THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS U'ltlNGPIBLI). LANE COUNTY, OltKGON 1 WICNTY-KIC.HTH YEAR T1IUHB1JAY, JUNE 4, li»31 «•4P«** Leave HONORS TWO $ 4 ,0 0 0 A w a rd s M ade AIR JOUR PLANS WOOD CONTRACls Tuesday for Camp TEACHER BRIDES In Subscription Drive FOAMED FOB t i l l LEI FOB SCHOOLS I <0 IK - ardsmen Ä4? .<0, D ’scuss STUDENTS TO GET Thistle Control DIPLOMA FRIDAY Plan» for Eradication Workl Unattached Men Desiring to to Be Formulated at Mass ‘Modern Lights in Ancient Attend Camp Requested Mrs. Van Valzah and Mrs. Mrs. Garoutte Takes Graham-Paige Car, Mrs. Forstrom the Elaborate Tour Being Organ­ Mnrcola Dealer to Supply all Meeting Saturday Halle" to Be Commence­ ized for July: May Have to See Lieut. Swartz Ford Automobile; Mrs- Huntly and Hanekamp Given Shelly Entertained at Party Necessary Fuel for School Auto-Gyro Entered ment Topic of Speaker Radios; Other Awards Made at Masonic Hall This Week A mass meeting to discuss sradl-1 Buildings During Year Sixteen enlisted man end two of- " fleer* of Company C, 182ml Head­ Negotiations for bringing the Sec­ cation of Canadian thistles and Two achool teacher», hirTh of .Mrs, Ituth Garoutte, Cottage Grove, whirlwind subscrip- ond Pacific Northwest Air Tour to other obnoxious weeds has been LARGE CLASS GRADUATES quarter» Infantry company, Oregon whom have become bride» during , . • SUGGESTIONS ARE ASKED ■■ National Uuard will leave Spring- the past few month», and who win Hon tak*»r, drove off the Graham-Paige sedan Wednesday Springfield thia summer were wart­ called to meet at the Court house In Eugene at 1:30 Saturday after­ Many Awards Presented to field Tuesday morning at 6:30 for soon leave th« city to make their evening In the Springfield News-Eugene Record subscription ed hare Wednesday noon at a spe­ noon by O. 9 Fletcher, Lane coun- Request That Teachers Re­ camp Clatsop for their annual Students During Class Day home» elsewhere were honored campaign. The Ford automobile, second prize, was awarded main In Rooms to Aid Btu-_ training at euinmer camp together Tuesday evening with n party at to M rs. Eathel Forstrom, Eugene, by the four judges who cially called luncheon meeting by ty agricultural agent, and C. E. Exercise« This Morning Major J. H French, and Russell Stewart, county fruit Inspector, al- with unite from many other cities dents Extra Half Hour tin- Mh»oni( bun gui-n hi ih. ii tount,,,j tjie votw, |n the |,ij, contest. Third prize, a trip to son In charge of eradication of the of Oregon A »pedal trnln will ori­ honor by the member» of Cascade Lawson, governor of the National r > r Commencement exercises at the Canadian thistles In the county. F W. Wilson's low bid of |2 95 ginate In Hprlngfleld and will pick c h a p te r, o r d e r of K n .to re . s t a r . Alaska went to Mrs. Arthur Hayes, Eugene Springfield high school will be held Aeronautical association for the Mi». M H Huntly, Springfield, won the i’hllco radio offered l>er cord won for him the contract up eompanlea at Eugene. Albuny, of which both are member». ... 7 T to furnish ZOO cord» of fuel for the, Halem and other cltlee on the way The honored guests were Mrs fourth prize on the Record and Mrs. J. Irene Hanekamp took the At- ... in . . . a - , . , . , u, „„ w “■ city school» at the meeting of the i to camp. Van Valzah. formerly. Ann Oorrle. ’ w“, «r Kent, fourth prize on the News. The fifth prizes of 675 on each * University of school board held here Monday Member» of the Hprlnnfteld con and Frank Shelly, formerly Ml»« newspaper w.-nt In Mr». Tbomaa Campbell, Eugene, and to Ml»» Hazel the tour to this city was not com ,and, jnd on cut<)Ter land He h l . dl8c““ ^ r i^ b lllty of the a, tb8 prlnclpal lpeakar Hu , wb. KdnilstOn, Thurston. Sixth prize» were awarded to Mrs. Elma Moss, Me pleted at t evening at the office of Dr. W. II. 1 tigent to make the trip will be Muliel Olson m7 , • , * d f« u is further COUDty purch“ lD« • mechanical Ject w„, - Mod. rn Llghu An. pollard, chairman Mr. Wlleon llvea First Lieut. Charle* A Swarts, A program given during the even Glynn, and Mrs. Pearle Scbantol, Hprlngfleld. next few days to discuss further fpray|ng outfit to be used in all Halls ’’ at Marcola and get» bli wood In Second Lieut. Walter N. Gossler, Ing following the regular lodge The campaign. In which 64.000 was given away In prize* and arrangement, according to Dr W of tbe conllly n that vicinity. Three other firm» staff Sergeant Alfred C. Tuwnn-nd, work Include d vocal selection» by uiminxlona earned, was very succesHful In adding thousand* of eub- C. Rebhan. chairman of the Spring _ . . . u ,le uan1“ 8 wlu ««»• and Individual» entered bid» for Hergeant Urvllle A. Cantrell, Her» Mra W. II Hobbs who waa aecom i.b e r u to the Hpnngt.eld News and Eugene Record subscription lists, field Airport committee „ Fletcher will give » «W *t e . tatory address and M ym . Bartho- wood which ranged from 13.00 t o 1 eant Nell II. Ulllon», Hergeani psnled by hi-r daughter. Mrs. Ben Contestant* worked In every town and rural community In the county demonstrations and trials which lomew wlll give the valadictory Plans for the tour this season baTfc jjeen made during the past speech. Diplomas wlll be presented | 360 per cord The wood »pacified Charles P. Scctt, Corporal» Elmo M Lodge and garnet under the dlree- and aa a rewult put the newspapers Into county-wide circulation. have been shaped to Include fewer >ear to contro, obnollon, wee<„ to the members of the class by Dr. 1» old growth body fir ilabwood Ixrng. Verroll N McFarland Stan tlon of Mrs. John F. Ketels. Beau Judge» Vote Statement stops and longer stops at each of wilb tbe uge Qf cbiorate solution*, W. H. Pollard, chairman of the In four foot length», and 1» to be lay A Millar, Freemen C. Squlrea; tlful baskets of flowers were pres The Judge» Statement in the Campaign follows: the cities on the schedule. Many He Hg will w 1 jj discuss results delivered at lha achool» of the city Private» First (Tess Frank L. Lom­ ented to each of the two guest» of results obtained obtained school board, To whom It may concern; cities have already signed to enter with sodium chlorate and calcium bard. Lloyd W. Mattlaon; Private« honor during the evening. liefore Auguat 16. One of the largest classes la the We, the official Judges on the Eugene Record and The Springfield tain the Air Tour. Considerable dl»cu»»k>n waa held William G. Cox, Norval L. Foe», chlorate solutions In various parts history of the school wlll be given Refre»hments were served In New» subscription campaign hereby certify that we have Issued votes More than 101 applications for I O( the county and under different diplomas at the commencement ex­ on the matter of drawing a achool Vernon P. Lila». Theo. P. Robley, (he dining room from decorated budget, but wai postponed until Ivan C. Stnrmer and Heraey r. table». Large cakes, banked with a<> each of the conlenlanls for the subscriptions and remittances which entries of ships have been made, weather condition*. He will also ercises. A total of forty-tour stu but It is possible that many of them discuss plans for the purchase o f ! dents have completed their work rosebud» were placed before each they have deposited Into the locked and sealed ballot box. later. Thia w"l probably he pre­ Tomseth. One member. Orval H. Eaton, of the ’guest» and these together pared and submitted at a achool We have also checked the figures of the campaign manager will be weeded out eliminating dup- chemicals for use on farms again ' this year. Presentation of awards earned meeting to be held ahortly before »ergeant. will be left at borne dur with other cake» and punch com­ overlng the vole» Issued to contestant* up to and Including the end lication of models and types of this summer. AJ] farmer8 and propert, owners during the year (excepting football, the opening of the achool year next Ing the camp period He 1» In the prised the refreshments. jf the second period of the campaign. May 22. 1931, and compared them ships and that the final caravan fall. Several thing». Including the hospital recovering from a broken More than fifty person» w-re pre zitb the figure» certified to by each contestant and find that they agree. wlll consist of between 50 and 60 je tfce county are urged to attend were made at the high school this owned by non. I morning by various faculty mem- bringing of high »cbool »indent» neck and la getting along nicely, «onl according to Mr». <’. O. Wllaon, Therefore; by adding the total number of vote* earned by each ships of various types. Ten of the lhig meeflng most prominent women pilots have reg,dentJ whlch hag lB. bers and outside organizations. from Waliervtlla. next fall have not but will not be among the rank» worthy matron of the lodpe. lonte-taut to the total number of vote» shown on their certified state­ already agreed to participate In the f(?cted be c,eane(J by chat one bus which had been eli­ scholastic work. peat year with noticeable results, evening according to J. M. Larson, te M;ss Ann Vogal advisor of th e . minat^ Their names were not available f. om tbe new 8cbedule member of Pi Phi Pl fraternity. tonight. The women will go to the f)nance off|cer Qf tbe A gpe. and that In Eugene and other cities when this was written. Girls group at the breakfast in ap- had been put back on tbe regUiar Ills parents live in Eugene. where teacher* have remained a LANE PIONEER PASSES park during the afternoon and their cja| dance program Is being plan- Other parts of the program con­ predation of she has xtone rung Vnder schedule , be bus short while after dismissal of AT COBURG TUESDAY husbands will go to the park in ned to make this one of the most during the past year. sisted of the presentation of mem­ w)u ,eave Eu?ene pt n p m eacb MRS. WALKER HONORED time for supper. Mrs. Walter Gos- outstanding dances of the entire classe* the percentage of students bers of the typing class, musical Officers of the League for the j evenieg and will leave Springfield numbers by Ernest McKinney, vocal Nathaniel C. Purkerson pioneer behind their class has dropped AT DEGREE STAFF PARTY sler, Mrs. Harry Stewart, and Mrs. year. next year were installed at the at 11:30 on the return trip, resident of Lane county died at gTeatly. O. H. Jarrett will have charge of solo, Eldred Glaspy, violin; Elva These dances have been spon­ breakfast. They are Junta May; _________________ hla home at Coburg at noon Tues­ Approximately 26 members and the affair. Moyer and Adeline Perkins, piano. sored by the local post every other president; Eunice McFarland, vice- g p R i ^ Q f i^ L D LIONS AT day st the age of 67 years. Hhe friends of tbe Progressive 22 De- Student body officers for the year MARY GARBER FUNERAL week since early last fall and have president; Helen Hulett, secretary! was born October 1, 1863. at Fir gree stuff of the Rebekah lodge been well attended. and treasurer; and Evelyn Bacus,! PHILOMATH MEETING were installed by Jack Hulett, out­ TO BE HELD FRIDAY Butte, eight miles west of Eugene gathered at the home of Mrs. O. H. MRS. WILSON HOSTESS going president. The new officers It has not been decided whether 1 social promoter. on the Elmira road. Hla father was Jarrett last Thursday evening for a TO W OMENS GROUP ate Gene Hamlin, president; Leila , Four members of the Springfield Miiry E Garber passed away at In the commleary business durlnv or not they wlll be resumed again Selection of the outstanding girl ( ,ons cIub Dr w c Rebhan. W. F. Squires, vice-president; Eunice Mc- surprise party honoring Mrs. W. F. her home near Hprlngfleld Wed­ the early Indian wars. Members of the Central Division next Walker. Is baaed on two points: The great Waiker, F. B Flanery. and Jack Keenan, treasurer. nesday at the age of 67 year». She Mr. Ibtrkerson ia survived by hl» of the Ladies' Aid of the Central The guest was presented with a est Influence for good among the (tenderer motored to Philomath The clasa history prepared by Is survived by her widower. J. A. wife. Martha Purkerson. a son, Presbyterian church of Eugene Visits Daughter—Mrs. W. H. Rid- girls ot the school, and personal Wednesday evening to attend the Marte States and Alma Fish was Garber, three brothers, and one Nell, of Junction City; two daugh­ beautiful purse by her friends dur- ng the evening which was spen’ were entertained at a 1 o'clock rell of Detroit is a houseguest this demonstration of oustanding en- | charter night meeting of the club given and was followed by the sister. ters. Mrs. W. T. Wilder and Mrs luncheon at the home of Mrs. C. week at the home of her daughtter. deavor in every line of work. in that city The Philomath club class will written by Nellie Stuart Mrs. Garber *»» born at Witch- Herschel Axtell of Eugene and a with conversation and refreshments O. Wilson on Emerald Heights Mrs. C. O. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson Audrey McFarland had her name has recently been organized and is ana Clarice Fenton. Angellne Sev­ consisting of angel fooi cake, Ita, Kansas, December 16. 1873 and sister, Mrs. Hue Turner of Portland. strawberries and cream, and coffee. Tuesday afternoon. Twenty ladles drove to Detroit Saturday and her engravea on the cup in 1930 and under the sponsorship of the Cor­ erson and Daisy Tomseth were res­ lived mo»t of her life In the west. A beautiful cake decorated by a of the group were present for the mother accompanied her to Spring- Lena Frlzell had hers placed on the Funeral services were held on ponsible (or tbe class prophecy. vallis den. She »pent several years at a teach­ Thursday morning at 10:30 o’clock son of one of the members drew affair. i ileld for a visit. cup in 1929. er among the Indians and waa mar­ from the Branstetter chapel Dr. S onstdorable admiration from those FORMER RESIDENT DIES ried at Klamath Falla, April 10, Earl Childers, pastor of the Eugene present. The cake Itself was a pink LIGHTER FRUIT CROP 1910, moving to this county In Christian church officiated and In­ color and was decorated with pink IN EUGENE ON SUNDAY BREDICTED FOR YEAR 1923. She wa» a member of the terment was made In I-aurel Hill and green Icing which included the wording, Progressive 22 at the top. Mrs Estella Mead, until recently Springfield Baptist church. General decrease tn fruit crops cemetery. and Alberta, given name of the F*uneral services will be held Frl I on the Pacific coast is predicted in a resident ot Hprlngfleld, died at honor guest, below. day afternoon at 2 o’clock from the the state market report Just Is­ her home at Z435 Potter street. Eu­ COUNTY CREWS BUSY Veatch chapel In Eugene with Rev. sued. Lighter crops of prunes, ap­ gene Sunday midnight at the age ON LANE ROAD OILING CRUELTY IS ALLEGED R. R. Mulholland, pastor of the ples, pears, cherries, and apricots of 61 year*. Sbe lived In Spring- IN HUSBAND S ACTION Hprlngfleld Baptist church offlclat will be harvested tn both Oregon field for three years, moving to Iatylng of the second coat of oil Eugene three months ago. lug nd California is tbe prediction. on the Crow road has been com N. V. Blnln filed suit for divorce She was born at Louslvllle. Ken­ Peaches tn the Willamette valley pleted by the county crews. Work from his wife Amelia Blain. The tucky, March 1, 1870, and is sur­ SPRINGFIELD YOUNG MAN Is being started now on the oiling will remain about normal, although couple married at Vancouver vived by four sons and one daugh­ ENTERS ARMY SERVICE of the Lordne highway to be fol Wash., April 17. 1908. and have the crop will be light in Hood ter as follows; F. C. Mead. Ely River, Umatilla, and ’Jackson lowed by the south Wlllnmette five children, three of them minors. Nevada; E. O. Mead. Eugene; Arble W. Lansberry, son of Mr. street road. counties where April frosts did con­ The plaintiff asks that the minor David G. Mead, San Francisco; E and Mrs. Lynn G. Lansberry of 764 siderable damage. During the oiling operation» one­ children be In caro of defendant B. Mead. Eugene, and Mrs. Geneva Eight street, this city, successfully way traffic will be the rule a» one- and that plaintiff wlll provide $10 Belchert of Mount Tiler, Idaho. passed the mental and phynlcal ex half of the road will be oiled at IUKA CIRCLE TO MEET a month each for their support. Funeral services were held Wed­ amination (or entrance into the ro- one time leaving the remainder Cruel and Inhuman treatment is AT ARMORY TONIGHT nesday at 2 p. m. at the Branstet­ gular army at Vancouver Barrack«, clear for traffic, according to Ed­ alleged by the plaintiff. ter chapel. President Johns of the b’lllS T INSTALI j MENT nickname suggested by something spread his blankets twice in the Washington last week. He enlist­ win Tullar, county road supcrln Members of Iuka circle numbei Latter Day Saints of Coburg con­ ed for the medical and denial ser­ tendent. The ktd was running away, but |n his character or appearance, but ame camp. He’d he in Canada tf CÓBURG GIRLS WIN TWO he was taking his time nbout It. she had made It a taunt. vice and wlll be stationed at l e t ­ he dtdn t stop pretty - wn, he 28, Ladies of the Grand Army of ducted the service* and Interment terman General hospital at Iho He couldn't change the yellow thought. He didn't want anythin; the Republic, will hold their regu­ was made In Laurel Hill cemetery. NATIONAL ESSAY PRIZES and he enjoyed every foot of his Prosldlo of Han FrancUco, Callfop LEGION TO MEET AT flight'. stare of hts right eye, any more of Canada; too cold up there. He'd lar meeting at the Armory tcnlght. Two of five prizes offered Oregon W ALTERVILLE TONIGHT nla. He will leave for hi» new as- He was runlng away from several than he could remember not to stay down In Montana. Lots of the This will be the final meeting be- MRS. GEO. PROCHNOW Four-H members In a recent na­ things that had begun to harry him. squint his blue left eye nearly shut boys went up Into Montana with , for the state convention to be held »Igntnont and duties the latter part HAS MISSION SOCIETY The regular meeting of the tional essay contest by the Swift even at twenty: his father's when he really meant something, the big trail herds and didn't come il1 1 '"'tlund. and P1“0® of thia week. gates from this circle will be dis­ Mrs. George l*rochoow enter­ 6»rlor to entering the serviee, Springfield American Legion post Packing oompany ware won by two enemies—Rtich as had ontllved His mother always told him he got back; seemed to like the country cussed tained at her home Tuesday after­ Lansberry was employed by the number 40 wlll be held at the Walt- Coburg girls, Grace Stolslg. and Rtrnlght-shootlng old Killer Reeves; that tiger eye at a circus she had fine. noon at 2:30 for th* member* of Standard Bridge company at Port­ ervllle hall tonight according to Gladys Mallottee, according to hut he was not running from the visited before he was born. The It was nice country, all right, and the Women’s Foreign Missionary land and also attended Hprlngfleld W. N. Gossler, adjutant. The pro­ word received by R. C. Kuehner. enemies so much as from the Im­ ktd didn't know about that, but he the ktd decided that he had about PIANO REC ITA L TO gram for the meeting has not been county club leader. Many of the pending necessity of shooting them. knew he had it and that It was reached the end of his Journey. high school for one year. BE TUESDAY EVENING society of the Methodist chareh. released. Four-H members who visited the The kid had no ambition for carry­ the eye that looked down a gun From where the trail approached She was assisted by Mrs. L. K. plant on the Marketing day tour ing on the feud and getting the barrel when he practised shooting; the edge of a high, wide pla’eau. Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton will Page. EUGENE LODGE MEMBERS competed for the prizes. name of being a killer, like Pap. 'he eye that stared back when he had a splendid view of the coue- i resent her piano students tn a re­ HAVE PROGRAM HERE CANARY ROAD GRADING Will Play at Church—Mrs. Bar- cital at the Baptist church Tuesday He did not want to kill; he had somebody tried to give him some try spread out below him. SOON WILL BE READY He could look right down Into the evening, June 9. at 7:30 o’clock. nice Finley wlll play at both the seen too much of that and It car­ of their lip. They didn't, very often; EARLY FRUITS NOW Members of the Rebekah lodge Grading on the Canary cut-off at Eugene had chargo of the pro APPEAR ON MARKET ried neither novelty nor the glam­ they seemed to expect him to ride wide mouth of that coulee and see The group wlll be assisted by a morning and evening services at our of adventure. Then, too, he was with hts right glove off and his gun corrals, the squatty stable and the quintette from Eugene under the the Methodist church Sunday (n the gram at the weekly meeting of road will be completed this week absence of Mrs. Fenton, regular Small quantities of Royal Ann running away from a girl who had loose In its holster the way Pap small house backed up »gainst the direction of Professor Landle*. Jaunlta Rebekah lodge of Spring and the trestle bridges will be open musician. red sandstone wall. Maybe he could field Monday evening. It was an for traffic early next week but will cherries and apricots are beginning called him Tiger Eye to htB face. always did. Visiting Parent* — Mrs. Pauline But the kid never wanted to shoot get a Job and stop right there, with­ nounced at the meeting that Sister not he finished at that time, accord­ lo make their appearance on local The kid felt a streak of fire shoot Visit from Grants Pass — R«v. Alley of Moro Is visiting at the Ethel Meldrum of Astoria, preal ing to reports of county road offi­ markets this week. The strawber­ up his spine when he thought of ny one. That was the main rea­ out looking any farther. The kid swung his slim body home of her parent* Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs. Miles Pitcher and son, ry crop is getting pretty well along the way she had pronounced the son why he had left home. dent of the Rebekah assembly (or cials. That was nearly six weeks ago. around in the saddle to see tf hts W. E. Buell. She wlll remain In Francis, of Grants Pass were On the Canary road there are and wlll ho lighter than usual due ame men called him. Always be­ Oregon wlll pay her official visit to the local group at th* next meet approximately 700 feet of piling to the extremely dry condition of fore he had accepted It Just as he The kid had pointed his pony’s nose j pack horse was coming right along Springfield for approximately two | day guests at the home of Mr., week*. Mr*. L. E. Fanton. 146 gtxth would have accepted any other to tbe north and never once had he j (Continued on page 2) ths soil this reason. bridges being installed. Ing Monday evening, June 8. Outstanding Girl Named at School Read and Be Thrilled - A New Serial Story Starting this W ek r TTH^CIR