THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPHINGFIKLÜ. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. I WENTY KHJIITII YICAIt. CROWD IUE50ÂI Local People Have Mora Than 100 Entrants; Beautiful Blooms Exhibited Delegates Leave For Convention b % n. Will Be Hold 0- nth Falls Thursday at \nd Friday IS TO K, Doris Girard Noble Grand; Will Announce Appointive Baccalaureate Services at the Ballot Box to Be Potted For Home Stretch Starting Monday; Officers at Later Date Methodist Church Sunday Four Judges Named For Final Count; Winners to Be Evening; Pruitt Speaks Doi-ls Girard was elected Noble Known Late Wed., June 3; Final Instruction« Given Hourly Trips to Be Mads Dur­ ing Quiet Part Day; Morn­ ing, Evening Runs Same S E R V IC E _____ Choose LARGE CLASS Big “Earn And Win” Rebekahs Contest Nearing Close BUS SCHEDULES CHUNGE JUNEI Eight i ^ e t e s Including district --------- -- I officer elfl Hprlugfl.'ld Wednesday N O O N L U N C H E O N S E R V E D mornln« to officially represent Pin» S U N D A Y — — Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, al No. 20 THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1931 Grand of Jua«Jta Rebekah lodge for the next term at the meeting of the FORTY-FOUR CUT Wednesday, June 3rd, Is the day; 8 p. m. 1» the zero hour lodfe Monday night, o th e r o ffi- GRADUATE ------------- in our big "Earn and Win” campaign. Precisely upon ‘he ce„ chosen are Mrs. Stella Eaton. yy q geattj8 to Deliver Com- »troke of 8 the official Judge» will declare the campaign vtce^lrand; Mrs Oenevieve, mencemerrt Addre«n at n...,luw of Pictures By Local r »'•' b«‘"< to Be D.splay of r cturee oy ,.,,,,.,,, K allg ,(M jay a nd K r btld lday " Reduction in n „ Service ... Effective On All Eugene People and Hooked Rug DelegiUes attending the* meeting Lines and at Capitol Work Is Interesting are Mrs Nellie Carr. Mrs. Glenn clotted and the counting of vote« will begin. -------------------------------------------------------— M a t U r „f Hours ‘ M" Mab*‘ Peddlcord' treasurer. «' delegates attending the .U t e convention at CocvalU. 1“ ‘ «l,,en Mrs Alice Cantrell, and Amy Love. Outgoing officer, of the lodge are Amy Love, noble grand; Dori. Olr »«*• rice-grand; Alice Doane, re- cording secretary; and Genevieve Louk- treasurer Appointive officer, will be an- «wmm ed later by the new noble «rand. Church, Friday, June 5 Starting Monday morning It will Hione, Mrs. Alex Htevono. Mrs. Forty-four ...................... students at Sprlngfiald be only a matter of hours before Revised motor-bus schedules be- Flowers, single roses, groups of ||algy )>1g h( Mrs. W. A. Taylor. the two beautiful car. and other hl Murl(>u ______ ______ ______ magnificent gifts for which the ten pkwnas at commencement exercise, „ml baskets of other garden flow er. u|(<| M|g> M((1,)a which are to go Into effect Moodaj ambitious Lane county women have t o be held at the Methodist church and of wild vartotlee filled many M|(| A(U(n|| ,g tb(( d|atrt<.t June 1. were announced here y e. been working will be awarded The Friday evening. June 5. according S ylvu Diedeck won a spelling lo t« tables at the Community hall v(w>r >f (h|) ,n , bb, db(trrt terday by T. L. Billingsley. Halem. be« from forty thousand Chicago final showdown before the ballot to W. E. Buell principal This I. a Tuesday as the Judging for the an A n < (|lar , bp general manager of the tranoporta -chool children, and a trip to Wash Stores to Be Closed; Program box la posted is 8 p m May 3». larger class than has been gmdu- ngton as the uual Itos« Hhow sponsored by ‘ll* u 8 00 B. m. gnd leaving The 4-H club of Springfield will und prise Third prlxe wes given June ’ lot. Thia will be the fourth Thursday evening at the Com Ralph Mulholland, pastor of the mised. for some reason you neglect­ Oregon will deliver the commence­ IO Mrs Dave Fisher tor a Betty annual reunion the previous l,n ” ttprlncf|e |d fr„ m g j 0 a. m to 8 30 munity hall. Earl Hill, president Springfield Baptist church; music, ed to make the contact and land IL , have their achievem ent day In the , Vprtchnrd ro». Mrs Mary Kesaey being held at «eavey'a Hop talami. form of an exhibition of their work ment address Friday evenlna Hourly service 8:00 a. m. of ibe Hluslaw chamber of com- SU r Spangled Banner; ritualistic Go after each and every one of Members of the graduating class w on , honorable month'll with a For thia occasion, the lodges have J m v |n < g at the Chamber of Commerce P. depot Eugene and merce at Floreuce wus named vice- ceremonies, G. A. R., Ladles of the those promises. One more sub­ Curollua Toetout. selected McCredle Springs. 8:30 a. m leaving Springfield to president, and A. F. 8. Hteele, Bu- G. A. R. and the American Legion; rooms Friday afternoon from 2 un­ are: scription may put you over—and Franklin Drury, Franklin Elmer, Division W in ners Given moat d ellg h 'fu l plimtc grounds 1,1 g qq p n , leaving Eugene. From gene, was reelected secretary. salute, firing squad from Head- the neglect to get that one subscrip­ til 5 o’clock. Winners In each of the other dl tge entire Cascade mountains, and * ;(w p m # .oo p m jg-minute The following are the clubs that Gilbert Ernstlng, Alfred Free«, Gppoeltlon to any reduction In quarters company, first battalion, tion may cause you to forego the Harold Geiger, Jack Hulett, John visions of the flower show were arrangements have been made with , pr¥lce leaving Eugene. Hourly will exhibit work: the license fee for automobiles was 182nd infantry; tap« by bugler, pleasure of driving home In one of announced as follows: the Southern Pacific company ^'Jaervlce from 8:00 p. m. to 10:00 P. Lynch, Lloyd Mattison, Paul Rob- Doughboy’s Camp Cooking, lead Persons having automobiles who the brand new motor cars. Yon run i. Masonic «peclal train. ¡»a*-1 r>r leaving 8. P. depot expressed at the meeting. The ley, Hersey Toniseth, Carl Wagner, by Mr. Roy Qulney; Busy Bee Sew­ Groups of three white bloom» ing Eugene ut r to the morning | at U :3 0 p m for g pringfte ld. On feeling being that any reduction can tax« extra passengers to the think you have enough votes to ing club lead by Mrs. Haack; Fu­ Eldon Ellison. Richard Liles, Bar­ First, Mrs I). O. Ftsher with a j and returning will leave McCredle g un<,ayg hourly service, first car might Impair the finances to such cem etery Saturday morning are win but not knowing the status of ture Home Maker’s Cooking club, bara Adams. Thelma Baker, Ila group of Frau Karl Omaha roses; an enbent ths^t the state would urge and clubg Harper, Evelyn Holbrook, Kathryn Mrs 1» «» Flsbor took every rib Florence. Harrisburg. Junction ,fb e but ggrTje e |„ Eugene Is orated his statem ent that If any Boy Scouts will have charge of Official Judges have a fine exhibit to put on, and Jack, Ruth Lee. Evelyn Lloyd, boa In Ike display of groups of fR y , Mapleton. Shedd and Spring- ula t | , e r o w r i start later Florence was selected as tbe next half mast until noon, top mast until leered their services They will de- Tbe Willing Workers led by Mrs. thy Rawlings, Jean Scott, Angellne for u group of Paul a Scarlet. conetsting of baseball games, tugs In lb s morning and will stop earl meeting place A sea-food dinner gQn8et d are ‘the campaign closed at the w w Walker were a 100 per cent Severson, Marie States, Nellie Mrs W i l l . Donaldson won flrsl of war. boys' and girls' races, swim ler In the evening. Fewer trips are will be held there som e time in j ■ The combination holiday Satur lim e announced and will begin the c(nb lajjt yaaf and baTe Jugt rP_ Stuart, Daisy Tomseth, Enid Tra- place In lh« «rouping of pink roses mlng events women's nail drlv- aJa<) p|annB' Vir' Attendants for the queen were day and will continue Tuesday ac­ SPRINGFIELD FOLK TO The red ribbon was awarded a bas­ Oswald Olson. Bprlngfleld. Ore. high school pupils of Reuben Char- ___ . . r n r n n n «tola Malby; class will. Allen Mo. the location of the Federal oldlers Nadine Neet. Joan Ward. Betty Al- cording to W. E. Buell, principal. V IS IT AT MEDFORD and claag prophecy. Grace Wil- home became known here this week ket of marigold« exhibited by Mrs. and Bert Johnson. Wendllng. Ore. lyle Ooffrolere drlck and Betty Jscobaon. Rich­ Wednesday will bring the annual Carl Olson, and Mrs. John Parker Both Miss Barnell and Mlsa Jar ard Planery and Bobby Aldrich when It was announced that op­ A party of Springfield residents school picnic to be held at Swim­ was awarded third place with a SENIOR DAY AT H. S. Fritts, chairman of the tion had been taken on the Vltna rett have been presented In public were train bearers for the royal Including Mr. and Mrs. W. C. re mer's Delight. basket of red aud white popples. school board will present diplomas place and other tracts northeast SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK recitals. party. Flower girls were Anna The outstanding feature of this Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ward, Art Work Exhibited and Mr. and Mrs Levi Neet Neet to ^ “pity’ ' ,cnlc ^ ¡d a y will of the city limits. Five or six hun­ Marie Gossler and Aleta Burch. day will be the final baseball game A beautiful collection of palnt- dred acres are needed for the home. The tentative program for Sen- MANY YOUNG PEOPLE Each member of the queen's In 'the toterclass rivalry conteat. Ings by W A Elkin's art class at J ( )ay a( 8pr)ngf)p|d h|g h school Two other sites are being con­ party were awarded blue ribbon«. ATTEND CLASS PICNIC Other sports will be held during trad ed considerable Interest at the Thursday. June 4, was announced sidered for tbe location of the home W inners of the blue, red and*whlte the al-day picnic. and Sunday as guests of Dr. and SISTER flower show. Work by Mrs. W. N. this week by W. E. Buell, prin­ it is said: One on South W illam et­ More than 30 young people at­ ribbons In the various divisions of Mrs. S Ralph Dlpple. Mr. Dipple P L A N T O M t t l o l o I L Dow. M I hr Edna Swarla, Miss Doris cipal. The uewly elected officers of te street and one on W est Eleventh tended the picnic held last Thurs­ the parade were announced as fol ENLISTM ENT REPORTED was formerly engaged In business COMING FROM AFRICA Girard, Miss Barbara Barnell, Mrs. the Ulrls' le a g u e will be hosts street. Eugene. A committee to day evening at the Seavey ranch lows: W. A. Taylor, and Mrs. Orson to the members of this organisation IN LOCAL GUARD UNIT ta th,B clty by the members of Mrs. A. B. Van -------------- - Mrs. D. B. Murphy, Her Parenta Eugene la handling all the arrange­ Doll buggy; Betty Ixiu Delph, Vaughn were Included In the ex­ at an early breakfast and announce­ ments for the options. Members Valzah's Sunday school class of Yvonne Sneed. Dorothy Chase; Visitors Expected— Mr. and Mra. And Brothers. Leave for Theo P. Robloy enlisted to Head- ___ hibition. say that word has been sent to the ment of the outstanding girl at the the Methodtet church. A baseball San Francisco Character groups and singles up to quarters company, 162nd Infantry C. E. Kenyon expect to have as Several hooked rugs made by high school will be made at thia federal hospitalisation board that »f game was enjoyed until dark and six years: Red Cross group, Anna last week. Staff Sergeant. Alfred their guests this week-end, Mr. Hprlngflvld women wore also In­ the three sites held are not su it­ time. was followed by the supper. I^ter Mae Gabriel, Betty Jarrett: Tri­ Townsend, retaliated after three and Mra. Wm. Carroll and Clarence ra. . . u r p b able then any site selected In Lane cluded In the exhibit. Event« coniprinlng Senior day the group returned to Mrs. Van cycles: Carlton boy, Roger Tobias years service with the local unit. Luckey at Burns. Oregon. Mr. i ar- ro1 ePS' anie* a,'( ‘ ‘ A delicious luncheon wan served will he held In the auditorium dur­ county will be bought by them for Valxah's home for a social even­ and Dewey Mulholland, and Jackie Plans are now being made by the roll la county clerk of Harney e » ®aVe„ ‘ prpnS *. . n at the Community hall at noon by ing the forenoon. Moat of the time the government. ing. Howard Hughes was chairman Barber; Cornlea: snake. Raymond local unit to attend summer camp county, and Mr. Luckey Is a brother morn ng or an « itch the member« of the Civic Club un­ will lie given over to presentation of the com m ittee In charge of the Bainbridge, mule, Harry Bain­ at Camp Clatsop. of Mrs. Kenyon. ‘“eir sister. Miss Hattie E Mitch- der the direction of Mrs. Meda various awards. These will In­ DANIELS ENTERS RACE ** ell, returning on furlough June 3, event. bridge; peta: Bllty Davis, Mac Wil­ Catching. clude letters for baseball, basket­ from the mission fields of the Con­ son, Tommy Putman; decorated FOR SCHOOL BOARD ball, a medal for the winner of an go In Africa. The party plane to floats: special mention to the float, SENIOR CLASS PLAY GUESTS ENJOY OUTING essay contest on Americanism, the leave here In two automobiles and Three Announce Intention of Book­ PLEASES AUDIENCE “to Flanders Field" deelgned by will stop at Ashland where they AT WILSON COTTAGE announcement of the beat athlete ing Poets at School Selection Mra. Lula N eet and bearing chil­ In tho high school, certificate« and will be Joined by their parents. Mr. To Bo Hold Juno 6 dren of the Brattaln school repres­ "Take My Advice" senior class Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W ilson en- badges won In the recent swim and Mrs. H. T. Mitchell, who will enting popple»; "Just Married,” and play presented at the high school lorlaltuM) for a group of their mlng class awnrda In the commer accompany them to California. V em L. Daniela entered the race Contestants In thia campaign have the privilege of publishing auditorium Friday evening drew a “On to Oregon” ; Kiddle Cara. Bev­ friends nt their summer home on clal department, honor pins, and Miss Mitchell has been engaged for school board member thia week all their votes at any tim e or may hold some to reserve. There­ good attendance and proved to be erly Seara, John L. Ketels, no Horse Creek near McKetixlo bridge musical awards. In mission work in the Belgian when a petition nominating him fore, the votes shown to this list each week w ill be the total good entertainment, full of humor­ third; Baby group: Maxwell twins, over the week-end. Their guest« Congo for some time and la return was filed with the clerk The peti­ which the contestants desired to he published. Thia method ous Incidents which produced an Joan Rarbar, Nada Goaaler; char­ Included "Mr. and Mrs. txmrence MANY ATTEND LARGE Ing to the United States by way of tion waa signed by 102 residents leaves It entirely up to the contestants them selves. almost unlimited number of laughs. acterisations for oldbr children Moffitt. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Oos- Japan where she visited some time of the district. MASONIC GATHERING The production waa directed by Louisa Cowden, Maxine Smitson, aler. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Barber, before sailing for this country. He is the third to seek office In Mias Marguerite Mlllhollen. SMu and Negroes; decorated bicycles Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright, Mr. Mrs. Tho«. Campbell. Eugene .................. .............................. 566,000 Several Springfield people went the school election to be held June Robert Jackson. dents built special stage scenery. and Mrs. Henry Fandrem, all of to Eugene Friday evening to at Haxel Edmlaton, Thurston ........................................................ 690.000 16. Dr. W. H. Pollard seeks r«- SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS The dances and toy orchestra prlngfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Elton I a - tend the large Maaonlc gathering at election as member of tbe board were under the direction of teach Mrs Eathel Forstrom. E u g e n e ....... .................................... 2,024.000 HAS DINNER TO NIG HT MEMBERS HAVE Halle of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. the Masonic hall The evening C. E and Clayton Barber, re-election a« era at the Lincoln school. Mrs. Ruth Garoutte. Cottage Grove ...— .................- ......... 2,019.000 O. W. W hile of Salem PICNIC ON SUNDAY began with a potluck supper and Members of Mrs. R. P. Morten­ clerk. Mr«. J Irene Hanekamp, Eugene. Rta. 8 ................... - .......2.018.000 was followed by a program and June 1 Is the final date on which sen's freshman and sophomore About 20 members of the Christ INTERCLASS GAMES Mr«. Arthur Hayea, E u g e n e ------------------ ---------- ...............2,022.000 AENEAS CLUB POSTPONES dancing. Sunday school class at the Metho­ to file petitions for these offlo««. tan Endeavor of the Springfield START AT HIGH SCHOOL Mra. M. B. Huntley. Springfield ........ .......................... ....... 2.018,000 dist church will gather at the MEET FROM TUESDAY Christian church enjoyed a picnic Visitors from Klam ath Fall« — BAPTIST CHURCH PLANS church thia evening at 8:30 for a Cleo Moata, Eugene ................................. .............................. 309,000 Games between baseball teams Mr. and Mra. Floyd Emery of Kin- SOCIAL AFFAIR TONIGHT at Swimmer's Delight Sunday. The chicken dinner. The Sunday The regular meeting of the Aen­ Mra. Elma Moes. McOlynn ...... _.................................... - ...........285.000 young people left town immediately representing both the boys and school group has been divided In- math Falls, arrived to Springfield eas club which was io have been after the morning service« and had girls of each class at the Spring Mrs. Pearl Bchantol, Eugene. Rta. .................................... 290,000 Members of the Baptist church . to two teams to a membership con- Wednesday to spend MYWnl days held Tuesday nt the home of Mrs. their dinner at the picnic grounds. field high school are under way teat and the losing side Is feeding I with Dr. and Mr«. N. W J. Fulop was postponed until today. will gather at. the church this even It's the finish that tells! How will they stand on June 3rd? Hubert Slas, president of the young this week. The final game to de­ Ing to participate In a 'Qet-acqualn the winners. Dori« Gerber and E va| He 1« a nephew of Dr. Emery Mrs. Fulop will entertain members people's organisation, was In cide the supremacy of the school lx>uk have charge of arrangement«, ha« been teaching In Klamath T of the club at her home today «tart- ted Social.' The evening will b« will be held Wednesday. spent with gnmas and refroatunandn. charge. Ing at 2.30 o’clock. Memorial Day Service Saturday Lane Masons To Have Reunion County Chamber Elects McCornack Achievement Day To Be On Friday Frizes Awarded for Rose Show Contestants