THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI’RIN'GKIELI), LANE COUNTY. OREGON, TWENTY EIGHTH YWAIt — ..... W illiam’s STOCK ADJUSTING SALE ► T h o u san d s of Dollars w o rth of High G rade Shoes, H osiery, U nderw ear, Placed on Sale at the Low est We Never Substitute Your child will get th e name atten tiv e service at t I i I h d ru g sto re an tin,ugh you cam e yourself. All o u r stock Is stan d ard and furn ish ed us by houses with n a ­ tional rep u tatio n . We aim only to serve you with the best. Night o r day. S u n d ay s o r holidays th e d ru g sto re Is prepared to m eet your em ergency. Ketels’ D rug Store In New Store Main, Near Fifth P rices in 2 0 Years No Guess - - - Proved By Test Our First Sale - Be Sure To Be Here You are not g uessing . . . . we are not guessing when you com e to o u r service statio n for autom obile service. O ur oils and Violet Itay and Ethyl gasoline are highly refined p ro d u cts and sell for prices no h ig h ­ e r th a n you would pay for less carefully selected grades. C om plete satisfactio n guaran teed . A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Self Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUCENE. OREGON - ■■ ■ ' i “A” Street Service Station Home of VIOLET RAY and ETHYL % — Friday and Saturday Last T w o Days of O ur Stock R eduction SALE NEW BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT The Golden Rule Rulers of Low Prices I * No. 23 Tlll'R.SOAY, JU N E 18. 1031 10th & Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. %