TUURHOAV, JW ». - - the fat ms anil 3451 acre», Painotit t t p o f f ' 1‘nsiute*. -mail fruits and vege­ ’shed hv Ice 1 n i IR y S H O W T O B E H ^ I D W IL D R A D IS H B E C O M IN G is u free at d n tv 1 'HK’lit In the table« at» Hi« principal crop* to Ta Join Cabinet? D U R IN G R O S E F E S T IV A L atmosphere of th alt routes and will'll lb “ exit* water 1» bat.ig P E S T IN O R E G O N F IE L D S will mean great saving* in tran» tpplled In wustwrn Oregon Irrtg« Model Equipment for Barne M ilk portatton of fruit*. Twonty womgn wf the ungiti >t tlon of pn»ture» bn« bwn given -er A & Clean teed . Cultivation Urged a* Houses, and Testing Laboi a- hood met With Mrs Painut Usi tarthulHr eon»tile|atlpn by dairy ■eat Methods of Elimination tory to Be Shown Wednesday evening and gave Miss laittiora a» a result of * recent od Peat Prom Grain Ruth Lym an a mtopeUaheo«« study showing thul although nearly The food value of dairy products, shower Many useful gtfl» were re­ n per cent of all producing dairy A new weed, known •« wild rad various ways of Including them in ceived Miss Lyman la to be mar row» In Oregon are In the Wiliam THE PROBLEM Ish, and resembling ordinary yel the diet, and demonstrations of Just tied Thursday evening. June 4. to rile calley. the coal of butlerfal low musgird or wild turnip has Ito« quality milk is produced, caved By Ralph Waldo Eutersou Rev. Victor Hershtaer at the i reduction In this seellon 1» hiihet made Us appearance In western for and delivered to consumers in Thurston church by Rev Lyman, of The hand that rounded l‘«let than nnvwhere else In Hie sluts Oregon during the past few years, a healthful and sanitary condition Eugene, brother of Miss I.'man dome. The «liorl ta ilu fo poitod In Hi« nnd Is now aprendlnc to other sec­ will he shown during the Rose fes­ Rev. Ilershlter Is a graduile of Aud gtollted the alsl'« <•» • h .lctliii W lllatnetie vttlhy tine to i.ok of tions of the state. It la becoming tival in Portland, June S to 13 In K. B U. al Eugene. Miss Lyman I» Rome, established in Hotialas. Coos. Wash rainfall dutlug the »uintuer mouths, one of the largest education dairy alao a student of the same college Wrought In a »ad -Inc-et It'. 1 believed Iespoiislhlc (or the high Inglon. Multnomah and Benton food demonstrations ever staged The high »c-hool coitimencemenl Himself from God he could not counties, atid hss been found in I'lMlt n the Pacific northwest. exercises will he held at the Thura free; eastern Oregon barley fields, ac­ A yard and a quarter of soft |l kAuultl »Wilt «llftllgr Hl rir«t The show will be held tn the ait frilling bv the yard about a ll inches tou hall next Friday evening, there lie bullded better Hum he knew cording to I). C. Smith, of the form thoughl to think of trilgatlon a» a Hon George W Wehcivh«in .ire five graduates, Ben Russell The conscious stone to beaut) grew dttorinm of the Meier and Frank in depth will make one of the moat — crops department at Oregon State Kdml.tou. lotinrr Attorney limerai. chairman «4 general practice In a region with Henry M. Robinson, Pasadena college. the commnclon whose repot t on pro to Ho Io s ot utuie annual rainfall,'’ hanker, friend of the President, said building. It Is being financed by becoming of all collar and cufl Virgil Hanson, Robert Armltage hjbitioo enforcement ha* thrown us Mr Bullard »ay« "Long time we» This weed, like Its yellow flower |o j* slatrd for appointment as Secre­ all branches of the Portland milk sets for a simple dress with a deep iaidtes Aid met with Mrs Ray Earth proudly wears the Pnrtheiwm. (abject into polita» ag»m. ed cousin, the wild turnip usually tary of the Treasury when Mr. Mellon and dairy products Industry, and round neckline The cuffa are made As the best gem upon her sone. tin» teeord» of Hit» area, however, grows In grain fields, ripening with retire* oo March 4. supervised by U. S. Burt, director from strips of the frilling ten Rennie last Thursday and made And Morning o | es with haste lo t 4o>w that the Willamette valley 1» two comfort*. The next meeting la of visual education. Oregon State the grain and being harvested w i t h --------------------------- inches each in length and the re­ with Mrs. Charles Grant on Thurs extr< tuely dry during the growing lid« L A R G E IN C R E A S E S E E N college. Schools and departments maining twenty-five Inches are used It. The seed pods break up in F O O D P R O B L E M S T O L D To gu»e upon the Pyramid». season o f the «toted motatur» »up day to do more quilting. threshing and they are likely to he IN O . S. C. R E P O R T at the college cooperating in the for the collar. The pieces for the IN P A S T U R E IR R IG A T IO N ply tin more shallow rooted eropc, O’er {England’» abbey» bend» Ihi' Miss llascl Edmlston motored to demonstrations will include dairy, cuffs are seamed up so that they passed through cleaning machinery ------------ itch »< potato«», pasture and truck •by, . Riddle last Friday with Mr and The seeds are larger than those of Greater Use of Mechanical Imple- home economics, bacteriology, agri­ flare slightly. The piece for the McAm, U r of Eug(.B, As on 11» friends, with kindred eye W r it e r s O regon In s ta ll* M any i tops have available (or their u»e cultural engineering and veterinary collar Is stitched up wtth a »light-1 ments Reduces Acreage De­ wlld turnip and may be carried N ew W a te r S y s te m * W ith an average of on ly i*k Inches of Mrs. Farrel from Signal 1» visit For. out of Thought’» Interior medicine. voted to Feed Raising more readily In threshed grain C ounty A gent A id |y flaring seam which coma» at ling her daughter. Mrs. William sphere, soil molsturn retained from the They have a ptnk or reddish color. Model dairy ham s, ntilk houses the back of the neck. When the The»« wonder» rose lo upper sir, winter rain», Deep rooted crop«, Ruth. Replacement of horses with mo- and equipment and a milk Inspec­ frilling is turned down over the Cultivation Fatal to Weed With t h e rapidly Increasing In such us clover, alfalfa and trees Dr. and Mrs. Rebhan and daugh- And Nature gladly gave them place The wild radish plants are easily , tor equipment in thia country has tion laboratory will Illustrate Just teresl In Irrigation ot pasture and would have about 6 or 7 Inches of i ters from Springfield took Sunday Adopted them Into her rare, killed when young by cultivation, eliminated a demand for feed equi- how the city of Portland supervises other crops In western Oregon tin t soli moisture available Tbeaver- Aud granted them an equal date dinner wtth Mr. and Mrs Hay and the grown plants. If small In valent to the product of about 25 and controls Its milk supply. The mg the past year, the beginning of ugi moisture bolding capacity ol With Andes and with Ararat Baugh. numbers, can be pulled by hand, million acres of crop land, an area Pacific Northwest Dairy and Milk the 19.11 dry seasou find« a large »<>11 Is about 1^ Incite» per food Miss Mildred Trie« who Uaa Smith says, but If the weed la al- six times as large as all crop land inpectors will hold their annual addition to the number of iartn. r» depth ’’ taught the past year at The Dalles I kuow wh»t »ay the lather» wl»e. lowed to become common. It Is nec in Oregon farms. i two-dav convention In Portland who are prepared to supply their The Book lt«elf before tne lie». returned home last Saturday night. essary to grow cultivated crops to This is one of several factors during the show fields with much needed moisture Did Chrysostom. best Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant and control It. listed in a report on the trends in F E E D IN G G R A IN U R G E D by no uns of Irrigation daughter Marjorie, returued Sun­ And he who blent both In his line, The main control measure, ae- food and feed consumption pre­ The younger Golden Lips or mines Figures gathered from coanly FO R H IG H E R R E T U R N S F A R M C E N S U S F IG U R E S day from Marshfield where they cording to Smith. Is clean seed. He pared by the Oregon State college attended the commencement exer Taylor, the Shakespeare of divines ugents and >oniplli d by F. 1. Bal urges growers to he on the look- extension service. G IV E N IN 1930 R E P O R T Feeding Of grain to livestock ba lard, state count) agent leader, ' claes. Mlsa Grant has taught two His word» are muaic In my ear. out when planting for large seeds "The food business is ittill a big I see his cowled portrait dear; show that during the past year (ure sailing U 1« now being strong­ ’ years there. similar to common garden radish industry in spite of trends in food "Total Valuation Set at $630 Mil­ Mr. aud Mrs. Lawrence Gossler And yet. for all hl» faith could •«<• county agent», with the help of the ly advocated by agricultural* of« lions; Farm Building* Valued and for broken seed pods. A com- and feed consumption which af- draluage specialist al the college, I rial» of Ibe »tale The »tale market enjoyed a visit over decoration day 1 would not the good bishop he. at $128 Millions plete description of this plant, and feet the demand for farm pro More and more Is assisted In «urceylng Irrigation agent say» | with hts brother, Clifford, and wife many other weeds Is found in Ore ducts," the report says. “It is esti- The word unto the prophet spoken layouts ciu 109 (arms in tilue west heard the advice to market wheat from Portland. Also his mother, According to a bulletin recently gon Extension bulletin 412. avail- mated that the people of the United was writ on tables yet unbroken. ern Oregon counties The»« were end other grain« through feeding Mrs. Gossler of Noti. able from county agents or at the States spend approximately $21.- issued by the bureau of the census, The word by seer» or sibyl» told. Demonstration» designed to supple water for 1917 It to llvM lock Mr. and Mr*. Frank Grampian 000.000.000 a year for food, about there are 55,153 farms in the state college. In grove» of oak. or fane» of gold. aertw To date, 55 of these, serving have generally shown that In this from Dexter spent Sunday at A. one-fourth of the national income. of Oregon having a total acreage 9tlll floats upon the morning wind. 1133 acre« are either completed or way belter price» may be obtained W. Weaver’s. Approximately one-fourth of the of 16.548.67S. and a total value. In­ O F F IC IA L H IT C H H IK E R Still whisper» to the wilting mind In process of construction, accord­ while »oil fertility 1» Increased " Clifford Weaver aud Mrs. Mary working population is engaged in cluding land, buildings, and im ple­ ing to Mr Uallard No other 12 McElroy from Salem spent the tine accent of the Holy Ghost One farmer in eastern Oregon ra- G R O U P H A S L IT E R A T U R E the food industry. About 10.000,000 ments and machinery, of $673.413.- The heedless world hath never lo»t month period, he says, has ever i etitly »old hl» hogs and cattle to week-end In Thuraton. workers produce raw materials and 67S. These figures are given in de­ seen such development In trrlga which he fed hl» low priced wheal Membership Card and Placard Of­ Miss Margaret 9inall from Free­ over 1,000,000 prepare, preserve, tail for each country and minor tlon In western Oregon fered Person* Joining Them­ water was a caller at John Kdmis land after careful computation distribute and serve food products civil division within the state. This N E W R E C E IP T S R E A D Y selves in Organization ton’s last Sunday. 1 found hl» 40 cent wheat thu» used, D ry P s ttu r « » R rd u c * M ilk is the first federal census report and foods.” T O D IS T R IB U T E H E R E Mrs. Joe Hart and mother spent County ug> nt» reporting Irriga­ tipought hint return« of $1 30 per to show these figures by minor Housewives were reported as Dodgers telling about the organi­ the past week-end In Oregon City. tion work In other part» of the bushel lie Is now rounding up an sation of a group to be known as buying about 71 per cent of the civil divisions. With the market now plentifully state bring the total up to 19 eouu otlo r lot of |tg s and cattle to feed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart and food, and restaurants and hotels the North American Association of Of the total farm acreage 17.6 I daughter, Norma, motored to Flor­ supplied with strawberries the can lies with projects involving 194 his 1931 crop. Certified Hitch-Hikers were re­ use about 26 per cent. Hospitals, per cent, or 2.306.324 acres, was ence Friday where they spent the nlng »easou Is about at Its peak, ceived here last week by F. B. clubs and othei institutions ac- crop land on which crops were har-I according to Ml»» Gertrude I. week end. Hamlith with the request that he f"r fhre” vested In 1929; 7-0 per cent, or 1.- Linn Endicott from Portland Skow. county home demonstration tack some of them on highway In T h e d e m a n d fo r fa rm prod ucts. 154,744 acres, was crop land which ; | spent the past week end In Thurs agent. lBf ecjinn|1 especially cereals, has alao been lay idle or fallow; and 0.7 per cen t,| Miss Skow has Ju»l received a The association provides for a R e e le d by changes in food habits or 111.451 acres, was land on which sides and falls In soft folds at the ! ton. MJg|) Maude Rugge„ we„ to ,.ort. supply of new pamphlet» containing membership card to be carried In Pe°P le eat le8’ wheat- corn and the crops failed to mature or were front. The frilling chosen consists land la>t 8unda). wh. re w,„ many receipt» for »trawberrte» the pocket aa a means of id e n tifie s-,^ * and raore of dairy Products not harvested for any cause. Pas­ of a bias strip of silk voile or | fin|gh ber COU4e i„ beauty parlot These receipt» have been compiled tlon and also a 6x8 "attention card" and vegetables now than they did ture land with a total of 11.378.824 chiffon about four Inches wide wtth by Oregon State college Copies of work. in color* to be carried when hitch 15 years a6°- acres, representing 68.8 per cent a double ruffle of two Inches at the Mrs. Harvey Hadley from Had the pamphlet may be obtained free hiking on the highways a* a means of the total farm acreage of the edge. leyvllle visited her mother. Mrs. at the office of the home demon of Identifying the possessor from state, included 816.803 acres of Circular frilling may also be used Needham, and attended the school . ■tratlon agent at the Producers’ the pretenders and penniless and plowable land. 2.619.478 acres of to give a becoming finish to the picnic laat Monday. I Public market. "Sometimes criminal highway tramp. woodland, and 7942,543 acres of Walden Hileman will leave soor round-neck dress. This may be of According to the dodger, the as­ other land. In addition to the land for eastern Oregon where he with pleated chiffon or of lace. The sociation maintains headquarters cropped and pastured, the total piece used for the collar should be his brother plan to spend the sum­ For Auto or Camping. I,jq)ecliill handy for traveling at Box 22, Mt. Pleasant. Iowa. land in farms included 502,737 mer. Mr. Hileman operated the eased in a little at the front of and camping tine. All metal covered and metal hound. acres of woodland not used for the neck so that It will not draw school bus in the Leaburg district pasture, and 494.598 acres not in Large uHsortment of color» S T A T E V E T E R IN A R IA N The cuffs will flare slightly on ac­ • this year. forest, pasture, or crops, including D EFEN D S FARM HO RSE count of the circular cut of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bogovich Of the land occupied by house yards, material, but any excessive flaring Varcouver. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. barnyards, feed lots, lanes, roads, More predictions pointing to the may be taken care of by tacking Kenneth Carter of Eugene were frequently heralded come-back of etc. the frilling down to the sleeve here Sunday visitors at the home of the farm horse have been heard The total value of farm land and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter of Lea­ and there. this week. The most recent one NEW SHIPMENT OF buildings was $630,827,927, of S P R IN G F IE L D S T O R E O N L Y — 6 0 0 M A IN S T . Frilling may be used as effec, burg. comes from Dr. W. H. Lyte, state which $128,881,093 represented the tively on short-sleeved dresses as The Thimbles, W altervllle 4-H veterinarian who makes the follow­ F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y value of all farm buildings, Includ­ on long-sleeved ones and may be ,-twing club held Its achievement ing statement; ing the farmers’ dwellings, which used to outline V necklines as well Presto Mason Fruit Jars— Self Rining Flour— “Horses have always been used day program at the home of the were valued at $72,627,906 The Just arrived In all the latent ntvlen and color» only— as round ones. To be prepared for ••Sllvertone’r during the eras of cheap farm pro- lub president, Gladys Zehner, on value of farm implements and ma­ Aluminum caps, Q [J * any emergency In the way of un­ ducts and unlebs prices advance Tuesday afternoon to which th e , chinery, including farmers' auto­ 2% lb- quarts, dozen expected Invitation for luncheon or unquestlonablv many farmers will n:o,'hers ° f the club »em bers and Pkg ................ mobiles. was $42.585,751. bridge, you should have on hand go back to horses. Before the ad R’ « • Kuehner’ county dub leader, Class Caps, regu­ several lengths of frilling with vent of the tractor, the truck and "’ r" invited lar quarts, doz. which you can give a fresh touch the automobile, one-fourth of our' Members of the club were Sylvia SALEM GROWERS PLAN Have you neen our New Line of Picket Pancake Flour— to one of your spring d 'esses. and Frances Vaughn, Evelyn Han- A IR F R U IT -E X P R E S S total farm acreage was devoted to 3i,fe lb. Class Caps, wide the raising of horae feed. Gas mo­ sen, Nellie Easton, Gladys Zehner. Pkg. ... Plans for the operation of a pro­ Members of the Deerhorn sheep R E C E IP T S A T C O U N T Y torization Is really part of what is experimental air-frelght At O F F IC E S H O W G A IN S wrong with agriculture. Some day clnb have been meeting regularly posed H -B , G reen Beans we will have a farm tractor or and soon will complete their year's transport with headquarters at Receipts at the office of W. B. Jar Rubber»—dozen 5c motor that will run with some pro­ work. 9 J. Godard is leader of this Salem were discussed at a m eet­ Asparagus Btyle, duct that comes from the distilla­ club. Club members were invited ing there last week which was at­ Dillard, county clerk, for the month No. 2 can ...... - Mason Zinc Caps— doz 23c tion of our farm surplus or wastes. to attend the club Judging tour tended by a large number of fruit of May totaled $2087.85, this being growers and shippers in that vici­ with County Club Leader Kuehner the largest of any month this year Pineapple— Whole Slices Unless we have a machine that will Economy Cap»—doz. 23c nity. The receipts were segregated as or crushed render power from what we raise Wednesday. DEPT. STORES The plan of operation proposed Mrs. Rennie Koozer will enter­ follows; Recording fees, $73195; or unie- we have n market that 968 Kerr Reg. Lid»—doz., 12’/ ac No 2 y2 can Eugen», is the transportation of fruits and tain the W alterville Union Aid so­ circuit court fees, $994; county will pay us a profit on what we No. 2 can ............... 16». Willamette Or». vegetables delivering to the Bmall ciety at her home Thursday after­ court and probate fees, $157.50; Kerr Wide Lid»—doz. 17’/ 2c raise, we must go back to a form No. 1 can ..................1 of farm motor power that will con­ noon, June 11, and the Leaburg Jobbing centers w est of the Mis­ marriage licenses. $93; miscellane­ sume our excess products and help group at th e Leaburg school sissippi river. The capacity of the ous fees, $111.40. us rebalance our agriculture The grounds Thursday afternoon, June transport planes will he approxi­ mately three tons. The probable 18. Answer to Suit Filed— An ans­ horse Is capable of doing this.” Mrs. J. B. Barreau and baby of cost per ton mile will be 5 cents, wer to the suit of Lane county C O U NTY AG ENT HAS I X "w York who are t0 spend seT' a rate said to be lower than that against Isaac R. Howard, was filed T he P a < ieh : T klepiione A nd T ei f . ghafii C ompany eral months with Mrs. Barreau’s charged by existing railway express by the defendant in circuit court. companies using 10 ton refrigera­ TWO NEW BULLETINS mother at Deerhorn are visiting The suit Is one In which the county tor cars. . friends in Eugene this week. seeks to condemn land for the Mc­ Two valuable bulletins on garden Miss , na clem en t o{ Ccdar p ,a, The required temperature furn- Kenzie highway rlght-of-awy. problems and turkey raising are v)gfflng hPr slgter Mrg Ben now available at the office of 0 . Bagfl at gtayton, Oregon Miss Cle- A? ** 4 * , k. A «• T «. A t . / . I , «. . • - ia 1 • • 1 S. K91 Fletcher, Lane county A agrlcul ment will probably remain during tural agent aad may be obtained on the fruit season. request. The first bulletin "Vege­ Miss Evadne Hurst, Leaburg table Crop Inaect Pest Control Pro­ teacher and leader of the Leaburg gram." contains a great deal of Girl Scout troop left for her home valuable Information useful to the at Aurora following completion of small gardeoev. The other, ’’Rais- her year’s work. The Girl Scouts Ing Turkeys Under Semi-Confine­ recently gave her a farewell re­ » N a U e e -W M « '* ment,” has been prepared for those ception and souvenir of their ap­ who raise small numbers of turkeys. preciation of her work with them Miss Hurst has made many friends CHILD CLINIC HELD at Leaburg during her two years Long-Wearing A T L O W E L L S C H O O L as primary teacher. Size 81x941* Mrs. I. A. Vance and daughter, Quality —* Extremely One of a series of Child health Fern of Leaburg are spending a Low-Prlcad rtltncn being held in various parts few days at Berkeley, California, of Lane county was conducted at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. the Lowell high school starting at Williams. Mrs Williams is Mrs. Six« 81x90 9 o'clock Wednesday morning with Vance's daughter. Do you know th at you can buy today the same Mrs. Joseph Hart and mother, Mr*. Della Fitzgerald. Lane county A popular length . . , long Six« 72x99 public health nurse In charge. Two Mrs. Daniels, spent Decoration day enough to tuck in at the bottom furniture for >100 th at cost $176 a year ago and turn over at the top A doctors were also In attendance with relatives at Oregon City, re­ splendid, everyday quality and 42x36 inch c m o , and examined babies and children turning home Monday. a big value I Even at the Special Sale Priced you are entitled to up to school age. each 21c Ministerial Certificate Filed — 42x36 inch cates, each 14« Credit. Wasco Paopla Hara — Mr. and the ministerial certificate of Cath­ (Sites before hemmingj (•Sife* be fo rt hemming) Mrs. Philip Bishop and three daugh erine Louise Dobbie was filed for te n are visiting near Springfield record Tuesday at the office of the thia week. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop are county clerk. Report of Estate Filed— Inven­ former resident* of Springfield and are now making their home at tory nnd appraisement of the estate W illamette a t 11th, Eugene, Oregon of Elijah C. 9tuman was filed In , J ^ la m e tte St. Eugene, Oregon "prol'dH^’ntrrttlTTtp estate amounts of Mrs. T. Beff^who ffilTdes east 'to $5766. • -> .*■ «M tfr ol Springfield. S r P n R t IN s N G F IE L D N I I.!, k?w fl.i,?r,n;Ä r.F On Thurston LATEST ¿y. \ C. J. B reier & Co. F or Bigger V alu es McKenzie Valley Metal Hand Trunks $3.95 _____ HATS OOC 1 7 4< 90c 20d ,„n,ou,h' $ 1 .1 0 25c a a a JUNE WHITE GOODS WEEK “ W iz a r d ” SHEETS Sheets 69e J. C. Penney Co. DBPARTM BM T • STO BB •W $1.98 SHOES $3.50 POWERS 65th Anniversary SALE STARTS TODAY LOWEST Prices in Years Wherever vacation takes them Ira F. Powers Furniture Co. —you’ll want to hear from them by VOICE. Long Distance operators will gladly help you keep in touch with them. Service is fast and clear by T E L E P H O N E