TIIUIISDAY IUNK I l '1^ ' display of force In the «Ir II had e ralln g than any of Ihe others. A come back Ihe unw anted affect of funning Ihe m eeting of lie m em bers will be held "Give th ’» signal when you come flam es of InlernalloliHl bltlernesa. In ihle city In Ihe n e a r fu tu re ll up the trull. T iger Kve," he direct lg expected IO he Io full operation ed. and w histled a strain Ilk. th ■ early this full Published Kvery T hursday a t T axpayers who ma» huve criil cry of some night bird “Vs I'oolc ttpriagf eld. la n e County. O re to n . by me your n a m e ’ (Continued from page O nes id«, d ihe moblllantlon <>* «0« plan, s lioy» hall each o th er that way at Bob R eeves." The kid look a» he should. and a» he did »o 111» T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S as being an additional financial N O -H O S T D IN N E R IS night S afer You h ear that c a ’I. von G arner. a defiant ex r hti.KMfln h<#sc 4 il » ” * Id. >1 while flutter, talk in g to him so ftly : 75c lion »III not cost Ihe public a .ml lug In honor of Mr ami Mrs Italph Advance »175 T hree M onths One Year In leaned over and plucked the paper and looked away, up the read and Ms hook, hut though he slic e d at A m erica's g reatest dem onstration Kach year ihe flying person- I of Ca.l.let'ly of K tigeue who have 5. ................... »1 0« Single Copy Klx Months the open page he did aol ■ d a of flgh'llig alrp!an s e v e r II» I"'* off the bush and exam ined the thing down. the army ami navy Is required Io moved to I'ortlan.l (luesta Included as he rode. It seem ed to be a crude "Say, you b e tte r Jog a lo tu to my line for live m inutes. He was wen- largest cities New y i ' k and c h i he In Ihe all a «ai'l»'" num ber ef Mr and Mrs. C adderly and their THURSDAY. J I NK 4 1931 cage has hail a ‘i e ffe c t n e v er hours T his year plan were made children. R ail li and Jo h n Kcotl, map of the country. lying down be am p with me." he said anea» Iv. dering about the kid. planned by the « ir de a rln ie lll so that the Illg exhibition lie.’am e Mr and Mrs W illiam H Dawson Tie- kid was w ondering t< -*. but HUNDREDS OK XHV SUBSCRIBERS low htm. between th e bench and T hese dam n n e sters is shore men not about Babe. It«' was wend 'll,’ The dem onstration w as InB ti'led a pari of ibis flying Hum. which ami son. Billy; Mr and Mrs W H l,et the pinto go. Any body c >me the river. The Springfield News has just completed a successful The kid spread th e p ap er flat on along ami catch you here, It » 'a n who would do Note Win- '« ’Cs to convince the 'w o mo»i ciimt"«t would have cost Jusi as much ll u f u r r y of Eugene and Miss Wilma subscription campaign ulien by we have added hundreds chores, and he was w o u d citn ; who ed cities th at the governm ent was hail not been held. e well. W hat kinda gun you got Boat his »addle horn and got it lined U| of new paid up subscribers to our list. Wc can now say to with the country. Yes. h ere was the would lake in the body •»ml who able to defend them from an ntlaek •Coll forty-five." the merchants of this city that we cover their trade terri­ place he was coming to. According “Good. T hat w o n t tell nothin would bury W heeler, IB* kepi ; by enem y a ircraft ami h no way A dm inistration forces are well O shkosh Could you got unylhlng tory thoroughly and that wc are giving them more for their to the paper, the ranch was owned If the n esters get snoopy. Come on. \\ »ndi ring who would tell th at we was Intended » r a th reat to other pleased al the rea.tl.»» of business out of Ihe lautk of friend George muu 1.» Ite a ld e n l H oover’s ««*<• W W W Hlltupsou lias w rllteii on by a mau nam ed N ate W heeler and T iger Eye. I ll see yuh through man down there in the coulee that nations. advertising dollar than they ever brought before. The exhibit Ion of m ore Ilian linn nomy program , pari of which has “ Popular A nsw ers Q uestioned"? her husband was dead, and who This contest has been conducted purely for the benefit his brand w as the Cross O. He was this." would meet that baby when It tod lighting plain*« »¡is turned Into a resulted In Ihe closing up of Iw .nly K ennebunk -Oh. yes. 25 cents nt in luck. He could ride right up and of Springfield—to extend the influence of the Springfield call the man by nam e. Just as It He w heeled his horse, and led the died out In its little pink dress, llireni by European new spaper cor­ t» o obsolete arm y posts, and mak the second hand book store. way back up th e hill, and the kid respondents filing from th is conn lug additional savings In Hie post and give ll a ride on a horse. — 1 ■' News and make this community more Springfield minded. he'd heard all about him. It would followed w ithout a word. We know when that spirit exists there will be more mutual m ake a difference, all right. Nate T he dam ned, d irty luck of It» The kid did not ride heck the try and. as a eOttaequence of Ihe office departm ent Hoover Is sav many E uropeans today are lug every dollar possible, w here ll helpfulness among om j« With thia cooperation w e will W heeler w ouldn't th in k he was Just Having to shoot th e first man he way Babe had brought him He flight, PAUSE th at sold on the Idea that the United does no! force men out of Jobs, some fly-by-night stra n g e r riding saw in the country, the one lie was circled around an o th er way. and so S tates has gone war minded The make Springfield grow and prosper and become a trading SAVES M O N EY I I I I . I he could save even more If his H e'd probably give him going to strik e for a Job! A nother cam e Into the trull from Ihe north center for the larger territory lying in these three river 1 through R ussian press In p articu lar has em hands wore not tied by eongiess. «4 //»//.» r Pa m t • w ork; he would, if he had any. thing bothered him ; how had he Instead of the south He hoped lh phastxed Ibis angle us II aids Stalin which practically orders curtain valleys. A man was riding tow ard him. happeued to miss, like th a t? He had body of Wheel» r hud been dlseovor- and his aaaoclalea to convince hl» am ounts i» I»’ spent for govern We are thankful to the contestants who worked so hard coming out of th e wide-armed aim ed at W heeler's gun arm . How ed before new. but It hud not and faithfully for us during the campaign. They made the ' coulee to th e le ft—th e one which had he shot so far wide th a t the j | e rode at a sh arp lope down tin- supporters th at motley spent In pre­ ttienl activities. • • • campaign successful and we have rewarded them to the best the map bad identified as Nate bullet went through W heeler's low er slop , and around the point of p aratio n for w ar Is fully Justified. A nother u n fo rtu n ate thing about W ashington Is disappointed but of our ability. ___ ; W heeler's place. The kid »aw him head? rocks, across the wi»le m outh of the the dem onstration Is th at It came not surprised ut Ihe outeom e of the the m inute he cam e around the It never occurred to him that his coulee and up Io a g ate not far on the h eels of many public and conference l.etw.....I eleven wheat CALIFORNIA BACKS OREGON FOR ONCE bold rock ledge th a t m arked th at fath e r or any one else would dis- from the house. private u tteran ces about war. Il exporting nations. T heir failure to end of th e coulee and he wondered California will throw its support to Oregon in the battle approve of the sh»u»ting T hat would had a bud effect In concentrating for the 1932 national convention of the American Legion, if this m ight not be N ate W heeler be called a case of "have to." And A woman'.' face at the window atten tio n on war In Ihe public mind agree on any program that colled peered out at him T he kid fell for reduced planting did no! ac­ him self. He'd ask him. auvwa.v. as despite the fact that Los Angeles has long been an aspirant as he m editated gravely on the nec­ that hot streak of shyness shoot amt adding one m ore handicap to hieve the result Dial wus hoped fol for the honor of entertaining this great conclave. This puts I soon as they m et. essity of defending him self, he re­ up his spine as her steps cam e tie the recovery of business. Nearly here Officials are w ondering ex­ the entire Pacific slope behind Portland for 1932, Washing­ T he tw o solitary horsem en rode m em bered the Jerk of his big hat all of th ese m entions about war ton. Idaho and Montana already having pledged their sup­ up Into sight of each o th er sudden adti took It off to see Just w hat had ward the door. But the chill of have been for the purpoae of find­ actly what thought Saiii McKelvIe th e m essage he curried steadied had In mind when he praise«! the ly. fifty yards ap art and th e slope happened. port to the Oregon metropolis. him as the door pulled open Ihree ing out ways to avoid them . One | work of Ihp conference regarding dropping away on eith er side. The At Indianapolis immediately after Ben F. Dorris of Eu­ T here it was—a sm udged hole Inches-- no m ore—and her thin, of the first pluns offered was to w heat restrictions, although he was gene extended the invitation of the Pacific northwest to ran ch er Jerked his horse up as if right In th e middle of the crow n. worried face show ed th e re in the "freeze p rices” at Ihe s ta rt of th. th e only man present to com m it his next national conflict, and It ex country to a policy of sm aller acre come to Portland in 1932 to the assembled members of the about to w heel and ride back "Damn Close." Babe com m ented. ,.ra(,x cited a lot of atten tio n In Ihe news age O bservers here w onder »h e National Executive committee, Frank Belgrano of San w hence he cam e. T h e kid kepi You w ant to keep your eye peeled Evenin'. Ma'am. T heuh's a man Francisco, national committeeman from California, rose to straig h t on. T hen th e ran ch er did hereafter. T hese neuters'll shoot a layin' back up th ere a piece In Ihe P«l>er.. It did no! gain much sup Iher he received private assu rati.es port, largely because It was obvious at the m eeting that differed from his feet. In a brief talk in which he extolled the attractions a most am azing thing. He yanked man on sight." road I—is yoah husband—hom e?" of California and the joys of life on the Pacific Coast, he his gun from Its h olster, drov* th e W hat foh?" "No, N ate's gone." She opened to all th at It would not prove prac­ the public announcem ents. concluded: “California also invites you to attend the 1932 spurs against his horse and came ’Cause th ey 're d am n’ cow thieves th e door an o th er th ree Inches and tical. especially In the case of The farm ta.ar.1, while adm itting lunging stra ig h t at the kid. contention at Portland, Oregon ’’ and the l*oole has called th e turn. looked ut him unafraid. "H e ought friendly n ations at war. Ike In the th eir w heal pool Is going to cost ■ ■ — Babe said savagely. You heard » h a t to be bark any tim e now. Is It—Is case of Ihe World war. "Draw, you coyote! I'm com in the governm ent money. Justifies Its A second plan, offered by Wal he holered." EFORE you buy house General Craig says fresh milk is the best diet for soldiers. »hootin'!" he yelled as he rode. th e m an—" coatly support of prices by assert te r 9. Gifford, head of Ihe Atnorl Yeah. I heahd." paint o r let any contract, The kid wag cau g h t com pletely But who ever saw any milk around a field army kitchen. •'Dead. 1 reckon." tag Inst Ils action enabled wheat T h a t's Ihe n e ster s w ar whoop, /» j» ir l«»ng enough to get actual “Oh! Is h e —da you know who II can T elephone and T elegratih com grow ers to unload lheir crop al a Canned or powdered is the way the soldier gets it and then off his ¿ward, but he had been pany. Is to have the governm ent these days. The Poole has had four only for his coffee. Butter too should be good for soldiers trained in a hard school th at ac­ Is?" price ranging front 65 Io 60 cents hgures on the year in and year a lax on all war tnutcrlul but a lot of oleo was eaten in the last war. The general cepted no excuse for fum bling. The men fanned with bullets in the last "N ont. nevah did see him be- place a bushel Instead of around 40 cents, out eco n o my o f N E W ERA m anufactured, which would am ount m onth. W e re needin' rid ers th at foah. A—he was ridln' a black did not have the nerve to classify gold fish, prunes or pow-w of Ms forty -flv j w as not which they would have li.-en forced House Paint as compared to to Ihe exact am ount of excess pro­ cplit second slow er than the o th er can shoot. You come in time. pinto haw se." monkey meat as articles of the soldiers' diet. to accept If th e ir l«s>l had no« been “ o rd in a ry ' house p a in t. O f fit charged for them He pointed "How m any men has the nestahs course, you w»wy save ?OCto 79c He felt a vicious Jerk a t his hat "N ate! They've got N ate! They out IhiA would Im m ediately shut off operated. ptrg^llntt on ordinary paint But as his finger tig h ten ed around the last?" said they would—they nailed a profiteering A third plan was sag Oregon gained 24 per cent in farm population from 1920 trig g er o f his gun. T hen he w as rid Babe hesitated, gave his bead a , ou get short covering quality. w arning on the gale—th e y ’ve killed The latest co-op«- ratlve society t«> to 1930, according to the census bureau. That's a record ng fo rw r.d to w here th e m an had shaKC laughed one hard chuckle. geste.l by H erbert Bayard Swope, You uve SO*I m ore gallon*. You which shows progress and one we can be proud of. Mon- toppled from his horse. The little “ You know of one. anyw ay." he h im ' W here Is he? Is It f a r ’ III who suggested m uzzling the press receive governm ent support Is the | get 40* »Aorfer lift. In five year* go with you. The m u n e r ln g devil;’ . ! N ational Krult and Vegetable - Ex j Una was the only sUte in the union to show a decrease and forcing ll to print only govern you paint tu ic e w ith ordinary into .-»hied aw ay and would have sa id m ea n in g ly . How far is it? chunge. In«’. This group m akes the , m ent propaganda. in population in the 1930 census. The kid questioned no fu rth er sta rte d running, but th e kid caught house paint to u ntt -vith * o n » eighth national co-operative mar | (TO BE CONTINUED) -------------- ♦ - ------------ All th ese suggestions w ere cabled it w ith one sw eep of his long arm but iollowed silently In B abe's lead. Quality N E W ERA lu ot •. across to E urope as showing that keting agency to he formed, and Is j Whether Governor Meier and his police bill or Secretary th a t g athered in th e trailin g reins O ver a lava bed they w ent, w here P O W E R S A F E T Y M E E T few cert» one of the largest of all groups i words, by paving this country was fully as wan- Hal Boss and his $3-license fee will occupy the most lime­ He was sittin g th ere on his horse 'h e horses m ust pick th eir way more per gallon f. r this urptr- ll has a nucleus of more local co- ' H E L D H E R E O N M O N D A Y minded ns the European countries. light in the next campaign is hard to say. Looks like Gen­ starin g incredulously down at the »are f’illy but w here they left no ky ih t jck Operative ussot la llo tls already op- ' (fuahty paint.yen When tak en In conjunction with the eral Butler will be needed most just before election. dead m an, when a n o th e r horsem an track. Down along the rim of the anJ ky ib r ytar. . .»k u» tor (he A m onthly m eeting of the Safety cam e galloping down a grassy ridge, bent bland, past the heiyl of the actual figHrrt o f ’ bat thle N E W com m ittee of the M ountain S tales ERAeconom yw ll mean «« ru*« Irwin Kolar, a Chicago uxicab driver, told police that a no m ore than a sto n e's throw away coulee m arked on the inap as Rower company w orkers In this dls- W heeler's. Once, the kid looked burnt. IX» this beforeyouapenda smartly attired young gunwoman, posing as a passenger, The kid tu rn ed and looked at him do»n alm ost upon the roof of the trlc t was held at th e power house nickel lor house paint of any kwid. rode around in his cab for a while and then robbed him of hardly along the barrel of his gun cabin. A woman cam e out and be- Monday evening at . :30 with I. E "Y o'all stop w here yo’re at," he his money and his pants, much to his embarrassment. Gen- com m anded in his soft draw ling gan pulling the clothes off the line. Dunks, secretary , in charge __________-------------- — discus- voice, and the stra n g e r stopped her back to the bluff. A baby In a en d safety problem s Leave it to the maids-about-town ami ask them if sed. An egg said to be twice the size of an ordinary egg and throw ing up both hands laughingly pink d ress toddled out on the door­ having a "aatural map of the universe,” on it was laid by as he did so. The kid surveyed him step. sat down violently and began they would like to step down to Egglniann's fountain a hen belonging to Mrs. W. C. Hermon of Martin, Tenn. Tcút o u * « > r. critically with his peculiar, tigerish to squirm backw ard off the step. C H IC K E N S . H O G S T H R IV E ■---------------« --------------- and she will say. "Yes." eye. the o th er squinted half-shut. W heeler's baby. Only th ere w asn’t O N G R E E N A L F A L F A C R O P ; Don Dickennan. artist of New York, was awarded a $100 It gave him a deadly look in spite any W heeler, any more. Ju st a heap (Jure iti tb«‘ fountain service supreme. . . . where prize for defining love as ' a season pass on the shuttle be­ of his boyishness-, but he did not of dressed-up bones and m eat, back Six Douglas county farm ers have s|jO $ T i LES$ PI.« JOB, PER YÍAB th ere in the trail. planted sm all acreages of alfalfa know th at. tween heaven and hell.” nil the folks go. W hat devil's luck was it th a t had to provide green feed for their "T h at's all rig h t—I'm a friend. m ade the kid shoot wide, like th a t? poqUry (jocks thiz year. A nother James Albert Scott, boxer of Bridgeport, Conn., boasted Think I’d rode out in sig h t if I Used to shoot the pips out of cards farn)f.r flear H illsboro io W ashing- w asn't?" th e stra n g e r rem arked an “undefeated record" until his wife got a decision over som ebody held out for him sis )on coun(y h as found th a t by using »easily. “I'm riding for th e Poole.” him in a domestic bout. W ithout m oving h is gaze, the kid would hold card s out for him to a ,(a j(a as pasture, supplem ented by "W h e re the Service la DMTerePt' H A R D W A R E — F U R N IT U R « tilted his head slightly tow ard the shoot, any tim e. The kid could not gklm mj | k fronl j , j 8 da jry herd, he The judge who tried Fred M. Conklin of Chicago for , tw isted figure on th e ground. u n d erstan d it. It w orried him al- pr(Mj ucing pork a t less than half P A IN T speeding fined him $3 for each mile per hour he was travel­ m ost as much aa the killing. the usuaj cost. "Yo’all h eard w hat he said ?” Babe G arner had a snug cabin, ing, or $135. "Y eah. I heard '1m. He had it not to be approached save from one I cornin'. Kid.” “I aim ed to shoot his gun ahm direction, up a bare steep l i t t l e . Dr. Frank Shufflebotham of Newcastle, Eng., stated in ridge to a walletFIn basin w here two his bankruptcy case that fighting his wife’s divorce suit down. I didn’t aim to kill him ." springs nubbled out from the rock | "You'd been o uta luck, Kid. if you had wrecked his finances. wall and oozed aw ay through ferns I ---------------