THURSDAY, JUNB 18, 1981 THE SPTUNOFIELD NEWS — W l u ll l| ■ ■ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S N o tic e la hereby given that Iowa L. Crump, on llie mill day of May. 19.11, was appointed «xocutrlx of the cNtale of Flnldlug II Crump de i eu led, by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon All person* having claims against said eatale m e hereby notified Io present the «lime duly verified as by law re­ quired to said executrix at the of- lh e el Alta King, altorney. In the Court Houee, Eugene, la n e County, ANYONB DEHIKING *»< m I rl< I i Oregon, within six month« of Ihe Jvriey (lueruaey milk plea»« flrat publliallon of Ihl» notice. Date plum» Hprliitfllnld 196, tunriilim or of flrat publliallon being tbn 2Mth evening. Jo IB d’ty of May. 1931 Iowa I,. Crump. LOCAL MAN TEACHER OF MISS COWDEN HOSTESS ELECTROCUTED YOUTH TO OVERALL CLUB GIRLS Members of tbe Overall club group of small girls organised to carry on outdoor work and recrea tlen, will be entertained by Mis« Liulsa Cowden at the home of Dr. and Mrs. II. F. Mortensen this afternoon. Guest«-will Include Edna June Yarnell, Fram e« Vern Cornell. Jean Lloyd. Jeannie Wittier«. Max- In« HmltNon, and Ml»» Neet. The afternoon will be «pent wllli out­ door game« und refreabmenta will be served. Thl« group ha« been organised for four months under Ihe leader«hlp of Ml«« Olive Gerber and ha« a« one of Ita objects the performance of at least on« good deed each week They are now planning an enter­ tainment to be gfllven under the direction of Mrs. Edna Yarnell for Ihe purpose of raising fund« for their work. Bob Vlers, 14-year-old seboobboy of Dalis«, Oregon, who was In ■tanlly killed Saturday nlgkl «hen he lout-bed a conduit on an electric light pole In tbe bUNlliesR district of that city, was a pupil of Virgil McPherson. Springfield, who leech ee In the Dallas Junior high scbisil. , The boy was a visitor In Spring- field last spring. A short circuit we« r««p<)ii»lhle for the shock which killed the lad. TOWN AND VICINITY I Returns from P o rtla n d — Mrs V isitor from M arcóla J. A. Mar tin of Marcóla visited friend* In Clara Fawver returned to Spring Hi-rlngfleld the first of the w< ek. field Tuesday from Portland fol lowing a short vl«lt In that city. T ra n s a e ts Business— L K llo s e l Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers BONDS Eugene Furniture Hospital Walkar-Pool« Chapel How One Woman Lost 4 7 lbs. A28-30-M7-14-21-28-J11-1I The semi-monthly meeting Springfield post number 40 of American legion w ill meet at ('(immunity hall tonight. It has been decided whether to make of the the not no-1 mlnatlons for new officers tonight or to waH until the next meeting the first Thursday In July when j V is ito r at Junettoa City Georgs Kendall tpeat Sunday visiting at Junction City. M IG H T Y MONARCH OT THE A R C T IC . V isits from O lym pia— H . A. Col ton of Marcóla was a business visi­ Hns of Olympia. Washington, was a tor in this city Monday. members and officers who are now visitor at the E. W. Collin« home at the National Guard camp will M arcóla Resident Hors— Mr». F. last week. have returned. W. Ila rrl« of Marcóla visited with Delegates to 'he state eonvontlon V isits In Portland— I. M Peter friend» In Springfield Monday. son. city recorder, »pent the week to be held at Corvallis In August Visits at Haosta Bsach — Mrs. end In Portland. Fred Hln«on had are also to he elected soon. Jim Mui-Manlman «pent the week­ charge of the city hall during hl« end visiting friends at Heceta absence WORK 13 STARTED ON Beach. In Eastern O rsgon--M r sod Mrs. FOREST AIRPLANE FIELD Goshen Resident Haro— M. C. Robert Carr and his sister. Mrs Curley of Goshen was a business Minnie Calkins left Saturday for Work on the airplane landing visitor In,Springfield Monday after­ Baker City where Mr. C a rr's , field on Bear flat. 18 miles above noon. McKenzie bridge In theheart of the brother is very III. Cascades. Is now well under way Lowell Resident Here — K. S Visit at McMinnvIlls — William according to Dee W right, veteran Newcomb was a visitor In Spring- Goodman, proprietor of the Eagle packer who Is packing much ot field Monday from the Lowell dis­ Cafe and James Ellis, employe of tbe necessary materials and equip­ trict. the W illam ette Press, spent Sun­ ment Into the flat where the work Visit Hare Monday— Mr. and Mrs. day at M cMinnville at the home of Is being done. The construction of the field re­ W. Templeton of Cascade Summit tbe latters parents. quires the grubbing of a number of were visitor« In Bprlngflcld Mon­ Returns to Homs— Mr. and Mrs Jack pines and the leveling and day morning. Iral Nelson and son, Clair left last packing of the entire field suffici­ Visiting Friend»—Mrs. J A. Neu- week-end for their home at Weiser. ently so that large airplanes to be er left la»l week for Los Angeles Idaho, after visiting with friends • used In combating forest fires can to spend about two weeks visiting and relatives here. Mrs. Nelson land and take-off without difficulty. formerly wa» associated with th e ' with friend«. First National Bank In thia city. Visitor from Oregon City— Ro­ FIRE PERMITS NOW Visitors from Portland— Mrs. Al bert Archambeau of Oregon City REQUIRED IN FOREST apent the week-end with friends In Cannon and Mrs. Jessie Mlxner of Portland arrived Monday for a few Springfield. It Is now necessary for ail camp-1 days visit with friends. Mrs. Can­ Visits at Corvallis— Mr«. Grace non Is a guest of her cousin, Alice era In the Cascade National forest May «pent the week-end In Corval­ Diane. Mrs Mlxner is a guest of to obtain permits from officials be-, fore building fires. The permits are ' lis at the home of her sister and Mrs. Zella Cantrell. free and may be obtained from the her family, Mrs. 8. D. Beals. Guest from Marshfield— Mr. and forest headquarters in the postof­ Cuts Foot— Lee Gay severely c u t! .Mrs. C. A. Phillips of Marshfield ar­ fice building in Eugene or from any his foot with an axe Friday. Several rived in Springfield Monday a fte r-: forest official or ranger. The order stltche« were required to close the noon. Mrs. Phillips will spend the requiring permits was Issued before 1 wound. next few weeks visiting at the home the recent rains which have soaked New Floor Placed— A new floor of her sister. Mrs. Marlon Adams. the forests, and will remain In force wa« placed In the office of the Mr. Phillips returned to Marshfield the remainder of the camping sea­ son. Springfield garage the latter part of on Tuesday. No permits will be required In the week. W ill Go To Portland — Mrs. the Siuslaw national forest, accord­ FLAT TOP Fish on McKenzie— Dellas Mur­ M yrtle Eggimann w ill leave for ing to R. S. Shelly, supervisor, un­ phy and Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor Portland Monday morning to spend less an extremely dry condition ALL STEEL of the Springfield Christian church, the greater part of the week at­ should prevail later. tending the annual state conven­ spent Monday fishing on the Mc­ 84 ICE CUBES tion of tbe Ladies ot the G. A. R. Kenzie river. M arriage Licenses Granted VIBRATIONLESS The G. A. R. veterans will also hold During the past week marriage Visits Mother— Mr. and Mr«. M ar­ their convention In Portland next licenses have been granted by the GLIDER-BAR SHELVES lon Adam« and son Bob. and Mr week county clerk ot the following: and Mrs. G. W. Carson, motored to j Lewis W inkler and Vera Taylor, ECONOMICAL Attend Graduation Exercises — Junction City Sunday to spend ihe both of Portland; Joaeph Madoon. day with Mrs. Sarah Adams, i C. G. Van Valzah. Miss Edna Platt. • Miss Eva Phetteplace, Miss Alta Placerville, and Ruth Nicholson, mother of Mr. Adams. Manning, Springfield teachers, and Alfred Frese, Springfield, and Vera Power Men Here—Charles Boyd Miss Nina Boeson of Eugene t t - i Grace Truelson, of Eugene; Delbert r.nd Kenneth Sims of Albnny were: tended graduation exercises and Brown, Eugene, and Olive Berry. in Springfield Monday testing the homecoming at the Monmouth nor­ Cottage Grove; Kenneth Schwer- ing, Creswell, and Edith Long, Eu­ private telephone line of the Moun­ mal school on Saturday. gene; Lewis Roadman and Marie tain States Power ccmpeny which . Attends Graduation Exercises — Fillerbeck, both of Eugene; Charles extends to Albany. Mrs. Emma Olson attended the bac­ Brown and Audrey Daniels, both H A R D W A R E — F U R N IT U R E Burned w ith Hot OH— -C. E. Haw calaureate services tor the univer­ ot Springfield; John MacKinnon, P A IN T kins, employed on the highway onr- sity graduates at the Methodist Eugene, and Anna Pearson, Bend. faclng work between here ••».nd Cres­ church In Eugene Sunday. She also well was painfully Injured Saturday attended the commencement exer­ when hot oil used In the road work cises at M cArthur court Monday splattered over his hands and arms. morning. IM 18: J. 4 11 1825) T RADIO-- MU Acre« timber In Tlllumook txiunly. Clear and oil N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S SPRINGFIELD BOY IN main county mad, I hr»» in ll«« from ocean. Trad« for Hprlngflekl or Nolle» 1« hereby given Dial Ihe RECITAL ON SATURDAY Eugana property. A. T. llrewer. 71* uodvralaned hn« be no duly appoint­ F. Hlreet. Hprlngflcld. J IB ed administrator of the estate of Little Billy Ne«bltt of this city Elijah C Hinman. deceased, and will appear In bis first musical re­ any and all personas having claim« C ARO OF T H A N K * d ia l Saturday evening at 7:30 In again«! the «aid oalale are hereby I wish to exproew my thunk« to required to present «aid claim«, the Mi Morran anil Washburne audi­ all who h«lp«d ill« during Ihe Earn , duly verified un by law required, torium This Is the final recital of ni my law office, 717 W illamette and Win" campaign the sea«on to be presented by Hl., Eug»n», Oregon, In Lane coun­ H A ZEL EDM IHTGN pupils of Reuben t'harlyle Goffre- ty, Oregon, within «lx months from lere and will Include a series of Hie dale of thia notice N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * Dated and flrat published May WOMAN. 87. NEVER TIRED Junior group recital«. 2M. 1931. Nolle« 1« h«r«tiy given that by i I>ale ot last publication June 16, —TAKES IRON DAILY Tbe public 1» Invited to attend order of the County Court of lame I 1931. Ibis recital. County, Uregon, duly mad« and on j H E S LA TTER Y. Administrator "I nm 87 and go to church twice lered of record on the 161 h day of ■ of thr »»tale of Elijah C. Stuman, Kundaya, take long rldna and attend , NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T June. A D. m ill, tlm undersigned parties, but do not get a bit tired 11 The undersigned, administrator Oecea«ed. * u appointed Administrator of the I Addroe« I*. (). Hoi 96*. Eugene, <-at und »leep well. All thank» to with the will annexed, of the estate ««tai» of II«««« Henry Imlrd. lie ' Vlnol '' Mr» M H alilorf Oregon of JO HN A. W IN T E R , deceased, te ased . Old people get quirk benefit from has filed hlx final account In the (M 2 8 ; J4-1118-26) All p«r«ona having claim« again«! Iron, lime and cod liver peptone a» matter of said estate, with tbe *F 1 ... «aid ««tale are hereby required to i umbilici In Vlnol The very FIR ST County Clerk of Lane County, Ore­ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE pr«aent the «am« to Hi« under bottle bring« appetite and Bound «Igued at (he law office n( Potter NO TIC E la hereby given that by «leep. Equally good for nervou«, gon. and an order ha« been made uiul llalley, 631 Miner Building. Eu virtue of uu execution and order of rundown men and women of any and entered of record by the Cosn gene, Oregon, within alx month«' «ale l««ued out of Ihe Circuit Court age Vlnol ta«le« dellrlnu« Get a iv Court of said County, directing this notice, and appointing tbe 20th from Ihe date of thia notice. of the Slate of Oregon for Lane bottle today! Ketela Drug Store. day of June, 193! at ten o'clock, A. Haled at Eugene, Oregon, Ihl» County Muy 20. 1931. upon and pur- M-, for the hearing of objections to mill ituy or Juno, a i> mat «uant to a decree duly given and said account, and tbe settlement of N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G OF PnMKKOY N. LAIRD. Admin I made by «aid Court May 18, 1931, In »aid estate. F IN A L A C C O U N T iHtrntor of Ihe e«tato of He««« a »ult pending therein In w hich , Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this Jeaae G Well», a« Tru«tee was ' IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF lleliry l.alrd, Decea»ed. 2tst day of May. 1931. plaintiff and The Eugene Bible uni-[ IJ 1826. Ju 2 91*1 T H E STA TE OF OREGON D A R W IN B lhSTO W . veralty, a corporation, et al were j FOR LA N E CO UNTY Administrator with the W ill An defendant«, which execution und or­ In the M atter of the Estate of nexed of the estate of John A. Win der of »ale wa« to me directed und : Harry C. Jack«on, deceased. ter. Deceased. commanded ine to »ell the real pro­ Notice Is hereby given by the un- I .MM E I. and EVANS, perty hereinafter described to »at- d«r«lgiied administrator that he Attorneys for Estate. l«fy certain H»n» and charge« In baa filed his fins) account In tbe M. 21-28. J. 4-11-18. «iilil diu-reo »peclfled, I will on Rat-1 urday the 20th day of June, 1931, at abovi entitled matter and that at N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S the hour of one o'clock, p m., at J the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of the U th day of July, 1931, at tbe Court NO TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that JEWELER the «oulhwe»t door of the County i Court Hou»e In Eugene. Ijtn e Coun­ room of said Court In the l,ane the undersigned has been appointed Repairing a Specialty ty. Oregon, offer for «ah- and sell Count Court House In the City of Administratrix of the estate of Ferd at public auction for rnsh, subject' Eugene, Oregon, has been by tbe or­ Ihtrker, deceased, by tbe County Springfield, Oregon to redemption a» provided by law. der of said Court, fixed as tbe time Court ot I.ane County. Oregon. All all of the right, title and Internet of nnd place for bearing objections persona having claim* against said the defendants In «aid «ult and of to snld final account and to the set­ estate are required to present them Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN all partle« elalmlng by. through or, tlement and allowance thereof. with the proper vouchers to the Charles W. Johnson. Administra­ undersigned at the law offices of under them or any of them »Ince] N aturopathic Physician tor. Potter A Bslley, 631-3233 Miner the I6tb day of October, 1928. In First National Hank Bldg Building, Eugene, Oregon, within or Io Ihe following deacrlbed real Fred E. Smith. Attorney for Phones: Office 73J; Ree: I43W Adpiinwlrator. six months from the date of this property, to-wit: Office llnura: 1 to 6 P. M. I J 11-1826; Ju 2-9;) notice. Itnaldenre 213 H street I x i I n 1, 1. 3. *. 6. 6. 7. 8, 16 and 1« D A TED at Eugene, Oregon, thia In Block 3» nnd all of I-ot« 1. 2. 3. 4. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE 4th day of June. 1931. 6. «. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 1*. 16 R U TH PARKER. Admlnlatra mid 16 In Mock 31 all In Drlverton j Notice la hereby given that by trlx of the Estate of Ferd Parker. FOR SALE Addition to Eugene. 1-a.tie County, virtue of an execution and order I ‘ C d l Oregon. Al»o all of Block Four (41 of sale Issued out of the Circuit PO TTER A B A IL E Y Attorneys for Oood 1*-lnch Block wood, alao In Henderson'« Addition to Eugene, Court of tbe State of Oregon for Estate. 16-lnch and 4 foot old growth l-ane County. Oregon, together with Ijtn e County June 6th 1931, upon (J 4-11-18-25; Jly 2) alabwood. the tenement«, hereditaments and und pursuant to a decree duly - FRANK TUHY npptirlence» thereunto belonging. given and made by said Court June' N O T IC E O F G U A R D IA N ’S S A L E Phone 8p. I82J Dated Ibis 20th day of May. 1931. 4. 1931. In a suit pending therein < OF L A N D 11 L. BOWN. Sheriff. In which The Pacific Savings A Notice la hereby given, that by By A E HULBGAARD. Deputy. U>an Association, a Washington virtue of a license granted by and M 21 28 J. 4 11-18. corporation was plaintiff and Frank A ll K in d t of order issued out of the County Pierce, as Executor of the Estate j Court of the State of Oregon, In IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF of Ixiretta Pierce, Deceased. Frank and for Lane County, on the 1st day T H E S T A T E OF O R EG O N . FOR Pierce, la u ra Pierce, and others J of June. 1931, authorising me. as R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G LANE CO UNTY. , re ih f- itilunt ■ which exe< utlon SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION: and order of sale was to me dire t - ' guardian of the estate of Lora 12» W. hth Street Marie Ryan, a minor, to sell at IN FORECLOSURE OF cd and commanded me to tell tb e ; private «ale the following described Eugene Phone 900 -r A V t 1W real property described therein and lands belonging to said minor; I J L. C U L V E Il’ Plaintiff. hereinafter deacrlbed, to aatlsfy tbe will on Monday, the 6th day of va. Judgment and decree given In said July. 1931. and thereafter until L L IE N a single man, and suit. I will, on Saturday, the 11th DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON 11 C T. B. M E OSBURN. sold, upon the premises and at my Defendant«. day of July. 1931. at the hour of residence. 346 Grand St. North In HI» thumb was quite badly burned Osteopathic Phyelelan To II T. M E i.L IE N , a single man. one o'clock P. M. at the southwest Eugene. Oregon, offer for sale and LUMBER MARKET SHOWS Ihe above named liefondant. door of the County Court House In sell to the party offering the most Return from School— Miss Edith IN T H E NAM E OR T H E STATE Eugene, laine County. Oregon, of GRADUAL IMPROVEMENT therefor In cash, all of the North- i Eaton and Mias Lucille Richmond 10* I. O. O. F. Temple OE OREOON: You are hereby no­ fer for «ale and sell at public auc­ west fourth of the Northeast quar­ returned to their homes here Fri- - Telephone 32*6 Engene, Ore. tified that J. L. Culver, the hollder tion for cash, subject to redemption ter of Section 16. in Township 15 Production Remains Below Last of Certificate of Delinquency num­ as provided by law. all of the right, South, Range 9 West of W iliam -, day from Ashland where they have Below Last Y ear, But Lags Be­ bered 2706 IsRtied on the 12th day title and Interest of the defendants ette meridian; forty acres, more or graduated from the Southern Ore-1 November. 1929. by the Tax Col­ In said suit and of all parties claim­ hind O rders fo r Shipm ents gon normal school. Mrs. Sam Rich- j less. In Lane County, Oregon; sub­ Universal Mortgage Corp. lector of the County of latne. State ing by, through or under them or ject to the approval of and con-' mond and Mrs. Harry Eaton a t­ of Oregon, for the amount of any of them In or to the following firniatlon by said Court. SE A T T LE , Wash..— A total of ; 1*5.65) Five and 66-100 Dollars, described real property, to-wlt: E N ID E. RYAN. Guardian of tended the graduation exercises and 343 mills reporting to the West ihe name being the amount then Isit ten (10) In Rlock three (3) Estate of Lora Marie Ryan, a accompanied the girls home. due and delinquent for taxes for In Shelton's Addition to Eugene. Coast Lumbermen's association for W . P. Tyson, Agent Minor. the year 1826 together with pen­ Lane County, Oregon. (J 4-11-18-36: Ju 2) 12« E * t . Phons 56W Employees Get Gowns — Em­ the week ending June 6 operated at alty, Interest and costa thereon Dated thia 8th day of June. 1931. ployees of the Irish Murphy store 45.74 per cent of capacity, as com­ upon the real property assessed to J H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE you. of which you are the cwnnr W E L L 8 A W ELLS. Attorneys. here are now wearing coat style j pared to 44.21 per cent of capacity OF LA N D a« appear» of record, situated In j aprons which have recently been i for the preceding week and 67.63 (J 11-18-26; Ju 2-9) Notice Is hereby given that, by «aid County and State, and partic­ purchased. The clerks have their i per cent of capacity during the virtue of an execution and order ularly bounded and deacrlbed as Upholstering SUMMONS to sell. Issued out of the Circuit names on their aprons. Those used j same week last year. For the first follow«, to-wlt: Reflnlshing - Repairing IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Court of the State of Oregon In In the seed and feed departm ent: 22 weeks of 1931 these mills have Beginning at a point 22.68 Screen mid all kind« ot mill work S T A T E OF OREGON FOR LANE and for I.ane County, upon a decree chains Nor i of the Southwest operated at 41.61 per cent of capa­ C E C IL C A L K IN * . Proprietor CO UNTY. of said Court rendered and entered have that wording sewed on them, corner of James H. Shortrtdge city. as compared to 64.76 per cent 661% Weal Eighth Phone *02 Frank l a Jole. Anna l a Jole. Jame« them. on the 28th day of May. 1931, in Claim No. 62 North 3* 66 rods, for the same period In 1930. l a Jole and Rosa l a Jole and a suit wherein Charles S. Cochran thence East 132.48 rods, thence Harvey l a Jole. Plaintiffs, and Horace U. Cochran, as execu­ Current new business reported Released from Hospital — O rval In a southwesterly direction m a. . 1 1 vs. tors of the estate of Sarah E Eaton was dismissed from the Pa­ by 220 identical mills was 3.65 per General I.nw Practice 37.77 roda to a point Bast of Ellen l a Jole. Ed l a Jole. Fred La Cochran, deceased, were plaintiffs cific Christian hospital in Eugene I beginning, thence 121.94 rods cent under production and ship­ Jole. Nellie Redding. Guy Red­ and H arry W. Neet, as administra­ I. M. PETERSON West to beginning containing ding. Elsie Chllllson, Ben Chilli tor of the Estate of W. B. Cooper, Thursday afternoon of last week ments were 9.89 per cent under. 29 acres. In Section 28, Town­ Attorney af-Law son, Lars Jacobson, Theodore deceased. Mary E. Denton. Lasells and is now at his home in this | New rail trade business received ship 21 South Range 3 West City Hall Building Parmenter, Anna Parmenter. Stewart et al. were defendants; city. Eaton sustained a fracture of during the week was about 300,000 W. M.. lain« County, State of Clarence Parmenter. Lottie Gom- which execution was directed to Springfield, Oregon Oregon. feet more than the volume reported bar. Tony Gombnr, L. D. l a Jole me and commands me to sell In the verterbra In his neck several j You are further notified that for the previous week; increases weeks ago when the truck in which the manner provided by law th e ! and Susan La Jole, his wife. De­ «aid J. L. Culver has paid taxes fendants. lands herein described, to satisfy he was riding broke down throw­ of about 9,000,000 feet In the ex­ on said premises for prior or sub Ihe Judgments therein specified: FRANK A. DE PUE sequent years, with the rale of In­ To Anna Parmenter. Defendant: port trade and 600.000 feet In the ing him to the ground. IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE Now therefore, pursuant to said j terest on said nmounta as follows: A T TO R N E Y A T LAW local trade were reported, while the command. I will on Monday, th e ! O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ Year's tax. 1927— Date paid. Nov. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Leaves for Portland— Mrs. C. G. domestic cargo trade decreased 12. 1929; Tax Receipt No. 32889; quired to appear and answer the 6th day of July. 1931. at one o’clock Amount, *6 17; Rate of Interest, complaint filed against you In the In the afternoon, at the Southwest Van Valxah left Wednesday morn- [ about 6,500,000 feet making the Sutton Springfield above entitled suit within four or main entrance to the County Ing for Portland where she will total new business approximately 12% per annum. Building Oregon Year’s tax, 1928— Date paid. Nov. weeks from the date of the first Courthouse In Eugene. Oregon, of­ make her home. Mrs. Van V a lza h ! 4,300.000 feet more than the pre­ 6, 1929; Tax Receipt No. 38269; publication which date Is June 11, fer for sale at public auction and vious week and 10.000,000 feet In­ Amount. *4.78; Rate of Interest, 1931, and If you fall to appear or an­ sell to the highest bidder for cash, has taught school at the Brattain swer for want thereof the plaintiffs subject to redemption as provided school for several yearu, and was I crease over the second week pre­ 12% per annum. Year's tux. 1929— Date paid, Nov. will take a decree against you for by law. all of the Interests of all married on New Year's day. She vious. 5, 1929; Tax Receipt No. 35907; Ihe relief as prayed for In the com­ Ihe defendants In said suit In and was accompanied to Portland by During the past 27 weeks orders Amount. *6.06; Rate of Interest, plaint. that plaintiffs nnd defend­ to the following described lands, Miss Annie Linklater who left the for 220 mills have averaged 7.89 situated In Lane County, Oregon, ants be decreed Io be the owners of 12% per annum. same day for her return trip t o ' per cent over production. Inven­ All of the Lot numbered one and towlt: Said H. T. Melllen as the owner FUNERAL DIRECTORS Beginning at the Northwest cor­ Scotland. tories are now lower than at this of the legal title of the above de­ all of the northwest quarter of the scribed property as Ihe same ap­ southwest quarter of Section 4, ner of the James H. McFarland A time last year, the association pears of record, and each of the Township 20 S. R. 3 West of W. M. W ife don land cl. No. 68 In Town­ 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St. stated. ship 20 South, Range 3 West of containing 40.84 acres. other persons above named are All of Ihe Southeast quarter of W illam ette meridian: and running 62J 62-M hereby further notified that J. L. Culver will nppiy to the Circuit the Southeast qunrter In Section 1, West on claim line 39.46 chains Io FAIR PREMIUM BOOK Court of the County and State township 20 8. R. 4 W est of W. M. section line between sections 20 Full Auto Equipment READY FOR MAILING and 21, thence North on section containing 40 acres. aforesaid for a decree foreclosing All of the west half of tbe south­ line 26.26 chains to the quarter the Hen against the property above Endy AH«l«tant In 3 Months and Copies of the premium book foi described, and mentioned In »aid west quarter of the Southwest quar­ section corner, thence East 19.98 Feels Years Younger certificate. And you are hereby ter of Section 4. township 20 8. R. chains to the Northeast corner of the Nineteenth annual Lane county summoned to appear within sixty 3 West of W. M. containing 20 Lot 2 In section 21, South 6.37 Mrs. S. A. Solomon of New Bern, fair have been completed and are days after the first publication of acres. AH of the southeast quarter chains to the North line of the John this summons, exclusive of the day of Ihe northeast quarter, Section IS, Cochran A W ife don. land cl. No. N. C. lost 47 lbs. Jn 3 months with now ready for distribution. Hun­ of said flrat publication, and de­ township 20 S. R. 4 West of W. M. 66 In said township, thence East Krusehen Salts. She reduced from dreds of copies w ill be mailed and on elalm line 64.84 chalna. thence 217 to 170 lbs. Hhe feels much distributed In various parts of the fend this action or pay the amount containing 40 acres. AH of the NE quarter of the 8W South 9 chains to the railroad right stronger, years younger and pains due as above shown, together with county during the next few days. costs i.nd accrued Interest, and In quarter and Ihe 8 W quarter of the of way of the Southern Pacific Com­ In sides, back nnd abdomen that The fair dates have been set for case of your failure to do so, a SE quarter of Sec. 18, Tp. 20 S. R. pany, thence South 28*47' West bothered her for years are all decree will he remdered foreclos­ 3 West of W. M. In Lane County, along aald right of way 28.38 chains gone. She says she not only feels August 26, 27, 28 and 29 with per­ to the center of the Coast Fork betters but looks better as all her formances each afternoon and ing the lien of said taxes and costs Oregon containing 80 acres. ngalnst the land nnd premises In the proportions as specified In River, thence along the meanders of friends tell h%r. evening. the complaint; that said premises said rkver to Its Intersection with the above named. "I shall never he without Krusch- More extensive agricultural dis­ This summons Is published by be sold by a referee In partition East line of said claim No. 68 and en Salts, will never cease taking order of the Honorable G. F. Skip- end that the attorneys fees and ex­ thence North on said line to the my daily dose and more than glad plays are expected for the fair this worth, Judge of the Circuit Court penses of suit be paid from the pro­ place of beginning; 221.06 acres of to highly recommend It for the year than heretofore , actjrdin g to of the State of Oregon for the ceeds of sale and the balance be land: Mrs. Mabel Chadwick, secretary. Excepting 2.93 acres conveyed to great good that Is in It.” County of Lane, nnd said order was divided among the owners nnd for A bottle of Krusehen Salts that Entertainment will Include the made nnd dated thia 21st day ot such other relief as Is specified In Ihe City of Cottage Grove; also lasts 4 weeks costs but 86 cents at excepting 3.37 acres conveyed to Browning Amusement company ot April, 1931, nnd the date of the snld complaint. The order of the court directing Lane County; also excepting a Ketels drug store and druggists the Salem. first publl at Ion of this summons service of this summons by the trnct of land conveyed by deed re­ world over. Take one half teaspoon Is the 23rd day of April, 1931. in a glass of hot water every morn­ All process and papers In this publication thereof Is dated June corded on page 602 of Vol. 106 of ing before breakfast. Street car conductor; “ How old proceeding may be nerved upon 11th, 1931, and requires publication the Deed records of Lane County, Attention to diet w ill help— cut tho undersigned residing wltfc'n once each week for four successive Oregon; and also excepting the out pastry and fatty meats— go light are you little girl?” the State of Oregon nt the addres. weeks and the date of the first tract of land described In Ihe deed on potatoes, butter, cream and Small girl; "If the corporation recorded on page 639 of Vol. 100 publication Is June 11th, 1931. i hereinafter mentioned. doesn't object. I'd prefer to pay augar— the Krusehen way Is the C. A. W IN T E llM E IE R , Attorney of said Deed Records. H E R B E R T W. LOMBARD, H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane safe way to lose fat. T ry one bottle full fare and keep my own statls- for Plaintiffs. Resident Eu­ Attorney for Plaintiff. and If not Joyfully satisfied— money County, Oregon. gene, Oregon. I Addreaa, Cottage Grove. Oregon. tlca." back. (J 4-11-18-26: Ju 2) (J 11-18-26; Ju 1 -») Business Directory LEGION MEETING TO BE HELD TONIOHT REFRIGERATOR COME IN NOW for DEMONSTRATION Wright & Sons Fulop’s Dept. Store > SPRINGFIELD OREGON W e e k -E n d S p e c ia ls Here is Your Opportunity to Get Fashion Right Mer­ chandise, Fresh and New, at Prices You Never Dream­ ed Could Be Possible. $1.25 Girls fast color Dresses, latest style and fabrics .................... ......- ..... .. 69c $1.50 Ladies' Wash Dress, good assortment 9 8c $2.25 Nashua Double Sheet Blankets ... - $ 1 .4 8 $5.00 Nashua Double Wood Mixed Blankets .. $ 2 .9 8 $2.75 Gray Wool Mixed Camp Blankets $ 1 .9 8 $1.50 Men’s Khaki Pants ........... ----------------- 98c $5.00 Men’s Dress Wool Pants ................ — $ 2 .9 8 $1.25 Boy's Dress Cap ................................ ........ 6 9c $1.25 Men’s Light Weight Union Suits 8 9c 50c Extra Large Turkish Towels -----....39c 40c Extra Large Turkish Towels....... — 25c $1.50 Full Size Sheets, Heavy free of starch 98c $4.00 - $5.00 Corsets and Corselets .................. 9 8 C $5.00 All Wool Bathing Suits $ 2 .9 8 Children Bathing Suits, sunback -------- 8 9 c 9-4 Heavy Bleached Sheeting, guaranteed for 2 years, Yd. .... .... ............. - ...... 34c 9-4 Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, guaranteed for 2 years, Yd.............. 29c Heavy Bleached or Unbleached Muslin Yd......... XOC All 25c Fast Color Prints ......................... ......... 18c $1.50 to $2.00 Boys’ and Girls’ Sweaters .......... 98c $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies' Sport Shoes $ 2 .9 8 Heavy Men's Work Shoes, Standard Brand * 2 .4 8 $1.50 Men’s Genuine Broadcloth Shirts in all colors ........................ — .............- ....... 98c $1.50 Humming Bird Full Fashion Silk Hose, Special .....— .............. $100 $5.00 - $6.00 Indies’ Silk Umbrellas ...... .. $ 2 9 8 Not In years have prices reached so low a level. Seldom have been able to offer such an assortment of extra-value merchandise. Fulop’s Dept. Store THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD !