T 1 I U R 8 D A Y , J U N E 11, 1981 ANYONE I »EMI It I NG g,H„| rich Ji-rauytlu.-riiaey m ilk pi»««« phono Hprlugfleld 1V6. morning or evening. Je I n THE N O T IC E 1 0 C R E D IT O R ! N olle« 1« hereby given that Iowa I. ('rom p, ‘; adm lnlstra 29 acres. In Section 28. T o w n ­ A ttorney-«t-Ijaw 14,h dav of Mav 1931 1 ,o r ,he Estate of W . B. Cooper. ship 21 South Range 3 W eat I^)«t publication the l l t h day of deceased. M a ry E. Denton. Lasells C ity H a ll Building W M „ louie County. State of June 1931 I S te w a rt et al. were defendants; Springfield, Oregon Oregon. M A R T H A K A L D O R . E xecutrix. whl<,h »««cuUon was directed to Yon are fu rth e r notified th a t O O R D O N W E L L S , and J B. ' mp nn*’ to sp" ln j said J L. C u lver has paid taxes the m anner provided by law the on said premises for prior or sub­ I ’F O U T S . Attorneys. M iner Building, Eugene, Oregon. lands herein described, to satisfy FRANK A. DE PUE sequent year«, w ith the ra te o f In­ M. 14-21 28. J. 4-11. the Judgments therein specified terest on said amounts as follows: A T TO R N E Y A T LAW Now therefore, pursuant to said Yenr's tax. 1927— Date paid. Nov. command. I w ill on Monday, the N O T A R Y P U B L IC N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 12. 1929; T ax Receipt No. 328R9; 6,h day of July, 1931. at one o'clock N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that Sutton Springfield 5 Amount, *5.17; Rate of Interest. In the afternoon, at the Southwest the undersigned has been appointed 112% per annum. or main entrance to the County Oregon Building Year's tax. 1928— D ate paid. Nov. A d m in istratrix of the estate of Ferd Courthouse In Eugene. Oregon, of­ 6. 1929; T ax Receipt No. 38269; l ’orker, deceaaed. by the County fe r fo r sale a, public auction and Amount. *4.78; Rnte of Interest, Court of Lane County. Oregon. All sell to the highest bidder for cash, r ™ ^ ^ m p t .o n '« 12% per annum. Y e a r’« tax, 1929— D ate paid. No7. estate are required to present them by law , all of the interests of all 6. 1929; T ax Receipt No. 35907; w ith the proper vouchers to the the defendants in said suit in and Amount, »5.06; Rate of Interest, underalgned at the law offices of to the follow ing described lands. n l ’ i * J ? "'“ * ’ « l ’32‘” «Ituated ln Lane County. Oregon: 12% per annum. Said I I . T. M elllen ae the owner Building, Eugene, Oregon, w ith in to w lt: FUNERAL DIRECTORS of the legal title of the above de­ six months from the d ate of this Beginning a, the N o rthw est cor­ scribed property as the same ap- notice. ner o f the Jomes H . M cF arland * D A T E D at Eugene, Oregon, this Ix-iiYs of record, and each of the W ife don. land cl. No. 58 In Town 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St. other persons above named are 4th day of June. 1931. ship 20 South. Range 3 W es, of R U T H P A R K E R , A d m in is tra ­ 62-J 62M hereby fu rth e r notified th a t J. L. W illa m e tte m erid ian : and running Culver w ill appty to the Circuit trix of the E state of Eerd Parker, W es, on elnlm line 39.45 chains to I ^t' t' 1 1 H < ' i 1 Court of the County and State section line between sections 20 F ull Auto Equipm ent aforesaid for a decree foreclosing P O T T E R * B A IL E Y A ttorneys for and 21, thence N orth on section Estate. the lien against the property above Lady Aaalatnnl line 25.25 chains to the quarter (J 4-11-18-25; J ly 3) described, nnd memtlonod In said section corner, thence East 19.98 ce rtific a te And you are hereby chalnR to the Northeast corner of summoned to appear w ith in sixty N O T IC E O F G U A R D IA N ’S S A L E L o t 2 In section 21, South 6.37 OF LAND davs a fte r thp firs t pnblteotlon of chains to the N orth line nf the John Notice Is hereby given, th a t by Cochran It W ife don. land cl. No. this summons, exclusive of the dav of snld firs , publication, nnd de­ virtu e of a license granted by and 55 In said township, thence East fend this action or pay the smonn, order Issued out ot the County on claim line 64.84 chnlns, thence due ns above shown, together w ith Court of the State o f Oregon, In South 9 chains to the ralltoad right costs r.nd accrued Intereat. nnd In and for Lane County, on the 1st day of way of the Southern Pacific Com­ cane of your failu re to do no, a of June, 1931, authorising me, as pany. thence South 28*’47' W est decree w ill he remdered forecloa- guardian o f the estate of Ix>ra along said rig ht ot way 28.38 chains Ing thp Hen of aald taxon and coata M arte Ryan, a m inor, to sell at to the center of the Coast Pork n rnlnat the land nnd premlaea private sale the follow ing described R iver, thence along the meanders of lands belonging to said m inor; I said riv e r to Its Intersection w ith the above named. This summons Is pnhljshed by w ill on Monday, the 6th day of East line of said claim No. 68 and order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- July, 1931, and th e re a fte r u ntil thence N o rth on said line to the worth. Judge of the C ircu it Court sold, upon the premises and a t my place of beginning; 221.06 acres of of the State of Oregon fo r the residence, 346 Grand St. N o rth In la n d ; Excepting 2.93 acres conveyed to County of I.ane. and said order was Eugene, Oregon, o ffe r for sale nnd made nnd dated this 21at dav ot sell to the party o ffe rin g the most the C ity of Cottage G rove; also T h e Now Shield shape A pril. 1931. and the date of the therefor In cash, all o f the N o rth ­ excepting 3.37 acres conveyed to Ixtnaes made In 8oft- firs t pnhll -allom of thin aummona west fourth of the N ortheast q uar­ Lane County; also excepting a U t e Shad > 2, reduce te r of Section 16, In Tow nship 16 tra c , of land conveyed by deed re ­ Is Ihe 23rd day of A pril, 1931. All process and papers In Ihla South, Range 9 W est o f W illa m ­ corded on page 502 of Vol. 106 of «lare. proceeding m a r be served upon ette m eridian ; forty acres, more o r! the Deed records of L an e County, the undersigned residing w lth 'n less. In Lane County, O regon; sub- O re g o n ; and also excepting the Ihe Stain nf Oregon at the addreaa Ject to the approval of and con- tra c t of land described In the deed flrm atlon by said Court. recorded on page 639 of Vol. 100 h ere in a fte r mentioned. E N ID E. R Y A N , G uardian of of said Deed Records. H E R B E R T W. LOM BARD, O P T O M E T RI7"T Estate o f L ora M a rie Ryan, a H . L. B O W N , S h e riff of Lane Attorney for Plaintiff. 1 4 W c A T B TH A V I M inor. , County, Oregon. Addreaa, Cottage Grove, Oregon. (J 4-11-18-»: Ju 1) (J 4-11-18-25: Jn 3) A23 30-M7-14-21 28J11-1* Business Directory NEW S 55 Lbs. M ay, Jo Lana Putman. Perfect Attendance fa r V a a r — La Moyne Black, Peart H a lte r brand. M arjo rie Johnson. A ttendance— Six W eek«: Wood- row Bates. Kenneth Cox, Law rence Uhase. Roy C randall. How ard F ritts , How ard NeahltL Jack I ’ader- son. W illis Foote. B arbara Barnell. La Moyne Black. Pearl H elter- brand. M a rjo rie Johnson. Frances Keeler. Jean l-ouk. Delores Nice. Drucile Dgelvle, Jo Lana Putman. W llm ln a Spriggs, M ildred Tuhy. K a th ryn Bishop. Eighth Grade Perfect A ttendance fo r V eer — C la ir Hadley. Charles Cole. Irv in Durr, F ra n k lin W ardlow , Dick W rig h t, Essell Adame. Attendance— Six W eeks: Charles Cole. Irv in D a rr, Charles M axw ell, Edw in M ille r, Dlsque Sm ith, Ray Sm ith. Allen Sneed. Carl Steven­ son, Antone U ehytll, Kenneth W a lk ­ er, Woodrow W are, F ra n k lin H a r low. Dick W rlg b t, James Gott, C la ir Hadley. Essell Adams, Lorna Chase W in ifred F ranz. M argaret J a rre tt, l«ois Johnson, La Verne Pugh. Viola Robertson, Joan Seavey, Edna Severson. Faye Squire«, Ruth S tra t­ ton, I-ora T h u rm an , Doris W orley, M ary Young. Scholarship— E ighth Grade E x ­ am ination«: Charles Cole, Irv in D arr, Dlsque Sm ith Ray Sm ith, Allen Sneed, Keuue>h W a lk e r, Eu­ gene Mae Leah. Lucile Da via, M a r­ garet Hoack. Olga H rynchuk, M a r­ garet J a rre tt. Velm a Peddlcord, Edna Severaon. 1225 Juno Mulholland. Poggy W right. «on. Janlor Stelnkauar. Loulaa Attendance— Bob Adams. Bobby Cowden June Bar« Jsannlna With­ Bennett, Donna Oene Erneet. Billie ers. Altce B afta H ack. Goorge Horton. Ruth Phair. Perfect Attendance fa r Y ear — Poggy W rig h t, Raymoo Bainbridge. tamtae CoglU. M ary F rltte. Bernice A lbert C lark, Ethel Ruth Fulop. D'Quinn A rth u r H lcke, June M ulholland. Sixth Grade Louise Stlckel. Schelerehlp C lara Brooke, ftadle Perfect Attendance fer Y ear — Gott. Ethel Oott. Ada Johaeon, Bob Adams. Ruth Keeler, B ernier Sm ith. Ralph T h ird Grade Hickm an, C liffo rd Hornberger. Hoy S c h o la r s h ip — Dallas K night. Eu Steele. L illia n Putnam. gene Fnlop. Chester Schleve, Jim Attendance— Dale C arto n, Heesle O arner. W anda Bursh. Cox. Jean Danlele. Sadie Oott. A ttendance — W anda Bursh. Ethel Oott, Ralph H lrk m a n . Clifford Em m a Lou Stratton. Hasel Keyes, Hornberger. Jennie Jarkaon. Neal Jim m ie S tarr. A rth u r Prochnow. Pederaon, H a ttie Clark, L illian Dallas K night. E arl How ard. Gladys Putnam. C lara Brooks, Ruth Keelar, Peerson. M arlon Phair, James Bon Bernice Sm ith, K arl House. Mar ner. Chester Schteeve. Delbert Jorle J olllff. Koch. Dalton Horton, Eugene Fu Perfect Attendance fo r Y ear — lop. Resale Cox, Jean Daniela, Clifford Fourth Grade Hornberger. H a ttie Clark. Scholarship— E lla Brooks. Peter Seventh Qrede Chase. B illy N esbitt, Paul Nott. Scholarship— E lm er Chaos, Ros­ R oberta Patm an. M ildred B illin g s .' Attedance — Ja u n lta C h ap m an .1 coe Cole, Floyd Green, M argaret M ildred Billings, A lice C lark. Mar-1 Meek. Lola W ilson. Geneva Wycoff, Attendance — Bernice Bar no« tin D arr, W a lte r L axtoa, Robert E lm er Chaae, Roscoe Cole. Gordon Putm an. C'armell W addell, Frank G ille tt. Floyd Greon, M argaret Bennett, E lla Brooks. Clarence Meek. Stephen Rice, Ixris W ilson, C lark. M argaret H ornberger, Paul Geneva W ycoff. N o tL Harold T ro tte r. Perfect Attendance for Y ear — Perfect Attendance for Y ear — M argaret DeVoe M eek. Clarence Alice C la rk , B etty C u rrie, P a u l« C lark, U lla W eight, Roecoe Cote, Nott, H aro ld T ro tte r. Geneva W ycoff F ifth Grade Scholarahip— H en ry Chase, Edgar < T ro tte r, E m il U e h y tll, Tom m y Uch- y tll, Frances Cornell, V a le ria Koch, : W e n e tta N e e t. Attendance— H en ry Chase, Floyd Cornell. James H ebert, Robert S B R A T T A IN 8C H O O L Keenan. W ilb u r McPherson, W e s -' F irst Grade ley Robertson, Edgar T ro tte r, Tom- : Scholarship— B etty Pat A ld rich, my U e h y tll, M axine V alu er, Teddy ' Butty Jean Jacobson, Tom m y Tho ­ W rig h t. Haxel Hicks, Fern Cornell, | mas. Junior Peeraon, Beulah M a r­ Frances Cornell, Is y l Keeler, V a l­ tin. M ary Alice Bartholom ew . eria Koch, M argie M ulligan, W an- Attendance— Betty Pat Aldrich e tta Neet, Jane Phsdr. W y e tta Botty Jean Jacobson, Beulah M a r­ Spriggs. T h e lm a W illia m s Lula tin. Lola Phair, Genevieve R o bert­ Johnson. V irg in ia Hlcka. son, Claire T ro tte r, Cleona M axey Perfect Attendance for Y e a r — M ary Alice Bartholom ew , How ard H enry Chase, James H ebert, Edgar I Carrels, T o m n y Thomas. Junior T ro tte r. L ula Johnson, Floyd Cor-1 Peerson. V ic to r Evonuk, T ho rvald nell. W esley Roberteon. Frances Johansen. Austin M cColl, Helen Cornell. Sixth Grade Bonner, Boyd Fish, F rilts Smitson. Scholarahip — Dale Robertaom, I Perfect A ttendance for Y e a r — Louisa Cowden. Jean Lloyd, June H ow ard Carrels. Berg, H a ze l N esbitt. Second Grade Attendance — M ervln M ulligan. Scholarship— Bob Adams, John Carrels, D orothy Flanery. E th el Scott W rig h t, Ila Putman, J e a n ; Ruth Fulop, Donna Gene Ernest, Lloyd. Louise Coglll, Dale Robert- 1 INCLUDE CALIFORNIA IN YOUR TICKET EAST See Ihe SPECIAL EXHIBIT •AT' « Anderson Motors. Inc. Garage Thursday, June 18, Freni 2 P. M. to 10 P. M. A D M I S S IO N FREE See and Hear THE TALKING PICTURE CA Tour Through the Ford Factory Thousands of people from all over the world visit the Ford plant every year. Now this vast industrial organization is brought direct to you by an in­ tensely interesting Talking Motion Picture. Come and see where and how America's most popular motor car is built. Only when you see and hear how efficiency, economy and crafts­ manship have been put into volume production can you realize how so much extra value can be given in the Ford car without increase in price. Special Showing of Latest Ford Cars And Many Trucks Don't miss the new Ford De Luxe Body Types. Distinctive in line and color. Smart in their new appoint­ ments. Rich and luxurious in their interior trim and upholstery. You will be interested, too, in the rea­ sons why so many manufacturers and stores have chosen the rugged Ford truck and the swift Ford de­ livery cars. Anderson There are many other features on display that in themselves make this Special Ford Exhibit well worth a visit. You will learn about the safety of the Triplex shatter­ proof glass windshield, t h e strength of the sturdy Ford steel- spoke wheels, the comfort of the Houdaille double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers, and the brilliance of the Rustless Steel. Motors, Springfield, Oregon Inc. I o u pay a few dollars more to go East through C a lifo r­ nia than to go direct. But see w hat those few dollars buy! C a lifo rn ia . . . the South­ west . . . the picturesque O ld South. T h e n , i f you wish, a d elig h tfu l ocean voyage fro m N e w Orleans to N e w Y o rk , w ith meals and berth includ­ ed in your ticket. O r you can continue East by train fro m N e w Orleans. Return on any n o r th e rn lin e , a n d y o u ’ve completely circled the U n ited States. Y o u ’ve seen more o f the U n ited States than you could see on nearly any other ticket. N o m atter w hat your east­ ern destination, we can in ­ c lu d e C a lif o r n ia a t o n ly slight additional cost. Sum­ mer fares are now in effect. Let us help you plan. fvi*' oncuuL. . Southern Pacific C A R L O L IO N , Afa nt