Visits Friend*— Mrs Fred Crab Drive to Rortland— M r und Mrs tree of Marcola visited with friends Emory Pyle and Earl Pyle drove to Portluml Hunday to spend the In Hprlngfleld on Halurduy day with Mrs J. D Pyle, their IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF mother, who * recovering from a T H E S T A T E OF O R E G O N , FOR major operutlon They report that LANE C O U N TY. their mother Is recovering nicely. Want Clf-un Hofi Huge, no hut Km» or hook*. Hpi'1 m « f N e w » Office Visitor» from Fall Creek Mr uml Mr». It ( ’, B rew er of M ill Creek war« hualiiaaa vletlur* Io Sprluxflald Monday. C A L L FOR W A R R A N T ! Noth'« hereby given that No IV. Io I a n , county. Oregon. will pay at the of i n .' i.r clerk of salii dl»trlol. all warrant* to and Including number 152«, dated March V. 1 #31. Inter»«! c a a a a a u r t a r May 18, 1831. CI.AYTON F BARBER. Clark boni la lu s t r iv i N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R S Notice la haraby given that Iba nudaralgoad baa bean appotnl«d execulnr of the eatate of F. A. Rich' ardeun. decaaaad by the County Court of I .ana County, Oragoo. All persona having nIalina agalusl aald astate era required to present them, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the law office of C. It Hadgwlck, Odd Fallows Building, Creswell, Oregon within s i i months from the date of this notice lasted this 7th day of May 1931 II. B RICHARDSON, Executor of the estate of F A. Itlcbanlson, deceased C II KKIHIWIi K Creswell, Oregon, Attorney for Estate M. 71« 21-28. J 4. 1 1 " Business Directory Edw. G. Privat JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon D r. J O S E P H IN E C . B R A U N Naturopathic Physician First National Hank Bldg I’honea o ffice 7SJ; Mes 143W Office Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M. Residence 223 II street FOR SALE Good 14-lnch Block wood, also t6-lnch and 4 foot old growth slabwood. FRANK TU H Y Phono 8p. I82J All K in d t of Lawn Mowers R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G 128 W 8tl» Street Phons 900 E ugene D R . B E R T H A D A V ID S O N Osteopathic Physician 20« I. O. O. F. Tempi* Telephone 326« Eugene, Ore. Unlveraal Mortgage Corp. BONDS W . P. Tyson, Agent 128 E 8t. Phone MW Eugene Upholstering Furniture Hospital Raflnlshing Repairing Screen and all kinds of mill-work C E C IL C A L K IN * . Proprietor Phone «02 561 % West Eighth General I j iw Practice I. M . P E T E R S O N Attorney-at-haw City Hall Building Hprlngfleld, Oregon F R A N K A. D E P U E A T TO R N E Y A T LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon Walker-Poole Chapel FUNERAL DIRECTORS 228 M ain Bt. «2J Residence 125 C St. 82 M Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant PAGE THREE THE rtPÎUNOriELn NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 14. IM I K E N S IN G T O N CLUB T O A R M Y V A C A N C IE S T O v is its from Jaeger— M rs J C. v is its at Rogue River— Dr. W C. Vielte from M aroela— F ra a k F a r­ Bailey of Jasper was a b u sln eu Rebhan made a business trip to the celi of M arcóla «rae a visitor la BE F IL L E D D U R IN G M A Y visitor In Springfield Monday af­ Rogue riv e r d istrict near G rants Hprlngfleld Saturday HAVE NOON LUNCHEO N l*ass Tuesday. ternoon. Jasper Resident H e re -W a rr e n Hlg- Members of the Kensington club Vacancies In ten United Htates Visitors from Cottsgo Grove — gen* of Jasper was a visitor In will he uutertalned at a noon lunch Army camps and the air corp* were Visits Mother— Dr C. G. Van Val- "on at the Anchorage at Eugene announced this week by the War xah of Portland spent Sunday. M r and Mrs D. M Tonole of Cot­ Hprlngfleld Monday Friday Mrs Dallas B Murphy and Department. Rec/ulta will he cho-j Mothers' Day. with bis mother. Mrs. tage Grove were visitors In Spring- H C M M O N H FO R PUBLICATION Visits Rerente — Mra. I’aul field on Saturday Mra. W C. Rebhan will he hoetewe sen from applicants who success­ A. B Van Valxah in Springfield IN F O H K C L O H IIR K O F Hchlewe went to Mulino Sunday to TAX LIEN C A L L FOR W O O D BIOS es. The luncheon will start at 1 fully puss the physical and mental W a R e rv llle Resident Here— M r spend a few daya vlaWIng with her Visiter from Rortland— Mrs Al J I. CI'LVKR, I’lalntirr. l il t ) cords of Body Fir, « foot slab o'clock. examinations and who provide re 1 Cannon of Portland arrived In and Mrs. J C. Couch of Walter- parent*. She was accompanied by vs. 11. T. MEI.LIEN ii single man. and wood delivered as follow*: ferences from a reliable c^tlxen Hprlngfleld Saturday evening for a vllle visited friend* In Hprlngfleld her sister. Mie» France« Cumming* Lincoln Hi hisil, 36 cord*. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 0 E OSBURN, DefendwaU. who will remain at Mulino. of the community. short visit with her cousin, Mrs. Saturday Brattali! School, 20 curds. To 11. T. M Mi, LIEN, a single man. Mechanics only will be accepted Bert Doane. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE High Hi b o o l, «5 i-oids Ilia above named dnfmidaiit HTATE OF OREGON FOR THE In Ihe air corp. All Bids must be In by noon June IN TIIK NAME OR THE HTATE COUNTY OF LANE. PROBATB Visitors Sunday— Mr and Mrs OF OREGON You are hereby no 2nd. 1931 DEPARTMENT The Board reserves the right to N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * tlfled that J I. Culver, th e b u ild e r D. C. England and children, of Eu­ Notice Is hereby given that the reject any or all bids of Certificate of Hellnquency num In the m ailer of the Eetate of N. undersigned has been duly appoint gene. and Miss Harriet Austrian C. F BARBER, Clerk. bersd 2708 Issued on the 12th (lav N. Kaklor. receaeed. M 28 ed Administrator of the eetate of were Sunday visitor* at the borne November. 1929, by the Tax Col Notice Is hereby given that the E B KESTER deceased. and any lector o f Ihe County of Lane, Hta’e undersigned has been appointed and all persons having claims of Mrs. C. I. Gorrte. Sr. of Uregon, for the amouul of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S • xecutrtx of the eatate of N. N. against the said estate are hereby Ha* Eye Infection—Otto Smith, |»5.66| Five and «6 100 Dollars, NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN: Kuldor, deceased, by the County required to present said claims, employee of the Mountain State* the sum s being the amount then Court, of the Htate of Oregon, of duly verified as by law required, at That Bertha L. llurghardt bus been dus and delinquent for taxoe for Power company was tn 8pr1ngfleld Lane County, and has qualified the year 1926 together with pen- appointed executrix of the Last 411 persons having claims against the office of Frank A. DePue, at­ ally. Interest and coals thereon Will und Testament of John Mc­ said estate are hereby notified to torney for the estate, at Spring- Monday to receive treatment for an upon the real property asseHaed to Guire, deceased, by the (bounty present the sam e to me at «39 field. Oregon. In la n e County. Ore­ Infection to bis eye. you, of which you are the >.wnor Court of Lane County, Oregon. All Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon, gon, within six months from the persuo* having claims against said See* Ball Game— Mr and Mr*. I date of this notice. as eptmars of record, situated In estate are required to present them with vouchers and duly verified, ERNEST KESTER Carl Olson went to Portland to vis­ said County and m ate, and partic­ within six months from the date with the proper vouchers, within Administrator of the eetate of it their son. Ruaeell, and to see the ularly hounded and described as STRAW HATS for men new styles, new weaves. six months from the 7th day of hereof E. II Kester deceased. follows, to-wit: t*at said final ac i You and each-of you and all p er-^ - April. 1931. and the dal« of the having or cla im in g ^ b a v e_ M y first publl -attao of this summons count must he In writing and filed sone with the Clerk of said Court on or Interest In said automoble above la the 23rd day of April. 1931. described are hereby required to All process and papers In this before said day and time appear before the above entlted LAURA MARGARET TRYON. proceeding may be served upon Court In the Court House of Lane Executrix. the undersigned residing wlth.'n County. Oregon at Eugene by the FRANK A. DePUE. the State of Oregon at the address first day of June. 1931. Raid day Attorney for executrix. hereinafter mentioned. M 7-14 21 28. J 4 being the answer day In this cause HERBERT W. LOMBARD. which has heretofore been duly set Attorney for Plaintiff. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF hy the above entitled Court, to de­ Address. Cottage Orove. Oregon T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N . fend these proceedings and upon A23 30 M7 1« 21 28-J11-18 IN A N D FOR L A N E C O U N ­ your failure so to do, a Judgment for the forfeiture of said automobile TY. N T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E above described will be applied for. STATE OF O R EG O N , FOR SUMMONS This notl~e Is Issued and directed LANE CO UNTY. The Pacific Savings and Ixmn to you and each of you pursuant Association, a W ashington corpor­ to the order duly made and enter­ SUMMONS ed by the above entitled Court on EMIL J KOPLIN and NELLIE E. ation, Plaintiff. vs. the 7th day of May, A. D.. 1931. KOPLIN. Plaintiffs. W itness my hand and the seal of Frank Pierce, as Executor of the vs. of L iretta Pierce, deceased; said Court affixed at Eugene. Ijine ELMER D. YOUNG and (T.ARA F Estate Frank* Pierce and I^iura Pierce, County, Oregon, this 7th day of YOVNQ. IA7UIS BELAND and his wife; Ijiura Yarnell and Ed Mav. 1931. ADDIE BELAND. A. H. PAT­ W. B DILLARD Yarnell, her husband; Emma Para­ RICK and HELEN PATRICK xon County Clerk of lA ne County, and Charles Paraxoo, her hus­ and FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon, and ex-offlclo Clerk of * of EUGENE. OREOON. a corpor­ band; Loretta Hodges; Paul Ste­ snld Circuit Court. wart and Mary Doe Stewart, his ation Defendants. M. 14-21 28 wife; Mary Elisabeth Stewart, and John Doe. her husband; John Doe To L o t u s BELAND and ADDIE Stewart and Jane Doe Stewart, his N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * BELAND. Defendant* Ife; and Richard Roe Stewart and Notice Is hereby given that the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Jane Roe Stewart, his wife. Defen­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the eetate of quired to appear and answer the dants. To Paul Stewart and Mary Doe Sadie Ragland, deceased, by the complaint filed against you In the Stewart, his wife. Mary llxabeth County Court of iJine County. Ore­ above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first Stewart and John Doe, her hus gon. All persons having claims hand. John Doe Stewart and Jane publication of this summons and If Rgalnst said eetate are hereby no­ you fall to appear or answer, for Doe Stewart, his wife, and Richard tified to present the same, duly Roe Stewart and Jnne Roe Stewart, want thereof the plaintiffs will verified, to the undersigned at the take a dec ret- against you for the his wife, Defendants: office of W ells and W ells, Bank In the name of the State of Ore­ of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene, Ore- relief as prayed for In said com­ tf gon. yon and each of you. are here­ n. within six months from the plaint, to-wlt: by required to appear and answer date o l the first publication of this That there Is duo and unpaid upon the land sale contract sped the (»omplalnt filed against you notice. Low summer ro u nd trip s Date of first publication, April fled In tho complaint the sum ot In the above entitled suit within East start May 22. Go-East four weeks from the date of the »1200.00 with interest thereon at 23. 1931. th ro u g h C a lifo rn ia with 8% since the 13th day of January first publication of this Summons, ANNA MYERS, Administratrix. Southern Pacific. Its famous 1929 until paid, 3140 00 reasonable and If you fall to so Answer, for W ells and W ells, Attorneys. attorney's fees and costs and dla want thereof the Plaintiff will ap­ "Circle Trips” cost only a A23-M7 14-21-28 bursements of suit; that you be ply to the Court for the relief little more than ordinary required to pay the aforesaid sums prayed for In Plaintiff's Complaint, roundtrips. And when you N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * Into court within a reasonable time to-wlt: for Judgment of and from go (his way, you add a score and that If not so paid Into court, Frnnk Pierre and Laura ITerce, his Notice la hereby given that the then In that event you be absolute­ wife, and of and from the defen­ o f extra th rills to your ly foreclosed of all right, tit Io and dant Frank Pierce, ns Executor of undersigned has been duly appoint­ ticket. You make a round­ Interest In and to the following de the Estate of Loretta Pierce, de ed executrix of the estate of Fred trip that is really round. censed, for the sum of »1514.39 to­ erlck L. Shove deceased, and any scrlbml premises, to-wlt: gether with Interest thereon at and all persona having claims Beginning at the southeast C IR C L E the rate of 10% per annum from against the aald eetate are hereby S U N S E T corner of tho south half of Nov. 20, 1930, and for the further required to present said claims, 8E% of section 11 In Tp. 18 You go down through San sum of »374.33 together with In duly verified as by law required, 8.R. 3 w est of W.M. In Iaine Francisco and Los Angeles. terest thereon at the rnte of 10% at the law office of Whitten Swaf­ County, Oregon, and running per annum from July 17, 1929. and ford, 202 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene. Then across the colorful thence north to the northeast for the further sum of »157.15 to­ Oregon in Ijin e County, Oregon, corner of said south half of Southwest to New Orleans. within six months from the date of gether with Interest thereon nt the »aid 8E% of sal«» section It. Here you may continue East rnte of 10% per annum from Feb this notice. thence west on north line of by rail, or take a Southern Dated and first published April 7. 1931, and for the further sum said S% of said SE% of »aid Black 1. Town Car Delivery Pacific steamer to N e w of »306.78 together with Interest 30th. 1931. section 11; 4 chains, thence Manila Brown 2. Debuxe Delivery thereon at the rate of 10% per an York. Return on any north­ south parallel with east line Date of last publication May 28th Thorne Brown num from June 27, 1929. and for 1931. of said south half of said S E ’4 3. Drop Floor Panel ern line.Sloporer anywhere. the further sum of »72.74 together Pembroke Gray of said section 11—370 yards AMY Y. SHOVE 4. Station Wagon with Interest theron at tho rate of executrix ol the estate of Freder­ thence west 26 yards, thence Menelaus Orange 5. 157" Stock Rack GOLDEN STATE CIRCLE 10% per annum from Feb. 7, 1931 ick L. Shove, deceased. south parallel with east line of Chelsa Blue 6. 157" Ixtrge Panel Body and for the further sum of »13.00 said south half of said SE*4 of Address. Wendllng. Oregon. You go down through Cali­ Rubellte Red and for the further sum of »225.00 said section 11—seventy yards 7. 157" Canopy Top CC Express fornia to Los Angeles. Then as n reasonable Attorneys fee. and WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Phoenix Brown to south line of said south half 8. 131* Stake . .... up to Chicago via Kansas for the coats and disbursements of Attorney for Estate. of said SE14 of said section 11, Cream A. 30— M. 6-12-19 » 9. 131" Std. Panel this suit; and for the foreclosure City. Return by any north­ thence East on south line of Balsam Green of a mortgage against lx»t ten (101 10. 131* Heavy Duty Express said S% of said SE% of said ern line.Sfopot'er anywhere. Yukon Yellow In Block three (3) In Shelton's Ad section 11; 4 chains and 36 11. Coal Body Heavy Hydraulic These are only two ex­ dttlon to Eugene. Lane County yards to place of beginning Blue Rock Green 12. H. D. Hydraulic Dump amples. Any trip East can Oregon, for the said amounts above containing 8% «cr*" "»ore lesR. Vermillion 13. Service Car be a C ird e T rip . Y our ticket set forth, and for such other and and for such other relief as may Sea Gull Gray further relief as to the Court may 14. Ambulance be specified In said complaint. The is good until October 31. Medium Cream date of the order requiring service seem Just, and equitable. Last sale date, October 19. 15. Ice Body s S S S I » « This Summons Is served upon of this summons by the publication Black 16. Police Patrol Standard thereof Is dated April 16th 1931 you by publication thereof once SV n u d 'd e i Irrita tio n ? !Iri acid condt- each week for four successive and requires publication once each week for four successive weeks weeks In the Springfield News, by aind that you appear and answer order of Hon. G. F. Sklpworth "w’nrkn f»»t. »tn’rt» c ir c u la tin g thru . th e sy ste m In 16 m in u tes. Uralaed by within four weeks from tho date of Judge of said Court, made and en thou sn n d* fo r rapid the first publication, and the date tered April 28. 1931, and the first tlo n D on't g iv e up. T r y C y ste x (Pro- publication thereof being made pounced , ,HdHZ’11«ufn^urickhiy of the first publication Is April Authorized Ford Dealer* Tron-t'lnd O u a ra n tee. M ust q u ick ly April 30. 1931. 16th 1931. a lla y th o se con d itio" ». Im prove re«D WELLS and WELLS, SPRINGFIELD, OREOON fnl sleep and energy, or m o n ey back. C. A. W1NTERMEIER, C A R L O LS O N , Attorneys for Plaintiff, O nly 60c a t Attorney for Plaintiffs. Agent KETEL8 DRUG STORE lleaidence and P. O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. 5th & Main Springfield, Or*. Eugene, Oregon. A. 18 23-30; M. 7-14 A. 80-M.7-14-212t SPECIALS for MAY at Fulops Department Store Fulops Dept. Store An announcement of importance to all truck operators Low fares East start May 22 A ny trip East can bea''C ircleTrip The FORD TRUCK CARAVAN w ill sto p at o u r s h o w r o o m o n M a y 1 6 F r o m 8 t o 1 1 o ’c l o c k NEWEST FORD COMMERCIAL TYPES ARE INCLUDED Getting Up Nights I Southern P a d iic ANDERSO N MOTORS Inc.