THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS No. 23 TH U R SD A Y, JU N E 18. 1931 I W KNTY -MN U IT U YEAR POL UBO REMWNS Rickard Reunion T Will Be Sunday Junior Ball Team RUNS DO DAMAGE Wanted by Legion TO HAY ANO FRUIT LANE PEOPLE HEAR HOMESITE FACTS ? " ‘i, Is Official Caller Many High State Assembly Organization and Practice for Boy»' Baaaball Team» Now Cherry Crop to Be Lightest in Officers Attend Local Lodge Meeting Monday Evening Under Way In Lane Year» Say» County Agent a» Rain Bursts Skin» Mrs. Ethel Meldrum of Mllwau. An effort to enlist tha Interest Family Now Numbers 440 In Western States; To Gather Haaviot Sch». r ' In FI** At Benton-Lane Park Years Polled ». ' *lon at Library Mond». 4, The Rickard klan will hold their % Explanation of Eugene Atti­ tude Towards Roaeburg Given at County Dinner kie, president of the Rebekah as­ of boys In tha American Legion LOCAL MEN AT MEETING unnual reunion at Itcnton latne MUCH HAY NOW DOWN sembly for the state of Oregon Junior baseball competition In Lane ark nest Buuday. June 21, 1931. accompanied by several other high BARBER REMAINS CL. county brought Frank Fasaett of a tie pavilion has been rented for Value of Soldiers’ Home to Eugene to this city last week-end. Moisture will Be Beneficial to officials and visitors, paid her of­ the day and every member Is urged ficial visit to the Juanita Rebekah Any Community Explained Fasaatt. who together with Lloyd Grain Crops, Pasture and Many Smaller District» Elect to be preseut. There will be a pro­ lodge of this city Monday evening.. Terrill, are In charge of the selec­ By Delegates to Capitol Vegetable Gardens New Directors and Clerks; gram In the mornlug. a basket din­ The other officers here for the' tion of the Lane county champion­ ner at noun, with the bualneaa meet­ Rural Balloting Is Light ~ session Included Mrs Easter Bond That Eugene made no tender of ship team, would like to see teams ing following In the afternoon. That Lane county will experience HaJaay war«,en of the asaembly; | a soldiers' home site In lan e coun­ organised Io every community of one of the lightest cherry crops In Votara of Hprlngfleld decided The Itlckard tamllles were and Grace Christensen of Portland, ty until after Roseburg had failed the county If possible. Several several years as a result of the marshal of the assembly, also W. against any change In the person­ among the early plonoers crossing to be named by the veterans' bu­ teams have already been started rains of thia week was the opinion , F. Walker, past grand master of nel of the school buurd (or school the plains arriving In Oregon In reau In three meetings and after and others will very likely be or expressed this morning by O. S. • the I. O. O F . who made a frater­ 1863. Ther i were four brothers, Twenty-year-old Mary Healey of members of the board had express­ ganlsed they stated. district I* at the aiwuul school Fletcher, I-ane county agricultural Casper. Anda. John and I'eter Klck­ Manchester. N H, whose coloratura ed hope that a site would be sub­ They are trying to have each le agent. Mr. Fletcher has received , nal vialt. electlun Monday afternoon and ard. also two sisters, Mrs. Harsh Two members of the Juanita soprano notes have won her two ns- mitted from this locality, was the Hcsncr Lapp th rer tim rt winner o< glon post In the county sponsor a reports at his office from several lodge who now live In Portland, evening. As a result, Dr. W. H. Tracer und Mrs. Christina Beck. tlx annual whealland plowing tontest assertion of T. O. Russell, who team, and they extended a special of tli* leading growers In the coun­ Bullard, preseut chairman of the No member of the first generation Homer d n -e» tlirer h u r te » lu tt c a d ut Mrs. Mlzner and Mrs Cannon, came has been In Washington. D. C„ In Invitation to boys of Hprlngfleld * P a rlo r ty and made a personal Invewilga to Springfield to attend the meeting board, will retain membership as la now living, but descendants of the Interest of the home. Mr. Rus­ to practice with the Eugene team gallon Wednesday afternoon when this klan estend to the fifth gen­ Other visitors were present from sell spoke Wednesday night to a a director, and Clayton F. Ilarber and try-out for places If no team he visited several farms In this eration with 440 members living In Eugene, Cottage Orove. Halsey and meeting of Lane county people at Is started In this city. will continue to serve as school the west and with more than 120 vicinity during a tour arranged to other nearby towns. the Osburn hotel. Those attending To be eligible to enter the com observe the effect of sodium chlo­ clerk for the nest year. members living In eastern slates. Regular lodge work was carried from here Included W. H. Hobbs. petition the boy must be under 17 rate and atlaclde weed killers on on during the first part of the even­ Unexpectedly and unheralded One slater never came west. W. K. Barnell and H. E. Maxey. years of age. Practices are held demonstration patches. ing. and this was followed by a Florence Businessmen Will Be the voters of the city turned out The group was organised In 1926 Mr. Russell vigorously protested every Tuesday and Friday evenings While visiting the farms several ahort program of music and read- for the election In greater num­ and since then a record has baeu Hosts to County Chamber that Eugene had done anything un­ at the University High school field. counts were made and It was found ings. together with a short talk by bers Monday than they have done kept of all members living In the Will Sell Share» to Purchase ethical In submitting a site after Members on June 27 The team will be chosen the latter that approximately 70 per cent of ’ (be visiting president. at any school election for the past weal. There have beoo 39 births. ----------- she had endorsed Roseburg. He Property From Woodman part of this month. Dainty refreshments were served the cherries ready to pick at that five years Many people had for­ 23 marriages and 20 deaths since Members of the Lane County said that Roseburg had failed to Lodge Trust»»», at $10 The winning team In Lane coun­ time had split open, and with fur­ late In the evening. gotten about the electlun until that time. Chamber of Commerce will gather properly qualify ejse she would ty will play champions of Lincoln ther rains It was highly probable their friends remluded them and at Florence Saturday, June 27, for have been named as the home site William Klckard of Corvallis Is A movement to purchase the and Benton counties for the dis­ that the crop would be a total loss BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL their regular June monthly meet-' several months ago. only the election officers realised president. Merl Hewitt of Monroe Woodmen of the World property that a heavy vote was being bal­ Is vice-president, and Mrs. Ilona at Pleasant Hill and the setting trict title, ad the district winners Many orchardlsts were advertis­ PICNIC TO BE FRIDAY ' tng and annual seafood dinner to be The veterans board special com­ will play at Corvallis for the stale ing this week for pickers. The pre­ loted. served at noon on the beach. The mittee Is expected to visit Eugene Kdmlston of Thurston Is secretary aside of It as a permanent picnic championship during the state Am Heavy Vote Cast and treasurer of the group. ground, to be used principally for erlcan Legion convention In August vailing price Is reported to be one- Automobiles Will Teke Children to meeting and dinner will be under and Roseburg about July 1 and A total of 278 voters marked bal | the auspices of the 8luslaw Cham­ make a recommendation as to the Swimmers' Delight Early the annual Pleasant HUI picnic, Is The champions of each state will half cent a pound for picking. lots at the polls at the library ber of Commorce. In Afternoon being launched this week by trus­ play for the national championship There Is no market for the Royal best site. The board, Mr. Russell Monday Ilarber. unopposed fot Ann cherries according to the coun­ The seafood dinner meeting has told his listeners, are determined tees for tha Woodmen organise during the national convention. school clerk, polled 242 votes while ty agent. Members of Eugene Fruit The annual picnic for the Baptist grown Increasingly In popularity! to decide the location on the tlon which bas been disbanded. five wrote In the name of Wro. O. Growers' association are pooling j Sunday school will be held at Swim- , during the past years. The meeting ground, of lhe begt interest of the The grounds, on which tha an­ Hughes for the post. The race be­ theirs with no assurance of pro‘ mer's Delight park near Goshen ! I, purposely held on Saturday so Teterana regardless of political or nual picnic has been held for years tween Dr. Pollard and Vern Dan fitable return. Friday afternoon of this week a c ! that many members of the organl l( prMgUre that may be brought past, was formerly owned by tha lels for the school director post There has ben a fair demand for cording to Rev. R. R. Mulholland, xation can take their families with l0 bear lodge, but when It was disbanded was uncertain until the last few Form» for Liquidation Arrive; a group of men In the community the dark varieties, however. The pastor of the local congregation., them and spend the week-end as In explaining the value of the ballots had been counted after the Proof of Claim» Necessary prices offered before the rains Automobiles will be provided t o . an outing an the ocean beaches In took It over and have been admin­ ' Northwest Soldiers’ home to a com­ election. The vote for each was set In were high enough for the ! take all the children out to th e' that vicinity. istering It as a trust. This group Before Payment» Start munity Mr Russell stated that the tied several times as the ballots Newly elected officers of the grower to realise a fair profit, but park and adults will be there to headed by Ross Mathews. Creswell t venture calls for an appropriation were being counted, but the former would have paid all costs entailed supervise and watch them during | chamber chosen at the annual meet- No date for payment of first divi­ R. F. D. I. are now seeking the of 32.000.000 of which 31.000.000 la finally gained as the last were dends In the liquidation of the organisation of an association Notice I« for Indefinite Time; in the marketing of them. the afternoon. The parents of the (ng held In Springfield In May will immediately available; four hun­ tabulated to win with 141 votes as Commercial State bunk has been which will take over the property All Order» Will Be Shipped; J. O. Holt, manager of the Eu-1 children will gather at the pork for have charge of the meeting. They dred to seven hundred acres of compand to 116 for the latter. announced as yet by Kay I-andon, 7'hey will Issue shares which will Retail Sale» Continue gene Fruit Growers’ association a basket dinner and Ice cream at are: E. A. McCornack, president; land for homes, farm, and park. Swarts to B< Chairman deputy bank examiner In charge he sold for 31 each to anyone who stated that they had been unable 8:30. A program of sports and out- Earl Hill. Florence, vice-president; The first unit will be started Both sawmills of the Booth-Kelly to make many sales of Royal Ann door games will be enjoyed. The present organisation of the Forms for the liquidation have ar­ Is Interested In the perpetuation and A. F. S. Steele, secretary ot with 17 acres of buildings, one of board will continue for a month or rived and the bank force has been of a large Ideally situated picnic Lumber company located at Spring- cherries. Harry Chase. Elmo Chase, and the Eugene Chamber of Commerce. these to be 400 by 400 feet, seven field and at Wendling, also »111 until the neit meeting, according working day and night to get ground. Roy Carlton are on the committee secretary. Hay crops In the county were al- stories high. There will be 1500 camps of the concern will be closed to the chairman At that time C. ready to start payments. to make all necessary a r r a n g e m e n t s -------------------------- A valuation os 3600 has been employees, many ot them high for an Indefinite per “ h“r'' hit by the rains, .U t e . Mr A. Hwarta. now starting the final for the affair. Anyone having extra DR AND MRS REBHAN Before paymeuts are made a no­ set on the property and this much down July 1, 1 Fletcher. Nearly all of the vetch ranking army officers, and practl- year of hla term on the board, will tice to depositors will be publish­ must be subscribed during the next lod according to an announcement room In their automobiles are re-; hay has been cut and Is either VISIT FERRYDALE MAYOR rally all on a high standard of sal automatically become chairman of ed In the newspaper and they will three months or the holders de­ posted on the bulletin board of the quested to notify one of these men In winrows or In shocks, and most ----------- ary. the group. The other member of come Into the bank and make proof clare they will advertise It for sale. Springfield plant Wednesday morn F orm er Springfield M erchant Given T h e Te, erana bureau baa appMca- of the clover hay la down on thei the school board Is F. B. Flanery of deposits by sworn statements. Plans for the Improvement of Ing. The planing mill and the ground. This will seriously Injure LANE MASONIC PICNIC New Title By Residents Alen» 1 tlons from 2300 who seek entrance who was elected last June and who The examiner expects Io publish this property. If the purchase Is shipping departments will operate the Rogue River the quality of the present crop, he POSTPONED ONE WEEK into the home. It Is estimated that has two more years to serve to the notice next week and It will be made, are to tear down the old when necessary to care for orders stated each employe family will number which may be received. The retail complete his term. some time after that that the first Woodman hall which Is In a bad Dr. and Mrs. W. ( . Rebhan and thre<, pgrgong, and that gjj people The rains have, however, had an , Heavy Rains in Mountains Cause office In Springfield will remain Although the vote cast Monday payments out of the money on condition, and erect a residence In Committee to Set Date Ahead twodaughters, Joy and Bobble, re- wf]I T(g(t each Teteran fn the home advantageous effect on the winter was not a record for all elections hand will be made. Its place. Someone would live open as usual. Continued depressed and spring grains and on pasture to Sunday June 28 turned to their home In Springfield, annually thug brInglng 30.000 vlsl- state of the lumber markets was In Hprlngfleld. It was however a late Sunday evening from Grants tQrg tQ , he comnlunlty Bankers and business men gen­ there and rare for the property. lands. Vegetable gardens will great-1 given as the reason for the closing record In school elections for the The fourth annual Lane county Pass where they had spent the ( Anyone wishing to keep the pro­ erally believe the bank will pay benefit from the late preetpita- j The area to be served by the notice. past five years at least. The next Masonic picnic scheduled to have week-end visiting with the mayod of i out eventually a high percentage perty from going Into the hands Just when the mills would start tlon. highest vote was polled last year been held at McCredle Springs re­ Ferrydale and his family. Dr. Reb- M on deposits. The commercial and of a private party Is asked to com operations again Is an uncertainty Farms visited by the weed con-1 The aska. Hawaii, and east to North when 241 votes were cast. A total savings departments of the bank munlcate with Mr Matthews. His depending entirely on the condi­ trol tour Wednesday Included those sort this Sunday has been post­ haa stated that his host. ' and South Dakota. of 221 votes was cast In the elec­ poned for one week, according to Mayor, was none other than J. C. will be liquidated separately. On telephone Is Springfield 33F24. tion of lumber markets, according of Truman Chase, Cal Young, M B. an announcement made by offi­ tion In 1929. and an unusually low McMurray, former Springfield busi­ how good the banka loans are will Harlow, George Morrow, and John to Ralph Martin, general superin­ level was reached In 1928 when cials in charge of the affair. It Is ness man. McMurray has lived In BROTHERHOOD PICNIC depend largely how big the pay­ FIRE SWEEPS ASPHALT tendent of the ooncern. He declined Hardy. Fifty people attended the only 72 votes were cast. One hun­ now planned to hold the picnic at his new location on the Rogue river WILL BE HELD FRIDAY AS RETORT FLUE BREAKS to make any prediction as to when tour. dred and ninety-five voted at the ments to depositors will be. the resort on Sunday. June 28. only a few weeks, but has been this would take place stating that election In 1927. The light vote In Heavy rains which started to fall designated as "The Mayor" by the Swimmer's Delight Is Chosen tor What might have become a serl one person's guess was good as LEGION GROUP TO MAKE 1928 was accounted for by the fact FORMER RESIDENT HERE Event; Gather at Church If in the mountains Thursday morn- 500 residents along the river near that there was only one candidate W ITH POWER GLIDER ous fire was smothered out short­ another. Weather Is Inclement BEACH RESERVATIONS ing caused the committee to post his place. ly after It started near the South Rumors that the Springfield mill­ for each office. i pone the event. W. C. MeLagan. Former Potwer Man ern Pacific depot Friday at 4 pond was to be filled with logs Corvallis Committee Will Handle The annual picnic for the mem- Rural Districts Elect Elaborate plans have been made GUARDSMEN TO RETURN o'clock when one of the retorts In hauled In by truck was unfounded Now Owns and Files Ship for Iteports received from various Arrangements for Outings ZMTW a i r v T T i i c c n a v l>crs of the Men's Brotherhood of for the entertainment of the Ma TO CITY NEXT T U E SD A Y Methodlgt church ant, thelr the boiler used In heating the oil be stated. The Booth-Kelly com Personal Enjoyment school districts In this part of Following Convention sons and their families. A special before It Is transferred to the large pany purchased a few thousand l^tne county Indicates that lutereat train was to have left the Eugene Members of the Springfield Na­ families will be held at Swimmer's W. (’. MeLagan. superintendent pressure tanks bunt and set fire feet of large logs from a mill In was lugging In the school election. Of special interest to lovers of Southern Pacific depot at 8 o'clock tional guard unit now stationed at Delight Friday afternoon and even- The rural school posts are gener­ of the local Mountain States Power to the asphalt. The city fire de­ the Mohawk valley recently. The Oregon's famous beach resorts. Is and stopping at Springfield would camp Clatsop for the annual sum­ tng according to an announcement ally conceded to be thankless tasks company steam nlant until his partment was called and soon had logs were so large they could not the announcement by the 1931 Le­ have picked up many In this city mer military training period will made this week by Dr. N. W. and In some districts It Is quite a transfer to North Bend the first a stream of water which drowned handle them tn thetr own mill. gion convention commission at Cor­ and surrounding territory. The return to this city sometime Tues­ Emery, chairman of the program problem to find anyone whom la of the year, came back to Spring- out the flames. The hot asphalt Most of these have been delivered. vallis that a special reservation train will make the trip next Sun day, according to word received committee for the organixation. In field Monday afternoon In a power- splattered over a large space Rumors that the mill would close service will be offored those visit­ day. willing to serve. here this week. The two weeks' the event that the weather Is not down have been current here for ing the state convention August 6. laurence Gossler was elected di­ mi glider which he has purchased about the unloading tanks. camp period will break up Tuesday suitable for the holding of an out­ The asphalt Is heated to 300 de­ several weeks, always without 7 and 8, for stop-overs In the coast rector at Thurston replacing James for his personal use and enjoyment morning and the troops are expect­ door meeting the affair will be held SHERIFF’S SON WILL lllll. William Henson was re-elec­ lie spent some time flying over grees before It Is loaded Into the foundation. The mills have form communities on the way home Sat­ in the church basement. GIVE LICENSE EXAMS ed to arrive In Springfield on a spe­ The afternoon and early evening the city Monday afternoon and flew tank cars at the place of produc­ erly closed down for a week or ten urday night. The Corvallis chamber ted clerk. cial train about noon. will be devoted to outdoor sports Cedar Flat district 96 elected to 8hedd In the ahlp Tuesday morn­ tion. and must be heated again here days around the Fourth of July of commerce will handle the ser­ Glenn Bown. soo of Sheriff Harry before It can be spread out on for repairs and cleaning, but the vice. James Hart director for three ing. and games directed by Howard L. Bown. has been appointed one MISS LINKLATER LEAVES Mr. Mclagan haa long been Inter­ the pavement where the non-skid shut-down effective July 1. will be Hughes. P. J. Bartholomew and W. years. He was elected to fill the Under arrangements It will be of the examiners to examine appll ON RETURN TO SCOTLAND vacancy acuaed by the death of ested In aviation and airplanes. He surfacing Is being applied. The as­ Indefinite. E. Buell. possible for anyone to make reser­ cants for driver’s licenses for the Dr. N. W. Emery. Dr. W. H. Poll­ Fielding Crump, director at the began taking leasona at the Spring phalt Is pumped out of the railroad vations before leaving Corvallis fot Miss Annie Llnklater who has state motor association. He took ard. Charles Poole, and R. L. Drury time of hla death. Mrs. Joseph field Municipal Airport at the time car Into the heater and then pump­ AUDREY DANIELS GUEST cottages, cabins, hotel accommoda­ a competitive examination at Salem been visiting with her sister. Mrs. ,ee Inman managed the field. Hla ed back Into the car thus raising Hart was re-elected clerk. will be in charge of the refresh­ AT SHOWER LAST WEEK tions or camping privileges at any recently and the appointment was I. Oorrle, Sr. near this city since Two directors were elected In Instructor was Jim MacManlman the temperature of the entire tank ments. and Wm. O. Hughes, L. May of the beautiful resort spots on the announced the first of the week September. 1929, left Wednesday Wsltervlllo school district 67. One who now manages the local field. Miss Audrey Daniels, (now Mrs coast highway between Waldport He left to assume his duties on for Portland, the first stop on her and Dr. R. P. Mortensen will have was chosen to fill the vacancy The gilder purchased by Me- PIONEER RESIDENT DIES charge of arrangements for trans­ and Seaside. It will be possible to Samuel Brown) was guest of honor Tuesday. His territory will Include return trip to her home In Scotland. caused by the resignation of Fran a Lagan Is a duplicate of the one ex­ portation. at a miscellaneous shower given In leave Corvallis late In the afternoon She will visit in Portland and Chl-j the Eugene-Oregon City district, AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Vaughn. The new directors ure Or­ hibited here last summer at the the basement of the Baptist church or evening with the assurance that eago for a few days and will sail on Bown has been associated with his lando Hurdy and John Klckbush. time of the Pacific Northwest Julia A. Collins died at her home June 10 by Miss Helen Mersdorf desired accommodations will be father's office for some time. the Conrad liner. Carmanla, from ROBERT H. NEAT DIES J. H. Devor was chosen to serve Htatea Air tour. waiting at the beach. Assisting Miss Mersdorf were Lois on East Main street Sunday, June AFTER AUTO ACCIDENT New York on June 30. another term aa clerk. The convention committee will 7, after a short Illness. She was Rogers, Violet Oakes. Faye Parsons FORD TALKING FILM Leland Bhrode replaced John COUNTY WILL ERECT arrange Ita llason with the beaches Funeral services for Robert H. born In Illinois on January 4, 1848 Mrs. Mersdorf and Mrs. Daniels King as clerk In Deerhorn dlatrlct through use of the telephone and TO BE SHOWN HERE CASCADE CHAPTER ENDS Neat. 38, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Those present for the evening and came to Oregon In 1886. She BRIDGE AT DEADWOOD WORK FOR SUMMER 86 at the Monday election. Mr. telegraph without cost to guests F. Neat of Coburg, who died at Port Is survived by her husband. E. S. which was spent with games and Springfield people will have an King was elevated to poaltlon of Gamble, Washington, Surndav fol­ Erection of a bridge of some 60 Collins; two sons. Edgar W. of refreshments Include: Mary and Ferry fees at Waldport and New The final meeting of the Cascade opportunity this afternoon and director for three yeara taking the lowing an automobile accident, to 70 feet In length In the Dead­ Springfield, and H. Frank of Loa Eva Louk, Beth Johns, Esther Mc­ port have been discontinued, also, evening to view the much hearlded chapter of Eastern Star before the placo of Del Benaon. were held from the Veatch chapel wood district Is planned by the Angeles; six grandchildren; four Pherson, J udo Geiger, Helen Swarts eliminating that expense on the summer vacation period was held Leaburg residents elected Clar­ talking picture. “A Tour Through Phoebe and Ruth Lee, Evelyn and Waldport-Newport loop. In Eugene Wednesday. The service county court. great-great-grandchildren. the Ford Factory” at the Anderson at the Masonic hall Tuesday even­ ence Elaton director to take the was conducted by Rev. Bruce Grif­ Funeral services were held Wed­ Melba Harris, Nellie Stuart, Faye The Sluslaw forest service will ing. The monthly pot-luck supper Mtors Incorporated garage. The place of Arthur Fraxee who refused fin. nesday afternoon. June 10, from the Parsons, Adallne Perkins. Betty MISSION SOCIETY HAS provide for the placing of the fills film depicts the complete manufac­ for members of the lodge and of re-election. Ham Swafford was Robert Neat was raised at the Walker-Poole chapel In Springfield. Mersdorf, lla and Velma Bartholo­ MEETING ON TUESDAY turing processes Involved In the their Immediate family preceded chosen clerk to replace Charle* for the new span which Is about mew, Mrs. Daniels, Dale Daniels, home of hit parents near Coburg four miles from the mouth of Dead­ Rev. R. R. Mulholland, pastor of production of a Ford automobile the business session. Carter. The regular meeting of the Wo­ the Baptist church officiated and Lois Rogers. Elva Moyer, Violet wood creek. Plans for a summer picnic to be and had lived In Washington for It will play continually from 2 p. m Oakes. Audrey Daniels, and Helen men's Missionary society of the the past two years. He leaves bis William Summers of Deadwood Interment was made In Laurel Hill until 10 p. m. The admission Is en held later were discussed without ALFRED FRE8E TELLS wife, Mrs. Ingra Neat, a daughter. Meradorf. Baptist church was held Tuesday setting a definite date for the af­ district, employe of the 81uslaw cemetery. tlrely free. Margaret, three brothers, George at afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mar­ OF MARRIAGE SATURDAY forest service who will have charge fair. Coburg, Rev. Harry Neat, pastor vin Chase In Chase Gardens. Mrs SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP of the fill work, was here Tuesday AUDREY DANIELS WED TO The marriage of Mias Vera True! of the Lighthouse temple In Eu­ Fred Frese and Mrs. Paul Schiewe RAINY WEATHER HALTS SAMUEL BROWN SUNDAY RE-ELECTS ALL OFFICERS had charge of the discussion period HIGHWAY SURFACE WORK LOCAL GROUP FISHES „son, of Eugene to Alfred P. Frese, gene, and Arthur Neat, Springfield. ANGLERS SAY McKENZIE CROOKED RIVER WATERS He also leaves four sisters. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Froso which was devoted to a study of All officers of the Methodist Sun­ Miss Audrey Daniels, daughter of Work on the non-skid resurfac FISHING BEST IN YEARS of this city was solemnised Satur India and the Indians. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Daniels of this day school were re-elected for an­ A group of Springfield people In­ ing contract on the Pacific high day night at the Baptist church In LIONS NAME FLANERY other year at a meeting of the Sun Fishing on the McKensle river Is city became the bride of Samuel way between Eugene and Wilbur cluding Al Pohl, Ray Nott, his Eugene. The service was read by Runs Fork in Arm day school board held In the church FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Brown also of this city at an tm uncle, and Joel Cowden drove Rev. Bryant Wilson, pastor of the better this season than It has been Miss Jeanette Boyd injured her has been entirely stopped by the prosslve service at tho home of the Tuesday evening. Those chdsen across the mountains during the for many years according to Rut church. right forearm In a peculiar accident rains of the past week. Rain Inter Floyd Flanery was chosen vice- bride's parents, Sunday, June 14. again are Mrs. Wm. Gantx, superln The wedding was unannounced sell Myers, professional boatman at her home the first of the week fered with work of the crew one week-end to try fishing in Crooked president of tho prtngflnld Lions tendent; Sam Bartholomew, assist­ The ceremony was read by Robert river. Some fine fish were taken and proprietor of Myer's Park near and came as a complete surprise to when she ran against a fork tine day last week, and no work has club at their meeting Friday noon. Austin of the Eugene Bible univer­ ant superintendent; Theo Bartho­ friends and relatives of the couple Hayden bridge. Mr. Myers has which penetrated the entire flesh been done this week. It Is neces back, but the fishermen report that He will serve out the unexplred lomew, secretary; Dr. N. W. Emery, sity. It was raining most of the time and taken anglers out on the river at In this city. The couple w*ll make part of the nrm. She Is getting sary that tho surface of the pave­ term of C. K. Kenyon, who died The couple will be at home to treaeurer; Ralph Hughes, librarian ment be dry before the asphalt used they did not spend very many their home In Eugene where Mr, least three or four days each week and Mrs. W. H. Pollard, choir along nUaly now according to her June 7- their friends at Eighth and A hours on tha water. and most of them have caught the tn reeurfaclng be applied. Frese Is employed by a soft drink attending physician. atreeU. limit oatchaa of flu« redsldee. buttling work». Seafood Feed To Be Held On Coast Picnic Site Aim 4/ Pleasant Hill No Date Set For First Dividends BOOTH KELLI 10 SHOT DOWN JULY