•t THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 19B1 N O T IC E OP E H K R IP P 'E BALE NO TIC E la hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of ale leaned out of the Circuit Court of the Slat» of Oregon fiA Lane t'ounty May 20, 1131. upon and pur miuiil to a decree duly gives and made by aald Court May I I . 1131, In a aulì pending therein In which Jia»» O. Wells, aa Trustee was plaintiff and The Eugene lutile uni­ versity, a corporation, el al were defendant», which execution and nr A N Y l NK DKHIRING hihx I rich d»r of vale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real pro Jareay-Guarita» y milk pli-aea perty hereinafter deacrlbcd to agi­ phone Hpiingll»ltl 166. Morning i>r lely certain Han» and charges In ■ vvd I iic Ja I I ■aid dei ree spec ified, I will on Sat­ urday the 20th day of June. 1221. at the hour of one o’clock, p. m , at WOOD FOH MALIC- I I Inch old the aouthwaat door of the County growth fir »lab wood. 1% corda 1 Court llouae In Rugane, Lana Conn ty. Oregon, offer for aule and sell |4 I ’liolia 122-W Mprlngflald. J 4 nt public unction for caab, subject to redemption as provided by Inw nil of the right, title and Inlereat of TRADE HU Ac re a tliubwr In the defendants In said suit and of Tlllumook county. <’l«ur and on nil parties claiming by, through or main county road, three mllea from under them nr any of them nlnce ocean Trad» fur HprlogfleUI or the 18lh day of October, 1226 In K tiien a proporty A T llm wer, 711 or to the following described real F Hti-eet, Hprtagflvld. J IH property, to wit : Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 16 and 16 In Block 20 nod ull of Lota 1, 2, 2, 4. n o tic k to c r k d ito r k 6, 6. 7, H, 2, 10, I I . 12, 13. 14. 16 Nolle« 1» horaby gtvan that the and 16 In Block 31 all In Orlverton underalined haa bean appointed Addition Io Eugene. Iju ie County, executor of tba ealate of F. A. Writ- (iregon Alan all of Block Four (4) urdaon, deceaaod by Ilia t'ounty In llenderaoii'a Addition to Eugene. Court Of iJine County. Oregon All Lane County, Oregon, together with lieraona haring clalma aia ln al aald the tenement», herixlllainents and eatate are required Oregon, Attorney for J. L. CULVER. Plaintiff. K ,.. .. M 7-1411 28 J. 4. V». J II. T M K L L IE N a single man. and C. K O8BURN. Defendants. To H. T. M E i,L IE N a single man. the above uarned Celandant. IN T H E NAM E OR T IIE STATE I O F OREGON: You are hereby no­ tified that J. L. Culver, the hollder of Certificate of Delinquency num bered 2704 Issued on the 12th day November, 1222, by the Tax Col­ JEWELER lector of the County of I.anu, Bta’ c of Oregon, fur the amount of Repairing a Specialty | ( »5.45) Five and 66-100 Dollars, Springfield. Oregon the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxee for tbe year 1226 together with pen­ ally, Interest and cotta thereon Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN upon the real property aaseeaed to Naturopathic Phyelelan you, of which you are the uwner as sppewra of record, situated In FI rat National Hank Bldg said County and State, and partic­ I'honea: Office 7SJ : Rea: 141W ularly bounded and described aa t If flee Hour»: 1 to 6 I’. M. follows, to-wit: Healdencc 123 H »treat Beginning at a point 22.68 chains Nor ■ of the Southwest corner of James 11. Shortrldge Claim No. 62 North 36.66 rods, FOR SALE thonce Eaat 133 48 rods, thence Good 14-lneh Block wood, alco In a southwesterly direction tg-lnch and 4 foot old growth 37.77 roda to a point Eaat of alabwood. beginning, thence 121.24 rods West to beginning containing FRANK TUHY 22 acres. In Section 28, Town­ Phone Bp. IB2J ship 21 South Range 3 West W M . Lane County. State of ttregon. j A ll Klnda of You are further notified that ■aid J. L. Culver has paid taxes <>n aald premlaes for prior or aub sequent year», with the rate of In­ , EPAIRINO and SHARPENING terest on aald amounts as followa: 128 W. 8th Street Year’s tax. 1217— Date paid. Nov. 11, 1212; Tax Receipt No. 32882; I Lugana ________ Phone «00 Amount. »6 17; Rate of Interest, 12% per annum. Year’s tax. 1228 -Date paid, Nov. □ R. BERTHA DAVIDSON 6, 1222; Tax Receipt No. 38262; Amount. »4.78; Rale of Interest, Oateopathlc Phyelelan 112% per annum. Year’s tax. 1222— Date paid. No?. 6, 1222; Tax Receipt No. 35207; 204 1. O. O. F. Temple Amount, »5.06; Rate of Interest, Telephone 3264 Kugeno, Ore. 12% per annum. Said II. T. Melllon aa the owner of the legal title of the above de­ scribed property aa the same ap­ Unlvereal Mortgage Corp. pi-ars of reoord, and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that J. L. 1 Culver will apply to the Circuit W . P. Tyoon, Agent ¡Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing i2g E Kt. Phono 6BW the lien against the property above described, and mentioned In aald certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the Bret publication of Upholstering this iummone, exclusive of the day Reflnlahlng Repairing of said first publication, and de­ Screen and all kind» of mill-work fend this action or pay the amount C E C IL C A L K IN S , Proprietor due aa above shown, together with 5 6 t% Weat Eighth Phone 40» coats and accrued Interest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered forecloe Ing the lien of said taxes and costa General la w ITactlce against the land and premises above named. I. M. PETERSON 1 This summons Is published by Attorney at-Idtw order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- City Hall Building worth, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Springfield, Oregon I County of I jtne. and said order wag made and dated this H a t day ot April, 1231. and the date of the first publl atloo of this summons FRANK A. DE PUE In the 23rd day of April, 1231. A TTO R N E Y A T LAW All process and papers In this N O T A R Y P U B L IC proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing w lt t ’n Springfield Button the State of Oregon at the address Oregon hereinafter mentioned. Building H ER B ER T W. LOMBARD, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address. Oottage Grove, Oregon. A23-30 M7-16-21-28-J11-18 I Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers BONDS Eugene Furniture Hospital I . I • Valker-Poolo Chapel FUNERAL DIRECTORS 228 M ain Bt. Rooldonco 128 C SL 41-J 61-M Full Auto Equipment Lady Aaalstant The New Shield shape Lenses made In Boft- Llte Shad i 2. reduce glare. DR F C M E A D E O P T O ^ F . T R I Z T IA Wc AT A V fc N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice la bsr«by given that Iowa L. Crump, on tbe 12th day of May 19.11, was apoolntad executrix of tin- estate or Fielding B Crump de ceaied, by the County Court of Lane County, Oregon All person* having claims against said estate ute hereby notified to present ’ h* seine duly verified as by law re oulred to said executrix at Ih» of flee ol Alta King, attorney. I» the Court House, Eugene, Lune Coun'y, Oregon, within six months of Die first publication of this notice. Date if first publication being the 28th day of May. 1931 Iowa L. Crump IM 28 J 4 1118-26) N O T IC E OF F IN A L r" Niagara Fallt D r opt a Piece of lit " U f f ’ ACCOUNT IN T H E t'( U N TY COURT OF T H E S T A T E ( FO R E G O N FOB LANE COUNTY IN PROBATE NO. 644« IN THE M A TTER OF THE ESTA TE OF JOHN W C U B IT DECEASED. TO W HOM T H IS MAY C«»*’ I'E IlN : Notice la hereby given Dial Ih» administrator of the above an titled estate has filed In the above proceedings, Ills final nccoiinf that the court has »el the urn- ot bearing thereon to be had b-fnio ■eld court at the hour of 10 o’clock A M. Jane 6. 1931, and anyone buvlug uny objection* to the aald final account shall file the same lu writing In aald probate proceed Ing on or before the ds'e set for the said hearing H. K S LA TTE R Y . Administrator. M 7 14 21-28. J. 4 Leave on T rip — Mr and Mrs. It II Nesbitt left Monday for Kalis­ pell. Montana, where they will spend a vacation They will be gone two weeks and expect to drive through Yellowstone park before re- tu nlng to Springfield. Returns to Burnt»— Mr. and Mrs W C. Luckey roturntid to their home at Burns InM laruey county Monday attar having spout the week end visiting with Mr and Mrs. U E. Kenyon and his mother. Mrs Laura Luckey of Eugene. Coma fiom Grants Pass— Roscoe Perkins and Thayer McMurray drove up from Grants Pass to spend the week-end holidays In Sprint field. Mr. Perkins is doing carpen­ ter work on the McMurray property near Grants Pass. Major Oporatlqn — Billy, the young ton of Mr. and Mra. F. A. Weed of Vida underwent a major uperatioo at the Eugene hospital late Thursday evening of last wook and is now getting along steely ac- nrdlng to bln attending physician. Wilhour warning, in tbe night when nobody was looking, a huge chunk of limcstooe about 175 feet and 150 feet wide broke off the edge of the American Falls at Niagara and plunged into the gorge below tko Fall» Thu Chang. 1 the countour ol the Falls completely, but without impairing their beauty The rock ix gradually wearing away but this is the large»! »ingle break in recorded history Tbe photograph was * from Coat Island. looking toward the America N O T IC E O F F IN A L SETTLEM ENT NO TIC E 1» H ER EB Y O IVEN , That Laura Margaret Tryon, exe­ cutrix of the last will and Testa­ ment of Charles Tryon, deceased has rendered and filed In the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon Visitor from Leaburg—C. W. Els- for the County of {•»«'» her final ton of U-aburg wan a visitor in account and said court by order • duly made and entered therein has Springfield Monday. fixed and appointed. Saturday the Leave for Bend — Mre. Wanda 6th day of June 1231 at the hour of IQ o'clock A. M. of said day at Barnes and fam ily left for Bend the County Court room In the Saturday for an extended visit. t'ounty Courthouse In the City of Eugene, Oregon, as the day. time Vj#jt g, Harrisburg— Mrs. Sarah bB^xal'd'niiri account a n d ^ h ^ '» ” " »'"I * * “>»> W,*M to Harris TOWN AND VICINITY tli-m.-nt thereof. All objections to said final ac rount must be In writing and filed with the Clerk of said Court on or before said day and time. LAURA MARGARET TRYO N. Executrix. FRANK A. DePUE, Attorney for executrix. M 7-14 21 28 J. 4. Visit at Fertlarvd -Mr. and Mrs Visitor« from ebadd — Mr. sad H H Sc ha f ten berg sad two daagh- Mrs. A. M.’ 9 Bedgrass aud sou, tera spout the past week-end visit­ Men», of Shedd spent Sunday visit- ing friends In Portland. Ing at tjie Utley Snodgrass bom« Visitor from Monroe— Mrs. D. W Fritts of Melrose Is glutting In Returns from Hospital— Mra. J. D. Pyle was returned to her home In Springfield Sunday from a hos­ pital at Portland where she has been a patient for some time. Fish M cKenzie Saturday— Among local fishermen to spend Saturday bpringfleld this week, angling on tbe McKenzie river werg Visit from Marcola— Mr. and Mrs. pred Frese, Kenneth Tobias, Dr. O. L. Turner of Marcola were visi- w C. Rebhan and D. B. Murphy, tors in Springfield last week-end. Injures Finger — A. W. Scott Leaburg Resident Calls — Mr», severely Injured one of his fingers Beryl tWaven» of Leaburg was a on the morning of May 30, while burg Saturday to »pend the week- visitor In Springfield Monday. end. _ _ . . . ... ,. „ Eu2‘ "« Rea.doet V is it a - F. R. Choir Meets— Members of the Gates of Eugene transacted busl- Baptlst church choir held their re- cqys in Springfield Monday. gular weekly rehearsal In the L , Visit at Rockaway Beach— Mr. church Wednesday evening. , ,u and Mrs. I. M. Peterson spent the Visits from Portland— Mrs. John holiday on the coast at Rockaway Mullins of Portland was a week beach. end guest at the home of Mrs. N O T IC E O F 8 H E R IF F '8 SA LE Go to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Maude Bryan In this city. Guy Gabriel of Portland spent the virtue of an execution and order of V is ito r from K lam ath Falls— M rs week-end visiting relatives at Port- sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane I Hans Nelson of Klamath Falls land County May 6, 1931, upon and pur- »pent the weekend with her niece Visitor from Portland— Dr. C. G. suant to a decree duly given and made by »aid court May 6, 1931, In Van Valzah of Portland spent the u suit pending therein In which Visits Mother— Mr. and Mrs. E. holiday in Springfield with his John O. Johnson was plaintiff and ___. ,i.„ Frank C. King. May E. King. P « ’’ “ T’’ " f Portland spent the week- mother and with his wife. working. The injured finger was dressed at the office of a local phy- Spend Holiday at Yachats— Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard and family, together with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steen, Jr., of Eugene spent the two-day week-end holiday at Yach­ ats where they dug clams on the beach. Berkeley People Here — M r ana Mrs. James Sutherland and daugh­ ters. Katherine and Betty, all of ) Berkeley. California, were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. C. I. Gorrle. Sr. Mr. Sutherland is a .cousin of Mrs. Gorrle. Augustus Peterson, and Annie C. end visiting at the home of her Visit From Oregon City— Mr. and Visitor from Siltcooe— George S. Pnterson his wife. W. T. Brisbane mother. Mrs. C. I. Gorrle, Sr. Mrs. Louis McBee and fam ily of : Ranny of Siltcoos was a visitor in Freeborn County State Bank, a Banking corporation; J. Hugh Pru-| Attends Graduation Exercises— Oregon City spent the week-end ' Springfield Tuesday. He is leaving ett. Eugene Hardware Company, a Mgry Eula be»h W hitney went in Springfield. this week for a visit at his old corporation. Katherine O. W inter . . . . home In Maine. Mr. Ranny is con­ meler and Andrew Holtan were de to Koseburg Friday to attend high Visit at Aetorie— Dr. and Mrs. W. nected with the Southern Pacific fendants, which execution and or- school graduation exercise», N. Dow and two children spent the der of sale was to me directed and , at Siltcoos and w ill be gone three week-end visiting with Mr. Dow’s commanded me to sell the real pro Longview People Vlalt— Mr. and months. perty hereinafter described to sat- Mrg Ernest Skinner of Longview parents at Astoria. They returned Isfy f**rtaln Jlens an