The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 18, 1931, Image 7

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U O G IC E R ,
-------------------p a r - .
In my last yarn I told you
shout my adventure w ith a
swordfish while we were
searchln’ fo r pearls In th ’
lagoon o f a lonely inland in
th ’ South Paciftc.
Next day, a fte r my scrim ­
mage w ith th ’ swordfish, I
got into my d ivin ’-suit,
and a fte r Spike had lowered
me to th ’ bottom o f th ’ la­
goon, I started lookin' fo r
th ’ big pearl I had seen th ’
day before.
A sassy old
nhark slid along side o' me,
and I had to kick him in th*
nose to get rid o f him.
I was w a lkin ’ along on th*
white sand, when in fro n t of
a dark cave in th* coral and
rocks I saw three beautiful
pearls in a half-opened
pearl-oyster. I was stoopin'
to get ’em when zang! some­
th in ’ zipped into me and
sent me scooting through th ’
water toward th ’ openin’ o f
th ' dark cava. I saw a big
« » 4»
sawftsh makin’ off and I
knew he was th ' one that
had played th' joke on me.
T h ’ next minute a long
arm reached out of th ’ cave,
curled around my leg and
jerked me o ff my feet. As
I grabbed my knife from my
belt I saw two g la rin ’ eyes
wutchin* me from th ’ dark­
ness of th ’ cave. Other long,
snaky arms were coifin’
about me. I was slashin’
them w ith my knife, try in ’
to free myself, when a big
shark tore in alongside o’
me and w ith one crunch of
his sharp teeth cut off th ’
g ristly arms o f tha t octo­
pus. To this day I believe
th ’ shark that saved me was
th ' one that I had kicked in
th ’ nose a few minutes be­
That shows what a
decent old fe lle r he was, not
to hold a grudge against me.
Don't miss my next yarn.
I t ’ll make your hair stand
on endl
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