THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS No. 21 SI TW KNTY-WI(HIT1I YWAH m t\:( :t.'i KLIL H A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Self Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE. OREGON n K COUNTY. TH U R SD A Y. JUNE 4. 1!*3I_ LOTIONS, CREAMS OR POWDERS We ta k e pride In th e q u ality line« we ca rry and call watlafy th e moat faatldloua lady, with o u r lotion«, ereuniH o r jtowdera. S u m m er o r w inter we arc here to help you w ith b etter aw vlce. l>-t th e d ru g »tore be y o u r flrat place to atop when you want aoniethlng different. NEW VOILE DRESSES K etels’ D rug Store In New Store Largest Stock of Shoes in Lane County at Lowest Prices Main, Near Fifth OUR GAS IS GOOD Sizes 14 to 2 0 -- 36 to 50 Let Us Service Your Car for the Next Trip Violet Itay and Ethyl go fa rth e r th an juat gasoline. Only high te«t ganollne and oils go into your tan k at thia statio n . Violet Itay and G eneral Ethyl are econom y m otor fuel« Join th e ra n k a of o u r Batlafied patrona. “A” Street Service Station The Golden Rule Ruler» of Low Prioaa 10th A W illamette— EUGENE—-New Schaefer» Bldg. Hom e of VIOLET RAY and ETHYL 37 _ ANDTflÜ