CATHOLIC LADIES GUILD HAS SOCIAL LAST WEEK i Waul Clean Soft Haa*, no but Iona or hooka. Springfield News Office. C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S Notice Is hereby given llial S* lumi l l l e t i i i l Nil IV. In Sprinti I laid. Lane County. Oregon will pay al the office of clerk of salii ills Ilici all warrants to and Including 1565, dated March 13, 1*31. Interest II uses after May 23, 1931. C. F. IIAItllKK, Clerk Visitor From Dealer—Mr». Freal Barker of Hauler wax u visitor In Springfield on Monday. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Nolle« Is hereby (Ivon that the und«r«l(ii<-d I um been appoint««! I.IH Utor «>* th« eetat« of F A Hit'll urdaon, ilm-«as« 2, reduce « N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N olle« Is hereby given that the CALL FOR W O O O BIDS 200 cord* of body fir, four foot slab woisl delivered as follows: ...... «._ * 70 cords Hratlain school 40 cords High school »ft cords High school gymnasium ft cords All wood to he delivered by Au­ gust 1ft, 1931, All bids must be In by noon June 2. 1931. The Hoard reserves (he right to reject any or all bids. C. F. BARBER. Clark. M 2» FINAL DOLLAR DAY TRIPS NEW FORAGE CROPS AT CHOIR CROUP SURPRISES START NEXT THURSDAY O. 8. C. BEING SHOWN P. W. EMERY WEDNESDAY In the manufacturers plant The merchandise was forwarded Im­ mediately, undorslgned hax been duly appoint ed Adtnlnlalrator of the estate of Members of the Baptist church Tan-Day Return L im it O ffered on Many Visitor« at Exporlm ont Sts- Members of the Ladles Guild of E li KESTER deeesaed. and any choir gathered at the home of P. tlon Get Inform ation on Lstost Tickets Sold for M sm orisl Dsy th« Palholle church were enter and all persons having claims OAK TREE LOOPERS ARE W Emery na East Main street Oovolopmonto Vacations tallied at a social und card parly against the said eslate are hereby require«! to present said claims, NOT FATAL TO TREES Wednesday evening (o surprise him ul the home of Mr and Mrs Curl duly verified ss by luw required, at Now nnd promising forage crops. and to hold their regular weekly Oregon's summer vacation travel, Olson Wednesday evening of lust ,,r Krank A. DePae, at experiments, summer practice. The latter part of the eve­ exptacted to Increase this year will Irrigation The oak trees of the W illamette week torney for Hie estate, at Spring- be given early Impetus Thursday, dairy pastures, fruit, poultry and ning was spent with games and re­ valley and other parts of western field, Oregon, In Lane County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the Friday and Saturday, May 28, 29 livestock projects are now being freshments. Oregon are not likely to be killed N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE date of tills notice. and 30, with the reestablishm ent exhibited at the Oregon Experimen or severely Injured by the oak ERNEST KESTER NOTICE Is hereby given that by of a cent-a-mlls roundtrip fares on Utlon SU t ion at Corvallis. TOO MANY SPRINGFIELDS looper. a caterpillar like Insect Administrator of the estate of virtue of an uxecutlon and order of Canary grass, a valuable peren Southern Pacific lines throughout II. Kester deceased N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ' sale Issued out of the Circuit Court 1C Dated CAUSE SHIPMENT ERRORS which caused considerable alarm May 2. 1931. Ihe west It wax announced here nial pasture grans long recommend by practically defoliating a large of the Stale of Oregon for Lane Notice la hereby given that the FRANK A. DePUE. County May 20. IV3I. upon and pur­ underalgned has been appointed tiMlay by ('art Olson, agent for the eal for low, wet ground, may soon New York Shipping Clerks Confuse number of these trees last year Attorney for the estate. suant to a decree duly given and according to Phillip C. Johnson, M 7 14 212» J. 4 Administratrix of the estate of railroad. Adding Interest to the an­ take Its place among the semi-dry Oregon City w ith One by Same made by said Court May 13. 11*31. In Sadie Ragland, deceased, by the nouncement from the viewpoint of land pasture grassee, according to graduate student In entomology at a ault pending (herein In whlrh Name in Ohio County Court of L e se County. Ore­ Ihe vacationist, Mr. Olson slated Harry A. Schoth. federal agrono­ Oregon State college who has Just N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Jesse (1 Wells, us Trustee was gon. All persons having claims plaintiff and The Eugene lllble uni completed a two year study of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN against _ __________ said estate are hereby n o (he Memorial Day sale will offer mist at the B u te college. He has Carl Olson, local agent for the “ 'rally, a corporation, el ul were Tba, ftertha L Burghurdt has been ,in«,| to present the same, 'duly the added attraction of a twelve- new selections being grown which history and habits of this peat. defendants, whli li execution and or appointed executrix of the lots! verified to the underalgned at the day return limit. Tickets sold un­ are adapted to the higher, well- Southern Pacific railroad was won- i Johnson found that previous Infest­ dering last week-end If Springfield | der of sale was to me d lr.i ted and w in uh(| Testament of John Me office of Wells and W ells, Bank drained soils. ations have occurred and usually commanded me to sell the real pro <)u|re, dci cascd. Iiy the County ,,f Commerce Bldg , Eugene, Ore- der the plan, he xald, will be good was to have a J. C. Penney store Meadow foxU ll. a «crass that run for three years, after which perty hereinafter deacrlbeil to sal Court of Lane County, Oregon. All g«,n, within alx months from the until midnight of Monday, June 8. located here or If one had been lo­ Isfy certain linns and charges In parson« having claims against said date of the flrul publication of thia It will be the laat "dollar day" looks like small timothy, is an parasites gain control and cause cated here without his knowledge. suId decree specified. I will on Hui estate are required to present them notice. other promising grass. It would be their disappearance for a while. event of the seaoon. The arrival of a lartge case of hats urday the 20th day of June. 1931, at w|||, the proper vouchers, within Date of first publication, April In other reapects the fortbcom generally recommended now ex­ the hour of one o'clock, p in., at j H|x months from the 7th day of 23 1931 shipped from a New York manu­ Although no observations have cept that gixxl seed Is not avail­ the southwest door of the County May. 1931. to the said executrix . . , . . . . . lng sale will compare with the pre- Court H ouse In E ugene, Lane Coun : | | ta- law office of L. L. Kay, In ANNA MYKRH, A dm inistratrix v I ouh "dollar day" ventures orlg able. The station Is developing facturer to the J. C. Penney store been made so far this year. It la at Springfield, Oregon was the un­ probable that the loopers will ly. Oregon, offer for sulc and sell tb„ Miner Building. Eugene, Ore Well» and Wells, Altorn.sys. Inated and conducted by Southern some non-shattering strains bom ut public auction for cash, subject ((IU i A23-M7-14 21-28 derlying reason. flourish again thia season. Park or Pacific during the past three which to start seed production In lo redem ption as provided by law i IIERTHA L. BURGIIARDT. Telegraphing the shippers, Mr. shade trees may be protected If this country. months. ihe* d«.feii«luntn in"-«“’.’'’-!.»“ - ’.w»' , . E ‘ , , '" rU 7 “ i"' IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Crop rou t Ion plus barnyard ma­ Olson found out Monday that the desired by spraying with from 2 m e iie i.m .iiM ils in sain suit aim ot le s la iiic iii of John McGuire, de STATE S T A T E O F O R EG O N all parlies claiming by, through or , eased nure Is the best and least expen­ consignment was intended for to 4 pounds of arsenate of lead to FOR T H E C O U N T Y O F L A N E . under them or any of them since | 4 j, KAY, OBITUARY sive soli building treatment. C. V. Springfield. Ohio, but had been ad­ 100 gallons of water, says the en­ T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N . the Iftth day of October. 192«. In Attorney for Estate. Plaintiff vs. One certain 1929 Ruxek of the soils department tells dressed wrong by a shipping clerk tomology department. or to the following described real M 7 14 21 28 J 4 Model A. Ford Coupe, motor num Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Ashley the farmers on the fertility and property, to-wlt: ber A1429714. T. Theaudeaux, R passed away April 2S, 1931 at the I aits 1. 2. 3, 4. 6. 8, 7. 8. 1ft and 16 Irrigation plots. Much Interest is In Block 30 and all of Lola I, 2, 3, 4. N O T IC E OF F IN A L A C C O U N T Itycbard. Margaret lairxon, ned home of her (laughter, Mrs. A. D. being shown In the Irrigation divl Commercial Credit (ÎO., a corpora- Tomlinson of Hood River. Mrs. sion where the college has been and 18 In Hirn k 31 all lii D rlverlon ' 1 T " ) ; 1" 'N l Y, ' '* H'KT ' ,l-’ . Ashley was born in 1840 and was experimenting with a pumping sys­ NOT1CE TO APPEAR Addition la» Eugene, lame County, HTATK OF OREGON F u ll LANE COUNTY. IN PROBATE NO. I To: T THEAUDE^US. R. 91 years old at the time of her Oregon. Also all of Block Four <41 tem for more than 15 years. 5446 l KYCHARD. MARGARET LARSON. death. In Henderson's Addition to Eugene, The college has an irrigated la­ IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMERCIAL C R E D I T COM lame County. Oregon, together with She crossed the plains In 1853 the tenem ents, hereditaments and ESTATE OF JOHN W. CUBIT CANY, u corporation. AND TO and settla-d with her parents and dino clover pasture which is now DECEASED ! WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: on IU fourth season of pasturing. appurtencee thereunto belonging TO WHOM THIS MAY CON-1 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE brothers and sisters near Oregon Dated this 20th day of May, 1931 This clover is the best general Ir­ CERN: Notice 1» hegeby given that OF OREGON: is here and when you want ice cream and confections city. She was married at the age H L BOWN. Sheriff llv A F HUI KOAAltD Deiiutv I the administrator of the above en YOH AM ) EACH OF YOU ARE of 18 years to Samuel Ashley ot rigated pasture crop, but Is not to round out your picnic lunches think of Eggimann’s. good unless there Is irrigation or M 21 2* J 4 111» Oiled estate has filed In the above HEREBY NOTIFIED, and will take ’ ______________ ¡proceedings, his final account; J notice that the fallowing described Eugene where they made their BUb-irrlgatlon It will not stand un­ For years we have been serving this picnic trade. We home for many years while Mr. " t h a t the court has set the time of j : * rsonal property, to-wlt: IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF One certain 1929 Model A Ford Ashley owned and operated a sad­ even watering, however. bearing thereon to he had before know just how to pack ice cream so that It will be T H E S T A T E OF O R EG O N , FOR On the new small fruit farm the said court at the hour of 10 o'clock Coupe, motor number A1429714 was dle and harness shop. They later LANE CO UNTY. effects of Irrigation on berry pro­ hard and fresh for serving. A. M. June ft. 1931. and anyone seized by J E. Carllle, Deputy Sher­ SUMMONS FOB PUBLICATION having any obj<*ctlons to the said iff of Lane County. Oregon, on the moved to Oakridge to live on a duction and figures on the enorm­ IN FORECLOSURE OF final account shall file the same tenth day of March, 1931. at a point homestead until his death aftei ously increased yields brought by T A Y | i ir au In writing In said probate proceed­ • n Thirteenth Avenue East between which Mrs. Ashley moved to Ida­ J I., CULVER. Plaintiff. watering are demonstrated. ing on or before the date set for Pearl Street nnd Oak Street In Eu­ ho. va. gene, Lane County, Oregon: that the said hearing. "Where the Service Is DMfereat" II T MEl-LIEN a single man. and They becam e the parents of 10 th«- alsive described persona] pro H. B. SLATTERY, OREGON STATE COLLEGE C E OSBI’RN'. Defendants porty was on said date delivered children and also raised a daughter Administrator. To H T ME..I.IKN, a single man. M 7-14 21 28. J. 4 Into the custody of H. L. Bown, by a former marriage of Mr. Ash­ WILL GRADUATE 511 the above iinmed defendant. Sheriff of I-nne County. Oregon, by ley’s. The children now living are: IN THE NAME OR THE STATE said J E Carllle, and said personal The sixty-second annual com­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L OF OREGON: You are hereby no-1 property has ever since been and Ed and Ered. San Diego. Califor­ SETTLEM EN T tlfled that J L Culver, the hollda-r now Is III the possession and custo nia: Sam and Ben, Halfway. Ore­ mencement day at Oregon State of Certificate of Delinquency the 12th num day NOTICE 1» HEREBY GIVEN, S?*’*r ,n l "f i? gon; Mrs. Emma Gorrie. Bols^, college. June 1. will mark the close hered 2706 Issued on the Tax Col That l-aura M argaret Tryon, a-xe- •'"'1 »’«>••. that salal J. E. (a rlile. Idaho; Mrs. Minnie Walker. W ei­ of college days for some 511 mem- ¡ November, by . f I an* S a• culrlx lector «.r m e 1929, county 'he last will and Testa- ■» Deputy Sheriff of Lano County lector or of III« the County lector t ounty or . nta . r h x r l» « T r v n n deceased regon, has made a Return of ser. Idaho; Mrs. Maggie Cuddeback bers of the class of 1931, and will of Oregon, for the amount of ,"Fn* < n srleM T fy o n .a ecea a eo ... . tM,rKonat nrop«rtv also be reunion day for a number (»5.661 Five and 65 100 Dollars, has rendered and filed In the Coun- «H««“ Mid ^ r w n a l property of Eugene, Oregon; and Mrs. Ethel Tomlinson. Hood River. She also of classes of earlier days. m e s a m e la,Itm D ie a m o u n t th e n 'Y Court of the State of Oregon t h e » t x n e t ourt atm m a t in the same being Ilia amount men ,,r i her flnnt ame has been selxed as aforesaid President W. J. Kerr, who will due and delinquent for taxa«s for f,’r *»• * " u n ty o f ¡-an« her final being proceeded against In leaves one brother. C. M. Curry, t h . V .« r !•■>« Iraaeth nr w ith n on account and said Court by order ¡ •" »• >ng p r o c e e o e n a g a in s a present the diplomas, will be pre­ m e y««ar l » . b tog* m er witn pan .„ .a e n t e r e d t h e r e in h a « 'he above entitled Court and cause of lotkevlew. Oregon. alty. Interest and coats thereon duly mad« und entered therein has forfeiture of the same bur- Mrs. Ashley was a wonderful siding at his twenty-fourth com n n o n t h . r e a l n m n e r t v a s s e s s e d to ani1 appointed. Saturday the -uant to fort* or ine of same pur upon m e real property ass. saett tai the Itur* provisions Chapter you. of which you are the . wner “¿ i d d a y ^ S k »- General Laws of Oregon for mother. She cheerfully endured the mencement at the Corvallis Insti­ hardship of pioneer life and her tution. His first commencement as appears of recatrd. situated In °! >0 o cloak A. M of said day at S a and nd n a r t lc 'he County Court . room In the , a"_" ..._ u said County and State, partie .. You and each of you and all per- great sense of humor carried her there was in 1908, when only 83 ularly bamnded and described as < <>un'Y Courthousa In (he City of Eugcne. Oregon, as the day. time ; • having or claiming to. have any ove many a trying time. She was degrees were conferred. follows, to-wlt: and place for hearing of objections 'nmia st In -aid ai.tomoble above a member of the Baptist church Dr. W. O. Thompson, president : Beginning at a point 22 58 to said final account and the aet- •o rlbcd are hereby required to and lived her Christian life every emeritus of Ohio State university, chains Nor i of the Southwest tlement thereof. be/ or* th*; aboTe *nItlted corner of J a n o s H. Shortrldge All o b je c tio n to salal final aa Gourl In he Court House of l-nq? day. She leaves to her descendants will be the asommenasement day Claim No 52 North 36 56 rods, .mint must la- In writing and filed < "“ “ T a' th* a heritage more precious than Jew­ speaker, and Dr. Herbert S. John­ (hence Blast 132 48 rods, thence with the Clerk of said Court on or first day of June. 1931, said day els. The descendants I actuate 10 son of Boston is to give the baccal­ In a southwesterly direction l> Ing the answer day In this cause children 26 grandchildren and 12 before said day and time. aureate address Sunday morning. 37.77 rods to a point Enst of LAI II \ M ARGARET TRYON. i which has heretofore been duly set great-grandchildren. beglunlng. thence 121.94 rods Saturday, May 31, has been des­ i hv the ubova> entIGed Court, to de­ Executrix. West to beginning containing We miss her kLndly sm ile, but ignated Alumni day, when 10 clas­ fe n d these proceedings and upon FRANK A. DePUE, 29 acres. In 8*'< tlo n 2*. T o w n your failure so to do, a Judgment we do not mourn for we know she ses will hold reunions. Appropriate Attorney for executrix. ship 21 South Range 3 West 4 for the forfeiture of said automobile has passed to a happier world. M 7-142128 Memorial day ceremonies will be W. M . Ioatie County, State of above described will be applied for. held Just before noon In connec Oregon. __ __ This notl-e Is issued and dlreajted IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF , () y(>1, an(j pn(,h of pUraUant RURAL MAIL CARRIERS You are further notified that tlon with the college R.O.T.C. T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N , (|) or(,pr duly made and enter- said J. L. Culver has paid taxes IN AND FOR LANE COUN- j,v above entitled Court on GATHER INFORMATION on said pra'mlaes for prior or sub­ sequent years, with the rate of In­ TY. fbe 7th day of May, A. D., 1931. terest on said amounts as follows: SUMMONS W itness my hand and the seal of Cards to be used In taking a Year’s tax. 1927—Date paid, Nov. said Court affixed at Eugene. Lane livestock survey for th e United ___ r _____ Thia Pacific Savings and la»an ,-ollntv. Oregon, this 7th dav of 12. 1929; Tax Receipt No. _______ 32889 J5.00 Ladies Hats .......................- ................ $1.98— $2.96 States Department of Agriculture Amaaunt. »6.17; Rate of Interest. Association, a Washington corpor- Mav 193, 12% per annum a"<’n. Plaintiff. w b DILLARD will be distributed by rural mall $2.00 Boy’s Sweaters, slip-over .............................. 98c Year's tax. 1928— Date paid. Nov. i VB- Countv Clerk of Lane County, carriers in Ijuie county about June ft. 1929; Tax Receipt No. 38269; Frank Pierce, as Executor of the Or,)gon anrt ex-offlclo Clerk of 1 according to an announcement Amount. »4 78; Rate of Interest. Estate of Loretta Iherce. deceased; ^a|d Circuit Court $1.50 Men’s Balbrigan Union Suits .................... s.— 89c received this week from the D e­ 12% per annum. Eranke Pierce and Laura Pierce. M 14-2128 Year's tax. 1929-D a te paid. Nov. his wife; Laura A arnell and Ed partment of Agriculture at W ash­ Fast Color Prints — Latest Patterns ................... 15c 5. 1929; Tax Receipt No. 33907; Yarnell, her husband; Emma 1 ara- ington. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Amount, »5 06; Hale of Interest, «>*> a '"l Charles Paras««», her hus The survey Is being undertaken Heavy Muslin, Bleached or Unbleached — .............. 10c 12% annum hand; Loretta Hodges- I aul Ste- „ per ______ Notice la hereby given that the Salal H. T. Melllcn as the owner wart and Mary Doe Stewart, his undersigned has been duly appolnt- lo obtain accurate Information to $1.25 Tennis Shoes ...........................- ................ - ..... 89c of the legal title of the above de wife; Mary Elizabeth Stewart, and (>(, executrix of the estate of Fred- be used by the government In Its scribed property as the same ap John Doe. her husband; John Do«1 „rick L. Shove deceased, and any attempt to bring about greater pro­ pears of record, und each of th.' Stewart and Jane Doe Stewart, his .„ld a„ persons having claims duction of certain commodities $5.00 Boss of the Road Corduroy Pants ------ $2-98 other persons shove named are wife; and Richard Roe Stewart anal aea(nS| said estate are hereby hereby further notified that J. L J«'"«’ R,,,> «»«'*»%. his wife, Defen requ|red to present said claims. and to urge lesser production of $4.50 Men’s Wool Sweater $2.48 "$2 .98 Culver will appiy to the Circuit tlanls. ,i„ly verified as by law required. those things already available in Court of the County and State To Paul Stewart and Mary Doe at the law office of Whitten Swaf- greater quantities than needed. 50c I>arge 20x40 Turkish Towels ..... ......................... 25c afnretaaid for a decree foreclosing Stewart, his wife. Mary llxabeth ford, 202 Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene, Reports to be filled out will ask the Hen against the property above Stewart and John Doe, her hus Oregon In Lane County, Oregon, $2.00 Men’s Dress Shirts— Imported Broadcloth 98c described, and mentioned In said band. John Doe Stewart and Jane within six months from the date of information about hogs, sheep, milk cows, milk production, aod certificate. And you are hereby Doe Stewart, his wife, and Richard this notice. STRAW HATS for men—new styles, new weaves. summoned to appear within sixty Roe Stewart and Jane Roe Stewart, Dated and first published April livestock. days after the first publication of his wife. Defendants: Foyos Panamas—prices never as low 98c to $3.95 30th. 1931. this summons, exclusive of the day | n u,« name of the State of Ore- Date of last publication May 28th SERVICE STATION GIVEN of said first publication, and de- gon> yo„ an(| eudj of you, are here- 1931. Heavy All Wool Bathing Suits for men and women— fend this action or pay (he amount py required to appear and answer AMY Y. SHOVE NEW COATING OF PAINT form fitting, sun backs, and speed suits $1.96—$2.98 due as above shown, together with j t|,e (toinplaint filed against you executrix of the estate of Freder­ posts nnd accrued Interest, and In jn ,j,e above entitled suit within ick L. Shove, deceased. Painters for the Shell Oil com Men’s Rayon Shirts and Broadcloth Shorts case of your failure to do so, a f(nlr week s from the date o f the Address. Wendllng, Oregon. pany completed repainting all the decree will be remdered foreclos- first publication of this Summons. Special—per garment .......... - - ..........— .......... Ing Ihe Hen of said taxes and costs an(j |f you fau t0 „o Answer, for WHITTEN SWAFFORD. buildings at Casey's service station Attorney for Estate. against the land and premises J wan, thereof the Plaintiff will ap- Summer Dress Shirts, style call for plain colors, collars IG U R E it fo r y o u r s e lf. \ 30 M ,12 19.9 «n East Main street the first part abovn named. p|y t„ the Court for Ihe relief as ''O rdinary” house paint attached, beautiful assortment, white, blue, gray, of this week. The station Itself This summons Is published by ,,rayed for In Plaintiff's Complaint, N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE frequently costs 50c to 75c per tan, green broadcloth................ $1.25 3 for $3.25 was painted yellow with a red trim order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- to-wlt: for Judgment of and from worth, Judge of the Circuit C ourt: prank Pierce Laura Pierce, his J NOTICE Is hereby given that by Other auxiliary buildings were gallon less than Acrae Quality Humming Bird or Kayser full fashion Silk Hose, service of the Slate of Oregon for Ihe wife and of ;, nd from the defen- virtue of an execution and order of painted cream and trimmed in red. NEW ERA, the Quality house County of Lane, and said order was (|a„t Frank Pierce, as Executor of „ale Issued out of the Circuit Court aint. But, only 13 gallons of or chiffon weight .................................................. $1.00 made and dated this 21st day ot 1 Estate of I.oretta IHerce, de- of the State of Oregon for Lane (EW ERA House Paint give April, 1931, nnd the date of the ,.«0»««!, for the sunt of »1514 39 to- County May 6. 1931. upon nnd pur- 11 YEARS CONSTIPATION Fast color House Dresses, beautiful assortment of pat­ you • beautiful job that lasts 5 flrst publl-atlom of this summons gpther with Interest thereon at guant to a decree duly given and GLYCERIN MIX ENDS IT ytars. T o do the same job re­ terns and sty le s................................................... ......... Is the 23rd day of April, 1931. : ip« rate of 10% per annum from made by said court May 5, 1931, in All process and papers In this n „ v , 20. 1930. and for the further a suit pending therein In which "For 11 years I tried to get rid of quires 17 gallons of ordinary Heavyweight Muslin, bleached or unbleached 10c proceeding may ba served upon Rum of $374.33 together with In- John O. Johnson was plaintiff and constipation," says Chas. E. Blair aint—and It lasts only 3 years. the undersigned residing wlth'n terest thereon nt the rate of 10% Frank C. King. May E. King. P. Then at last the simple mixture. n other words, NEW ERA the State of Oregon nt the address ,,pr annum from July 17. 1929, and Augustus Peterson, and Annie C. Adlerlka. made me r ’gular." Crown Jewell— 1 lb. Cotton Batting ......................35c House Paint, at slightly higher after mentioned. for the further sum of »157.15 to- Paterson his wife. W. TL Brisbane. The simple mlxturo of glycerin, HERBERT W. LOMBARD, gather with Interest thereon nt the Freeborn County State Batik, a buckthorn bark, saline, etc., (Adler­ price per gallon, costs less by 5-Piece I^ace Curtains, beautiful patterns .—..........69c Attorney for Plaintiff. ratP of 10% per annum from Feb Banking corporation; J. Hugh Pru- lka) acts on BOTH upper and lower the Jot and loss by the year. It Address, Cottage Grove, Oregon. 7. 1931, and for the further sum ett, Eugene Hardwnre Company, a bowel, relieving constipation In 2 saves money for you every year $5.00 Ladies Sport Shoes. Goodyear welt ............2.95 A23-30-M7-14 21-28-J11-18 of »306.78 together with Interest corporation, Katherine G. Wlnter- hours! Brings out poisons you never and keeps your house looking thereon at the rate of 10% per an- meler and Andrew Holtan were de- thought were in your system . Let better. Come in and let us N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Deauville Sandals, black or white, white and tan. $3.69 nuni from June 27, 1929, nnd for rendnnts. which execution and or­ Adlerlka give your stomach and figure out what this saving will IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tho further sum of »72.74 together der of sale was to me directed and bowels a REAL cleaning and see be on your house. See tbe actual Ladies Comfort and Dress Arch-Support Shoes 8TATB OF ORROON FOR THE with Interest theron at the rate of commanded me to sell the real pro- how good you feel! Flanery’s Drug figures before you buy any bouse (’(» iim 'T’ v iiic i ANie p i i g b a t f 10% P°r nnnum from Feb. 7, 1931, perty hereinafter described to sa t Store. Very Special ............................................................$2.98 rimt’ARTMENT' and for the further sum of »13.00 isfy certain Hens and charges in fain t or let out any job. and for the further sum of »225.00 nttltl decree specified, I will on Mon Men’s Outing and Work Shoes, best makes In the matter of the Estate of N .; as a reasonable Attorneys fee, and j day the 13th day of June, 1931, at N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T The undersigned, administrator Only ....... .....................................- .............. $1.98—$3.98 N. Knldor. roceased. for the costs and disbursements of the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M.. at Notice Is hereby given that the J this suit; and for the foreclosure the southwest door of the County with the will annexed, of the estate of JOHN A. WINTER, deceased, undersigned hns been appointed 1 of a mortgage ngalnst Lot ten (10) ¡Court House in Eugene, Lane Coun- Men’s Dress Oxfords and Shoes, latest executrix of the estate of N. N. In Block three (3) In Shelton's Ad- ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell has filed his final account In the styles ........................................................ $2.95—$4.95 matter of said estate, with the Kaldor, deceased, by the County ditlon to Eugene. I pane County, a t public auction for cash, subject County Clerk of Laue County, Ore Court, of Ihe State of Oregon, of Oregon, for the said amounts above to redemption as provided by law. I*ane County, and has qualified, set forth, and for such other and all of the right, titje nnd Intern *t gon. and an order has been made All persons having d a lm s against further relief ns to the Court may of the defendants In said suit and and entered of record by the Coun REMEMBER— said estate are hereby notified to seem Just and equitable. of all parties claiming by. through ty Court of said County, directing present the same to ma' nt 439 This Summons Is served upon <>r under them or any of them since this notice, and appointing the 20th day of June. 1931 at ten o’clock, A. All Merchandise Purchased at Fulop'a, is Standard Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon, you by publication therearf once the 5tii day of May. 1931, In or to with vouchers nnd duly verified, each week for four successive the following described real pro M.. for the hearing of objections to Make and Fully Guaranteed said account, and the settlem ent of within six months from the date weeks In the Springfield News, by perty. to-wlt: hereof order of Hon. G. F. Sklpworth. The South 47 f«*et of the Waast said estate. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this Dated and first publication (his Judge of said Court, made and en- half of I-ot 11. Block 16. of Gross 14th dny of May. 1931 le n d April 28. 1931, and the first Addition to Eugene. I-nne County, 21st day of May, 1931. DARWIN BRISTOW. I*nst publication the 11th day of publication thereof being made j Oregon, ns platted and recorded In Administrator with the W ill An­ June. 1931. April 30, 1931. said County and State; MARTHA KALDOR. Executrix. WELLS and WELLS, Dated this 7th day of May, 1931 nexed of the estate of John A. W in­ ter. Deceased. GORDON WELLS, nnd J. B. Attnpnc-i • Ph , H L. BOWN. Sheriff. 1MMEL and EVANS, Residence and I’. ' .' •e«x, By A. E. HULBGAARD. HARDWARE— FURNITURE THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD PFOUTS, Attorneys. Attorneys «or Estate. Deputy Eugene, Oregon Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon. PAINT M . 21-22. J. 4-11-18 A 3OM.7-14 M. 14-21-28-J. 4-11 M . 14-21-28. J. 4-11. SU M M ER an d PICNIC TIME F G G I M A N N ’Q DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY -at- K in d t of Eugene PAOS THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1981 D R F C .M E A D E O F T O M 2IR IZ T •A- W JVT H™ a v t Fulops Dept. Store Scores of Truly Incomparable Values in Reliable Merchandise Even a penny can blot out tbe sun - paltry saving of 50c to 75c per gallon blind you to the big saving in Quality Paint? F S F Costs less per job per year Wrights & Sons Fulops Dept. Store