The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 18, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    T11VRBDAY, JUNK 1», 1M1
Pistol Champion
Widows of world war veterans
are entitled (o real properly tax
vxeinpllon to III» amount of $1000
j This Is an uplniou uf the attor*
i uey general of the slate In regard
to Inlrepretallon of the new stale
laws pertaining to veterans.
* Disabled veleraus classified as
40 per cent disabled or more are
| exempt from laxatlou on Jiomi of
I real property.
Surcsaaful Processing Method W ill
Open Largs M arket for
Maraschino Product
Sodium Chlorate and Atlacide
Prove Effictive Killer« in
Extermination Work
Results obtained from ISO demon
stratlon« on the use of sodium
chlorate and atlacide. two commer­
cial weed killers, on fnrms in Lane
county during the year 1930 have
been published in bulletin form for
distribution by O. S. Fletcher. Lane
county agricultural agent.
findings also embrace tests made j
In fifty demonstrations during 1929
and three made In IMS, he states
Gunnery Sergeant Henry M Bailey. I > Maruie Corps, with the I u
Summing up his observations
Trophy which he won at the Camp Pet ry meet
after the experiments with com
mercial weed-killers, the county-
agent state that the spraying was
done with one gallon of water to
one pound of chlorate. The average
Efforts are being made to raise
amount of chemical used was three
pounds to the square rod. The atla-. * fund ’•
«»>* « w »<■«“
cide dust was applied In the pro- tract of ,and «« P,‘‘a8an’ » » ' «hlch
portion of three pounds to each lncludM the picn‘c «round« and
square rod
Ross Mathews has been made head
Good results were generally ob- of «com m ittee to take charge of
tained on both Canadian thistles ,be camPa,«n.
and wild morning glory where the
The « •« ••* “ « » '
ground had not been plowed for ,roop SI are « * * “ « regularly at
The rlbbonxene wreath is used
a year or more before the appllca-«,heir home on tbe Jordan ™nch
tlon and where the plants had Mlss ,rma Laird wbo 18 h<,rae after here on a little gtrl's dress but
reached the full bloom stage before ‘« ch in g the past winter at Bend is would be as appropriate on an old­
the first spray was applied. In each ,belr leader. There are about 20 er girl's dance dress of the demure
case where good killers were ob- «1rl8 «“ ending regularly. Some sort. The rlbbonxene may be
tained. the weeds were sprayed' have dropped out and some have bought at the needlework depart­
either two or three times to k ill' rno’red awa> 8toce ,he ,roop wa8 ment In your favorite store. If you
cannot get ribbonsene you may use
all new growths. Good kills were "r«anile<1 last year.
also obtained with Himalaya black-
Any <trla ‘»«erested are cordial a very narrow soft ribbon instead.
berry plants and with poison oak I ly inTl,ed to «“ end these meetings The work is not difficult. It is ap­
and wild rose plants where thev and ,f ,bey 80 dealre- Mi88 Laird plied by means of a laxy daisy
were in full bloom before they were wil1 be plad ,o add ,hen’ to ,he stitch that is as simple to do as
membership. The girls are planning its name suggests.
On a white dress the flowers may
Both are Effectiv.
many • ™ ,s «"«ether.
Very little difference was noticed
Mrs Robert Doyle who becam“ be done in pink with green for the
in the results obtained from using very seriously ill at the home of leaves and yellow for the French
either sodium chlorate or atlacide her parents' Mr and Mrs F F
where the two were used unde. Cooper was ,aken ,o ,he bo8pl,al
identical conditions on adjoining ,n Eu«ene la8t week Sbe *’ re’
plots Dusting with atlacide proved por,ed “8 8Orae be,,er'
equally effective with the sp r.i
T P Kabler' after ,each,n* at
method. One instance was cited London the past winter has retum-
. ,
.... , ed to his home at Pleasant Hill,
where two fruit trees were killed
. . .
At the annual meeting of the
as a result of spraying them with
t , ,, .
. .... school district No. 1. E. E. Schrenk
atlacide while attempting to kill -
. . .
was elected to succeed himself on,
evergreen plants.
. , .
. . . .
. , ..
the school board. He has already
In another part of the county a
. . ~ .
. .
! served six years. J. A. Phelps was
prune orchard was sprayed success-
. , .
, „
re-elected clerk. The budget for
fully with sodium chlorate to kill i
the coming year was adopted.
Canadian ilu-tles without J. • aging 1
Mr. acd Mrs. Ray John. Oscar
the fruit tre» -
John and Miss Cora John left last
Warnings about the fire hazard of
week for an extended automobile
these chemicals is also contained
. trip. They plan to go as far east
in the report. The county agent a d - ________¡1,
— j
as Kalispel. Montana and be gone
vises that care be used in handling
j over a month. They will camp out
sodium chlorate.
along the way.
E. B. Tinker has harvested his
' gooseberry crop and began pick­
ing loganberries last week. The
rain Is hindering picking but is
Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott mo- doing more good than harm,
tored to Portland Saturday and
spent the week-end with Mr. and .»--------------------------------------------- .a
Upper Willamette
.... ¡Upper Camp Creek}
ing with Mrs. Ellen Needham on
Thursday to quilt a quilt for Rev
A' the annual 8cbl*’1 meeting
and Mrs. Victor Hershiser, who M” Geo F1,her was e,ected d1'
were recently married here. The rec‘°r for three years and Geo.
ladies of the neighborhood have Wisher, clerk.
each pieced a block, with their
The Bickford farm operated the
names embroidered In It and are past ,e * year8 by H Phelp8' aon-
givlng it to them for a wedding inla,r ° f Mrs Bickford, has been
I traded for property at Long Beach, knots. Violet may be used for the
‘ Miss Haxel Edmisum left for California. The new owners. J. A. flowers alone or with pink. On a
Portland last Thursday to attend Montgomery with wife and six chil- pink dress the flowers may be of
the rose festival.
dren are eapected
arri’ e « » » light blue or of white and pink;
Thurston baseball team motored
Mr and Mrs pheipg and three white or yellow flowers are attrac­
to Salem last Sunday to play the chi|dren. Mr. and Mrs. Weston and tive on blue.
team at the state penitentiary. It chi|d started by motor car for their
rained so hard they only played future home at Long Beach. Call-
two innings.
fornia last Sunday morning.
Mrs. Curtis Price who has been
Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Kalispel,
visiting relatives here for several „ .
, .u .____
Montana, are visiting at the home
, _ Dun-
of Mr. Hall s mother, Mrs. L.
ming last Sunday. Her husband is
employed in government work near
the Yellowstone park.
______________________________ ,
Mrs Inus Flanigan spent the
week-end at the Weaver home.
Vern Stone who has been picking
strawberries near Portland for the
Mrs. Emma Hager and daughter,
past few weeks returned to the Eunice of Ashland arrived Friday
home of his grandfather, A. W and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Weaver, last Saturday.
E. A. Schwering and Mr. and Mrs.
Winton Cole of Portland called A. E. Schwering. They were here
at John Edmiston's Wednesday [ for the nuptials of Kenneth Schwer-
mornlng on his way to Palo Alto, Ing and Edythe Long celebrated
Mrs. Ellen Needham and son.
The Grange met Friday evening
Ray Mitchell, motored to Oakridge
last Friday and visited triends until in their hall and transacted routine
' business. As the delegates to the
state convention had not return
Miss Senna Heersina In company
ed their report will be deferred
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanae-
until the next meeting. C. E. Hewitt
kamp motored to Newport last
was appointed acting Overseer dur,
Tuesday returning on Friday.
MrsT Arch ShotTgh and Miss Mil- ln* the absence of Chaa Wetb,e
dred Price drove over from Burns ’ overseer, for the summer.
I’. Wilcox
county agent In
charge of horticultural work. The
Infestations, he says, are largely iu
young fruits, and thus present
difficult problem in control.
" '
Estate of M. H. May, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that C. F.
May has filed in the County Court
of the State of Oregon, In and for
Lane County, his final report as
administrator of the Estate of M.
H. May, deceased; and that ten
o'clock in the forenoon of Monday,
the 20th day of July, 1*31, at the
courtroom thereof In Eugene, Ore­
gon. have been by the Court fixed
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said report and for
the final settlement of the estate
of said deceased.
0. F. May, Administrator of
the Estate of M. H. May, De­
A. E. Wheeler, Att'y.
t J. 1S-25; Ju.
Flowers are used in a wide vari­
ety of ways on the summer dresses.
A lawn collar used on a black flat
crepe dress is edged with white
lace flowers which also edge the
short sleeves of black flat crepe.
A white chiffon dress is trimmed
along with lower edge of the skirt
with a row of black lace roses ap-
pliqued to the chiffon.
In spite of the fact that more
naturalistic flowers of silk velvet,
etc., have returned to favor for
evening and afternoon wear, the
flowers are still favored for street
wear and In Paris those of white
pique, black patent leather and liz­
ard skin are decidedly smart.
McKenzie Valley
Mrs. Jack Hultln and son, Em­
merich, of Coquille, are visiting
Mrs. Hultln's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Matthias Emmerich of the Deer­
horn district.
Kenneth Jennings, truck driver
for McNutt Bros., road construct­
ion work at Heceta Hear, was home
last week. Rains and powder opera­
tions have caused slight delay in
the work.
Election of officers at Walter-'
IF USED S U F F IC IE N T LY vllle will be held by the Sunday
school next Sunday morning. The
Trials carried on cooperatively following Sunday many of the
by Alfred Anderson. Colton; J. A. members will attend the annual
Hhit)iPV and ,,on «„rinewaler and convention of Waltervllle S. 9 . dis­
, , , y n ’
Hpr,n«wdler’ an«
( la,''tama» county agent J. J. In- trict which will be held at Thurs
»keep showed that the application ton June 28.
of two tons of llmerock per acre
Earl Thienes and Walter Rauch
produced a successful stand of were recent visitors to Salem on
clover, while the crop on a plot business.
receiving only one ton per acre
The Waltervllle district Sunday
was a complete failure. In a simi­ school union will hold its annual,
lar demonstration on the Schatz election and business session at I
brothers farm at Stafford, two tons Thurston Sunday, June 28, with a
of limestone per acre produced a basket dinner at the lunch hour.
stand of red clover which cut bet­ Besides the business meeting sev­
ter than two tons per acre, while eral speakers will give talks and
on an unlimed check plot the clover an interesting program by Ihe Sun­
was of no value.
day schools will be given.
last Sunday. They motored to Port­
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wetzel left
land Monday and are spending sev­ this week for an extended sum­
eral days there.
m ers vacation taking in points in
California, and east of the moun-
Pear Blight In Young Trees
tains. They do not expect to re-
Pear blight is more serious in (urn until the school opens in the
Jackson county this year than any fall when Mr. W<-tzel will resume
other season for six years, reports his duties as Janitor of the school.
Small bouquets of this sort may
be used effectively on negligees oi
to decorate sachets, lingerie cases
and other dainty dressing room ac­
4 new outlet for Oregon Royal
Ann cherries has been opened up
with the perfection by the hortlrul
tural products division of the Ore
gon experiment station of a new
and successful method of precessing
these and other white cherries for
maraschino stock. Details of the
new process are contained In sta­
tion bulletin 275 Just off the press,
untitled. "Bleaching, and Dyeing
Royal Ann Cherries for Marashino
- i F ru it Salad Vse." by D K. Bullls
and K. H Wiegand.
Approximately 70.000 barrel» or
brined cherries for the maraahlno
trade are Inipoled into thia country
annually, according to Profeaaor
Wiegand. With the perfection and
publication of the new process. It
is possible to manufacture mara­
shino cherries without serious loss
through cracking. Around 10,000
barrels, or 2.500.000 pounds were
processed in Oregon last year,
mostly under old methods. Many
Oregon plants are to use the new
process this season.
Control of Canada thistle and
other weeds on the right-of-way of
county highways will hereafter be
in charge of county road patrol­
men. An order of the county court
was issued Tuesday directing all
patrolmen to care for weeds on all
ground, held by the county for
road purposes.
In the past the district weed con­
trol supervisors had charge of the
weed control on county roads as
well as on private property.
llohari Wilson, son of Mrs. C. (>.
A boy aud a girl were born lu Wilson of this city, has bean sward
McKenzie valley families during ed a small gold “O" pin for forsn
the past week. A ten and one-half sic activity si the university for one
pound sun was born tu Mr and Mrs. yaar Hs wst also swarded a key
Holmes of Deerhorn Friday, in recognition of hl« work as foren
June 12. 1*31. The mother and «on sic manager Wilson has taken su
«dive part In the debate and pub­
A demonstration of the work are at Cottage Grove
Girls O utnum ber Boys Two-to-One,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beyerleln of lic speaking work at ih e university
done by pupils during the dally
H a lf of Students Attend on
Scholarship Awards
vacation Bible school held at (he V i l l a sre the parents of the other during the ps«> year.
Haptlat church every day Iasi week child, a baby daughter, horn to
"Who the deuce do you think you
In spite of the economic depres­ by the pastor Hey. It. It. Mulhol­ them at the Eugene hospital on
sion. the total enrollment for the land. was given as a part uf the Saturday. June 13. 1*31. Mrs. Bey- are?"
"I'm Just a little» dsnilruff trying
two weeks session of the annual morning services at that church erleln was (he "Fair-Bride" al the
to get u head."
4-H summer school at Oregon State Suuday. Other special children's Ixute counly fair In 1*2*.
college this year showed au In­ events were held in observation of
crease of approximately 50 club Children's day in the Bunday
members more than any previous school. Rev. Mulholland delivered
a serinou on (he topic, "I Bhall Not
The (iris outnumbered the boys Be Moved."
at the summer -session this year
nearly two to one. Of the total OWNER ASKS DAMAGES
number of clubbers present, nearly
half were holders of scholarships
won as a reward for outstanding
Holding that a fire damaged his
work In their rlub projects last property destroying a barn, fruit
year. Approximately 120 of these trees and fences. Nick Andrews
were state fair scholarships award­ Monday In circuit court tiled suit
ed to first place whiners at the for *2500 «gainst the Oregon Bridge
state fair last year. The majority and Dredging company.
On account of Inclement weather, the
of the other club members enrolled
The complaint states that on
were either delegates of their res­ April 20 last near Tlernan the de­
Masonic reunion to he held at McUredle
pective clubs which had earned the fendant company started a fire
Springs has been POSTPONED TO SUN­
money to send them, or boys and which through carelessness was ol-
girls who had earned the money to lowed to spread to the Andrews
DAY, JUNE 28th. Tickets already «old will
pay their own way.
he good on that date. Hold your ticket
Each morning during the session
was given over to class work. In­
und plan to come on that date.
cluding. for the boys, all phases of IUKA CIRCLE PLANS
agriculture, and for the girls vari­
Watch for further announcemvnta.
ous branches of home economics
work. In addition, both boys aud
girls were given Instruction in club circle of the Ladles of the U. A. R.
news writing, first aid. health, and will be held at the Armory this
photography. Regular assemblies evening. Final plans for the state
occupied from one to two hours convention to be held at Portland
each afternoon, with prominent starting Tuesday will be made. A
pot luck supper will be served fol­
men of the state as speakers.
Supervised classes in tumbling, lowing the business meeting.
The Lor
ayor ol Boston. Eaelxnd. R n .'r
Salter arraved in the
eorgeoui red robes ol othce which Logli»h uwyur» wear on « u til u>
Boston. M »U
M a s o n ic R e u n io n
Each year more teachers and ad­
vance students from other parts
of the country are attracted to Ore­
gon as a place to combine study
and vacation recreation. And this
year is to be no exception, accord­
ing to Dean M. Ell wood Smith, di­
rector of the summer session at
Oregon State college, who reports
more pre-registration inquiries than
for any previous year.
in addition to 72 members of the
resident faculty who will take part
iu the instructional program at the
college during the six-weeks ses­
sion beginning June 22. will be 1$
visiting staff specialists. Most of
the latter will be in the field of
home economics. Twelve members
of the agricultural staff will also
assist in a special short course in
vocational agriculture, held primar
ily for Smith-Hughes teachers.
Work will be offered In home eco­
nomics. vocational education, com­
merce, industrial arts, agricultural
engineering, landscape architec­
ture. agriculture, and health and
physical education, industrial Jour­ basketball. quoitennls. dancing,
nalism, hygiene, religion, basic volleyball, swimming and similar
sports provided exercise for the
arts and sciences, and music.
girls, while classes and tourna
meats were scheduled for the boys
OF CHERRY MARKET in baseball, tennis, volleyball and
other games. Entertainment con­
A new bulletin for Oregon Royal sisting of smokeless smokers, pa­
Ann cherries has been opened up jama iwrtles. educational movies
with the perfection by the horticul­ and exhibitions of local talent oc­
tural products division of the Ore­ cupied the evenings
gon experiment station of a new
and successful method of process­ PATRONS AT CRESWELL
ing these and other white cherries
for maraschino stock. Details of
the new process are contained In
Eelection of officers for school
station bulletin 275 Just off the district 40 at Creswell was held
press, entitled. "Bleaching and Dye­ at the school house Monday after­
ing Royal Ann Cherries for Maras­ noon In conjunction with the an­
chino or Fruit Salad Cse,” by D. E. nual meeting of the patrons of the
Bullls and E. H. Wiegand.
district. Van Grousbeck. chairman
Approximately 70.000 barrels of presided at the meeting. Miss Eli­
brined cherries for the maraschino zabeth Tryon, clerk, read reports
trade are imported Into this coun­ of financial receipts and disburse­
try annually, according to Profes­ ments. Her report showed that
sor Wiegand. With the perfection there are 98 boys and 130 girls en­
and publication of the new pro­ rolled In the school, and that there
cess, It Is possible to manufacture are 225 registered voters In the dis­
maraschino cherries without seri­ trict. Seventy new books were pur­
ous loss through cracking. Around chased.
10.000 barrels, or 2.500.000 pounds
Arthur Oslon was elected direc­
were processed in Oregon last year, tor succeeding I^ee I-and who de­
mostly under old methods. Many clined the position for another
Oregon plants are to use the new term.
process this season.
Twenty two members of the
Springfield Juanita Rebekah lodge
motored io Coburg Tuesday even
Ing Io be present si Ihe official
visit of Ihe stale assembly presl
deni. Mr» Ethel Meldrum of Mil
waukle Mrs Meldrum vlslled Ihe
local lodge Monday evening and
was a guest of Ihs liaige si D in in
Wednssday evening
P o stp o n e d
to Sunday, June 28th
Lora France« Stewart filed «ult
for divorce in circuit court against
her hu«Bund. Rupert H. Stewart.
The couple married at- l*rlnevllle.
June 14. 1920 aud have three chil­
Plaintiff claims that the defend­
ant has been convicted of a felony.
Plaintiff asks custody of the chil­
dren and *35 a month for tbelr sup­
Bounty on Coyots Paid—A boun­
ty on one coyote was paid Combs
H. Bolden of Llnslaw at the county
clerk's office.
Shortening, Invincible
2 Pound can ----- 3 2 c
I Pound can
x Pound Can .... $ 1 .2 0
Super Suda
Apple Butter
No. 1 Can
Snider'« Cataup
Judge: "You «ay (his man stole
your watch. Do I understand that
you prefer the charge against him?"
Pat: "Well, no, your honor. 1
prefer the watch If It's all the same
to you.''
Wine Jelly
5 oz. Jar
Bloofus—How do you get along
with your wife?
OlrfUHcua— I wonder sometime»
Clam«, Welgharts
Minced. No. 1
Tall cans ........
Small ........ .
H ottie
Rainier Brew
Sauerkraut Van Camps
No. 1 Can
2 for .......
Meeting of the state highway
commission will be held at Salem
Thursday, June 25. according to
word received by the county court.
This will be the first time that the
commission as met at Salem In
some time as the meetings have
usually been held at Portland.
There are no contracts to be
considered by the commission of
Interest to I>ane county at this
meeting but the county court here
will be represented, according to
Judge C. P. Barnard.
J. C. Penney Co. ><»•
942 Willamette St.
Eugene, Oregon
That’s What You’ll Say
When WE
Sum m er
S hirts
at savings!
The Quality of ¡Tinting, the Service and Price Is the Best
Nothiag »Uimped, either . . . hi cut,
workmanship or isbricx. Smart vat-
printed fancies, solid ihadei and whitsi
are included . . . each a thin that a
man can wear with the lime axxurance
that a larger price provide« I
Offices: 119 E. Broadway, Eugene ;
and 4th St. Springfield