< THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY, OREGON TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Self Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE, OREGON CHECK! and Double Check’ Your Vacation Need». T he dru g »tore alw ays h as som e <»f the article» nece«- Hary to a vacation or picnic. W h eth er it ia cold cream , I o G oiih o r ln»ect powder» we have the kind th a t get» rcKMltH. You d o n ’t need to experim ent. Come h e r e and we will give you th e benefit of year» of experience. Ketels’ D rug Store In New Store Largest Stock of Shoes in Lane County at Lowest Prices Main, Near F ifth Violet Ray gasoline is colored so th a t you will know It Is th e genuine artic le you are buying T h ere Is no su b stitu te for Violet R ay gasoline. It costs no m ore bu t goes fa rth e r B ew are of ord in ary gasolines doctored with acids T hey eat up y o u r m o to r Violet Ray 1» •guaranteed to he free of all h arm fu l elem ent». We u»e It in o u r own m otor. Home of VIOLET RAY and ETHYL I * I Smart Summer DRESSES Plain Pastels, Flow ered Prints, Polka D ots YOU KNOW VIOLET RAY “A” Street Service Station A No. 20 THURSDAY, MAY 2K. 1931 The Golden Rule Ruler« of Low Prioee 10th & Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer« Bld<.