PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I’ubllahed E»ery Thursday at Hprln«n*ld, Lane County. Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE » .¿SS H. E. MAXEY. Editor_______ ______ ________ r , . , ,« ) as se cn .l - l a - mMler. February 2«. l»03. at the postofftce. SprlngfluU, Oregon._____ M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Year In Advance ............ »175 Six Month. ......... - .......... - ..... >*•«> t h i r s iia y Three Months ....................... 75c S»»«1* C°Py ......................... ; * may it mu THE THREE C'S OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION The kev to automobile accident prevention is in the hands of Individual drivers. There is a point where even the best traffic laws become inoperative. At this point the individual must take up the work. Care, courtesy, common- sense- these are the three C’s of accident prevention which arc not covered by law. The majority of accidents occur when they are violated. Bach vear such violations mean death to SO.OOO people, to sav nothing of a vast sum in property damage. Last year, according to a leading insurance company, the largest single cause* of accident was failure to give right-of-way—which accounted for 31 i»er cent of a m - haps and 15 per cent of all deaths. Foolhardiness, coupled with dis-courtesy, is strewing death along the highways. The driver who cuts in and out of traffic - who drhes on the wrong side of the road who drives at an excessive speed - is a menace to the life and property of all who use the public roads. . Traffic laws should be improved and modernized to th greatest possible degree. But after that is done the rest is principally up to the individual driver He will decide whether or not our horrible toll in human life increases or decreases. FOR YOU AND I TO DECIDE Next year we will be engaged again in a national elec­ tion and there will be demands from all sides on how candi­ dates stand, particularly this time on the repeal of the eighteenth amendment. We should not confuse oursehes as to where the power lays when it conies to the repal of th eighteenth amendment. Congressmen will never have an opportunity to vote for or against the eighteenth amendment. The best they tan do is to vote to submit it to the states for a decision our constitution made this provision. It is strictly a state's right. If wet and drv is ever brought to another show down, be­ cause of the great interest in this question we can expect many congressmen who are dry to vote to submit it to the people. The question of the eighteenth amendment is strictly up to you and I. Let’s not try to pass the buck to some congressman. ----.!» ---- --- THVR9PAY. may 14. GOVERNMENT OFFERS SALEM MAN HEAD OF NEW FURNITURE BOOK NEW FARM DEPARTMENT To A«»um« Control O ver Many E x ­ Booklet. "F u rn itu re , Its Selsttion and Uaa”, W ritte n for Farm isting Board* and Commission* Hom e-M aker A fte r F irst of July The proper selection and use of furniture on the farm home is the subject of a bsxvklet Issued recent­ ly by (he United Stales Department of Commerce and which Is now available at the office of the Su pertntendent of Documents, Gov­ ernment Printing office. Washing ton. D. C. for M cents a copy. This new bulletin will aid the home-maker in the rural communi­ Uehiar has taken an active part ty to check up on the construction in the agricultural development of of her furniture; It will aid her In the Willamette valley, especially apportioning her home furnishings the cherry industry. He urges that budget; it will tell her something producer* make free use of the ser about the various style*, and ex vices which the department will plain how they may he grouped in be able to offer after it is under accordance with the principles of way. harmony. It should also convince The new department will succeed her that It is not necesAiry to to and be Invested with the powers store every comfortable chair in and duties of the state board of the barn or attic,” says M. S. Wid­ horticulture, pure seed board, state mer, executive secretary of the livestock sanitary state chemist, American Farm Bureau Federation. state bacteriologist, advisory live­ The bulletin is intended prtmar stock branding board, stallion re­ ily as an aid to the consumer who gistration board, state fair direc­ seeks information concerning bud­ tors state market agent, state lime geting. comfort, utillly. construc­ board and committee on agricul tion. materials, .styles, ensembles, and details, in the care and repair tural lime. County bee inspectors, fruit In of furniture. With more than 50 spectors. meat and herd inspectors illustrations and diagrams. It ex­ and veterinarians will be appointed plains in nontechnical language the by the county courts as now provid important features for which the ed by law but these appointments prospective purchaser should look will be subject to the approval of when selecting home furnishings. the director of agriculture. County- stock inspectors will be appointed VISITS OLD SOLDIERS by the director upon recommenda­ HOME AT ROSEBURG tions of the cattle and horse rai­ sers association of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Egglmann County fair boards and county drove to Roseburg Wednesday to grazing boards will make annual vlstt and inspect the old soldiers reports to this department upon home which is maintained there blanks furnished by the director. by the federal government. Mrs Max Gehlar. prominent l*olk county farmer-horticulturist, has been appointed by Governor Meier, to h,a