Well, youngsters, my yarn today has to do with an ad­ venture I httd in Ilurma, a part of India bordering on the eastern coast of th’ Hay of Bengal. Kangy, Singoot and I had gone ashore to have a little fun, anti to see what th’ country looked like. Before that day ended we had quite a time of it. We were wnnderin’ around when we hove alongside a big elephant. Th’ chocolate- colored native in charge of him asked us if we wouldn't like to take a ride. Kangy wiggled his whiskers ami looked very tickled. Singoot seemed w illin ' anil 1 thought it would he great to cruise on an elephant. So we climbed aboard and got started. It was smooth sailin’ un­ til we hove alongside of two arguin' nrttlves. That ele­ phant gave ’em a swat with his trunk and actually stood on his hind-legs and grinned when th’ two of ’em picked themselves up and called him n name. We’d no sooner got clear of th’ natives when we over­ took a fat white man wad­ dlin' along smokin’ his pipe. I ’ll he dinghuated if th’ ele­ phant didn’t pick th ’ man up in his trunk, dump him into a river that was near, then trotted on, snickerin’ to himself. Then th’ funniest thing of th’ day happened hut not for th’ elephant. We were joggin’ along, takin’ in th’ scenery, when in th’ road, right in front of th’ ele­ phant, a little mouse popped up amt began to squeak. I've n e v e r seen anything so scared as that elephant was. You see, an elephant is afraid that a mouse w ill run up th’ Inside of his trunk. Well s’r, he went v s w j a 4 i Z 7) 12 WoniS Cocoa PaiMixc Co. S t Loma. Mo WAR IS-? WELL, YOU KNOW W H A T I T IS . I REEL OF THR.O0S. MOVIP. OF V A LO R YES. MOTHER / M A Y H E v A H R E T l/R H A L IV E OH. SoH. THE HOME COMING A rchibald