PAO® TWO THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1931 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEW S *T*f 'M any types of trucks m other Mrs f I Koet Mm W I on Folk Songs (’, M. SMALL C H ILD R EN TO Tuille rend some Interesting facta closed with a historical sketch <>( PRESENT OPERETTA aboul fam iliar songs A hit of the the Inalpratlon of Star Hpaaglsd AT TH E FOX McDONALD TO BE SHOWN SATURDAY TOWN AND VICINITY Ford Ag.ncy to En tertain Fleet of | Modale at F ifth and A streets for Short Visit Leaves for Eastern Oregon— Mrs. Fred Williams left Wednesday for a months visit in Eastern Oregon Several of the smaller children of Springfield will be presented In all operetta, "Ihlscllla Week" at the Eugene Bible college school of mu sir Wednesday evening. May 20. ill 7 30 o'clock All of the girls are from 7 to 10 years old Those Inking purl ore IXirolhy Fhuiery. June Mill holland, Ethel Springer. Belly Jean and Mary Kathryn Taylor, Belly Jean Walden, and Peggy and Teddy WORK AT A IR PO R T IS MOVING AHEAD NOW Commercial car and truck own ere will have an opportunity to see Visit from M cKenzie Bridge— M r Work at the airport Is being push­ a comprehensive display of Ford and Mrs. R. It Stevens of McKen ed rapidly now In preparation for commercial earn and trucks when the Ford caravan, comprising more) ste Bridge were visitors in Spring a good summer season according io field Tuesday. Jim MacManimau. manager of the than It units, comes to Springfield field. Tile large hanger for the on May It. John Anderson, local Wendling Man Here—John Dow school has been completed ami Ford dealer announced today ning of Wendling was a business painted, and is being used to house Wright. One of the most Important devel­ visitor In this cltv Tuesday. the schools ship and the small one opments In the commercial car and The operetta will he repealed at truck business within the last yeari Jasper Resident Here— H. H. Cos belonging to Dalton Shinn (he Springfield Methodist church at One of the smaller hangars built or so has been the Ford Motor, mKk of Ja,per 'rl8",‘d fr*’*»d8 in it later dale according Io Mrs Clara out on the landing field has already- company's new policy of adapting I Sprinn for.n, bv Percv Crog. The location of roads In national ner with Mr. and Mrs II. E Rich The caravan will include IS body I visiting here with her parents. Mr. way authorities decided to let na- by. Ihe -skippy " to be headlined forests will no longer be view«! ardson types listed in an advertisement in | and Mrs. M. M Male, ture do most of the opening work on the Pox McDonald theatre solely from the engineer's stand- this Issue of the News Brother Injured — Mrs. Louise giving highway contractors more screen.. Friday anti Saturday On Sunday afternoon the saw point of speed and economy of con­ Trotter received word here this time to complete their work near struction. but recreational and sce­ mill of the Creswell Lumber com HID D EN LAKE HAS FISH week of the serious injury in an Walterville without interference nly once since she left the screen nic aspects will also be given the pany burned to a total Ins«, As in 1925, had Enid Bennett renewed FEW CARE FOR T R IP automobile accident of her brother from tourist traffic. consideration due them. The cut soon as discovered and the alarm John J. Leyden of Boston. He sus­ The pass was opened April 15. her career. That was two seasons ting of timber and disposal of sounded a large number of men There are fish at Hidden Lake tained a fractured skull in the ac­ last year and less than half as aK° wkoB ske appeared with Ed brush and debris along rights of went over from Creswell and ussls this year but they are not worth cident. but is now recovering. much snow fell in the mountains ward Everett Horton In his Los way. the location of gravel pits, lance from Eugene fire department going after under present condi­ Angeles stage production of "The stock plies, and camps will also was given and the planer was At San Francisco—E. E. Kepner this year. tions of the road and trail accord­ Streets of New York." Resort owners in the Upper Mc­ be so regulated as not to Impair saved and several of the camp ing to those who have ventured to left Friday for San Francisco and . . . Kenzie district were rejoicing to­ the aesthetic qualities of lands houses and some lumber. The mill Vallejo, California for a short vistt make early visits to the lake. "The Secret Six." Metro-Gold abutting national forest roads. was owned by Ralph Yoder and J He expected to return to Spring- day over the opening of the pass. Most of those visiting the lake Their business has snffered a great wyn-Mayer's sensational drama of Crahan and is not only a loan to field this week. To conserve the scenic and recre­ deal during the past two years American city politic« and the nn have returned with fair catches, ational value of nation;! forest them hut to the whole community .. , ' but few care to make the trip Recovering at Hospital — Jack while heavy construction work al- . most eliminated travel over the <'erwt>r,<‘- ,s the attraction which lands, a strip 400 feet wide, or wtd- Hil ,hty employing directly again. Two weeks ago the South Gorrie is now able to receive visi­ route. will head the program at the Fox er If neceosary. will be reservwl by “n<* *ndlr« ', |y »round fifty men Fork road was blocked by trees tors at the Pacific Christian hospi­ McDonald theatre for three days the Foreat Service along all feder Wh” are ,1<1W out of employment at the five mile post. Last Sunday tal where he is a patient He was ALFALFA FIELD M EETS starting Sunday. al and State highways, and a strip Th“re * “* no •"■«ranee. The com cars could get in as far as the seriously injured recently when With Wallace Berry, hero of "The I •eet wide along county and 1-any hud about completed certain PLANNED N E X T WEEK seven mile post. Hiking over the working on a bridge near Marcola. which Big community roads within the na protective requirements House" and "Min and Bill " . remaining four miles of road and Ho expects to be sitting up in a County Agent To Lead Tour« To Lewis Stone. John Mack Brown. tional forests. No form of occu- would have entitled them to In wheel-chair soon. four miles of forest trail was very Leading Alfalfa Patches of Jean Harlow and Marjorie Ram imncy or use of such’ lands will 8Uranc‘' which unfortunately hud hard and slow- going. Many places County . For Days Colorado People Visit— Mr. and I — w. Two . — w«7. beau heading one of the biggest be allowed except under permit not been finish«!. the trees have fallen over the trail Mrs. P. W. Shue and small sons, casts assembled In years, the plc- from the chief fores’er or regional National Music Week was very In such numbers that the hikers Glenn and Billy, who have been Four field meetings and farm ture unfold» an astounding tale forester, and no permits wtll be Is-! aptly observed at the Grange meet walked for a quarter mile on fal­ guests at the M. M Male home Tor tours to observe alfalfa fields and based on actualities of modern Am- sued that will sacrifice public val Ing Friday evening with an Inter­ len timber. several days last week have return­ discuss alfalfa production prob erlcan city life lies or «♦»"vices. esting program arranged by Mrs Parties returning from the lake ed to their home in Colorado. The lems will be held Thursday and The present Forest Service policy IXivld Francis the lecturer It op- . say that more time is spent climb­ Shue family have bee® spending Friday of next week by O. S. picture opens In a slaughter- prohibiting the display of udvertls ened with a trio consisting of Mrs ing over and crawling under logs the winter in California, having Fletcher, county agent. The sche- *»OU8e- where Berry works as a kill- Ing signs on government land, C. I. Kent, Mrs. C. J. Crittenden than is taken In hiking. stopped here on their way there last dule of starting points for these er *n tke pens The narrative then which has been In force in the na­ and C. H. Sedgwick accompanied Oswald Olson. Riley Snodgrass. fall. Mrs. Shue is a cousin of Mr. meetings is as follows: takes Berry through various epi­ tional fjreat of Oregon and Wash by Mrs. Margaret Warner; they Alex Snodgrass and son Merle, of I Male. Thursday, May 21; 9:30 a. m. sodes In bootlegging resots and Into ington for over a decade, will apply sang Sweet and I xjw , Seeing Nellie Shedd, were among the few who George Gilmore farm One and one- posperity until finally he becomes to these reserved roadside siripa Home und Rio like. Mrs. K. II. Mel- visited the lake Sunday. half miles north of Junction City on a millionaire overlord of crime. llv- and will be strictly enforced. REV. PIKE TO PREACH ton gave a historical ac«>unt of se- c n D u n u . m v LJ e ZSI a e o Paciflc highway. 1:30 p. m. Elmer inK like a kln* Then ,he force!' <* Objectionable conditions some- veral famous religious hymns. Lu- FOR MOHAWK H. S. CLASS Harlow farm one and one-half ,he law heKin thelr work and Frad- BUSHING BURNS OUT AT times observed along mountain d ie Kent sang Nellie Lee down In miles northeast of Eugene. ually the bootleg-king is dethroned. roads cannot all be charged against SUB-STATION FRIDAY Tennessee uceompunled Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Friday, May 22, 9:30 a. m. Clyde to find h,s end °" the «»Kold. the Forest Service, however, as Springfield Methodist church will A short circuit in a transformer deliver the baccalaureate sermon Wright farm three miles south of there are nearly four million acres which set fire to a bushing at the for the graduating qlass at the Mo- Creswell. 1:30 p. m. Walter Gar- 4 "Stepping Out," Metro-Goldwyn of privately owned land within the routte farm three miles south of Ma>e r " comical fllmlzatlon of the Federal forests of Oregon and Mountain States Power company Ä Cottage Grove the C o a s ^ ™ stage h.t. Is the attrae- created quite a bit of excitement ing Sunday evening. Rev. L. E. Fen­ Washington whirh may be used or tion which will open Wednesday in the city for a while Friday eve­ ton, will deliver the sermon at the community. occupied ns the owners see fit. with Char E. R. Jackman, extension agron­ at the McDonald theatre, ning when a shot of flame burst local church in the evening. „ ,, .Some of this land, located along lotte Greenwood. Leila Hyams Re- omist of the state college will as­ out from the sub-station at Sixth 1C....... ..... , „ „ . J ,mportont "a‘l»»al fores! highways Rev. Pike will preach on the sub­ glnald Denny. Lilian Bond and Cliff and Main streets. Service was not ject “God Spake" at the 11 o’clock sist Mr. Fletcher in the work. : will be secured by the Forest Ser At these meetings such problems •'-'•wards in the principal roles. disrupted as city lines were auto­ service. There will be special music vice In exchange for government matically connected with a Port­ The Sunday school irill meet at as time for '" ‘“ "8 alfalfa for hay, ___T 7 7 ' i stunipage. but the conservation of land line. Only minor damage was 9:45 and the Epworth League meets nialnlenan