THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FINAL HONOR huL. Council Amends Old Sidewalk Act t ---------- On Job for Jobless "A" Street Become* Stop Street at Intersection With Many Student* Finish Work Fifth, Efficetive Now With Perfect Attendance Record* for Final Term An amendment lo Ih« present «Idewalk ordinance ut ih« city pro- SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED villini (or tlii< construction of wood SCHOOL ELECIIDN 10 BE ON MONDAY B an k C losed W ith EXPLOSION KILLS $ 1 9 6 ,4 5 5 R esources ¡WO MEN Pollard and Daniel* Seek Di­ rectorship for Three Years; Barber After Clerk Post Commercial Bank in Hand* of State for Liquidation; C. John Poulson, Portland; and E. Kenyon, Cashier, Suicides Sunday; Date William Combs. Eugene Not Set for Deposit Payments Meet Instant Death WILL VOTE The total resources of the Commercial State batik, WERE BLASTING ON ROAD which was turned over to the state banking department to liquidate Saturday, was >196,456.60, according to a state- Martin Swenson Seriously In- ment issued today by Hay 1-andon, deputy state bank ex- jured; Was Only Eye-Wit- aminer, In charge. The bank's failure to open Monday and ness; Investigation Held the suicide of C. E. Kenyon, deposed cashier, Sunday after- noon shocked Springfield people beyond anything the c ity (tool| the of ,w0 men and has experienced before. ously Injured a third Wednesday -------------- AT LIBRARY ••o sidewalk» wan passed at the Last Days of School Devoted to Examination* and Vari- OUS Class Picnic* No. 32 SPIUNGEIKLD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 11. 1931 TW ENTY EIGHTH YEAIl uf «•- »'»"P ama|,d>d lir(llliwil„ provldM wooden aldewalka may be hull! In certain localltl«« where F C Crouton, acting chairman o the conatrucllnn of cement walk« ,bt Goovei Unemployment Com would require large dirt (Ilia, the miaaion, 1» to iaaue report toon, expnnae of which would he pro- hlblllve at the preeent time, The ordinance appllea principally to walks adjoining varloua properties j (,u both aide« of Mill street The i All Legal Resident* Entitled to Cast Ballots; Light Vot­ ing I* Prediction for Day Rev. Jcste C. Shull, of Virginia, r • _______ Three persona will seek election It related closely to 65 minister*, mostly Presbyterians. Hprlngfleld public achmila con to school hoard offices at the an- i luded tlielr year’a work Friday of nuul school election to tie held at ____ , _ - Bank Examiner A. A. Schramm afternoon on the highway con­ laal week Muiiy of the classes hold the library Monday, June 15, be came to Springfield Saturday from struction work being done by Har­ lng picnic» <>n the varloua laat ilaya tween the hours of 2:W> and ,7:00 Salem and took charge of the bank man and Tittle, sub-contractors, during the term, and larger group« The candidates arc: Dr, W. H Poll after the close of business. He from the State highway com m is- aucli aa the high school, uud the ard who seeks er-electlon as di­ made effort, to have Springfield wb„ bave , be rontract for Junior high avliool which each held rector for three year«; V, J. Dan­ and Eugene bank, take over the Kradln(f work (|n , he Vlda Nimrod upprovul of th * atreet romniltlfMi group picnic«. iels. also candidate for director; i Commercial State bank but due to portion of the road. ■— — — Taking llie honor llata puhllah.el I n iiMceaaary before* any wooden and ciayton Barber, lone candidate Gift of 42 Volumes of Miscel­ the oeath of Mr. Kenyon, who ctit The dead are John Poulsen. 35, walk« may he built Committee Appointed to Con In thia laaue of the New« ua a cri­ for school board clerk for one year. laneous Books Received bis throat with a razor, was un- <-f Portland, and William Combs of terion, however, one reallaea that Council member« also voted to sider Project in Willamette The time for filing nominating Funeral Services at M etho- ;able to proceed further with nego- Eugene, whose body was tom tie From Mrs. Ida Wooley I he entire school year haa not been make a atop atreet of A street. River Near Old Mill Site petitions passed laat week with dist Church on Thursday nations. bits by the power of the explosion one of continual play and enjoy where It enters Fifth from both | The prlngfleld city library will be ¡ •' ■1 ■ only one new candidate in the field. Was Active City Worker Examiner Landon has not deci- Martin Swenson, the Injured man ment. for there are more name« on the east and west. Htop signs will Flans for the development of a y ern Oanlala, local businessman ' closed every Monday during the ded upon a date to start payment | , the Pacific Christian hospl- the Uats thia, the final week« per­ be erected at once at thia Intsm c- awlmmlnff pool |„ q,« Willamette ,iaa „,„,„„^,1 to be a candidate rnontb of July and August It wan Seldom, la ever, has this com­ of depositors as yet but It will tai with serious body Injuries iod, than there have been at any Ion according to city official« The r|yer n,,ttr , h„ of ,he oW rlour) d|rectmmittee to Ihveatlgale the poa- and Mrs. L. K Page open three day« a week. The llbr- froln tbe bank. Death was not In- The total commercial resources what happened. He was to weak company was also ordered to clean : „ibwtlea of the contemplated veil- period follows! ary will remain open on Wednesday tUnt He wa„ hurried to a hospital of the bank at closing June 6 was trom loss of blood to be uestioned Any person who Is a legal resi­ up the gravel which they have j m re and make a report at the next L IN C O L N SC H O O L and Saturdays as usual. where a blood transfusion was 170,287.21 and In the savings de- after he was taken to the hospital, lowed to accumulate on the aide- meetlng to be held at the t'ommun- dent of thia district can vote at the .«port of the acceptance of a made ailei. wblch he raUled {or F irst Grade partment $26.168.39. A ful state- Tin Investigation revealed that election according to officials. Indi­ Scholarship — Leota Itertach, walka on both aide« of the street ! (, y ba|| bere, Thursday evening, rift of 42 books from Mrs. Ida B. a ahort while, finally dying about ment of the banks condition at the Poul«or was carrying powder to cations are that a light vote will be near their plant and to repair lh e - j uoe j g Wooley was made i t the meeting. g:30 that eTening Gloria Green. Nova Jean Heiser, close of business Is published In Combs who was tamping It into a The hix.ks Include some fiction, • Robert Jack, Jimmie Smith. Elaine walks. The walks are located on , Efforts to establish a safeguarded Ì caBt other columns af this newspaper. , hole preparatory to a blast. It is Charles E. Kenyon was born In South Mill street swimming hole for children and' Sample copies of the ballot to be sopii - history, and a group of mis­ H< haffenberg. Jean Thompson. Jule The resignation of Mr. Kenyon as believed that a spark from a rock Kanses December 14, 1865 and adults were started In thia city voted Monday have been dlstrlbu- cellaneous volumes. Hetaer. cashier of the bank was demanded ignited the powtker causing the came to Oregon when he was 19 ! several yeara ago by members o f| ted In various places about town Attendance— Robert Jack. John VOLUNTEER FIREMEN by the board of directors at a m eet-: fatal accident. I (lie Women's Civic club and other this week. MRS. SARAH B. ELLIS DIES yea, r * *°“ Un« nrBt “ Ogilvie, Maxwell Pohl. Robert PLEASE CITY MAYOR east of the Cascade mountains. He ing Thursday evening after find- ' civic organizations. The movement -------------------------- Oliane Smith. Huger Stewart. AT WENDLING SATURDAY was married to Miss Margaret lugs of the bank examiners had Thomas. Gerald Uchytll, lamia Dem onstration of W o rk By Junc­ j nt that time succeeded In the ere« ' ----------- Luckey on June 2, 18*7. One child. been reported to them. The specific ' | tlon of private dressing houses (or Itertach. Maxine Chandler Jule tion C ity Croup Causes Favor­ Mrs. Sarah B. Elll« died Satur- a aon> Charles E. Kenyon, Jr. was charges brought against him as both men and woiimui The houses Heiser. Nova Jean Heiser. able Comm ent By Tyson day at the home of her daughter. t)oni (0 o>e couple reasons (or the resignation were: i were later destroyed by vandal« Perfect Attendance for Yea Mrs. H W. Burroughs of Wendllng Acquisition of illegal assets and Praise for the smooth and har who threw them Into the water John Ogilvie. at the age of 74 years/ She had Mr- “nd Mr,! Kenyon moved to lous working of the Junction , which carried them away and des- Second Qrado ----------- made her home at Wendllng for the Springfield from Weiser. Idaho, in failure to report the same at th e ; next directors' meeting. Scholarship—Hilly Dawson Sid Clty fire department was given troyed them. Descendants of Mr. and Mr*. Farm Leaders Urge Immedi- past five years. 1927 at whlch time Mr- Kenyon be­ Proponent« of the movement ney Ward, Patricia IY>well. Inez here yesterday by W P. Tyson. Making false reports to the state j James Calvert of Thurston nto A ctio n to Check Soread Mrs. Ellis was born at Elmira. a**oclated with the local In- ate Actton to Check Spread September 29 lgM stitutlon They made a hoat of mayor, after be had witnessed an Point to the numerous deaths of Oram. Mildred Fletcher. superintendent of banks. Gather on Birthday Of Fruit Fly Infection Her hugband waa a c ,Tll war Tet. friends here, Mr. Kenyon becoming Attendance— Ida Ann Moore, Ro­ actual demonstration of the work I children from drowning recently Submitting a false statement to bert Miller, Mabie Conklin. Thurs- of the group during a fire which »nd declare that the city has an .-ran and died In 1925. She Is sur- affiliated with the Liberty Mason the examiners. The seventy-third birthday of Warnings to cherry growers to tou Evans, Ida llowea, Olive Johan­ threatened a building near that | l«l«-al site where the water la not Entering wrong endorsements of Mrs. James Calvert of Thurston two daughters. Mrs Bur lc P*tron ° ( lhe Cascade ,too deep, the current Is not swift, spray their trees Immediately to Mrg W)niam ^ 1 chapter of the Eastern Star, was interest drawn on notes. sen, Wilma Keeler. city the first of the week ... . . was the occasion for a happy family nd the temperature in not too cold, prevent possible looses from an Apparent misappropriation of reunion Sunday afternoon. This T h ir d * Meecham. Oregon: one son Fred vice-president of the Lions club. The city has a converted Dodge Hprlngfleld people have been Infestation of the cherry fruit fly Attendance— Slz Week« Anna truck on which Is mounted s chemi­ P ill« Santa Cl-ira one sister Mrs and wa‘ »ctive in many other no- funds of an estate of which he was gathering has grown to be an an- • • ‘ ivltles of the community, administrator. hel Johns, Alberta Keeler. Winifred cal tank he said, and each member swlmmlng In the river Just above are being Issued from the office of . a u a l evaoL lac this several C. K. Stuart, l^ane county frul%in- .. . ♦’ u v < < u h> Lyons. Beryl Itobertaon, Jeanette of the department has a small pres til« old highway bridge for convent With the exception of the funds family. Four generations were re- spector. and from from the the orrice office of of the M,ch” * ea,°" “ r Kenyon ” 8UrTiTed rears This place la not as convent- spector. and the «— • ------ twelve ---- .---------- J widow, ...u — one ---- --- son, --- a . sister, Mrs of the estate, he is charged with presented this year and a large plc- Sweeney, Willard House. Warren sure extinguisher of his own which ’ . . ,„ rn. al thin Antonio. Texas; grand- . ent as the other ,»cation, the banks director of the experiment farm at ■ Ingram. Merle Nice, Dnve Smith. he takes to all (Ires and use« where Roseburg and one miaapproprlating about »800, the , ure was taken of the group, ’ ‘ children. and ten greatgrand- Emma Hall, Rosebi __________ ______ _____ »re abrul> abrupt, ____ Valentine I'chylll. ever Is seems most necessary. t the water Is deep In ( orvallU. brother. Sam c--____ Kenyon. Portland the examiners have not reported family brought their basket children. The fruit fly begins to lay Its Scholarship—Slz Weeks: Warren T h e Springfield city library will b . held -- ------------ Tues any ------ findings in -------------------- which ---------------------------- Mr. Kenyon of I ice-cream. ,» « < 1 _ • _ IL 1 . < l..r |.,s e I k , a . . , , . , I _ L. I Funeral l t l i v i u i services • • were w .. - g A v I large OI g f l funeral U U C I fll P C IV IL C I is B p plan ilI U - --- ----- -------------- • ~ U djnQ l l l l i e ers iS U and I I U A a I freezer IC C B C I VFl I C V I COHI service ’ . . .„in». n "" ' ' , ' ' 1OU p|ar<,(| on Willamette valley dared that he had donb what he unabie to attend. Those oreae-t interment was made In the new I. church in Eugene will officiate and HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OAKRIDGE RESIDENT gates to the state convention to l»e cherries In some states. O, O. F. cemetery. interment will be made in the thought best for the bank and the w9re; Mr*. 9t?lla McPherson, and PASSES ON TUESDAY held at Corvallis thia summer will Many people have sprayed their GET HONOR PIN AWARDS -------------------------- Luckey family plot In Eugene. Mu- depositors by making the standing daughter. Ester and son Lavem, of also be selected at the meeting. trees already, but the rain this FUNERAL HELD MONDAY sic will be provided by Mrs. W. P. of the bank appear as high as pos­ Springfield ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin A. Clark, resident of Oak­ week has washed off most of the Ten students lit Springfield high sible in the eyes of the examiners. Baugh and son Harry, daughter Ella ridge for the past seven years, died THURSTON COUPLE WED FOR JOHN HASTINGS T-Vson and Mre Dallaa Murph> who solution, ard another spraying Is arhool were given honor awards at _______ will sing a duet. Miss Winifrld Ty- Mr. Kenyon's resignation was re­ of Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. John Ed- at the Pacific Chrlatlan hospital at this time says Stewart. , the senior day exerclaea at the IN PORTLAND JUNE 1 urgent ceived by the directors Friday n iston and son, James, of Thurston. Anyone who grows cherries. I John E. Hastings. 56. resident of son will accompany them, In Eugene Tuesday morning after high school Thursday of laat ahort Illness at the age of 61 Announcement of M arriaoe Sur­ whether he has only one tree or an the Thurston vicinity for the past Pallbearers for the funeral 1U morning and Mrs. Elsie Pollard, as­ Mrs Mabel Riddle. Walter McPher­ week Thoae receiving gold pine yeara. orchard, should pray declared the 3» ye»™- d'od «1 ‘he Pacific Christ- be O. H. Jarrett. Harry Stewart. sistant cashier, put in charge of the son. Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ were la-la Hqulree. Junior; Ihile prise to Parents; W ere Visitors Mr. Clark waa born at Curtain, Inspector. This is the onlv way to hospital In Eugene Friday John Henderer, C. E. Wheaton, bank. The bank operated the re- vin Jackson, sons, Lawrenc and Daniela, senior; end Myrna Bartho­ Here Decoration Day Oregon. February 9. 1880, and haa stamp out the pest. An extra spray morning after an extended illness Charles F. Eggimann. and C. E. mainder of Friday and Saturday Byron, Eugene; ¡dr. and Mrs. Jeppe lomew. senior. should be put on each week and He was a native of Ohlof and Swarts. Honorary Pallbearers will under her charge. Saturday after- Jensen, daughter, Anna Mae, Eu- lived all of bis life In lauie and A one liar pin for freshmen was Announcement of the marriage noon the affairs of the bank were gene; Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert, awarded to DeKtla Hundgute. Two Douglas countlea. of Miss Maude Russell, daughter of after each rain until two weeks I’ »*»« three children. Mrs. H. A. be M. M Peery, A. J. Perkins ana placed In the hands of the state Bear Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cal­ He 1« survived by hla widow. Mr» after danger of Infestation has pass Chandler. Portland: Mrs. Gladys Welby Stevens. har pin» for aophomorea were pre» Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell of Thurs­ King. Eugene; and Leland Hast- The Liberty Masonic lodge of han« examiner, Mr. Schramm, but It vert, Deadwood; Mr. and Mr«, ented Io Klwlna .Meacham, Beulah Vina Clark; five «on», I. M Clark. ton, to Linn Endicott at Vancouver, ed. T. V. Clark, H. B. Clark. R. C. The recommended formula for ***». Ocean Park, California. He Springfield will have charge of the was not until Sunday evening after Elmer Buss eand daughter. June- Richardson. Marceline Heavey, Flo­ Washington, on Monday, June 1, Mr. Kenyon's suicide, that decision tion City; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis Clark and Earl Clark, all of Oak­ rence Vail. Ix>ola Galea, and Vir­ was received by the bride’s parents the spray Is as follows: One half also loaves one sister. Mrs. FTed services at the cemetery. Walker- to liquidate the bank was finally and daughters. Marjory. Dorothy ridge. arsenate of lend, two quarts cheap Gray. Thurston; and one brother, Toole chapel had charge of arrange­ this week. The wedding came as a ginia Christie. made. Until then is was thought and Louise. Shedd; Arthur Calvert, ments. Funeral aervlcea were held Wed­ complete surprise to both her par­ molasses. 10 gallons of water. An : Charles Hastings, Thurston, Presentation of the awards was that the bank might either reopen Dora Calvert, HUa, Harvey and average sized tree will require The funeral services were held nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from made by Mlsa May Hew«», mem­ ents and her friends as they were or be consolidated with some other Cora Calvert, Mrs. Sarah Buss, Mrs. the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Rev here for decoration day and did about one quart of solution for each . Monday afternoon at 2 o clock from FRUIT GROWERS START ber of the faculty. bank. Jennie Edmlston, Eugene; Ivan Bryant Wilson, paator of the First not announce the wedding date. spray. The bait should be applied ‘he Walker-Poole chapel In Eugene. SOFT DRINK BOTTLING The bank examiners compliment Richard of Bellfountain. In a rather course spray and so Rev E. V. Stivers, former pastor Baptist church In Eugene offici­ Miss Russell taught school al Pen­ MUSIC TO BE FEATURE the directors on the way they stood -------------------------- that it will fall on the upper sur-1 ‘he First Christian church of ated, and Interment was made In dleton the past year. One of the latest and moat mo­ by the institution to the last. They STORE EMPLOYES TO OF MORNING SERVICE Laurel Hill cemetery. face of the leaves. All sides of the Eugene, officiated and Interment Mr. Endicott Is manager of the dern soft drink bottling plants on trees should be sprayed, and seed- j was made In Mt. \ernon cemetery, the entire Pacific coast has recent­ point to the fact that the directors PICNIC NEXT SUNDAY radio department of the Newberry Special dedicatory service« for were among the heaviest depositors lings and other nearby trees should GUARDSMEN LEAVE FOR store In Portland. ly been installed at the Eugene the new baby grand piano at the and when the bank was In distress All employes of the Irish-Murphy NEW AUXILIARY GROUP be sprayed. Fruit Growers association plant In did not draw out their personal Christian church will be held Bun ANNUAL SUMMER CAMP stores will gather at the Browns­ INSTALLED SATURDAY Eugene and sale of the bottled BANKBOOK WILL ADMIT day morning according to Rev. Vel- funds. ville picnic grounds Sunday for SUNDAY SCHOOL PLANS drinks is now being pu-hed. Every member of Springfield unit tie Pruitt, paator. The consolidated DEPOSITORS TO SHOW the annual picnic of employees of PICNIC FOR FRIDAY Presentation of the charter and Headquarters Company Oregon Na­ The new machine is being hand service of Sunday school and morn the Irish group of stores. Employes _______ Installation of officers of the Am- led by G. Shonkwiler. Four men TWO RESIDENCES BURN An announcement of extraordi­ Ing worahlp will atari al 9 o'clock tional guard except Orval Eaton, of the local store will leave here DURING PAST WEEK Children to Gather at EuO ene Park erlcan Legion auxiliary group of who Is In the Pacific Christian hos­ are employed with the machine with the Bible school and regular nary Interest emanates from the at various times during the fore­ at 2:30; Parent, to Have | Oakridge and Weatfir was held at which has a capacity of 30 bottles service will atari at 10 a. Ml. Ml»» pital recovering from Injuries sus­ Fox McDonald theatre In Eugene The residence of Virgil Moon on noon Sunday according to Dallas Supper at 6.30 Oakridge Saturday evening. The a minute and which is being used Wlnlfrld Tyaon will play a piano tained In a recent accident, en this week with the announcement Goodpasture Island was completely Murphy, manager. Between 75 and _______ : group which was recently organl- to produce a dozen different flavor­ aolo, und the pastor will apeak on trnlned here Tnenday morning at that all depositors In the late destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. 100 people are expected to attend The annual Sunday school picnic «ed, Is known as the Cascade post ed drinks. • M iih I c nnd Worship." He will be 5:30 for Camp Clatsop where the Springfield Commercial Slate bank The fire is believed to have start­ the affair. for children of the Methodist The state president and secretary assisted during I he sermon by the boys will make their home for the will be admitted free to any show ed from the kitchen stove while church will be held at Riverview w-r*‘ present for the event as was next two weeks while attending the members of the church choir. for the rest of this month upon the BODY OF DROWNED MAN the occupants of the house were TWO ENLISTED TO SERVE park back of Skinner's butte In En I Mr» Emma Olson of Springfield, Evening services will be held at annual summer encampment. showing of their pass book at the RECOVERED ON MONDAY eating their breakfast in the dining IN HAWAIIAN ARTILLERY gene Friday afternoon. Arrange- *nd several from Eugene, box-office. 7:30. room. Part of the furniture was " In this period of business deprea ments are being made to have the CHURCH PICNIC HELD ON The body of Oscar Olson who saved. Ernest O. Neet of Jasper and children gather at the church at GOSHEN GRANGE HAS THEATRE EQUIPMENT IS was drowned March 31. when the An early Saturday morning fire Donald R. Flshel of Junction City SALMON CREEK SUNDAY slon many people were rather hard SCHOOL DAY PROGRAM boat In which he and five com hit by the bank's closing and It Is 2:30 at which time trucks and auto destroyed the two-story twelve were enlisted Into the United^ SOLD TO NEWPORT MAN ----------- Members of the Oakridge and with a thought to help out that the mobiles will be provided to take panions were attempting to cross room frame home of Barney Old­ Btates army last week through the them to the park. I A school day program with Ross community Methodist Fox McDonald Is making this un the Willamette river near Oak field near Vida last week. The Eugene recruiting office. The two Three hundred theatre chairs Westfir Adults will gather at the park i Mathews as teacher was the fea- ridge capsized, was found Monday fire started early in the morning will see service In the coast artil­ two projector machine», and other church held a large picnic with usual offer. There are no strings at­ with basket dinners at 6:30. Some j ture of the meeting of the Goshen by a Mr. Potter about 300 feet and was discovered when dogs lery In the Hawaiian Islands. Thay moving picture equipment at the iMiskpl dinner on Salmon creek tached whatever and all the deposi­ of the adults will be at the park all grange Wednesday, June 10. Each from where he was drowned. The barking in the yard awakened the will sail from San Franuiaco for Bell theatre waa moved from the Sunday afternoon. Services were tor has to do Is to show his pass altcrnoon to direct the activities of member was asked to help out on body was floating near a gravel sleeping family. All of the furni­ theatre Monday morning. The held In the church at 11 o'clock book at the box office for a free the Islands on June 17. the children. ■ the program, contributing a song, pit operated by Potter. ture was destroyed In this fire. The equipment was purchased from J. with Dr. M. A. Marry, district sup­ admittance. Mrs. W. 11. Pollard and Mrs. R. reading, or some other entertain This offer will hold good until erintendent, preaching. The picnic M Larson by William McKovItt of The body of Rex Brown drowned loss Is said to be partially covereu APPEAL MADE IN CASE the first of July nnd It Is expected I’. Mortensen will have charge of ment. The women Drought lunches Newport who will uae It In the followed. in the same accident has not been by Insurance. th l tables for the supper. i In paper bags and dinner palls. OF ACCIDENTAL DEATH that many will take advantage of Midway theatre of that city which Men were dressed In overalls and recovered. the opportunity to view the finest CHURCH GROUP STARTS he owna and operates. G. A. R. CIRCLE INITIATES An appeal from a decision of the, the women wore print dresses. entertainment In Eugene at abso­ BAPTIST BOYS CROUP MRS. BURNSIDE FUNERAL VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL lutely no cost. CANDIDATE LAST WEEK state industrial aetdent commission INITIATES TWO MONDAY HAWLEY TO TALK ON on a claim for comr«fsatlon made SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS SERVICE HELD SATURDAY A vacation Bible school for all Mrs. Lucy Duncan was initiated by Mrs. Ellen K. Olin bas been filed RIVER CANALIZATION PLANS PARTY TONIGHT Edwin nnd John Miller were ini­ children who have completed the HARDWARE STORE Funeral services for the late Into membership In Iuka circle In circuit court. tiated into the Royal Ambassadors, FRONT IS REPAINTED The clnlmnnt seeks »237 for the Congraaiman W. C. Hawley will second or higher grades In grammar Members of Mrs. Van Valzah's Mrs. Daisy E. Burnside who died number 28, Ladies of the G. A. R. boys organization of the Baptist speak over radio station. KOAC, at school was started at the Baptist here at the home of her aunt. Mrs at their regular meeting held at the death of John A. Olin who It Is Sunday school class will hold their church at the regular meeting of The front of the Wright and SonH Armory last Thursday evening. held died from the result of Injuries Corvallis, al 8 o’clock, Monday church Monday morning by Rev. the group held Monday evening. final social gathering of the year Arne Nelson. June 3, were held Plans for the annual state conven­ sustained while an employe of the evening, June 16, according to an Ralph Mulholland, pastor. He con hardware store was repainted an fom the Springfield Walker-Poole Howard nnd Floyd Needham of Eu- tonight at the home of Mrs. C. I announcement made tills week by ducts the classes himself every apple green this week. The new tion were discussed following the state highway department rebru- chapel Saturday afternoon. Rev Gorrie, Sr., east of Springfield. The marquee which has recently been I gene had charge of the Initiation W. C. Kadderly, program director morning l>elween the hours of 9 and Velile Pruitt, pastor of the Spring- Initlatlon. The next meeting for the ary 9 i •-siepiuiK owm.wej ....... completed wns painted green and work. Fathers and sons enjoyed re- affair will be In the nature of 11 excepting Saturday. Mra. Mill The Injuries claimed were r*- for the station. Ills subject will bo hollnniL1 Vernlce Hawke, and Mir-1 the wood pert of the store front freshments together following the farewell for Mrs. C. G. Van Valzah field Christian church officiated local group will be held June 18. The convention starts In Portland ceived while the man was riding ■ "Feasibility and Problems of the and Interment was made In the lam Rice have charge of playground | has been painted to harmonize with meeting John C. Benton Is leader ( who will leave soon for 1 ortland Monday. June 22. truck of the highway departmest. Canalization of the Willamette Laurel Grove cemetery. to make her horn*. of the group. 1 this new addition. work. Rlvar.” SÏ Z r A r i l , DEATH Of BANKER LegionPostTalks New Swim Pool SHDCKS io c m Cherry Spraying Advised, Quickly Pioneer Family Reunion Sunday