PAO B POUR W IL L IA M H A IN ES IN U. S. Army Planes Flying to Defend New York City "JUST A GIGOLO" SHOWS Htsrlinx Sunday the Fox MrDon aid theatre ta presenting William Halner In hla latest movie produr tlosi. “Just a Gigolo," taken from the play •'Dancing Partners.' Hanies la hla uaual bubbling self with an added touch In hla latest picture of a more serious nature. He demonstrates ablv hla ability to portray more than one kind of role and It la said that “Just a Gigolo'' la the beat thing he ha.- done to date. He la supported by C. Aubrey Smith. Charlotte Granville and many other su re who give the young star many a chance to show hla warea. s e e Lew Ayres, who plays the stellar role In "Iron Man.“ the Universal feature which comes to the Fox Mc­ Donald theatre next Friday claims to have learned one thing early in life—It is difficult to do two things at once and be taken seriously in both. Lew Ayres is a good musician He not only plays the banjo, but also the organ and had his own or­ chestra for a season. He made his living from hla music for several A few of the <00 flytng machines which flew down the Hudson River to the “defense” of the metropolis are shown I Upper W illamette J years. s e e A doctor’s patients may be dan­ gerous rivals to his wife, bat what about another doctor stealing her Leaves for Alaska— E. E. Morri­ Camp Out—Mr. and Mrs M B. love? This is the climaxing situation in Huntly spent the past week-end son and son. Gerald, have gone to Alaska to spend the summer “Doctors' Wives." Fox drama com­ out of the city on a camping trip. months. They sailed from Seattle ing to the Fox McDonald theatre Former Resident Here— Ijiurence Thursday of last week. next Wednesday. Roof is visiting friends in Spring- field this week. He formerly lived - Leaves for California Mr. and M arriag e Licenses Issued here. Mrs. James Sutherland and daugh­ ters, Katherine and Betty, of Berke­ During the pest week marriage Visitor at Roseburg — Marion licenses have been granted bv the Adama manager of the Irish Mur ley. California left for their home county clerk to the following phy geed and Grain store made a Sunday evening after having spent Glen Vaughn and Dora Pederson. husiness trjp to Roseburg Wednes- the past week here visiting at the home of Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, Sr. Mr. both of Springfield; Wayne Patter dgy afternoon Sutherland is a cousin of Mrs. son. Lacomb, and Mabel Simpson Creswell; John Morefleld. Monte Goes to Washington— P. M. Gos Gorrie. ment; and Belle Lawton. Eugene, sler left Saturday for Palouse. VI Drive to Ashland — Miss Clara Grant Williams. Gold Beach, and Washington, to visit his daughter Beatrice Watkins. Roseburg; Har- and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ira V .1 Jones and Dallas Murphy drove to Ashland Sunday to meet Mrs. Mur­ old Shortridge, Lorane, and Nettle Simons. phy and her brothers, James and Burton, Eugene; Darwin Burgher. Guests at Hotel—Mr. and Mrs. Delbert, who were visiting there and Maurine Johnson, both of Eu­ H. C. Dye of Portland. W. G. Grant, on their return from San Francisco gene. of Bend and L. W. Cox of Scio, where they had met their sister Oregon, were week-end guests at who was returning from a mission N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE the Sprinefield hotel. ary stay in Africa. Notice is hereby given that by Visits Daughter—Mrs. Emma Ol- Assistant Hostess — Mrs. C. O. virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit »on returned Monday afternoon Wilson was assistant hostess Sat­ Court of the State of Oregon for from Westfir where she spent the urday for a handkerchief shower Lane County June 5th 1931. upon weegend visiting her daughter, given by the members of the Cen- and pursuant to a decree duly u n „ i-n n h errv tral division of the ladies aid of given and made by said Court June Mrs' D E' Langb*'rr>'- 4. 1931. in a suit pending therein the Central Presbyterian church in in which The Pacific Savings & P ic~c on Fall Creek—Mr. and honor of Mrs. Fred Kruse who is Loan Association, a Washington Mrs. Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs. D. corporation was plaintiff and Frank py. Crites, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry leaving soon for Richmond. Vir Pierce, as Executor of the Estate Whitney enjoyed a picnic dinner ginia. s s s s - 1» • « “ — «“ v ’- r were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me direct­ ed and commanded me to sell the real property described therein and hereinafter described, to satisfy the Judgment and decree given In said sul’ V wlU.” on~ Saturd'ay. the 11th day of July. 1931. at the hour of one o’clock P. M. at the southwest door of the County Court House in Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, of fer for sale and sell at public auc­ tion for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law. all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claim­ ing by. through or under them or any of them in or to the following Fall creek, DORA PEDERSON WE d ’ t S UIVIU ULUH IW IIi PUNNED JUNE 29 Come..... with the crowds Woman Hold Final Session Before Vacation; Complete Rose Show Business AND SAVE ON TH ESE Platts (or a picnic, the tentative dale of which has been set tor Tues day. June S. were dlacussed at the regular meeting of the Springfield Women's Civic club at the Com munlty hall Tuesday evening. Thia was the final meeting of ihe group until fail The next meeting will be held early In September. Present plans are to make the picnic an all-day affair to be held at the home of Mrs. Ora Hemenway west of Cottage Grove. Mrs. Hem­ enway la a former realdent of Springfield and waa very active In the Civic club while realdlng here. Transportation plana are being ar­ ranged by Mrs. A. B. Van Valtah All peraons having room for extra passengers are requested to notify her. Also, all peraona who do not have transportation should call her before the picnic. C urtains NEW You just cannot imagine such values in Ruffled Curtain* At W i n t t r B axter and Joan ia n n s tt in “ Doctor's W ives" tbs Fox 39c They are Brier's Star attraction for thie week-end. McDonald next Wednesday and Thursday. A* good a value a* Mr. Brier could find in RUFFLED SCRIM C U R TA IN S during his last buying trip east. ¡ Slate college for the paxl year are STU D EN TS IN RECITAL horn, Io apeiiil Ihe summer vaca AT BAPTIST CHURCH tlon. Mr. and Mrs I'larenee Alford anil Students of Mrs. Clara Tuttle ’ | daughter of Mareola nod Mr. and Fenton were presented In a public Mrs Hadley llosellou und two chil­ recital at the Baptist church Tues dren of Waltervllle spent Sunday day evening at 8 o'clock. A free­ of last week visiting at the home will offering waa taken, receipts of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Alford will be used to defray expenses ot Mrs. llascl Gsburne. the first and two girls to 1«* chosen to represent second grade teacher, has gone lo the local World Wide Guild group Portland where she expects to at the annual Guild house parly Io spend the summer be held at McMinnville in July. Doctor mid Mrs. Ford of San I, Francisco, Cal., were visitors st ihe Colored scrim with mer­ cerized stitched edge to match printed bottom border. Tiebacke. Colors: Rose, gold, blue, green. The picnic la not restricted to members of the club according to The annual Pleasant Hill picnic, Mrs. Wheaton, president of the was held at the Pleasant Hill pic- ciub. Any women of Springfield nlc grounds Saturday June 6. under »ho are Interested In the work of the auspices of the high school. A the organisation are welcome to at SELF-H ELP C LO TH IN G home of Miss Minnie Broil. Thurs­ very good program was given In tend. NEW FOR SMALL C H ILD day. Doctor Ford Is a dentist In the morning There were a great |Hnal business for the year was San Francisco. The Fords are on a Exceptionally many family reunions and picnics trall8acted at the meeting Tuesday Proper C lothing Boon to Mothsra trip to Canada. Teaching Sm all Chlldron to held in the grove at the same hours Affairs of the Rose show held two Lynwood Campbell of Aberdeen, Dress Thsmeslvss Sixteen students graduated from weeks ago were closed. Books of Wash., has arrived to spend a time Pretty DEEP RUF­ the Pleasant Hill high school Tues- the treasurer showed that the at- at the home of his wife's parents, Self-help garments, designed to Mr und Mrs Frank Lovelace. Mrs day June 2. The salutatory was (atr paid it s own expenses this FLE CURTAINS given by Felma Circle and the vale year. The surplus waa so small save time for busy mothers as well Campbell and the two children as encourage habits of self reliance dlctory by Grover Kelaav, Ixiree that it waa decided not to give any came to Coburg some time ago. Some with all-over de­ Laird read the class history. Verna prises for winners of ribbons in the In children, constitute the latest Mlsa Mary Setters of Lamont. thing for the well-dressed three and Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. II. A. signs. Sewed on valance Wiley the class will and Floyd Man- flower exhibit. four year old this year, says Mrs Foley amt Virgil Foley of Browns and tie-backe, for thie ner the class will. The girls sextet ------------------------ - Harriet K. Slnnard. extension spe­ vllle were visitors at the home of really small price sang one number. The address P R E T T Y W ED D IN G HELD which was enjoyed by all was given in c T n iu IIIMF 4 cialist In clothing at Oregon State Mr and Mrs. W T. Bettis. Tues by Prof. Jewel of Corvallis. Be AT T H URSTON JUNfc * college. day. A group of small dresaea and sides bringing a good message to R(jtb LymgB> A - t , Unt Pa. tor, The Kill Kare club met at suits for little tots of this age have the home of Mrs. Albert Granville young folks and parents he kept Becomes Brido of Rev. been designed by Ihe bureau of Tuesday afternoon. June 9 The the audience in laughter through V ic to r H srahixsr home economics. 11. S department afternoon waa spent In embroider out his address. His special advice of agriculture, and several sample Ing and piecing a quilt to the graduates was "'Find that The moat beautiful church wed­ OEPT. STORES thing you would rather do than ding ever held In Thurston was outfits have recently been received by Mrs. Slnnard for Inspection play and do it thoroughly." Visita from Indiana— John Keud solemnized Thursday evening. June The average child of three years rick of Casing. Indiana, spent Mon , Those who graduated were—Fel- 4. when Mlsa Ruth Lyman asalst- ma Circle. Ixiree Ixtird. Margaret an, lHl8tor of Thurston church and Is old enough to begin to dress and day and Tuesday In Springfield undress himself If his clothing Is visiting with Itale Summer at the sen W llls m s tts , Eugen« Shelley, Verna Wtl^v. iris Wal- j|e¥ Victor Hershtxer pastor of the simply designed and without com­ KxKlmunn confectionary. lace. Arlene Mitchell. Floyd Man (.hurch were united In marriage by plicated fastenings. Mrs. Slnnard ney. Grover Kelsav. Wayne Fergu , hf> brlde-9 brother. Rev. W H. Ly- says. Thia Is not only a help to son. Sheldon Stutx. Eugene Peebles, maB Stayto„ w|th the double mothers but the child enjoys It and Prentice Wheeler. Wilson Warring. r)ng cereraony. Mr«. S. E. Stevens develops through It a feeling of I Raymond Hills. Rex Wallace, Ro- from g ugene played the Lohengrin self-reliance. bert Lorenx. wedding march. Mrs. Walter Fla- Among the features of the new I Mrs. Robert Doyle who came cug of Eu(f,,ne sang. “1 Love You garments which Facilitate manlpu home from the hosptal this week Truly." Mrs. Hershlaer entered the latton by small chubby fingers are is quite sick. j church under an arch of fern held few buttons and buttonholes, but | Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker mo- by members of her Bible school where needed, these are large tored to northern California Tues-' c|„88 Little Norma Hart and Betty enough to be easily grasped. Trous ! day to be gone several days. ) Honson were flower girls. The The barn of Mr. H. A. Pontius church wa8 beautifully decorated ers have simple side openings In j s P R IN GFIELD STORE ONLY— 500 M AIN ST. This burned to the ground Sunday. The (be e|ectrlc lights were turned out j "tea<1 " ’ Pontius family was at Elkton on a #nd , be building lighted with can allows the front and back to open j FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Independently, and each button has . visit and had left youngest boy to dleg but one buttonhole. In many cases j do the chores. Neighbors rushed Mra. C. M. Lyman of Eugene waa Super Suds trousers have simulated pockets I Gold Dust to the fire and were able to save matron of honor and Norman Ly- which form drop fronts. the separator. There were no anl- i of Eugene and Donald Davis Large I .arge mals In the barn, but quantities of atlended the couple, the bride was Bloomers tr-us.-rs n mail Pai-kag«' wheat and hay and tome machinery marriage by her mothan ^ X t m lh Sniuli Another Group 79c pRalpk & Stanlca GLEN VAUGHN FRIDAY Visitors in Portland — Mr. and Mrs Wayne clover and daughter. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. June, are spending a week's vaca- Pederson was the scene of a pretty tlon visiting friends in Portland wedding Friday afternoon at 4 aud Seattle. They expect to return o'clock when their daughter, Dora, to gpringfjeid this week-end. was married to Glen Vaughn, son Visits from Portland—Lou Kester of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vaughn. Only of Portland arrived Monday even­ immediate family members and ing to spend some time visiting close friends were present for the with her sisters, Mrs. Alice Lorah ceremony. and Mrs. W. F. Walker. Rev. Ren Hollister of Eugene were deatroyed.__________ 15c 8c 19c „ „ Carl Lyman of Deaver. Colo-. rado. her dress was cream aatln , Hlmpl(. conducted the ceremony and Miss Attends Comm encement — Mrs. * I d and bl,,u-.--< to Julia Pederson, sister of the bride < --------------------------------------- ----- g, she wore a ve o cream ---- 1 and ' carried a large bouquet o f!" ...... .................. match the bloomers and trousers In Shelton's Addition to Eugene. Saturday to attend commencement was the only attendant. Thurston flowers. Mr. Hershtxer Is a gradu- The couple departed for Newport are provided. These may be slip Lane County. Oregon. exercises for her daughter, Lucille * ate of Eugene Bible university thia Dated this 8th day of June, 1931. wbo Kraduated from the southern I after the wedding supper to spend ped on over the sun suits and little ■ t v The Thurston high school held vear and Mrs. Hershlxer is a stu H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. Oregon Normal school Tuesday o f . a short honeymoon. They w 1 make ement exerfl8e9 at the ^ g<> They lan to con. son or daughter Is all dressed up WELLS & WELLS. Attorneys and ready for a trip to town. ' hi* — k _________________________ | th e ir hom e in th l . com m unity. 1 e¥(.n)ng (here „ „ tinue worfc gt tfce R (J 11-18-25; Ju 2-9) Other aids to comfort and free­ a large number of patrons and next year. Their many friends here dom for the youngsters are sleeves SUM M ONS friends in attendance. There were wl8b them much happiness in their D a ily S ta te m e n t o f th« IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE above the elbows, trousers above five boys to graduate this year.1 f„ture, STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE the knees, and no floppy collars. Robert Armltage, Virgil Hanson. ---- ------ COUNTY. Commercial State Bank of Springfield The collars, where used, are sewed Frank La Jole, Anna La Joie, Jamefc George Travis. Benjamin Russel! NOTICE TO CUT WEEDS down, which makes for ease in La Joie and Rosa La Joie and of Springfield, Oregon as of close of business June 6th, 1931. and James Edmiston. There were ,z>c- u c i n Harvey La Joie. Plaintiffs. nine eighth grade graduates from ISSUED BY POLICE HEAD Ironing. Commercial Department : ▼a. Information regarding patterns the three school districts which pf not,ce to property Ellen La Joie. Ed La Joie, Fred La for the new garments may be ob­ Joie. Nellie Redding. Guy Red­ comprise the Thurston high school haye cut we(,d„ Bank Building and Real Estate .....—............. 114,900.00 tained from home demonstration ding, Elsie Chllllson, Ben Chilli- district who were also given their ( ther bnigh op racan, Furniture and Fixtures ...........- .... .. ...............- 3,000.00 agents, or from Mrs. Slnnard at son. Lars Jacobson, Theodore Other Real E s ta t e ... ......... ....... ......................... 5,937.00 d^m as loU owned by them wlth(n the clty Parmeoter, Anna Parmenter, the college. Professor Warren Smith from U RUrted Jn weeh.„ Other Bonds .................. ..... .............................. 23.371.37 Clarence Parmenter. Lottie Gom- har. Tony Gombar, L. D. La Joie of O. gave the address on a teach- of by , njn „ A„. Stocks ...........................................- ...................... 5,950.00 and Busan La Joie, his wife. De­ er’s observation of South America, Liberty Bonds .............. ........ .................- — 2,000.00 dei-son. police chief. fendants. Coburg telling of his trip through the dif­ City Warrants ....... ............. ......... ....................... 8,694.90 To Anna Parmenter. Defendant: The publication Is made In ac- ferent countries of South America. cordance with a city ordinance School Warrants ............................................. — 4.938.44 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ Professor Palmer principal of the which requires that all weeds or The Home Economics club met Bills Receivable .............................. - .......... ...... 79,693.23 quired to appear and answer the Thurston high school presented the Expense ................................................—--------- 4,025.71 tall grass on vacan property must Friday afternoon at the home of complaint filed against you in the 1,309.03 class to the school board. Homer Interest Paid __ __________________ _____ above entitled suit within four be cut between June 15 and 26 of Mrs. Althea Stoneberg. Plans were 549.11 presented the diplomas OrMi or brugh growfnB discussed for the ensuing year. Overdrafts ...............................................— ...... weeks from the date of the first publication which date is June 11. 9,977.68 to the graduates Clifford Harrison and Ben Adair, United States Nat'l Bank. Eugene. Ore. .. on alleys or streets adjacent to 1931. and If you fall to appear or an­ 3,412.93 Marlon Caruther was seriously who have been attending Oregon American National Bank, Portland, Ore..... such property must also be cut. swer for want thereof the plaintiffs 1,172.03 hurt last Wednesday when his team Continental 111., Bknk and Trust Co............... will take a decree against you for 1,355.78 ran away while hitched to a wagon Cash ......................................... - ......................... the relief as prayed for in the com run 9170,287.21 loaded with hay. He is In the Eu-; plaint, that plalntlffa and defend­ Total Commercial Resources ............... ants be decreed to be the owners of gene hospital but plans are being All of the Lot numbered one and made to move him to Portland to all of the northwest quarter of the Savings Department: the veterans hospital. 3 2.312.08 southwest quarter of Section 4, Savings Bonds and Warrants Many from here attended the Township 20 S. R. 3 West of W. M 800.00 Savings Stocks .................. .............. ........ containing 40 84 acres Pleasant Hill annual picnic last: 9.32 Interest Paid Savings Accounts ...»...... ..... All of the Southeast quarter of Saturday. Mrs. Ellen Needham has 22.997 60 Savings Loans ... ................................ — the Southeast quarter In 8ectlon 1. attended every year not missing FRIDAY - SATURDAY 32.40 township 20 S. R. 4 West of W. M Savings Cash .............................- ......... MATINEE one In 46 years. containing 40 acres. Spencer Tracy in 16.99 Savings Accounts Overdrawn .................. All of the west half of the south­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Singleton “Q U IC K M IL L IO N S " $26,168.39 Total Saving Department Resources west quarter of the Southwest quar­ He made a million dollars a \ $196.455.60 are the parents of a daughter born Total Resources ........................... - ..... NIGHTS ter of Section 4. township 2" 8 H on June 3, 1931. year by making suckers of a 3 West of W. M. containing 20 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver, and acres. All of the southeast quarter million people. . . Then love of the northeast quarter, Section 13. 1 Commercial Department Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver and made a sucker of him. $30,000.00 • Capital Stock township 20 S. R 4 West of W. M family and Oeorge Hays motored to On the Stage (F rid a y O nly) 1,000.00 7 containing 40 acres. Surplus .............. - ...................................... ....... Creswell last Sunday and spent the All of the NE quarter of the SW 86.49 y. JOHNNY ROBINSON Undivided Profit Account .................... ...... day with relatives there. quarter and the SW quarter of the and hie 30.00 y Dividends Unpaid ......................................... 8E quarter of Sec. 18. Tp. 20 S. R Miss Mildred Price Is spending VA R SITY VAGABONDS • Time Certificates ....................................... ....... 22,897.53 3 West of W. M. In Lane County. I a few days at Burns with her sister, SUNDAY Coming 31.00 1 Oregon containing 80 acres. Demand Certificates ................. Mrs. Arch Shough. In the proportions as specified In 96,682.04 William Haines in Individual Deposits ... ............... ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant en­ the complaint; that said premises 1,450.43 “JUST A GIGOLO” Cashiers Checks ............. .................................. All Depositors be sold by a referee In partition joyed a visit last week from their Mondays Ravivai 38.08 Long and Short ....................... ................... and that the attorneys fees and ex of the ( sisters, Mrs. Frost, Mr. Grant’s Norma Shearer In • ♦ penaes of ault be paid from the pro­ Bills Payable .................................... 14.196.94 merclal State sister, and Mrs. Overly, Mrs. “LET US BE GAY" ceeds of sale and the balance be 105.00 Certified Checks ........................................... Bank will be Grant’s sister. divided among the owners and for Wednesday and Thursday— 178.27 Exchange ............................................................... admitted Free such other relief as is specified In Jay Grant left Sunday for Mc­ WARNER BAXTER In 2.994.93 Interest Received .............................. „.............. to this thea­ said complaint. Kenzie bridge where he has em­ “DOCTORS' WIVES" 596.60 The order of the court directing | tre u p o n Rent Account ....................................................... ployment In forestry work for the Is a doctor’s beautiful showing of service of this summons hy the i $170,287.21 Total Commercial Department Liabilities summer. publication thereof is dated June a bank book patient his wife’s to doormat1. 11th. 1931. and requires publication ! Department: Mrs. Lum Mays and son, Frank worst enemy? This offer weC .k .e , «