THURSDAY. MAY 21, I M I TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOB FOUR MANY STUDENTS EARN AWARDS FOR SWIMMING Corvallis where they attended the ' f" «tate assembly of the Rebekah lodge as delegates front the local lodgo Mr and Mrs. John Uroves have Doctor in Medford—Or R returned from Grants Il*ass and will live at Cottage Grove for the j Mortensen spent Wednesday Medford transacting business. present. Mrs. K. L, Meltou of Marshfield Visitor from Corvallis — Fred arrived Thursday from Portland Montgomery was a visitor In and is the guest of Mrs. K. B. Mel Springfield Monday evening ton over the wgek-e«nd. She is on Pengra Resident Hare — Mrs her wny homo from a visit with relatives in the state's metropolia. Bert tllllons of Pengra was a vlsi tor in Springfield 't tiesday Mr. and Mrs. I.. Wlllan rented the former home of C. H. Sedgwick Visitor from Oakridge — Ed Friday and will reside in Creswell ^,ar(t „( Oakridge was a business for the summer at least and per visitor In Springfield Munday. haps permanently III at Horna—John Hustings, is 111 at the home of his daugh v»»r> USE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS ter. Mrs Kin«. In West Spring INCREASES TH IS YEAR field. Thurston T O W N A N D VICINITY Jimmie Hastings underwent a Rad Croas Issued Certificates and major operation for appendicitis at • ■edges te Those Attending the Eugene hospital last Thurs­ Classes at University day. He la getting along nicely Fifty-three Springfield school stu­ Mrs. tls Smith who has spent dents learned to swim and earned the last few months In the Hawai­ their badge« or certificates last ian Islands returned home last Fri week st the free swimming c l o .e s d conducted by the Red t rose a the H.lverslty pools. Ten atudenu « tu,„ ed wlth hpr. the Glenwood school in West Springfield also learned to swim. A w w eaver has finished harv- as did a large number In Eugene e8l|na his first crop of alfalfa hay. and a scattering of students In the The Thurston high school seniors smaller communities of the coun t , A few adults took advantage of «"* senior day last Wednesday the opportunity afiorded them and «"•' drove up the McKenaie high attended the d far *""u«h ,0 h*’ * ‘ *nowb* 1 swim 20 feet at There are five boys to grad Those able t o ------ , the end of the lessors were given -ate this year as follows: Robert certificates, end those who could Armitage. Virtgil Hanson, Jpmes I Edmiston, George Travis, Ben Rus- swtm 60 feet receive badges. Springfield had the largest re 1 sell finished at midyear. presentation of girls takeing th« The high school students and lessons. ■eachers motored to Salem to visit Students who passed the tests |hp 8tate institutions last Friday re: hut were unable to go through the Brattain School—Badges. James penitentiary as It was quarantined Young. Gordon Gillette, Robert jQr nlumpS_ or the asylum as It was Lowery, Roy Steele, Bob Richard quarantined for smallpox. son, Leslie Robertson, Lawrence Miss Veda Gray who has taught Jones. Roscoe Cole. Nell Peterson. the past year at Cedar Flat closed Harry Bainbridge. Floyd Green. her school Tuesday with an allday Bueford Holderson. Carl Blick. „ Scott Wright. . u. Johnny I Minor m,-li picu«c. Patrons of school furnished Miller. Dtik r ____ the dinner while Miss Gray fur­ Richardson. Delaney Chapman, nished ice cream. Mary Pritta, Shirley Lowery, Mel­ Clark and Albert Panot motored ba Lowery, Wyetta Spriggs. Lois Wilson. Edna Wright, certificates. to Hood River last Friday to visit Juanita Chapman. Bernice Smith. an uncle. _________ Mrs. Beulah Harblt is making an Steve Rice. Bob Lowery. Nell Ped eraon, Roscoe Cole, William Nisbltt. extended visit with her daughter Earl House, Marvin Mulligan and Mrs. Helen Peterson at Salem. Frank Bennett. Linn Endicott trom Portland Lincoln School—Badges, Edwin : spent Sunday here with his par­ Miller, Howard Fritx. Jack Peter ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott. son. James Gott, Howard Mesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver, Wll- John Avitt, Oliver Adams. Wood- Ham Weaver and Shelby Walker row Bates. Don Kendall. Boh Pot- motored to Portland las Monday tard. Glen Anderson, La Verne Mc­ to spend a few days with relatives, ____________ Pherson and _____ Irma ________ Wetxel; certtfi They are to also meet Mrs. Wea- cate«. Dean Wilson. John Krupha. ver-8 brother George Hays and James Gott and Early Pederson randson from Boville. Idaho, who Glenwood School — Badges. Mel expect to return with them. Miss Hasel Edmiston spent last vln Stevens. Hairy Mumby. War ren Phillips. Jesse Newman. Rich , Friday night at Cottage Grove ard Ward and Ethel Gay; certlfi with friends. cates. Rule Lee, Laurence Phillips. Miss May- Allen from Portland Marian Powell and Doris Bonney. visited friends in Thurston last Springfield High School—Badges Friday Everett Lajoie and Arlan Schantol Mrs. Ellen Needham and son. Ray Mitchell, motored to Cottage EUGENE MOTORIST HITS Grove last Sunday to visit Mrs. o o v D in ia ir m r v r i F Needham brother. Mr. Teeters, who MS Fined In Eugene—Fred llolver son, Springfield, paid a 9800 fin» In Police court In Eugene Wednes day for driving while Intoxicated WAGE SLASHING H IT AT FOUR-L MEETING Son Born Hare— Mr. ami Mrs. Charles C. llruniug of Blue River are the parenta of a haliy son born to them Tuesday. May 19. 1981 al the home of Mrs. W. K. lauuberl in Springfield Independent Lumbermen Rapped For Taking Advantage of I t e nomic Condition A firm aland agalnal wage cut ling wa» taken liy the 4-L board of directors, governing body of the l.oyul l.eglott of Isiggera and Lum hernien, Monday when they voted unanlmouaty lo hold the preaent H, wage scale where It la. The common labor lutae la |3, scaled up­ ward for the vartoua Joba The board la composed of 12 employes and 13 employers The meeting waa the 25th semi atiuual of the group JITNEY CARNIVAL DRAWS GOOD CROWD AT ARMORY An Interesting and enjoyable gathering was enjoyed at the Ar­ mory last Thursday evening whim members of the Iuka circle, laulles of the G.AIl sponsored a Jitney Carnival for the purpoae of rala tng funds with which to send dele gules to the convention at Port­ land In June In hla addreaa lo Ihe board W C Ruegnlta. 41. prealdenl, scored Pupil« of Mrs. Edna Yarnell's the lumber operators outside the class In elocution presented the 41. organisation for Inking advan following program: reading. Fern _______________________ tugv of an economic situation and Cornell; rending, Roberta Ihttman; reading. Frances Cornell; tele Bobbie \V w ^ m < n g i* n d , >* ” **r , reducing wages to “poverty levels A larger share of the national In­ phune conversation, Mrs. Ethel Jo- here to attend the 21«t annual coo llff; dialogue. Roberta and Ila Put­ vent ion ol the Boy Scouts U» Mem come must find Ila way Into (he ________ banda of the masses who buy com man; reading, Frances Cornell; uhi«. inodltlea." be said. "It I» aelf-de reading. Ila Putman; reading, Ed j FRIENDS GATHER FOR IIu June Yarnell; and a playlet. BIR T H D A Y PA R T Y /••“'">* bu.lne.. lo produca vast quantities of goods which can- •'The Sick Kitty" presented by the Cornell triplets. Fifty-one member» of the Full not he bought because of low Many games were provided and Assembly church gathered wages sold for five ! ■ refreshments rents. Son Born—Mr. und Mrs. H. C. Milk Consumption Increase Even Throop of Marcóla are the parents Greater Than That of Other of a baby son horn to them Mon Agricultural Products day. May 18. 1931 Favorable signs for the beef in­ Visits at Portland—Da. Eugene dustry hut continuing maladjust- menta In supply and demand fac- i Kester spent the week end In 1 ort I tors In the dairy and sheep Indus ( land He returned to Springfield tries are seen In figures on the j Monday. ' livestock situation released today Unci« Sam’s sharpshooters had bet­ Visits Friends—J J Browning. ter look after their laurels, Peggy by the extension service at Oregon 1 who now makes his home at My- Perkins, Kansas co-ed. and Bub State college. i er a park on the McKenaie rivet Bruno, Jr., 4, of Brooklyn, N. k , are Consumption of dairy products wa8 vlalting with friends in no mean "marksmen." has been good this spring, but the Springfield Tuesday, estimated production of tnllk in-1 Visitors from California — Miss creased more than use of the pro ducts, according to the report. Pas Abbey Cooley and her slater. Mrs --------------------- ------------------♦ tore conditions over the country CowartT both of Hollywood, Cal A duo birthday party in honor average poorer than usual and Ifornla. are visitors at the A. J of Robert Olson and Laude Bar holdover stocks of hay, except lr. Cowart home In thia city rell was given Saturday evening some western states, are the low­ Returns from California — Mrs. GASOLINE PRICES IN at the apartments of Mrs. Cora est in May since 1919. The new Olsen, the occasion Introducing the hay crop on the whole is the least » A. Washburne returned Batur- CALIFORNIA PRAISED promising for many years, except day from San Francisco where she young men to manhood as it was i has been with her daughter Mrs. California now Is a great place their twenty-first birthday. The 1M8. I Helen Martin, who has been 111. for motor tourists and the gasoline - Legion hall next door was secured The supply of beef in storage and with radio music the evening u compared to last year and Daughter Born— Mr and Mrs. W. signs along the main highways are ' was spent in dancing Refresh the average the college report H. Roberts of Montana are the a source of Joy to visitors, avers C. R. Clark of this city who has ments of ice cream and cake and points out. Holdings of pork pro parents of a buby daughter born coffee were served Mrs. Barrell Lucts. except lard, have Increased lo them Tuesday. May 19. 1931. at Just returned after a week or more of Eugene was hostess with Mrs. untll there | , now more on hand lhe home of Mrs. Robert's mother. In the south. It's the gnsollne war that Is ■ Olson. Those present were Phyl- ,han last year and the average at Mrs. B. G. Sankey. bringing the smiles to the faces of lis Weber. Ethlyn Smith of Eugene. thi8 time of the year. Stocks of Week-end in Mountains— Mr. and the car owners. "We purchased Esther Segels. Mrs. Al Jones. Mil lamb are light, but the supply dred Treanor. Nellie Olson. Har­ available for market is expected Mrs. Clifford Wilson and Mr. and plenty of gas at a few cents a Mrs. W. H. Adrian spent the week­ gallon at many stations." Mr Clark riet Olson. Oxa McDaniel. Vera to be ample. end at the Wilson cottage on Horse said. Gwyther, Kathryn Treanor. Mrs Wool markets are showing a bet Creek up the McKenzie. Some stations had gasoline prices ' Ethel Treanor. Mrs. Barrell. Mrs ter demand and a slight reduction cut temporarily to two cents a gal Olson. Robert Olson, Lande Barrell in the clip in southern hemisphere Visits at Portland—William Pol- ion. Six and seven cents a gallon 1 Homer Murphy. Delbert Ward, of countrles where 70 per cent of the lard w n of 1>r and Mrs h waa collong all along the roads. Cottage Grove, Oral Hopper. John world supply originates. . Pollard, spent Friday and Saturday Mr. Clark said. Nordstrom, of Cottage Grove, Al of last week in Portland visiting The well known California optl ' Jones. Lynn Couch. Jens Christ-, at the medical school. Pollard ex BOV R ID IN G B IC Y C L E ensen of Eugene, and Melton Mc- mlsm Is commencing to slip a lit­ I pects to enroll In the medical Boy Budgets Legacy | tle now as business conditions In Swift and company baseball team Cubbins. of Creswell school next fall. It was J. E. Frost of Eugene who the southland continue at a rather Rev. Geo. R. Cromley was pleas- drove the automobile which struck met their defeat with the Thurs- low ebb. ton club team last Sunday on the antlv surprised Sunday with a visit Junction City Man Visits—Chas little Bobby Keenan from his bi- ton club , ®am from his brothers and sisters at cycle at Fifth and Main streets local diamond / Aura - 6 / 8 ' Toftdahl of Junction City arrived last week Instead of Mrs. Arthur Maude Russell who taught the morning service at the Pres- 3 / <3ALL 6AMÊ . / _ in Springfield Saturday to spend EGCIMANN CATCHES Peterson. Mrs. Peterson was in « Pendleton the past year has byterian church. They were Mm , a few days visiting at the home THREE LARGE BASS i- accident during -- timed her school and returned to Cromley, Thos. of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larsen. Mrs volved In a m o to r-------------------- _ , Cromley „ and Emily , # ! CO LM Í Cromley of Salem. Mrs. Glass of Larson is a daughter of Mr. Toft Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kggltnann the week, and her report was made her home here last Sunday. i * 6 / 0 * 4 WG ! dahl. Immediatelv at the city hall. The Arch Shough who is working In Woodburn and Mrs. Blackburn of brought in three large bass yester­ I HijKirH09L day afternoon when they retuned report of Frost was not made until eastern Oregon spent several days Portland. During the afternoon EDu(*TtO/1 they called on several families of ( Plan Marshfield Trip—Mr and from an allday fishing trip west the latter part of the week which with hls family here last week. .Mrs. Marlon Adams and son. Ro­ of Eugene The largest of the three Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiller from the "parish. led to the confusion of persons. — L f ?50oo bert. will drive to Marshfield Sun fish weighed Just a little over three Corvallis spent the week-end at The quarterly conference of the fc-*® day to get Mrs. Adams parents. pounds. John Edmistons. local Methodist church made a Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carson, who Ladies Aid society is meeting very interesting program Sunday; CATHOLICS TO HAVE rith will return to Springfield SERVICES ON SUNDAY wi,h Mr8' James Hl" on Thurs- ,he usua] morning sertice was the MRS. CHESTER CHASE them for a visit. day to quilt. beginning with a sermon by Dr. HOSTESS FOR SHOWER Clifford Weaver and Mrs. Mary M. A. Marcy of Salem, district sup- Morning services will be held at Assisting at Eggimann's — Mrs. McElroy from Salem spent fh® erintendent. Mrs. C. N. Land of the Catholic church here at 8 Mrs. Chester Chase entertained Mae Craft is assisting at Eggi- Cottage Grove, accompanied by o'clock Sunday morning. The Rev week-end at A. W. Weaver’s. at her home Tuesday evening with ■nann's this week during the ab­ Lee Land sang a solo and Mrs Father P. Curley will have charge. t sence of Mrs. Alice Lorah who Is a miscellaneous shower honoring C. I. Kent and Rev. S. D. Trt-fren Hours for the servi?es during the attending the state Rebekah con­ Mrs. Garland Griffith (Julia Do- a duet. The Unity church which is summer will probably be changed vention at Corvallis on Tuesday, Shaver.) Twenty guests enjoyed a 1 served by Rev. Trefren was repre­ after this month It has been an- social evening. Wednesday and Thursday. nounced. Mrs. Wiley mother of Mrs. Kll sented by Ira D. Hyland, of Fall ■ patrick and Vernia Wiley is visit- Creek, Ed. Morgan of Lowell, and R-jssell Welch. 10, of San Fran '■••ms Msil Route-John Ben HEALTH UNIT GROUP Mr. VanWert of Goshen. A basket in? at the home of Mr. and Mrs ciscot figures out how he will spent ton, aBHlutant at the Springfield LEGION MEMBERS TO dinner was enjoyed at noon. The, made the rounds of the HAS MEETING MONDAY $5,0(0 left him by will. E. F. Kilpatrick. Miss Nellie Olson and brother regnlar quarterly conference meet- MEET HERE TONIGHT city Tuesday afternoon with Orson r K,ngs Va„ ey ,ast San worth League by Kathryn Warner; Canadian People Here—Mr. and Fitzgerald reported that 36 children First Part of Year held at Lowell, and the next one day and defeated the Kings Val­ Ladies Aid society by Mrs. J. M. Mrs. Bert Calkins and daughter, had been examined In the pre-school Women’s Foreign mls- will probably be held at Walter- iev team by the score of 14 to I. Walkup; Marjorie, of Alberta, Canada are clinic held here last week Purchase T ... A 37 per cent decrease in the vllle. The local post has members In Springfield now visiting at the of three health books for use In the The Pleasant Hill high school «i«nary society by Mr. J W . 1 J.' i ’ Tn,.t Gates; Finance by Mrs. F. A. Ever- imports of poultry products during home of hls mother, Mr». Jess schools was also ordered by the In many of the smaller communities v baseball team which has not met _ son, treasurer; World service by the past year and much smaller Calkins on North Mill street. They group. east of this city. defeat this year won the game Norman Howe; Unity church by- stocks of poultry on hand in the will spend a month In this city. against Mohawk last Friday by a SPORTSMEN INVITED Mr. Hyland; Budget by J. E. Smith. United States are favorable signs to • D u - . . . , At three o'clock a dedicatory ser- for the poultry industry reported TO DOUGLAS EVENT BAPTIST MISSION CROUP ’ cor® Attending Convention—Alice I»> The * Junior class of tne rieasant * Deni ♦ Vv a n rvf fiYtonsIzin PPD- 4K zi we..«, onnov xxroa hold V ,.. r L. D rah, Mrs. Zella Cantrell, and Amy by R. Breithaupt extension eco- vice ot the new annex was held HAS MEETING TUESDAY Hill high school will take the sen Lane county sportsmen are Invit­ Love are In Corvallis Tuesday, Rev. Ira R. Aldrich, pastor of the mlst at Oregon State college. lor class to Newport this week end Wednesday and Thursday of this ed by Douglas county sportsmen The regular meeting of the Bap­ for a farewell party which is given Methodist church at Cottage Grove Imports of poultry, mostly dres­ preaching the sermon. The service sed turkeys from Argentina, fell week attending the annual state to attend the annual salmon bake tist mission circle, which was post­ will camp along was concluded by Dr. Marcy assis­ off sharply in 1930, says the re­ convention of the Rebekah lodge. to be held In Douglas Sunday June poned from last week because of the shore and e8ok their own ted by Rev. Trefren with the port. The total of poultry and pool W. F. Walker, district deputy, Is at­ 7. the state convention at Corvallis, meals. Each year many from here at tending the sessions of the Grand was held at the home of Mrs. Mel try products imported was approxi­ Lodge of l.O.O.F. at Corvallis this tend this annual event staged by Hill ladles club request was made for the return Rice on C. street Tuesday after­ mately 2,700,000 pounds, or 37 per ladies of the En- Douglas county sportsmen. noon. It has been decided to hold terprise. Bear Creek and Clover­ of Rev. Trefren at the next annual cent less than in 1929. Further­ week state conference. the meetings of the group In the dale Tri-community club last Thurs­ more, the cold storage holdings of afternoons during the summer in­ day. May 14 at the Pleasant Hill Mrs. Ed. Padden and Mrs. Wm. turkeys In this country are now stead of in the evenings .church. Games and contests were Sedgwick arrived Monday noon only about half as large as last played, the prizes being beautiful, from California and will visit with year and the five-year average In •txiquets of Dowers. Refreshments | their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E May. of Jello, whipped cream, cake and Steele. Mrs. Padden is from Oak­ "Stocks of other poultry are also land and Mrs. Sedgwick from Sa­ much smaller than a year ago and punch were served. The ladies of the Tri-commun cramento. well below average." Breithaupt The largest class In the history of says. “Holdings of case and fro­ Ity club of Cloverdale. Enterprise and Bear Creek gave a kitchen the Creswell high school will gra­ zen eggs combined are slightly less shower Tuesday afternoon for duate Thursday evening May 28, than a year ago, but above aver­ SPRING FIELD STORE ONLY— 500 MAIN ST. M.rit Ellen Bolin whose home according to announcements Just age. Egg production in April was The class number twenty. a bu short of Apr), 19J0 bnt burned to the ground In the re­ out. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY cent heavy wind storm. Mrs. Bo­ twelve of whom are girls and eight consumption also apparently ran Honey lin received many useful kitchen boys Dr. Poling of Corvallis w ill, behlnd Farm flocks of old hens are Dates Edith J. Marriott of Baltimore, utensils besides, glasses, dishes, be the speaker. The class will have' 5 lb. Pail “Royal Excelsior^ Md. writes: "Last winter I weighed its class day program on Wedn^- fruit and Jellies. The members of 2 lb. 200 lbs. and was very much 10 lb. Pail ashamed. I bought a bottle of Kru- the club gave her a complete set day evening. May 27, and the bar- portert output of chicks from com- Pkg........... of silverware including knives, .«laureate sermon will be given at m(;r(.,a| hat(.herle8 may be 36 per schen Salts which gave such won Pork and Beans derful results 1 bought more. After frok. spoons and tablespoons In the the Methodist church Bunday eve- cent Jes8 than Ja((t yeftr Jugt h<)W Pears 4 bottles 1 weigh 146 lbs. and all Campbell’s S. ning, May 24, the pastor, Rev “ many chicks have been hatched my friends say "How slender you've Grace patterns. “Happy Return 3—16 oz. Mr and Mrs. E. Giustlna of Dex- D. Trefren preaching. Miss Jean on farms Is not known. gotten—how did you do It " I say No. 1^4 ter have moved Into their new anne Spencer Is valedictorian and Cans only 4 words—thanks to Kruschen * Can Mdto.” home at Pleasant Hill west of the Miss Alma Grousbeck salutatorlan. A generous bottle of Kruschen Pleasant Hill public school build- The other members of the class ROYAL AMBASSADORS Mayonnaise Salts that lasts 4 weeks costs but ' ' Robert HAVE MEET MONDAY Palmolive Beads Best Foods 86 cents at “Ketel’s Drug Store" ing. The entertained a number of are Martha Gillen water. For Fine Laundering or anv drugstore la America — their friends at bridge Tuesday eve Ludington. Alleyne Spencer, Ama • Pint The Royal Ambassadors a group Morss, Eldon Young, Harold Young 3 take one half teaspoon in a ning. Jar glass of hot water every morning The Pleasant Hill picnic given Ixmlse Wallace, Donald Tennis, | of boys of the Baptist church be Pkgs......... before breakfast—cut out pastry under the auspices of the Pleasant Allan Moore, Ixiyal Overton, How | ween the ages of 11 and 18, held and fatty meats—4P> light on pota III be given7unc ard Magee, Shirley Drew, Oca Me- their regular meeting at the church Tomato Soup Tuna toes, butter, cream and sugar— Hill high school vlth John Benton Van Camp’s that will help Kruschen take off 6. The high school has built a Daniel, Oliver Petty, Ethel Petty, Monday evening "White Chicken” grandstand at the ball grounds and Phyllis Weber, Vera Gwyther and as leader The purpose of the or your fat. __ 10’/ 2 oz- No. % Can Take Kruachen every morning put up a very substantial back Ivy Cooley. ganizatlon is to Provide a work for Can it's the little dally dose that does No. ’/ 2 Can Mrs. Edna Goheon and Mrs. N. E. the hoys which will combine Christ- It— If not Joyfully satisfied after the stop. There will be an Interesting Steele left Tuesday morning for Ian study with recreational work. first (Kittle— money back. baseball game in the afternoon. Creswell In Spilngfleld Monday evening tu ¡observe the hlrlhday of Harry Shaw, latta Angelee evangelist who has been conducting services here for some lime A social lime with I a areal quantity of refreahmenta ' waa Mijnyed by Ihoas preaent British Boy Scoot ra SUMMER SCHOOL The enrollment dates for the Eugene Business College Summer School are Monday, June 1 and 15 Our regular teachers will be In charge- thus uasurlng yon of a thorough Bualneaa Training Ask for Information we a re glut! to tell you about It. IT'S A GOOD SCHOOL EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. K ROBERTS, President Miner Bldg. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon O V ER THE BLOCKS G oes Only the Best rA - ? hr M Upper Willamette ì-t Q U A L IT Y M E A T S Carefully se ••t ied the Meats we Sell are Handled In the most sanitary manner. We guarantee every piece of Meat we Sell. Prices are the lowest, conistent with the high quality of our Meals. IN D E PE N D E N T M E A T CO. 4th and Main Kts. E C. STUART Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON This w onder set will be given to the w inner of Fourth Prive in our big “ Earn and C on test” FOURTH PRIZE Atwater Kent Radio Maryland Woman Happy How- Loses 55 Lbs. 29c 47c 88c 10c 20c 25c 29c 10c 19c 5c WRIGHT & SONS Springfield, Oregon W in