THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IW K N T Y -W ' ■■ ■■ ' h P H IN O H K IJI. LANK COUNTY, OKKOON. TH U R SD A Y, MAY 21, 1931 Y BAR NO. 1» > HEALTH WILL BE h l 'A . o, O ______ V All Grade School and Ol Children Groupe to Partici* pate in Exercieae PROCLAMATION ISSUED P.-T. A. 8poneora Annual Teacher Tea and Reception Following Program Teacher Wedding Told Last Week Senior Class Play Chamber to Boost Is bast Comedy City Bakery Bread Mias Mabel Olson Keeps Wed­ ding Secret for Seventeen Vote Bonus Now 40,000 Extra with Each $20 in New Subs- Pitchers Stage Duel; Ten In­ Months; Told at Shower ceptions; Second Period Will End May 29; Con- nings Required to Settle testants Working Hard for Big Prizes Supremacy for Springfield Announcement of the marriage ’udonts Offer “Take My Ad­ People Urged to Use Spring- field Made Bread and to Pa­ vice” at H. S. Auditorium tronize Local Products Friday; Ticket Sale On Boosting of Springfield bakery "Take My Advice,** senior -duns comedy In three acts to be present- products will be carried on by the ed at the Springfield high school Hprlngfleld Chamber of Commerce auditorium Friday evening at 8 as far as that body has power It o'clock under the direction of Miss was voted at a meeting Tuesday Marguerite Mlllholleu la guaran evening In the community hall. Li­ teed to produce more laughs than terature urging people to use any other similar production shown Hprlngfleld made bread will be dis­ here for some time according to tributed soon by a committee bead- inembera of the business staff of ed by Julius Fulop Cmiporutlon of the Civic club will lie asked In the play. Thu story la that of a typical currying on the campulgn for the American family of father mid mo­ use of home products. W a n t Road Passable ther and their son and daughter. The chamber Instructed the se­ The children are rather impetenus and select friends which ure not cretary to write the highway com entirely pleasing to their parents. mission a letter requesting them to Instrui t the contractors on the Vida Htudiuits cast for parts In the Nimrod eection of the M< Kenslc play and their roles are; Lloyd highway Io keep the detours puss Mattison, Hud Weaver; Dorothy able ut all times and to erect safe Fisher, Ann Weaver; Paul Itohley, guards and warning lights at night Jim Thayur; John Lynch as Kerry Members complained that the road Van Kind; Helen Mersdorf, Mrs was being left In dangerous con Joseph Weaver; Richard Lllne, ditions and some cars have been Bradley Clement; and Daisy Turn- damaged. seth, Marella Bruits. The chamber dlacussed the re The business staff Is composed quest of ournlval companies to show of Harold Geiger, business mana this summer In Kprlugfield and a ger; Itevwl Sumner, stage man- ; committee was appointed to Invea ager; Myrna Bartholomew, proper-1 tlgati- the matter farther. There, ty manager; and Mary Hadley as la argument both for and against costume mistress. carnivals coming to town The scene for the play Is found The chamber will lie boat tonight In the living room of the suburban to the loitie County Chamber ol home of the Weaver family. T h e ' Commerce which Is meeting in the three acts take place In the after Community hall noon, evening, and at night. The In carrying out the home brean action la fast and snappy. campaign ui'-mbcrs of Ihe chamber pointed out that Hprlngfleld made bread had scored very high In tests and thut from a quality standpoint was far ahead of much other bread bought locally. The chamber will alao ask the grocers to push the home product harder than they Election of Officers for Year, have heretofore. Contest First Period BALL TEAM HIES Ends in Lively Noting GAMEJN EUGENE of Miss Mabel Olaon teacher St the Brattaln school for several years, to Prank Shelley of Jasper was made here last Thursday evening during a shower given at the Gor- rle home by Mrs. C. G. Van Vglzah honoring Miss Olaon and Mias Wil­ ma Scott who will become the bride of Carl Sellers this summer The Olson-Shelley wedding took place at Roseburg on December 24 1929 and had been kept quiet until Thursday. Announcement of the wedding was made by Miss Jeannlne With- thers who distributed corsages to the guests to which were attached small cards telling of the wedding. Guests at the shower Included Mrs. Mabel Riddle, Mrs. Ella Lom hard. Mrs. W W. Walker, Mra. Ivan Male, Mrs. L. K. Page, Mrs. C. I. Oorrle, 8r„ Mrs. C. I. Oorrle, Jr.. Mrs. Arthur Roberts, Miss Cry­ stal Byan, Miss Edna Platt, Miss Eva Phetteplace, Miss Alta Man­ ning, Miss Margaret Oorrle, Mias Anita Welland. Miss Lillian Eng­ land. Miss J can nice Withers. Miss Winnie Olson, Miss Annie Llnkla- ter and the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Shelley will make their home at Jasper at the conclu­ sion of the school year It won't be long now until the end of the second period COTTAGE GROVE IS NEXT of our big “Earn and Win” campaign with 40,000 extra votes ---------- earned with each $20 In new subscriptions. That Is the Result of Season Hinges on largest amount of extra votes left In the campaign as the Eugene-U. H. S. Game in bonus is reduced again at 8 p. m. May 29. Eugene Friday Afternoon ' ' " " , ™“ Homs Strsteh Coming One of the moat spectacular base­ The final period or Home Stretch s tu d e n ts '• looming on the horizon and It ball games ever played In Eugene P R O C L A M A T IO N or Hprlngfleld waa dished out to I. a decidedly short affair, lasting fang at Eut„ne Tuegday Milt Harriet Anderson will repro» Whereas. the youth of Hprlng sent North Carolina at the Virginia only three short working days, when Eugene and Hprlngfleld high Apple Blossom fete. field are It* future clttsens, ' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, schools crossed bats In a ten-inning Whereas. the efficiency and which ended 3-2 for Spring- Eight Small Girls to Appear June 1. 2. and 3. The final whistle 1 wealth of a community are de­ blows gt g p. m. sharp June 3, and 'fleld' in ‘Priscilla Week’ at Meth­ pendent upon the health of Its Both tearaa teams P1*5'*”’ * P,tch‘“« the counting of votes will com : 8001 odist Church Next Week dtteena, duel for the first six Innings with mence at once. What you win de- only scattered hits and no runs Wbereaa. the basis of child Eight small Hprlngfleld girls be­ pends entirely upon yourself and j until Eugene made two runs. Then welfare Is child health—sound tween the ages of seven and ten NOW is the time to try your very the game became a nip and tuck minds clothed In sound bodies. years will present a musical oper­ First Year in Springfield is hardest as there Is still one week affair until the ninth Inning when TIIKHKFOHK. I. W. P. TY­ etta, "Priscilla Week," at the Meth­ Successful; Creswell Cream ™ '» »»« •« « •» *n<* odist chuhch here Monday evening, left of the current period amd sub- SON, Mayor of the City of shut out Eugene, tying the score Station Started Springfield. do hereby designate May 26, at 7:30 o'clock under the scrlptlons earn more votes NOW making an extra inning necessary. Friday. May 32nd a« child direction of Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fen­ than during the last period. This Proof of the suitability of this Hprlngfleld players brought In health day In Hprlngrteld. and ton. vicinity for dairying Industry was advice la for all the contestants one run In the first of the tenth call upon the people of Spring- Girls taking part In the operetta forcibly pointed out here recently and again shut out Eugene, thus field to celebrate this day In are Dorothy Flanery, June Mulhol­ whether they are near the top of with the close of the first years the vote column or several votes taking the game. honor of the health and welfare land. Ethel Springer, Betty Jean business of the Hprlngfleld Cream­ The entire game was a pitching of our children. and Mary Kathryn Taylor, Betty behind the leaders. The number of ery The local institution has en­ prizes to be awarded makes it battle between John Lynch for Jean Walden, and Peggy and Ted­ joyed a continual growth In volume possible for almost every contest­ Springfield and McKittrick and In­ W I’ . T Y S O N . M ayor dy Wright. cl business and has been able to ant to win a valuable prize and the man for Eugene. Clever playing on This same group presented the more votes you have at the finish, pay farmers of this vicinity slight­ the part of both teams accounted Program numbers for the annual operetta at 'he Eugene Bible col­ the greater will be your prize. Con­ ly higher price for their butterfat for the few scores which were ;'hlld Health Day axarclsoa to be lege Wednesday evening of thia sidering the value of the first than they could obtain outside of made. ibserved here Friday. May It. have week. Portland. three prizes It Is worth anyone’s M*en completed and were announc­ Another victory, almost as Inter­ Plano solos, duos, and trios will extreme effort to put in every .Manufacture of dairy products ed Ibis week by Mrs. L. K. Page, esting as the Eugene high game be interspersed between the vari has also shown a great Increase spare moment from now on. No was the match with University high leneral chairman, and Miss Dorie ous parts of the operetta. during each succeeding month of one In the race has the big Graham here Friday. Springfield players llrard. and other faculty members ihe year. Large quantities of but­ if the Lincoln and Hratlaln schools, There will be no admission sedan In the bag yet and tt Is took this game 6-3. This game also ter have been churned an Increas­ Free Textbook Plan to Be­ charge. A silver offering will be possible for one of the tall enders saw the locals trailing on the short students at both the grade schools ing Ice-cream business has been come Effective in Lower charged and proceeds used to ap­ to come from behind and be a top end of 3-1 score nntll the fifth In­ will have parts on the program noted a>nd more unified support of which Is scheduled to begin on the ply on a piamo purchased recently notcher before the finish. Many a ning when four additional runs Schools of City Next Fall the business by local people baa baseball game has been won after were made bringing the final awn at the Lincoln school at one by the Epworth League. been felt by the proprietors. Ice two were out In the ninth inning scores for the game, as neither /clock. A request for donations of grade Dinner. Talk by W. B. Dil­ deliveries are also being made school textbooks which can be used and the last minute of play on the team made a run after the fifth. Immediately following the health regularly. gridiron has decided many hard lard on Program CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORS in the schools of the city next fa ll; program will come the annual P.-T. Hprlngfleld high school meets fought football games. Work hard One of the largest advances in was made to parents of studentsj it tea and reception for teachers TO EXCHANGE PLAYS right up to the last minute and you Oo,ta«e GroTe here Pr,d” Election of officers for the latne trade expansion made by the firm this week by principals at the Lin-, if the schools of the city. This will will be well rewarded for your ef- j nf Mrs Birch; Qustafs Skoal. county will start with a dinner a t , next Wednesday afternoon and the the nmnlier of patrons of the as 81.50 per pupil each year will election campaign this week and up to May 29 Inclusive so It pays Scandinavian folk dance, first and to put on all possible speed and the : w 111 throw the championship into the hall to be served by the women Christian Endeavor of the Spring creamery, providing a easier and enable them to do ao. The plan Is others are expected to follow dur­ lecond grades of Lincoln school; more you turn In up to that time a f r e e w a y tie between Spring- of the Civic club. quicker method of selling theta* to be extended each year until all field Christian church will present ing the next few days. nereis«. recreational group, dlrec- the larger your commission check field, Eugene, and U. H. S. This elementary and Junior high school Walter Dillard, county clerk, has Un it comedy. "The Arrival of Kit­ butterfat. would necessitate play-off games. ed by Mrs. John F Ketela; rose Clayton Barber will seek reelec- will be. text books are supplied by the dis­ >ud dance, first, second and third been asked to speak to the Chamber ty ' at the church In Eugene Friday tlon as clerk of district 19 his trict. trades of lira!tain school; bllcklng organisation on the tax distribution evening of this week, Both plays MOTORIST RUNS OVER petition being filed this week. Dr. BROTHERHOOD PIC N IC . Those favoring the plan argue W. H. Pollard is to be a candidate lance, third grade, Lincoln school; charts which lie has been mnkiug have been produced before nnd TRANSIENT ON HIGHWAY PLANS ARE DISCUSSED that when books are purchased by for member of the school board. -tbbon dance, fourth and fifth for various districts showing Just drew large appreciative audiences. Dr. Buchanan Is directing the exactly where each penny of the I the schools they can be obtained Virgil Wiscarson of Eugene trades. Lincoln school; fishing A petition nominating him was In John Knox, Evangelist, Gives T a lk Eugene production, and Mrs. John struck Wm. Kelly, transient, to the for less and In some cases It will circulation this week and will prob­ long, boys of the fourth, fifth and tax dollar goes when It Is spent. on “ Peao*” a t Joint M eeting at F. Ketela has charge of the Spring- A nominating committee headed not be necessary to supply Individ­ pavement on the Pacific highway ilxth grades, Brattaln school; tap Methodist Church . ably be filed today. Held play. Exhibits Must Be at Commun­ at Davenport's service station be­ ual texts for all pupils. lance, Jean Lloyd; Virginia Reel, by Robert Callahan of Eugene will These are the only two vacancies make recommendations for new of-' Principals of the two grade tween Eugene and Springfield last xiys and girls, sixth grade Brat Plans for the annual picnic of in the school board to be filled in ity Hail Before Noon; Chil­ KENSINGTON CLUB HAS Thursday afternoon. Kelly sus­ schools here state that If all books :aln; Oarden song, girls, fourth, fleers. the Men's Brotherhood of the Meth­ dren's Parade Planned June. C. A. Swarts has another now owned by pupils were to be iffth, and sixth grades. Brattaln LUNCHEON ON FRIDAY tained injuries to hts head. odist church were formulated at year to serve and F. B. Flanery has ichool; song, Junior high school; FRED L. RICKER DIES; Springfield's annual Rose Show the Joint meeting of that group Eyewitnesses state that he step­ donated to the schools, and new two more in office. Mrs. L. E. Raeford won the prlxe ones purchased to only to fill out md the May-pole dance by the and Children's parade will be held and the Ergatha. Young Married FUNERAL IS THURSDAY ped out from behind an automobile for the games played at the Anch­ Petitions for these offices must Tuesday under the sponsorship of the present needs of the schools, ttrls of the first and second grades couples, the men's, and women's and started to cross the street and >f the Lincoln school. Fred L. Ricker died at hlu home orage last Friday afternoon after then decided to come back. He was the free text book plan might be be filed with the clerk ten days the Women's Civic club according classes which was held Monday eve­ before the date set for the election. to Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, president A short address will be given Tuesday morning nt 9:30 at the the luncheon of the Kensington taken to the Eugene hospital where put Into effect at once. ning. The gathering started with a In asking for donations of books -Commenting on the school board of the club. ay W. P. Tyson, mayor of Spring- age of seventy years, leaving aur club for which Mrs. W. C. Rebhan his Injuries were dressed by a potluck dinner after which John and Mrs. II. B. Murphy were hoet- the school officials promise that position this morning. Dr. Pollard Field. who has Issued a health day vlvln« his widow Mrs. Cora Ricker The rose show will be held at the Knox, evangelist, gave a lecture on Springfield physician. It will not be necessary under any stated that he has served several Community hall from one o'clock “Peace.’’ proclamation, and this will be fol- and three daughters and one son. eses. Members of the club present for circumstances for those people to terms and would not go out to seek in the afternoon to nine in the eve owed by the presentation of blue Mrs. Edna Caughey of Bend, Ore­ The time of the picnic was not purchase copies of books given to another term on the board, but ning. Exhibitors are to bring their ribbons and buttons to boys and gon. Mra. C,. D. Sturdlvan of Red­ the luncheon were Mrs. W. E. KENYONS ENTERTAIN selected, but will probably be held Buell. Mrs. W. K Burnell, Mrs girls who hare met all require­ mond, Mrs. C. L. Wallace of Eu- j DINNER CLUB GROUP the schools If other children In the friends have asked permission to flowers to the rooms between 8 and about the middle of June. Dr. W. Hiisford. Mrs. Clarence Chase, Mrs. family need them later. ments neceseary to obtain them. gene and Orant A. Ricker of North circulate a petition and he con­ 12 o'clock after which the doors Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Kenyon en­ C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. L May, Mrs. Lists on which to check the sented to run. He says he will seek will be closed while the judges are H. Pollard. Dr. N. W. Emery. The program prepared by the Rend J. T Moore. Mrs. C. E Swarts. tertained at their home Wednes­ names and quantities of books the office on an economy platform, making their awards. The names Charles Poole, and R. L. Drury P.-T. A. for their tea will consist Mr. Rlckqr was horn Jan. 8. 1865 if an address by Ida Adams, a ban at Sheboygan. Wisconsin and be­ Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. 8. C. day evening for members of the owned by students were distributed but will not sacrifice quality for of the Judges wll not be divulged will have charge of refreshments. Howard Hughes, P. J. Bartholomew, |o trio, and a song by Mrs. Jane came a member of the Odd Fellows Wright. Mrs. Harry Whitney, and dinner club. Following, the dinner among the parents thia week with price. unti Tuesday. and W. E. Buell will arrange sports, the menihers-enjoyed several hours the request that they be filled In the two hnatesses. Ketsls. Exhibits are to be divided into and Wm. O. Hughes, L. May and lodge at Balfour. North Dakota. He and returned to the schools to be Mrs. Edith Laxton will have was a carpenter by trude anil lived j The next meeting of .the club of cards. two groups; blooms and baskets. Dr. R. P. Mortensen will arrange MAN DIES AT WORK will he held May 29 at the home t-harge of the tea. Guests for the affair were Mr. used as a guide in preparing plans The roses are to be exhibited eith­ transportation. In and about Creswell for the past SON FINDS HIS BODY All members of the P.-T. A. and fifteen years. While Ihe last few of Mrs. Clarence Chase at which nnd Mrs. Welby Stevens, Mr. and for next year. er as single blooms, six-of-a-kind or Books which the schools decide parents of children are urged to at­ years he has been unable to be time she will entertain with a gar­ Mrs. M. M. Peery, Mr. and Mrs. three-of-a-kind in vases. The bask­ Elijah C. Stuman, 80, dropped LOCAL GUARD UNIT den party. tend this reception for the teachers In business on account of Illness Harold Peery. and Mr. and Mrs. to furnish free next year will not ets may be any flowers or mixture dead Monday while at work on his be accepted by book-stores or in Arthur Roberts. GETS NEW MEMBER He at one time owned nn opern farm at Trent. His body was found of flowers either wild or tame, ar­ The club meets every two weeks. the schools for sale or exchange. FIVE STUDENTS WIN LAIRD FUNERAL HELD ranged according to the Individual house at Creswell. by his son, John, who began Beach­ This plan has been endorsed by the Private Ivan C. SMarmer has been taste of the exhibitor. HONORS IN SPELLING The funeral waa held Thursday; AT GRAVESIDE MONDAY Htate Superintendent of Education. ing when his father failed to re­ transferred from Company M 186th EASTERN STAR HOLDS Art work by W A Elkins class afternoon al the Schwerlng chapel turn home. will be exhibited at the show by ' infantry Eugene, to company C. Five students In the 8 A. 1 grade Funeral services for Reese Hen­ with Interment In the Creswell ce­ DINNER ON TUESDAY Mr. Stuman had been a resident Miss Edna Swarts A home made headquarters company, 162nd In­ LODGE CROUP PLANS ry Laird 7#. native Oregonian, who metery, E. A. Schwerlng mortician. at the Lincoln school made a grade of the Trent district for 19 years. fantry, first battalion. He replaces of 100 per cent In a test given died Friday afternoon at the home The monthly pot-luck dinner and PUBLIC CARD PARTY He was born In Franklin, North rug exhibition is also being plan­ recently. The lest was sponsored meeting of the Eastern Star was ned with Mrs L. E. Basford in private M. A. Pohl who has been of his nephew, Ralph P. Laird, at NEEDLECRAFT GROUP by the County Superintendent of held at the Masonic home Tues­ Members of Progressive 22. drill Carolina, in 1861. and was sur­ charge. Any person having interest­ transferred to the National Guard Jasper, were held at the Pleasant HAS MEETING TODAY Schools and was published in day evening at 6:30. Lodge work learn of the Rebekah lodge will en­ vived by four sons, Thomas. Calen­ ing rugs which they or their friends reserve at his request. Starmer HUI cemetery Monday morning at School Hell, school publication. Mrs and a social gathering was en­ tertain at the l.O.O.F. hall Friday, dar, North Carolina; Fred. Ash have made are urged to bring them will become radio operator for the 11 o'clock with Rev. Willard A. El­ vllle, North Carolina; Vance, Eu to the Community hall Tuesday. local unit. Members of the Needlecraft club Ella Ixitnlinrtl Is the teacher of the joyed following the dinner which May 29. with a card party. The kins, officiating. will meet at the home of Mrs. C. group. gene; and John, Trent. He also They will be well taken care of. Students making perfect The change waa made because R. H. Laird was bom at Fern was served Io the families of the general public Is Invited and tick­ leaves one daughter, Mrs. Addle O. Wilson nt her home on Emerald averages were IjrVerne Pugh, Al­ Most colorful event of the day business duties prevented Pohl ets will be on sale soon. Ridge, Oregon, May 14, 1865. He Star members. Richards. Olympia. Washington, will be the Children's Parade under Heights today for their regular len Sneed. Olga Harynchuk. Luclle Is survived by two brothers, P. N. from attending summer camp. and 21 grandchildren and five the supervision of Mrs. L. K. Page. meeting. Mrs. W. N. Ixing will he Davis, and Mary Young. I^alrd and William LaJrd of Jasper; great-grandchildren. the assistant hostess for the after­ All children of the city are invited; M OTH E R S-D A U G H TER 8 three listerà, Abbie Laird, Eugenie. Funera! services were to be held to enter this parade, the only re­ noon meeting which starts at 2:30. Mra. John H. Lewis, Lewiston, Ida­ BAPTIST PASTOR GIVES at 2:30 Thursday at the Pleasant quirement being that they wear BANQUET ON FRIDAY ho, and Mra. Henry T. Bristow, SUNDAY SERMON TOPICS Hill church with Rev. Harry Neet some costume. EUGENE MASONS INVITE Bellfountain. officiating. Interment will be at the The parade Is scheduled to start | Members of the World Wide Walker-Poole chapel had charge LOCAL LODGE TO DINNER Rov. Ralph R. Mulholland, pas­ Pleasant Hill cemetery. Branstet at the corner of Seventh and Main Guild of the Baptist church spon­ tor of the Hprlngfleld Baptist of the funeral. ters funeral home was In charge streets promptly at four o'clock | sored a banquet and program for Masons belonging to the Liberty church, will preach on the topic, Contestants in this campaign have the privilege of publishing and will march down Main street ' mothers and thedr daughters at lodge of Hprlngfleld together with “The Divine Necessity” at the A. WEED PASSES AT church Friday evening. Entertain­ RAILROAD EMPLOYEE IS all tttelr votes at any time or may hold some In reserve. There­ to the railroad tracks at third. their wives hnvo been Invited to morning services. His evening ser­ ment consisted of Informal talks. HOSPITAL IN EUGENE attend a potluck dinner at the Eu­ mon topic will bo "Fighting The fore. the votes shown In this list each week will be the total Each child Is entitled to enter INJURED HERE FRIDAY almost anything In the parade. The m“’"ca' “ d rea(" n«a which the contestants desired to be published. This method gene temple Friday May 22. Eugene Air." The men of the church will F. A. Weed of Vida died at the Ina Hubbard and Dorothea Fresa leaves It entirely up to the contestants themselves. exhibits will be especially grouped Dave Murdock, employee of the lodge number 11, McKenxIe river provide a special program of mu- Pacific Christian hospital In Eu had charge of the menu; V enice Southern Pacific railroad, was tak In three classifications: vehicles, lodge 195, and the Rainbow and r I c at the evening service. gene Friday evening. He was 68 Hawke and Grace Caudell handled push cars, and comic costumes. en to the Eugene hospital Friday Evangeline chapters O.E.». are act­ The Bible achooi meets every years old and la survived by his Rose show tagas are being sold the program, and the banquet was for X-rays of his head and It was ing as hosts for the dinner meet­ Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Thos. Campbell. Eugene .............—.................. - ........ 500,000 widow, Mrs. I«ela Weed; one son, this week by a committee under served by members of the Bethany found that he had a fractured skull ing. Hnzel Edmlston. Thurston ..................................... - ..... 885,000 Sunday school class of the church. William, at Vida, his mother, Mrs. and a ruptured drum membrane oo the direction of Mrs. Carl Olson. Mrs. Eathel Forstrom, Eugene .............................- ............. 1,300,000 LEGION TO SPONSOR M A. Weed; one sister, Mrs. J. B. Funds derived from this sale will the left side of his head. Mrs. Ruth Garoutte, Cottage Grove ................................... 1,290,000 Howard, Murphy, Oregon; one HIGH SCHOOL QUITS ANOTHER SPOT DANCE He had been working, jacking up be used to purchase a treat for each RECREATION GROUP HAS Mrs. J. Irene Hanekamp, Eugene, Rte. 3 ...........................1,296,000 step-son, and one step-daughter, EARLY ACCOUNT CIRCUS a bridge timber when the Jack child entering the parade Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Hayes, E u gen e................................................... 1.260,000 MEETING ON TUESDAY Hprlngfleld post number 40 of the Harley Hall and Mra. M. E. Red Women of the Civic club will slipped and fell striking him on the Mrs. M. B. Huntley, Springfield .......................................... 1,286,000 Classes at Ihe high school were American legion will sponsor an­ field, both of Redmond. Mrs. Floyd Thompson entertain- right side of the head. He was serve a lunch at noon. They will Cleo Moats. Eugene ....................................................- ........ 303,000 Funeral services were held Mon dismissed early Wednesday so that other spot dance at the Thurston charge 36 cents for this and Invite ed the members of the Springfield treated two days by a local physl Mrs. Elma Mosa, McGlynn ............... ........................... 200,000 day at o'clock from BPanatetter Ihe students might attend the cir­ hall Saturday evening according to clan and the X-ray films showed all Interested people to attend, recreation group at her homa Tuaa- Mrs. Pearl Schantol. Eugene, Rte. 2..... ............................. 286,000 chapel In Eugene. Rev. Roy Leslie cus at Eugene. Classes began ear­ Jnck I arson finance officer of the that the leti aide of the head had Funds from this will alao be used day afternoon. Mrs. John F. mltb officiated and Interment waa ly In the morning and none were past. The last dance of this nature been Injured Instead of the right In d n f r a v e x n e n a e s for the chll I was la charge Of the made In Greenweed cemetery at skipped. Grade achools were not sponsored by the group was very successful. dismissed. County Chamber Meeting Tonight Creamery Shows Business Gains g>« l l a n o fl. J . Operetta Monday Book Donations Asked By School Two Seek Posts On School Board Rose Show Will Parade Tuesday Contestants