting I y^.pp ague DIVORCE- LIONS ATTEND CHARTER which began with a covered d leh lW IFE A S K S D 'v U K U fc , ANNUAL VACATION NOW to explain the method of control ministrator of the estate of Herbert The regular meeting of the REBEKAH LODGE HONORS CONVICTION CHARGED of an airplane with actual demon Cadby. -v----- PRESENTATION FRIDAY dinner. Thia was the last meeting Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge PIONEER CROUP MEMBER Lum F. Anderson, chief of police of the group for the summer. stratlons by a plane out In the cen­ group was held at I. O. O. F. hall Suit for divorce wae filed In clr- ter ot the field. Four Springfield businessmen, her Traveliar Mystery ship. This Wednesday evening. Regular busi­ of the city of Springfield, la now Members of the Juanita Rebekah taking his annual vacation. He has member« of the local Lions club, ROYAL NEIGHBORS PLAN I™« court w*dn*’dt y by 13. Stunting by Tex Rankin: ship is the same make and type as ness occupied the evening. Refresh­ lodge of Springfield honored Sister . . . . w ,_ 1 e t t e against her husband T. W. Oll- the ones flown by Frank Hawkes, ments and a social time followed two weeks leave. Fred Hinson, drove to Harrisburg Friday even "Nuf Sed." Agnes Doran, for many years a PICNIC FOR JULY 17 1 lette. The couple married at Walla former night watchman. Is taking Ing to attend the Charter Night 1«. Gladys O'Domnel: Winner of holder of practically all world’s the business meeting. member of the loral group with a . .Walla, Wheh., November 2. IM A Anderson's place on the day force meeting of the club In that city. practically all major closed course speed records for commercial shlpe. Plans for a summer picnic to ba havp no ch|,dren late dinner at the I. O. O. F. hall The Harrisburg group has been or This ship has a top speed of well during the vacation period. events and several cross country Monday evening following the re GOOD CROWD ATTENDS ganlxed but a short while and was held July 17, were made here last over 200 miles an hour In level week at the regular meeting of The complaint cltee as ground« races, who will give a racing de­ observing receipt of Its charter at ICE CREAM SOCIAL gular lodge meeting which waa held W. C. T. U. MEETS AT the Royal Neighbor«. The gather- for a divorce that the defendant monstration making pylon turns flight. earlier in the evening Mrs. Doran the meeting. Local men attending 17. Dorothy Hester, the world's right off the ground, CHURCH WEDNESDAY Ing will be held at the Harpole w ta convicted of felony In 1*20. A large group of local people at­ has lived in California for the past the gathering were Clifford Wilson, 16. Second surprise act of the premier stunt pilot— Man or wo­ ranch near Meadowvlew. The next Plaintiff asks the return of her tended the Ice cream social on the several years, but has retained her W. F. Walker, W. K. Uarnell, and man: Miss Hester will do all con- Members of the Springfield unit day: No Information will be given meeting of the organlxatlon will be | former name of Eva Belt« membership in the local group. of the W. C. T. U. held their re­ Dr. W. C, Rebhan. out on this act. but we will aay venttonal stunts up-slde-down. Be- lawn of the Christian church Tues- held July II. day evening which was sponsored sides that, she will do an outside gular meeting at the Methodist To »tort Vaoatlon— H. H. Schaf that It Includes everything that has Spends Day Hare—Mrs. Alfred P. Returns Tussday — Mrs. Katie loop finishing her act with an at­ by the Christian Endeavor society. church Wednesday afternoon at Daughter Born — Mr. and Mr«, tain States Power company will ever been done In the way of stunt A program of songs and readings Frese spent Wednesday visiting Urumette returned to Springfield tempted Inverted outside loop. She 2:30 o’clock. Thia was the Foreign William 8. Witmer of Jasper ara fenberg. service man for the Moun- flying all rounded up Into one act. has done several of these success­ was given during the serving of the with her husband's parents In Mission Day meeting of the group Tuesday from Portland where she the parents of a baby daughter »tart a two week«' vacation Batur- 13. Speed demonstration by Flor- Springfield. ice-cream and cake. Lowe (Pancho Barnaa): In fully- and a special mission program was lias spent two weeks visiting with boru to them recently. ‘ day. presented. ber eon and daughter.