FREE MOVIE SHOWS FORD other units III which by-product« STATE CHAMBER TO TALK are recovered to the extent of mil PROMOTION AT MEETING AUTO PLANT OPERATION lions ol dollar« annually. I ubllihed Every Thursday at Springfield. U n c County, Oregon, by THE W ILLAMETTE PRESS H K MAXEY. Ed.tor £ ¡TE \ 77?. Stcn-cf ¿y g>.77? Sound Motion Picture Fsaturs of Exhibition Arranged By Local Dealer Throughout the picture one »«>.■ . literally mile» und mile» of con veyors which lake inucli of tin manual labor off Ihe Imcka of no u There are conveyor» carrying hew ly arrived material» into Hie plant, other» taking pnrta from one build Ing to another, and. of course, the filial aaaemMy lino, that famoti» conveyor on which the part» are pul together Io form Ihe completed car. I l l addition to the picture, there will be a representlillve line of Fool curs anil hacks and dlsplui boards containing cur and tiuck pari». The cur» alone are well worth a vl»lt for they Include body type» to »ult any taste and to muni any occasion. Particularly attractive are hie de luxe cars In which up holstery uppoInllneiHs are of a kind and quality usually found only In more expensive automo bllea. All the body types are featured by the Fords new beauty of line and color. The deep radiator, hie wide generous fender», and hie graceful »weeping line» of (lie bodle« contribute to u pleasing whole. The car» may be obtained In u variety of color combinations I Hi m i tor» of hie Hluti' Cliamlier i nimoiiii und hie uiomlier or- uiilviiholis urs gathering at the Mull iitnuh hotel in Portland today l i dtarUKs mil»lile« of Ihe slats lieily din Ing Ihe nsxl year. Bpselal emphasl» Will be plaeeil on land »i-hltmeni work which hua proven ,eiy i-ffschvs during the past ysar Efforts will a I so lie made to work ■ml means of creating gresler uae of iiii'cmi farm and maiiufa, lured print li eta. Tin- meeting will he altMdsd by a laige number of l*orhand bust- lie»» Isudnr« and by member« of tin- Portland I'humber of Coin- meres A sound motion picture graphic­ ally portraying the »lory of the Ford Motor company and Its wide M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE spread activities will be exhibited Cne Year In Advance __ — 11.76 Three Month« 75c SECOND INSTALLMENT I "No—Oil, no- oh. feed the plnto- rommodated you. by killin' Nate, free of charge In a special Ford Six Mont ha ............. ....- ........ »1.00 Single Copy . 6o The Kid'» name w«« Bob Reeve«. •>' did not want to kill. If he I and the pinto down Io the stable they did not see him draw his gun. Through the b\>rd Factory" will _ but the little womau . Jumped and show the gatherlug of raw mater- good advice in his address before the session of the state stayed home he would have to carry |v vos he led behind the s t a b le .______ on his father s feuds. so he headed bach |B there. Pecoe snorted caught her baby up agalnat her iula. their arrival at the Hogue grange. Agriculture is the greatest business in the world his horse. Pecos, northward and .. , . . . . . . . .. , . ... . Nate Wheeler, who “ I*'“ «*- bu* lu *• s‘and- “» fUht breast at the shattering roar of I lain In Dearborn. Mich., and the and is the basis of all our prosperity. We must learn to encountered drew his .45 and fired Just as Tiger No use having him out ill sight the kids shot. numerous Interesting stages patronize it more. In this regard Mr. Hulet says: Eye did. The Kid didn't want to not In a country where the nester» "That's to earmark yo'all so through which they pasa In the pro- GOOD CROWD ATTENDS kill Nate, only to cripple him. but hollered "Draw, you coyote!" and white folks'll know and walk wlde,ceaa of maklug Ford ears und FINAL LEGION DANCE “The farmer has been accused of being a large user of agricultural substitutes. It is the truth that hurts. Let us Wheeler dropper! from his horse then started popping It right to you. of a skunk, drawled the kid. aa the trucks. It Is. In short, an education A good ahemlnuee was reported look close at home and see if we can not do a great deal, Babe Gamier came riding up without waiting to see If yo'all were tall man clapped a hand to his head In the extent and meaning of mo- at tin- Amerlean Legion dance at Wheeler was a "nester." he said, going to draw "And that’s for splttln' on the dern volume production ourselves, to bring agricultural prosperity. What Oregon Thuratnn hull Saturday evening. Fvc 'iode’ ‘he rolling mill In which road to success. direct sunrays. Her face was white cab,n door und opelwd tt whl|e , he | Pete Gorham, with the blood trick ‘he long bars of white hot steel are YOUNG WIFE, AFRAID TO EAT, LIVES ON SOUP “The farmer that refuses to patronize and standardize and her mouth was grim riders were still at the gate ling down each side of his neck reduced to definite ilaea. Forty agriculture, refuses to study market conditions, refuses to He knew there was murder In ' ..Men a • the gristly tope of hla ears that ( “ ol1 ‘° serve a definite purpose, are »oup for 5 iiionih». Then I tried Ad yoal «on t want em stood out against the black brim "••*»* In the Ford car and truck. to help his condition, refuses to follow his product through the message—for the man who had lerlku and now I eat mo»t anything "Oh. let 'em come," she auswer- to market and to see that the consumer is satisfied, is a shot her husband. of his hat. The picture shows also the manu- without miy gas." Mi» A. Connor ed wearily. "They can't do any Adlerlka rellei,-» alontach gas In menace to agriculture “ Once more the kid was running facture of glass in an endlena un A bleak sense of being somehow- more damage They've got Nate— -------------- ♦-------------- away, but he was not taking anv , broken strip, a process developed 1 • la on BOTH upper tricked by circumstances swept they ought to be satisfied w ith - -- K . .. . »nd lo w e r bow el, re m o v in g old pol AFTER THE DEPRESSION - WHAT? more time than was necessary He oy Ford engineers; the machine wa„ „ >lH, n,,v,,r kllww over the kid. It wasn't fair. He was­ that .. , , „ was In the saddle and waiting, «hops In which parts for Ihe car there Don't fool with medicine We are indebted to Rockwell Smith, a real estate man of n't a killer, he hadn't wanted to „ , kill, but a man lay dead because i d „resentlv the kid saw her face 1 Paring forth, when he heard the «re manufactured; the pressed which clean» ouly I ART of bowel», Van Nuys, California, for the collection of certain facts of the kid's bungling shot. dea(J whtt(? , he fIare of , mBtch' cabin door open, saw a dim shape »‘«**1 building with Its gigantic . »»»■ r . •• »•»-»•»•<•• ft »SS»»» US'»« I about financial depressions in the past, which should be and ths coks ..................... oven» anti Shoah funny. Bab,- Garner being she was drawing across the lamp Th’ " "ni’,h' r' *nd ‘ ,,er “ | ,:f all K,tM. Klanery's Drug Store valuable in predicting the future. Mr. Smith went through right there close where he could wick. a minute one more, a file of newspapers back to the 1850's and finds these facts: see and hear the whole thing.) The riders stopped outside the Afraid of him, the way they act Never needed any explaining—Just cabin and some one whistled a ca ll: *‘d- Afraid he would hide outside , There was a business depression In 1857 lasting twelve months. took it for granted the kid only did —but it was not the night-bird call. in ‘he dark and P*ck ‘hem off one There was a business depression in 1869 lasting eight months. what he had to do. Never said a Babe Garner had taught the kid. a‘ “ time as they came out. That's There was a business depression in 1873 lasting thirty months. word, either, about that poor shoot- Different. This was the first strain »bout their notion of what a Texas There was a business depression in 1884 lasting twenty-two months. of that old war song, "When John- killer would be like. That was , in<- There was a business depression in 1887 lasting ten months. Getting Wheeler on the pinto, ty- nv Comes _____ Marching Home.” The ; “bout the way they would fight There was a business depression in 1893 lasting twenty-five months. ing him on with his own rope—like kid's ltps puckered thoughtfully Pete Gorham, anyway. Now he There was a busines« depression in 1903 lasting twenty-five months. TLcti w - » httsin,-'- ,!,i- ■ - - i in 1307 lasting nearly twelve toting a deer out of the hills along an Careful digging practice* are also "The moral of the fable was, ‘Greed usually results in of its economy in operation at our low rates. man, klnda. She grabbed the baby’s ( baby In her arms, stopped rocking ! important In keeping down the the loss of everything.’ i arm down and turned away quick, and turned her anguished eyes up- number of number two tubers "That night when I went to bed I could not sleep. Tbe and sat down on a rocking chair on the tall man. “He’s l>e<-n awful 1 caused by mechanical Injury, Jack- See your dealer's stock of electric ranges at o n c e -th e rt is a style fable kept running through my mind. First thing next morn­ and started moaning and rocking, ( nice and accommodating, Pete Gor- man gays. ing I telephoned my broker to sell nte out. It happened the baby’s face pressed so close i ham.” j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and size for every family. that the stock went up a few more points, but a couple against her shoulder that Its little “Accommodatin'!” The tall man Collects Bounty_Bud Klntzley of of weeks later It dropped like a shot. I was very lucky, and I stubby nose was flattened and it 1 snarled the word like an oath. Fall Creek collected a »10 county had sense enough not to think I had been smart. You can kicked like u calf a' the branding | "Prob'ly one of the Poole's new bounty on a cougar at the office 1 fire, trying to get loose. Texas killers they shipped In! Ac-' of the county clerk Monday. hat that 1 am done with speculating forever." En'eied a* aernnd clan» matter. February Ï4. 1903. at the poatofflce. Springfield. Oregon D E L IC IO U S ! Cooling! Satisfying! pa 'Í nt Í no ecoNl M Y o u p u t 75c in th e can . . . J you tak e out big savin gs every year A N Y HOME OWNER C A N DO IT! F G G I M A N N ’Q Wright & Sons »PPI I f T < a k e t h e w h i t e s o f e l e v e n e f jf js .e * iH o u n la in S la te s P o w e r C o m