PAO » POUR THUR8DAY. MAY 2K. 1»8I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS STATE COLLEGE PLANS POWER COMPANY TO DO FOUR-H CLUB SCHOOL FREE RANGE WIRING Largest A tten dan e* en Racerd Promised fe r »aasien te S ta rt en Juna S la ■ Between 700 and 800 4 H club boy* and girls, ranging In age from 12 to 20 years, and representing more than 30 Oregon counties are expected to arrive on the Oregon Mate college campus June 8 for the Seventeenth Annual Club Sum m e r session FORMULA FOR EARWIG POISON BAIT GIVEN Upper Willamette An announcement of great In Laura Mathews infant daugh tereat to the people of Springfield ter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mathews ha» just been made public by W who passed away at the Pacifiy K Barnell, local manager of the Christian hospital Wednesday of Mountain State« Power con,pan\ i last week was buried in the Pleas Free range wiring service will be ant Hill cemetery Thursday. Grave extended any local customer bn., side services were held. The young ing an electric range after May 1.’ : girls of Pleasant Hill high school Thia unusual offer includes all wir glee club sang several hymns and trig In connection with the inslal | tour of (he girls acted as pall bear 1st ton of an electric range a n d |, ers water heater and means a sub- The young folks of the Inter stantial saving of 836.M nr more medja,e Endwor ove , Md to purchasers of this modern labor- wiener roost at the Riverside park saving equipment for the home Prtdav night Games were played Much interest is beiug taken in In the moonlight and manv o f the this special concession on the part I ng fo,kg Wt>n, 8wlmnlil|g of the power company and it is werc cha,lerontH, bv Mr expected that many locol cltixens Mrs A rll(.Ips Mr M;g will avail them selves of this un WbeHvr aIld Mr M„ K usual opportunity to install an elec - Swift trie range and water heater without Installation coats. The offer is not 1 !,e , ’le;‘sa,lt 11111 Athletic club restricted to equipment purchased ba!"'ba11 waa defea,ed b> «»• in (be power company's appliance Sou,h Uen,on ,eani stores but also Includes ranges an,I «*rk las‘ Sundav bv “ • « * * « 11 water heaters purchase,! from any to 10. The game next Sunday will be played at Pleasant Hill be­ local dealer. tween Pleasant HUI and Hender shoits. Hendershotts have not FARMS TO HAVE MORE been defeated this year and a re­ HORSES IS PREDICTION cord crowd is expected Despite the much-talked-of econ omlc depression, both the total at tendance and the number of boys and girls attending on scholarships awarded by the state fair and by various service clubs and other or­ ganisations of the state will he considerably larger than In any pre vlous year, according to H. C. Sey­ mour. state club leader. Regular claaeea In agricultural and home economica subject«, game« and all forma of supervised recreation. dally assem blies with prominent men of the «talc as epeakers are provided for the bovg and girls during their two-weeks' stay on the campus ('lasses in for­ estry and training in fire prevention are among work offered for the The juniors of the Pleasant Hill boys for the first time this year. A There is a pronounced shift back high school took the seniors to number of additions have also been to horses this year. The horse Newport for the week-end. They made In classes for girls. population of the country show s an left Friday uoon May 20, and re­ The club members will live in tht average o f fourteen years while it turned Sunday afternoon. college dormitories agein this year, should be but seven years, accord­ will have the use of the regular The iufant son o f Mr. and Mrs ing to the federal census bureau. college laroratorles. and will he Apparently horses will replace 1,e of 11111 P»88 taught by members o f the college some of the sheep and cattle on “way at the Pacific t hristian faculty. In addition to the broad­ many of the pastures of the middle hospital Saturday and was burled at casts put on by certain counties west because cheap farm products the Pleasant Hill cemetery Tues­ each evening over KOAC, the col­ will not support tractor farming. day afternoon. Graveside services lege radio station, one class will This will mean. too. that the con­ were held W. A. Elkins officiating. be broadcast each day. so that par­ sumption of feeds raised on the The girls of the Pleasant Hill high ents and others Interested may hear farm will be increased by the larger school glee club sang several the situ a i work the clubbers are use of horses in motor power anti hymns “ nd four young girls acted getting less cash sent out of the country as lK‘11 hearers. Mrs. Dayle was C. A. Howard, state superintend for gasoline and tractor accessories. lornlerlv Miss Markaret Cooper enl of public instruction; C. L. Better prices for meat should pre- llauKhter of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Starr, chairman of the board of vaM because the horse that will re Cool>er ° f Pleasant HUI. Mrs higher education; and O. M Plum­ place the sheep and cattle on the toop er teacher at the Pleasant Hill mer are among the prominent farms will not be used for meat bigl1 8ehool #nd Mr. Cooper is speakers who will address the club food. I Principal of the Santa Clara high members during the session An __________________ ' school. invitation has also been issued to e .... . 1 Nina Dilley who has employ­ Governor Julius L. Meier. ment at Portland spent the week­ end with her parents at Coast Fork. HAYING PRACTICES ARE Mrs. William Ruth and daughter MUs Mab<'1 Anderson and Miss P»rt- STRESSED BY SPECIALIST Monica, motored to Portland last Arah NeH Arn<>ld w111 Saturday to visit her daughters land Frlday M,as Anderson will Miss Laura Ruth and Mrs Adrian work in Por,land during the sum Q uality Depends on T im e, Ms James Hastings who underwent mer mon,h'' and M‘8’ Arnold wil1 of Cutting, Curing and an operation for appendicitis at the visit a ahort tl,ne with Nina Dlll per Camp Creek last Sunday and were much pleased with our beau­ tiful little valley. They were also praising Oregon and thought it a wonderful" state. Those motoring to Eugene and Springfield on business the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. ( hester Nye. Mr and Mrs Ed Nye. Mr and Mrs. George Wlllian. Mrs. ( a be Miner Wegner. Mrs George Fisher. Mrs. Duncan and Mr. Fellows. The upper Camp Creek union Sunday school is holding Its attend­ ance remarkably well for the sum­ mer. They ate now working out a children's day" program, every­ body is Invited to come and help us enjoy these good things. Eugene hospital some time ago has Quality In hay is largely depend recovered enough to be brought KO AC T O BROADCAST ent on its being cut at the proper home last Sunday. INCOME TAX POINTERS stage, cured rapidly without bleach­ Inus Flanigan from Portland visi­ ing or exposure to rain, and taken ted at the W eaver home last Sun­ Information concerning the state from the field as soon as it has day. income tax and intangibles tax with cured sufficiently, according to D. Mrs. Ernest McDonald and son. suggestions on filing returns will D. Hill, associate agronomist at Ore- Homer, and Miss Thelma Delels be given over Oregon State college gon tate college. Adequate equip- from Oakland. California, arrived . radio station KOAC. by a member POLICE DOC KILLED meat and labor to carry on each last Thursday and visited until of the state tax commission at 7:30 AS KILLER OF SHEEP operation promptly are essential to Saturday at John Edmiston's. They o’clock on the evening of June 2, 3. production of good hay, he says. motored on to Portland to visit and 4. A huge police dog which, accord Quality is determined largely by her son. Barclay, who is attending --------------------------- - ing to R. J. Morris, enforcement abundance of green color, and color medical school there. CRUELTY IS ALLEGED officer for the county dog control Is lost by poor cutting and curing The Ladies’ Aid is meeting with BY WIFE IN DIVORCE board, has been killing sheep was methods. Hill points out. Hay Mrs. Ray Rennie on Thursday to shot by the officer Tuesday near cut too late, left too long In the quilt. , i _ i Cruel and inhuman treatment is the Coburg bridge, swath, raked too soon, exposed to The Thurston ladies are giving aIleged by Schrenk in a di-1 Morris says that the dog was heavy dews or rains, heated in Miss Ruth Lineman a miscellane- , sszvzvv. ___ zl x . vorce complaint illea In cir c u it' with a family that camped In the cocks or stack, or otherwise poorly ous shower on Wednesday evening vicinity of the bridge last year and handled, loses color. Hay ^ t h ^ . t ^ e of = 7 a n d Mra’ i. . . \ Harry Schrenk. The couple mar- then moved to Idaho. The dog re color as a result of overripeness Palmer. Miss Lineman is to be ripri a ™.,, Q 1930. and cently appeared in that neighbor is woody and lacking In leaves. married to Rev. Victor Hershizer bave no children hood again and it is believed that Leafiness is Important with on June 4. at the Thurston church. Th„ he came back unassisted from Ida m o « ro f at ^ e X t Bi ^ i ^ t i iU' tr ReT Her9hiler iS PMt° r ° f the P««y settlem ent has been made, ho as his feet were bloody and most of the protein is lost when the church and Miss Lineman assist- Plaintiff also asks return of her worn as though he had traveled a leaves shatter. Loss of leaves may a n t former name of Delia Hantke. long distance on foot, the officer be prevented by cutting early and Rev. Palmer from Eugene will __________________ says. avoiding excessive drying. Curing te preach the high school baccalanr- s-hnni Cria.w v i,„ u « A meeting of the dog control X it ’ ^ l^ o M e a 'v r o 'u T ^ eate 8ermon at the Thur8,on churih Pherson Is expected to return to board will be held Monday to pass irJc j T l . « t e n d Z T L s neXt Y eVenlD*' MaX 31 hi" home here Friday evenin* H'« on claims of sheep owners for loss ng process is extended beyond two Rev. Hershizer will be unable to at Da)Iag wi„ end tha( day o f animals in their flocks. or three days I fill the pulpit here next Sunday as — Cutting alfalfa from the one- the baccalaureate sermon for the tenth to one-fourth bloom stage is e . B. V. students will be held Sun- advised by Hill for a normal day morning at the Christian method Clover Is beet cut in full church In Eugene. Rev. Hershizer bloom before many heads turn is graduating this year. William brown. Grass makes the best hay If Platt will preach In the morning. cut in the milk stage or just after Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and blooming, and grain in the late milk family motored to Bear Creek last or soft dough stage. Oats and vetch Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. hay Is not relished by livestock If John Calvert. cut too late, as mature vetch seed Miss Hazel Edimston entertained Is bitter. When the lower pods on for dinner at the home of her par­ the vetch begin to fill Is the best ents last Wednesday evening in time to cut. honor of her eighth grade students and also her brother Jam es Ed- VALUE OF FERTILIZER mlston, a senior in high school. Miss Maude and Hazel Russell IS DEMONSTRATED Good food, prom pt service and quick delivery and Leone Edmiston drove to Port­ is the policy which is bringing more and more A six-acre hillside field owned by land last Saturday and spent the orders to our store each week. T rust our K. L. Wilson of the Beaver Creek week-end. selection and you will profit. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W eaver re­ community in Lincoln county, which has formerly produced very turned from Portland labt W ednes­ little, was treated with nine tons day. George Hays and grandson, of lime aud seeded with a mixture Buford O’K eefe from Bovllle, Ida­ of woolly-podded vetch and Aus­ ho, came with them for an ex­ trian winter field peas. Last sum­ tended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant are mer It yielded 17 large loads of hay H was then seeded to common making plans to drive to Marsh- vetch and now has an almost per-: Held next Friday to attend the feet stand, according to M. J. Con-! cl<*in« of their daughter. Miss kiln, county agent. As very little Marjory Grant's school. She has Home Grown Peas 3 lbs. for vetch has been grown In that com ,a UFht there for two years, munity, Ute field Is attracting con- — — — Beets .............................. Bunch, stderable attention. FRONT OF SHINE PARLOR h o r ty -g o v eu lieu I tit blue ribbons aud denial liuttous were awarded a cu o o l children ot S p r iu g llc td F it day ulteruoou at the Lincoln uchuol lullowiug the annual May Health Day program held on the lawu of Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. J the schoul under the apousortihlp ot w Erickson of W est Springfield the Springfield Unit of (he Lane “re 'he parents of a baby daughter county Health association. born to them at the family home Sunday. May 24. 1831. Ribbons were presented to stu - deuts who hud followed certain pre Has Operation — Miss Hazel Keith underwent a major opera­ scribed health rules fur u giveu tion at the Eugene hospital lost uutuber of duya previous to the week Sh