THURSDAY. MAY 28. 1981 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FAQ » THREE NOTICE OF SH ER IFF'S »ALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Vlalt Mother— Emory Pyle and LANE HEALTH AGENCIES FRUIT. NUT, PROSPECTS NO TIC E lx hereby given that by Notice Is hereby given that tbs hie brother, Karl, drove to Port­ URGE WAR ON FLIES VARIED SAYS REPORT virtue of nn execution und order of undersigned baa been duly appoint land Sunday to vlalt their mother, »ale Issued o u r of the Clroult Court ed Administrator of the estate of Mr« J. I) Pyle, who Is In a hoepl of the Stale of Oregon for Lane E It KESTER deceased, and any Total acreage of fresh peas for Action Now May Prevent Slckneee County Muy KO, 1931. upon mid pur- and all persona having claim , tai there. shipments this year are reported end Death; Importance of Sani­ Miiunt to it decree duly given mid against the eald estate are hereby to he substantially more than tn tation Stressed nuule by unit! Court Muy IK. 11*31. In required to present «aid claims, IN TH E C IR C U IT CO URT OP T H E 1931) when 73 earlot* w»-rc sent ii null pending therein In which duly verified as by law required, at STATE STATE OP OREGON Jeune tl Welle, as Trustee wue the office of Frank A. DoI'ue. at­ POR THE CO UNTY OP LANE Oregon's campaign against files from this state, according to L R. plulntlff mid The Eugene Bible uni torney for the uetate, at Spring T H E STATE OP OREGON. and the elimination of the polluted Hretthaiipt. extension agronomist verultv, it corporation, et ul were field. Oregon. In I«ane County, Ore­ Plaintiff vs. One certain 1929 defendants, which execution und or gon, within elx mouth« from the Model A. Ford Coupe, motor num­ source« of water supply are hailed at Oregon State college TRAD E KO Acro» tlinbur In der of uule wue to me directed und He also reports varying pros­ ber AI429714. T. Theaudeaus, R by the Medical Denal headquarters Tllluttiooh county. t'lnnr nini on coinmiiiided me to eell the real pm date of tlile notice. pects for the fruit and nut crops of the Lane County Medical society ERN EST KESTER Hychard, Margaret I arson. and multi county riunì, three ml leu from tierty hereinafter deecrlhed to eut Administrator of the estate of Commercial Credit Co., a corpora and the Southern W illamette Dis­ of the Pacific coast. in • un Traile for Mprltigfleid or lefy certain lien» and charge» In lion Defendant. Engalle property A, T. Brewer, 710 unlil decree specified, I will on Hut E. It. Kester deceased. "The early reports from Callfor trict Dental society as the two big Dated May 3. 1231. NO TICE TO APPEAR Ireol pi tnntlelll J I N m l.Il III.' 201 II ound. On It* feet the week-end at Albany with the proper vouchers, within and leg It carrleM the disease and condMlona during the rest of the In Block 30 und all of Ixits 1, 2, 3. 4, tenth day of March. 1931, at a point 6. fi, 7. 8. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16 lx months from the 7th day of on Thirteenth Avenue East between filth which brings disease and suf damage has been re NOTICE TO CREDITORS mid Ifi In Hlock 31 all In llrlverton May, 1931, to the said executrix [ Pearl Street and Oak Street In Eu faring to mankind and Its children. P°rt**d the pear crop in Oregon at the law office ot L. L. Ray, In Notice la hereby given that the Addition to Eugene, Infine County, gene. Lane County, Oregon: that The killing of a housefly today 1” * pr6.66) Elve and 66-100 Dollars, In writing In said probate proceed- *»>’ H»® above entitled Court, to de before that If he had prevented that cjne. Adlerlka acts on BO TH upper SpriiiKíleld. Oregon the same being the amount then lug on or before the date set for fend these proceeding» and upon pair of flies front breeding he and lower bowel, removing poisons your failure so to do, a Judgment due and delinquent for taxes for the «aid hearing. I for the forfeiture of said automobile would have saved himself a lot of you never knew were there. Relieves the yeer 19211 together with pen H. B. S LA TTER Y, above described will be applied for. work and would have led a more constipation In 2 hour»! Let Adler ally. Interest and costa thereon Administrator. (ka cleanse you stomach and bowels Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN upon Thl« notl-e 1» Issued and directed useful life. the real property assessed to M 7 14 21-28. J. and see how good you feel! Flan- Naturopathic Physician j to you and each of you pursuant you, of which you are the cwner 'Now Is the time to rid the borne ery's Drug Store. : to the order duly made and enter­ ns appear* of record, situated In Elrst National Hank Bldg. NOTICE OF FIN A L and surroundings of files and filth. ed by the above entitled Court on said County and State, and partic­ Phones Office 73J; Iles: 143W SETTLEM ENT 5 the 7th day of May. A. D.. 1931. ularly bounded and described as Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. Sunshine and health will take the NO TICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T The undersigned, administrator WttnesH my hand and the seal of place." NO TIC E 1» HER EBY G IV E N .! follows, to-wlt: Itesldence 223 B street with the will annexed, of the estate Beginning at a point 22 6K That I .aura Margaret Tryon, exe­ [ said Court nfflxed at Eugene, Lane of JO HN A. W IN T E R , deceased, [ County. Oregon, this 7th day of chains Nor i of the Southwest cutrix of the last will and Testa­ Vlaitora at West Springfield— Mr has filed his final account In the corner of James H. Shortrtdge ment of Charles Tryon, deceased May, 1931 m atter of said estate, with the W. B D IL LA R D Claim No 62 North 36 66 rods, FOR SALE has rendered and filed In the Coun-: County Clerk of Lane County, and Mrs. Leon Morton of Astoria County Clerk of Lane County, Ore­ thence East 132.4H rods, thence are visiting at the home of Mr. ty Court of the State of Oregon gon. and an order has been made Oood IS-Inch Block wood, alto ’ Oregon, and ex-offlclo Clerk of In a aouthwesterly direction for the County of I^ane her final Morton s parents, Mr. and Mr». Otto and entered of record by the Coun- IS-Inch and 4 foot old growth . said Circuit Court. 37 77 r e h Io ii potBt East of account nnd said Court by order M 14-21 28 Morton of West Springfield. ty Court of said County, directing tlebwood. beginning, thence 12194 rods duly made and entered therein has this notice, and appointing the 2Cth West to beginning containing FRANK TUHY fixed and appointed. Saturday the day of June. 1931 at ten o’clock, A. 29 acres. In Section 28. Town­ NOTICE OF SH E R IF F 'S SALE Phono Sp. 182 J 6th day of June 1931 at the hour M.. for the hearing of objections to ship 21 South Range 3 West of 10 o'clock A. M. ol said day at | NO TIC E Is hereby given that by said account, and the settlement of W M . I-line County. State of the County Court , room In the virtue of an execution and order of said estate. Oregon. County Courthouse In the City of «ale Issued out of the Circuit Court Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this All Kinde of You are further notified that Eugene, Oregon, as the day. time uf the State of Oregon for Laae 21st day of May. 1931. -aid J L. Culver ha« paid taxes and place for hearing of objections County May 6. 1931. upon and pur­ D A R W IN BRISTO W , on nald premises for prior or sub­ tn Maid final account and the set­ suant to a decree duly given and Administrator with the W ill An­ sequent years, with the rate of In­ tlement thereof. R F P A IH IN O and S H A R P E N IN G made by said court May 6, 1931. In nexed of the estate of John A. W in­ terest on said amounts as follows: All objections to said final ac- I a ault pending therein In Which ter. Deceased. 12« W « tit Street Year's tax. 1927— Date paid. Nov. count must be In writing and filed John O. Johnson was plaintiff and 1MMEL and EVANS. In 3 Months and Phons 900 Eugene 12. 1929: Tax Receipt No. S2RK9; with the Clerk of aald Court on or Frank C. King. May E. King. P. Attorneys for Estate. Amount. >6 17; Rate of Interest, before said dav and time. Augustus Peterson, and Annie C. Feels Years Younger M. 21-28. J. 4-11-18 12% per annum. LAURA MARGARET TRYO N. PeSorson his wife, W. T. Brisbane, Year's lax. 192K Date paid. Nov. Executrix Mrs. S. A. Solomon of New Bern. Freeborn County State Bank, a NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON 6. 1929: Tax Receipt No. 3R2S9; FRANK A. DePUE. Banking corporation; J.'Hugh Pru­ N. C. lost 47 lbs. in 3 months with Amount. 34 78; Rate of Interest, Oettopathlc Physician Attorney for executrix. ett. Eugene Hardware Company, a Kruschen Salts. She reduced from IN T H E C O U N TY COURT O F T H E 12% per annum. S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E M. 7-14 21 28 J. 4. corporation. Katherine G. Wlnter- Year's tax. 1929—Dnle paid. No?. I C O U N TY OF LANE, PROBATE meier and Andrew Holtan were de­ 217 to 170 lbs. She feels much 6. 1929: Tax Receipt No 33907; 204 1. O. O. E. Tempi« D EPA R TM EN T. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OP fendants, which execution and or­ stronger, years younger and pains Amount. 36.08; Rate of Interest, Telephone 3268 Eitgeue, Orc. T H E STATE OF OREGON. der of sale was to me directed and In sides, bark and abdomen that In the m atter of the Estate of N. 12% per annum IN AND POR LANE COUN­ commanded me to sell the real pro­ bothered her for years are all gone. N. Kaldor, receased. Said H T, Melllen ns the owner perty hereinafter described to sat­ TY. Notice is hereby given that the of the legal title of the above de­ isfy certain liens and charges In She says she not only feels better undersigned has been appointed SUMMONS scribed property as the same ap­ Universal Mortgage Corp. said decree specified, I w ill on Mon­ but looks better as all her friends executrix of the estate of N. N. pears of record, and each of the The Pacific Savings and Ixian day the 13th day of June. 1931. at tell her. Kaldor, deceased, by the County other persons above named are Association, a Washington corpor­ the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M., at 'I shall never be without Krus­ Court, of the State of Oregon, of hereby further notified that J. L. ation. Plaintiff. the southwest door of the County Culver will appty to the Circuit Court House tn Eugene. Lane Coun chen Salts, will never cease taking Lane County, and haa qualified. vs. All persons having claims against W. P. Tyson, Agent Court of the County and State Frank Pierce, as Executor of the I ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell my daily dose and more than glad said estate are hereby notified to nfnrneald for a decree foreclosing Estate of Loretta IMerce, deceased; at public auction for cash, subject to highly recommend it for the Phone M W 12« E St. present the same to me at 439 ¡the Hen against the property above Franks Pierce and Laura Pierce, ' to redemption as provided by law. Miner Building, Eugene. Oregon, described, and mentioned In said his wife; Iaiura Yarnell and Ed all of the right, title nnd Inter« ,t great good that Is in it." A bottle of Kruschen Salts that with vouchers and duly verified, .certificate. And you are hereby Yarnell, her husband; Emma Para-, of the defendants in said suit and summoned to appear within sixty k m i and Charles Paraaoo. her hus­ of all parties claiming by. through lasts 4 weeks costs but 86 cents at within six months from the date days nfter the first publication of band; I/oretta Hodges; Paul Ste­ or under them or any of them Ketel's Drug Store and druggists hereof. Upholstering Dated and first publication this this summons, exclusive of the day wart and Mary Doe Stewart, his the 6th day of May, 1931, In or to Iteflnlnhing ■ Repairing of said first publication, and de­ wife; Mary Elisabeth Stewart, and the following described real pro­ the world over. Take one half tea­ 14th day of May. 1931. Bcreen and all kind, of mill work Last publication the 11th day of spoon In a glass of hot water every fend this action or pay the amount John Doe. her husband; John Doe perty, to-w tt: June. 1931. CECIL CALKINS, Proprietor due as above shown, together with Stewart and Jane Doe Stewart, his The South 47 feet of the Weet morning before breakfast. M A R TH A KALDOR. Executrix. 661 Ik West Eighth Phono 402 costs find accrued Interest, and In wife: and Richard Roe Stewart and half of Lot 11. Block 1«. of Gross Attention to diet w ill help—cut GORDON W ELLS, and J. B. j ease of your failure to do so, a Jane Roe Stewart, his wife, Defen­ Addition to Eugene. la n e County. out pastry and fatty meats— go PFOUTS. Attorneys. i decree will be rendered foreclos­ dants. Oregon, as platted and recorded In Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon. light on potatoes, butter, cream and ing the lien of said taxes and costa said County and State; General Law Practice To Paul Stewart and Mary Doe M 14-21 28 J. 4-11. again»! the land nnd premise* Dated this 7th day of May, 1931 sugar—the Kruschen .way is the Stewart, hia wife. Mary llaabeth above named. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. safe way to lose tat. Try one bot­ I. M. PETERSON This summons Is published by Stewart and John Doe. her hus By A E. HULBGAARD. hand, John Doe Stewart and Jane tle and If not Joyfully satisfied— Attorney at-luiw i order of the Honorable O. F. Sklp- Deputy. City Hall Building , worth, Judge of the Circuit Court Doe Stewart, hts wife, and Richard M. 14-21-28-J. 4-11. money back. [ of the State of Oregon for the Itoe Stewart and Jane Roe Stewart, Springfield, Oregon [County of Lane, and said order was i hts wife. Defendants: In the name of the State of Ore- made and dated this 21st day ot ' April, 1931, and the date of the : gon, you and each of you, are here­ ¡first publl-atinn of this summons by required to appear and answer FRANK A. DE PUE the Ooraplalnt filed against you 11 the 23rd day of April, 1931. ATTORNEY AT LAW All process and papers In this In the above entitled suit within NL TARY PUBLIC proceeding may be nervod upon ! four weeks from the date of the I ho undersigned residing wltfc'n first publication of this Summons, Hutton Springfield tho State of Oregon nt the address and If you fall to so Answer, for wnnt thereof the Plaintiff will ap- Oregon hereinafter mentioned. L •flulld , ___________________ HERBE R T W. LOMBARD. i ply to the Court for the relief aa Attorney for Plaintiff, prayed for In Plaintiff's Complaint. Address, Cottage Grove, Oregon. to-wlt: for Judgment of and from j A23-30-M7-14 21 28-J11-18 Frank Pierce and Laura Pierce, hia ' | wife, and of and from the defen- ilant Frank Pierce, as Executor of NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Estate of Loretta Pierce, de­ Notice Is hereby given that the ceased, for the sum of >1514.39 to­ I undersigned has been appointed gether with Interest thereon at d p -' FUNERAL DIRECTORS Administratrix of the estate of the rate of 10% per annum from Sadie Ragland, deceased, by the Nov. 20, 1930, and for the further County Court of l-ane County, Ore­ Hum of >374.33 together with In­ 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St. gon. All persons having claims terest thereon at the rate of 10% «2-J ngnlnat said estate are hereby no­ per annum from July 17, 1929, and B2-M tified to present the same, duly for the further sunt of >167.16 to­ verified, to the undersigned at the gether with Interest thereon at the Etili Auto Equipment office of Wells nnd Wells, Bank rate of 10% per annum from Feb. of Commerce Bldg., Eugene. Ore­ 7, 1931, and for tho further sum Lady Assistant gon. within six months from the of >306.78 together with Interest dnte of the first publication of this thereon at the rate of 10% per an­ notice. num from June 27, 1929, and for Date of first publication, April the further sum of >72.74 together 23. 1931. with interest theron at the rate of ANNA MYERS, Administratrix. 10% per annum from Feb. 7, 1931, Wells and Wells, Attorneys. and for the further sum of >13.00 A23 M7-14 21-28 ________ and for the further sum of >226.00 ns a reasonable Attorneys fee, and NOTICE TO CREDITORS for the costs and disbursements of Notice Is hereby given that the tills suit; and for the foreclosure undersigned lias been duly appoint­ of a mortgage against Lot ten (10) There ii not a family today that can ed administrator of the estate of In Block three (8) In Shelton's Ad­ Tall Cans afford to be without an electric refrig­ Elijah 8. Stuman, deceased, and dition to Eugene^ Lane Counjty. any/tind all personas having claims Oregon, for the said amounts above erator. It is true economy to own one. against the said estate are hereby set forth, and for such other and required to present said claims, further relief as to the Court may By keeping milk from souring — by i duly verified as by law required, seem Just and equitable. freezing desserts— making ice— at my law office, 717 W illamette This Summons Is served upon St., Engi ne, Oregon. In LBne coun- you by publication thereof onoe Tho Now Hhlold shape simplifying marketing problems— and I ty. Oregon, within six months from each week for four successive Lenses made In Soft- weeks In the Springfield News, by the date of this notlee. eliminating spoilage, it cuts expense. Lite Shad i 2, ' reduce Dated and first published May order of Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, V Judge of said Court, made and en­ 28, 1931. glare. SA E AS YOU PAV ON EASY TERMS Date of last publication June 26, tered April 28, 1931, and the first publication thereof being made 1931. H. E. S LA TTE R Y . Administrator April 30, 1931. Iteeldence and P. O. Address, of the estate of Elijah S. Stuman, Eugene, Oregon. Deceased. O P T O M E Î R I /T W ELLS and W ELLS. Address P. O. Box 964. Eugene, I 4 W J / T « T^ A V L Attorneys for Plaintiff, Oregon. A. KO-M.7-14-K12S (M-28; J-4-11-18-25) PA8TURE SPRINKLERS GET TRIAL IN BENTON In Pasture Irrigation through the W illamette valley the water for Irrigation la limited. use of sprinklers will be tried out in Benton county this -ununi? by EIG H TH GRADE E X A M IN A TIO N Frank Hall and Curtis Martin of The uniform Htate eighth grade examinations will he given on Fairplay community In cooperation Thursday and Friday. June 4th and with the agricultural engineer of 5th. 1931. Pupils who have failed tho Oregon experiment state and in one or two subjects can work off their condition In this examina­ C. R. Briggs, county agent. Sys­ tion. end failures In geography tn tems of this kind have been found the seventh grade can try It agaiu at this time. Questions will be sent successful In orchards of Yakima out for these conditioned pupols without iurther application. valley and parts of California. As E J. MOORE. County School they put has water on the ground ■SEperlntendent. J .J N O T J U S T IC E C R E A M B U T E G G I M A N N ’S When children ask for EgKintann'g Ice cream spe­ cially It must be grxxl We consider it our very best testimony. Eggimann’s ice cream in sundae, soda or tone retain» all its rich flavoring and umooth tastl- nesg which made it a favorite- F G G I M A N N ’Q "Where the Service ts Different' SUMMER Business Directory Edw. G. Privat than other Irrigation syetaaa. It la believed that they would ba useful SCHOOL The enrollment dates for the Eugene Business College Summer School are Monday, June 1 and 15 Our regular teachers will be in charge—thus assuring you of a thorough Business Training Ask for information— we are glad to tell you about it. IT S A GOOD SCHOOL EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. ROBERTS, President Phone 666 Miner Bldg. Eugene, Oregon How One Woman 1 aw n M owers Lost 47 Lbs. BONDS STEP AW AY F rom T h e R est With your automobile engine in perfect condition you can show your rear plates to the best of them, if you want to. It isn’t so much what you have paid for your car, but how you keep it up that counts. Regular inspection visits to this garage and an oc­ cassional tonic by our mechanics will keep your car in the pink of condition. And we are building a repu­ tation in this community for reliable workmanship at a minimum cost. WHEN YOU THINK OF A NEW CAR Eugene Furniture Hospital SEE THE FORD FIRST ANDERSON MOTORS he. General Repairing General Lubrication Blue Green Gasoline Ray Natt John Anderson Irish-Murphy co, Closed Saturday, May 30th wainer-Poole Chapel For Memorial Day FIG BARS Crescent Shortening W h ite or W h o le W h e a t 10c lb. 10c lb. Extra Standard - Golden Bantam A MONEY SAVER CORN cans SALMON 15c size Potato Chips 10c yg* DR C C.MEADE 10c Come in and see our holiday ELECTRIC RE RIGERATION BUREAU S P E C IA L S CREAM CHEESE 15c lb. Oregon Large PRUNES 6 lbs. 25c