THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY, ÓRKGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1 »31 PFlITliiNftSKSFfiR milEBMil Flower Show To Lions Name Two Flowar Pageant Directed by Honor Mr. and Walker and Mr. Mra. Katala to Be New Twenty-Four Raaidanta A»k C. McMurray Inovation Thia Year Extension of Servio» on Thraa Blocke in City Nell lrollard und The líate for the un lilial roue and Mra. W. F and Mra. J. at Dinner M’KENZIE PASS IS ü o í O. lib ra ry NO. 1« Ball Team Meets Contestants Busy as OPE«MIS« li"- Revamped Team Expect» to Take Game Here: Contest Large Plow Cuta Through Called at 2:45 O'Clock Two Drifta To Bring About Opening Wednaaday on e of the beat baseball gam«» Bees Gathering $20 BIRIHDM PARTY Subscription Clubs Tw»lv»th Anivnrsary F o r Local Organization Was Ob»»rv»d Tuesday Period of Campaign with 60,000 Extra Vote» for Each W F Walker. of the season for the high school AIDS COMMUNITY WORK Club of $20 in Now Subscription» Turned in will ----------- fU,w*r "•»"* b" sponsored b> district deputy governor. were up STAGES TO START SOON team is promised local fans for i Be Over at 8 P. M. Saturday, May 16. TO PAINT FIRE STATION Women'» Clvte Improvement pointed regular delegai*-» from the Friday afternoon at the high school Many Former.. Officers and ----------- club haa been eat at Tuesday. May Hprlngfleld Liona club to the «UH- Retort Owner» Rejoice; Pa»» diamond by Norval May coach, who Charter Member* Honored; Street Oiling Diecuaeed; T O 2U iiy offleera of that organisation convention to be held at lu» Grande will send his charges against the (Hubs are trump»! Opening, Improved High­ June 24, and 2b. ut the gathering First President Writes I’nivurslty high school nine In a Be Left to Initiative of Lo­ lltupluya will be arruu«od on We mean twenty dollar clubs of new subscriptions to this newspaper. way Assures Bueine»» of Ihe local club Friday evening ut laide» at Ihe «'oniniunlty ball «lui game to start at 2:45. cal Property Ownara Each club means 60.000 bonus votes to the contestant turning In >20 .. „ ....„ ..i the Community ' hull. Jack Hend liar to what they were urruu«»d The local team has been revamp-1 Twelve years of history of the worth of new subacrlptlona by 8 p. m. Saturday. May 1«. The McKeqgle pass Is opened. erer und Clifford Wilson were ed for the game and the coach feels city of Springfield were reviewed City Council member« beard a lu»t year, and prise« will be mad» Truffle started over the summit of _ _ ------------------------------------------------ — Busy as Bees named alternates. confidant that the boys will take the Community hall Tuesday petition Monday evenln« at their and announced later The evening meeting of the lie Ihe Cascades on thia route shortly MORE BUSINESS FIRMS Contestants In our big "Earn and the contest. A game scheduled for evening at the twelfth anniversary monthly meeting for exten«tou of I piowsrs. other than rosea will be i-ul Lion» dub wan arranged an u afternoon Wednesday when the START IMPROVEMENTS last Friday was postponed to enable of the Springfield Women'« Civic water mall!« In the Norlheaat part i |ni.|„,|„(| in the exposition, dinner gathering to honor Mr. and large rotary snow plow of the state the entire senior class to partlcl- _______ gathering subscriptions which mean Improvement club. of the city- The petition signed by < T|,„ children’« purade. one Mr«. J. 1' M< Murray anil Mr. und highway commission pushed It« At least three more Springfield 24 resident» of the dlalrlct aaked moat colorful event» of the Mr» W F. Walker They are leav­ way through two Isolated drifts to pate In enlor Ditch Day’. The class A program and social gathering went U> Idylwood for the day. Thl. buslneM house« are eligible to an <>» “ >e campaign is still on. The bon- for extension of water mains 011 season, will atoo be held. It w’ll be ing the local club to make their officially Open the highway for the and a short business meeting were rest, coupled with the reorganlxa honor roU „ „„e were to be com “ - re ™ \ tor th‘" " “1 ° “,y K »tree! from Kevenlh 1« Ninth. aU||n)„n|„lj by „ flower pageant Io homes else where. the features of the evening The year. Hon of the team, is expected to pro- plled for tboae who start Improve- but *u rt rlght rom 1 e * nn and from K to L on Ninth. | be directed by Mr«. June Ketel«. program consisted of musical num­ A short program presided over ( ’. L. Bessonette and Clyde But- duce beneficial resulU menu about their property. The “ ™ ° “r bers by the Girls sextette of the The request was turned over to ; A display of ruga and art work by W. Itebhun president of ihe toff of Eugene carrlef off the hon A practice game wa* played with latest firms to paint and refinish nouncement. The next period of high school, reading by Mrs. Mar­ the Mountain Htnte« Power com­ by member» of Mr» W A Elkina club. Included musical number« by the campaign runs until 8 p. m. or» of being the first to croaa the the Coburg team at Coburg Tuesday are Privat’s Jewelry store. E E pany for action. Thl» firm own» class Is also planned Mrs W K. Burnell and her daugh pass. A Hprlngfleld service station evening. The hoys looked good In May 2»th and the bonus votes lon Adams, and musical numbers Fraodrick’s second band store, and the water mala« of the city and ter, Ilurbara. und Miss Winifred operator was the second person to this game and won by a large mar­ given during that period will be by Mrs. John F. Ketels. the Masonic lodge. atty extenaluna will have to be Mrs. Lida McGowan of Eugene, Tyson, accompanist; and readings follow the huge plow across the top decidedly lower so It behooves all gin. The walla and celling of the Prl- contestants with motor car aspira­ one time president of the local made by them No decision ha* ANNUAL MEETING SET by Mrs. John F. Ketols. of the pass. vat Jewelry More are being kalso- tions to make the most of the re­ group, was one of the principal been reached on the request yet, FOR CEMETERY GROUP P. J. Bartholomew, new arrival Reports from those who were on CHURCH PEOPLE ATTEND mlned thia week. The celling will according to W K llarnell. local In the city und part owner of the maining hours of this big extra speakers at the meeting. Clean-up Day w ith Noon Basket Walker IVsile funeral home, was the pass Wednesday stated that It manager of the company ANNUAL CONVENTION be a light cream color rad the vote period which is positively the A birthday cake with twelve can­ could have easily been opooed sev­ walla will be slightly darker. The largest extra vote offer of the en­ dles adorned the center of the ta­ D in ner to Be Held at Pleasant The request will require three welcomed as a new member of the eral weeks ago. They found only Hill May 22 To attend the annual convention walla of the room had never been tire campaign. additional blocka of water mains. club Friday. ble from which refreshments were If a sufficient number of people Arrangements for the gathering two drifts which could not have of their church several members finished, being left with the orig­ Many New Subscribers served. The table waa alao decor­ Frlday, Muy 22. has been set us Friday were handled by acommlt been crossed with an automobile of the Springfield Baptist church inal piaster coat. sign up for the Barview, then the Since the beginning of the cam ated with small bouquets made by It 1« evident that the state high went to Corvallis Tuesday morn­ (.onBUt,nK c . E Kenyon, power company will make a survey the dsy for the unnual clean up of Fraedrlck la painting the front of paign many new subscribers have Mrs. D. Bnltsman These were pre­ of the probable costa of conatruc- the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Many ,.ha(rmilI1 y jj Hamlin, and Jack way department found leas «now ing. Rev. and Mrs Ralph R. Mul of hto store a gloaay orange color been added to our list and from sented to past and present officers there than had been anticipated, al holland will spend the entire three an(J , he MaRtm|t lodge la having th»u and revenue to be derived. people are expected to gather with |,enderer. all Indications the campaign de and charter member» so because when the plow was or days of the convention Tuesday, me woodwork on the upper half Their final decision would be con­ tools and lisakel lunches to s p e n d _________________ pertment will be swamped on Sat­ F irst President W rites dered out of Salem the first of the Wednesday and Thursday at meet of the front of their building paint tingent on the reeulta of such an lb.- 4a. -ultlng grass and w.-.-d- LQCAL PEOPLE ATTEND urday night with a flood of new Mrs. Hannah Hill, first presi­ week It was expected that the pass Others who are attending some of ed. Investigation and otherwise improving .he ap SPANISH VET MEETING subscriptions descending upon it. dent of the club who now resides could be opened by Sunday. The the convention sessions include IH'aranceN of th«« plot ** _______ The two banks of the city, the Springfield merchants and home- When our campaign was announced at Reno, Nevada, waa unable to plow moved easily throught the two Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie, Mrs. Cheater Commercial »Mate, and the First with such a magnificent array of owners have been very active this An effort will be made to do Throe Springfield people attend be present and sent a letter which drifts, one of which was as high as Chase, and Gladys Chase. NaUtmal. were designated as de­ moat of the cleanup work In the (,(| regular meeting of the Gen- spring in cleaning up and Improv­ valuable gifts many people were was rend to the members. Others the tops of automobiles, and then positories of city funds In accord­ morning. Following the banket din vra| , S V PPO K 'ffR SHOULD HE'A Is done at a very small coat by Eugene His opponent was W. A boy was riding his bicycle on the entering and sharing In the won­ minutes from the first years meet­ the county at a time when their Thompson of RttgMie. The match wrong side of the street. Mrs. Pet derful awards, this is your last ap ings. Conditions and practices SPR IN tJElElJ) NEWS SUBSCRIBER equipment la not being ueed else­ ended on the thirteenth green when ereon was not held at fault. which Civic club members sought portunity. Unless you decide by Tlie Springfield News, under it« present editor, has had a leading aad Ben had bis opponent 7 down and 6 where. p. m. that day the opportunity to improve Included such things vital part in every outstanding civic accom plishm ent in this community to play, GUESTS ENTERTAINED AT which has been knocking to you as' picketing cows on sidewalks, during the last several year«. leidgs also won a special prlxe tin cans in alleys, noises from MRS. DORA SIMMS DIES KESTER SUMMER HOME the past few weeks will be gone of 20 gallons of gasoline at the motorcycles, dirt left on sidewalks, forever as far as this campaign Is 1. The editor of The News was a m em ber of the com m ittee which IN EUGENE THURSDAY Wee Wee Golf course last week concerned. Come In and ask about unsanitary plumbing, barn-yards, negotiated the 247-acre railroad land lease from Eugene to Springfield. Dr. Eugene Kester was host over It before It is too late. It won’t be pig-pens, and cow-pens which had Mrs. Dora A Simina of McKen with a low score of 43. The prlxe As chairm an of the industrial com m ittee in charge of this land he has i the week-end to several of hla become public nuisances. The club lie Bridge died at the home of was given to the player turning In consistently worked for a deed to the property until it has now been friends and relatives at his sum long now! sponsored the first clean up day F A. Moore 613 East Broadway. the lowest score for Ihe week on acquired. Some of the land has been sold to pay back taxes w it o « r mer home near Deorhoro. Among in the city in June 191», and also Eugene. Thursday morning. May the mlnature links. 2(10 ucres of it stands as a m agnificent free gift to the city of Springfield. IUKA CIRCLE PLANS his guests were Included H. Hud He has two more matches to play started the annual flower show 14. at I 30 o’clock. She was born man of Chicago, eastern represen CARNIVAL FOR" TONIGHT the same year. 2. The editor of The News induced Major Eckerson to sta rt the flying o il December 30. 1X6» and was 71 nt Oak way and hopes to win first j tatlve of the Central Public Ser field hen-. His subsequent effort ami the publicity of the News has been Builds Community years old al Ihe time of her death prlxe In the third flight. This prlxe j vice corporation, Mr. and Mrs. Ot­ A11 of Springfield la invited to Ihe leading force in developing the Springfield airport to one of the fore­ Hhe hod been a resident of lJ»ne Is a fine leather golf bag. The Civic club to organised for to Croy of Portland, and Mr. and the Jitney carnival sponsored at most in the vUlley. county for the past 6X years. She j Mrs. E. G. Jarvis and daughter. the armory tonight by the local the purpose of Improving the city. was the daughter of R. F. Belknap DEXTER RESIDENT DIES 3 As President of the Lions club the editor of T he News started the Betty Jane, also of Portland. chapter of the Ladles Auxiliary of They have collected more than founder of Belknap Springs. movement which resulted in the state building the fine bridge across the The doctor has now completed the G.A.R. according to those In >1500 during the twelve years of FUNERAL SATURDAY She Is survived by four sons and their history „and have spent It all W illamette river. He was chairm an of the com m ittee which placed the I his water system, at the summer charge of the affair. Ihree daughters. They are J. V. Fred Parker, resident of the Dex $70 000 bond Issue before the people to obtain l4»ne county's s h y e of the I home. He has a resevolr 30 by 50 by The carnival is being sponsored for various improvements within Hlinms. and L. R Simms of Me ter vicinity Ihe entire 55 yearn of cost of the bridge The News publicity was a leading force which resulted i 12 feet deep to supply water for by the group to raise funds with the city. K-«xle Brldre. R. H. Simms of his life died at Ihe Btigene hospi­ in the voting of the bridge bonds. The bridge was built after overcoming ' the house and i-rtgation purposes. which to send their delegates to A (ew <>t their donations, as Central I’nlnt, and L. K Simms of tal last Thursday after a weeks ' He also has a large fish pond well the state convention In Portland shown In the review given by M ra. mnny obstacles. The editor of The News was chairm an San Francisco. Mrs. William Nutter Illness. Mr. I*arker was born on club com m ittee of Eugene and Springfield which fittingly dedicated th storked with trout. in June. The reorganized Iuka dr- png*. includes >100 to the erection of Grants Pass, and Mra. E C. the donation land claim of his par­ cle Is the youngest unit of the of (he Springfield arch at the old - bridge with the governor as speaker. Nicholson of Donna, and thirteen ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parker, state circles and state officers are bridge. Purchase of a piano for the FOUR-H CLUB GIVEN 4. When all road work on the McKenzie highway had stopped and grandchildren. early pioneers of Dexter, on July anxious to have delegates at the community hall, donations for the there were no contracts or agreem ents for more in existence, the editor CERTIFICATE FOR WORK convention. », 187«. He married Huth Oulley Lincoln school playground, W . C. of The News, ns chairm an of the county cham ber road com m ittee, appear­ CHASE GARDENS SINGERS on February on February 4. 1008. Admission to the carnival and en- t u . home for children, library, ed before the highway commission in Portland and secured definite prom ­ A certificate of achievement has tertatnment will be free. A small bath houses along river, common- and leaves his widow, one son. Eu­ GIVE PROGRAM HERE gene Parker. Dexter; I wo broth | ises of the commission for all (he road work which has gqne on this las I been awarded the Springfield Will­ charge will be made for refresh- |ty Christmas tree, pictures for two years. Also that the road would be oiled after construction is finished ing Sewing club for the completing ments. schools, Red Cross and many other The Chase Oardens quartet pro­ era, Kills R. l’arker. Eugene, and I its 100 per cent. The certificate Clem Parker. Collage Orove; «til this sum m er. ------------------------- items. vided a group of song numbers at ; signed by Governor Meter Is highly PICNIC PLANNED FOR The civic club has atoo taken the evening church service al the two slaters, Mrs. Georgia Newcomb. 6. The News has always believed th a t Springfield should have more ' prized by theh club members. Baptist church Sunday evening Dexter, and Mrs. Cecelia llansaker Industries to give our people more and steady employment. The editor MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS ‘ JTZ: The club members who completed ing of dinner» for vajrkm» enter- They will return at some future of San Francisco. of The News has given m uch of his time and effort in trying to locate Funeral services were held Sat­ i their work 100 per cent are: Win! date for another appearance at the A weiner roast and picnic dinner prises and club meetings, m anufacturing plants here. A successful result of his efforts in this line i fred Frans. Lucille Davis, Doris will be enjoyed by the members of Committees in charge of the church It was announced this week urday from the Walker-Poole cha is the Springfield Creamery. He persuaded the cream ery people th a t i Worley. Margaret Jarrett. Edna the Girls League at the high school meeting Tuesday were Mra. Meda Members of the quartet are WII pel In Eugene and Interment was there was a field and an opportunity in Springfield for a cream ery. He Severson, Ruth Pollard, Faye Hol- and their mothers at Swimmers De- Catching, Mrs. Mary Male, and fred Cooke, Toby Burris, Norton made In Pleasant Hill cemetory overcam e obstacles anti secured a location for them and The News has ' verson. Mildred Morgan. Velma Pet- light tonight. This affair takes the Mra. Clara Taylor, refreshments; Pengra, and Alfred Frese. They Rev Harry Benton officiated. consistently apjiealetl to the people for loyal support of this splendid j ticord, Lois Johansen. Lora Thur- place of the banquet which had Mrs. L. K. Page, program, have been broadcasting over radio cream ery plant and its finest grade products made from our hom e farm ers I man, Lorina Chase, Mary Young. station. KGRB. every Sunday at QUICKSILVER MINES products. But for the effort of the News Springfield would never have had been planned for Monday evening, i — — —— — —— and which has been dropped. Returns from Vlelt-M rs. Luella ternoon at 1:30. Miss DeLllllan Ol­ INTEREST LOCAL FOLK this fine m odern cream ery plant. Bristow is expected to return today son plays their accompaniment. ¡STUMBLE IN GARAGE 6 Direct efforts of the editor of the Springfield News has resulted in Visits from Jasper-M rs. R. W. from Oakland, California where she "Lane county has an Industry, BREAKS LITTLE FINGER Wallace of Jasper was a business had gone to epend the wee -on organizing in San Francisco the Sunset Paper Products company. Stock the proportions of which few peo­ REBEKAH DELEGATES in a mill to be built on the industrial tract in Springfield is now being 9he left Springfield on Saturday. ple realise," stated C. E. Kenyon, Mrs. John Vernon broke the little | ’ »’ »or In Springfield Monday TO ATTEND CONVENTION offered for sale by a reliable California finance firm. Prospects are after returning Sunday from a trip j finger on her hand at the second bright for the success of this large undertaking. Three Springfield people will go to the Black Butte mine district, : Joint Tueeday when she stepped to Corvallis Tuesday to officially In eouthern l^ n e county. The trip These are only a few of the m any services the News has rendered ' Into a hole In the family garage hack to Springfield was made represent the Springfield Rebekah Hprlngfleld the last few years, in doing this work The News has been and fell on her hand. The finger lodge at the district convention o through Scotta valley. wholeheartedly and unselfishly for the comm unity w ithout thought of was set at the office of a local The quicksilver mines employ 40 the lodge. Delegates are Miss Amy gain. The News is now engaged In a cajnpalgn to Increase its subscription i physician. Ixjve and Mra. Zella Cantrell. Mra. men and run two shifts every day. lists and widen its influence am ong th e readers of this com m unity in order Alice Ixtrah will attend by virtue Driving through Scotts valley was Contestants In thia campaign have the privilege of publishing that it may render an even greater service to Springfield. STUDENTS NAME NEW of her office. She Is district depu­ also an Interesting trip. This Is a all their votes at any time or may hold some In raserv». Thera- The News Is the only newspaper In the world th a t cares for the ty. W. F. Walker will take the highly developed farming communi­ fore. the votes shown In thia list each waah will ha tha total OFFICERS WEDNESDAY happiness and prosperity of Springfield people, it needs your help now delegates to the convention city. ty and Is not very well known al­ which the contestants desired to be published. Thia method 100 per cent in this campaign. We feel th at you c a n ’t stand and be He Is a former Qrand Master of though It has many beautiful farms. Junta May was chosen president leaves It entirely up to the contestants themselves. counted as a real Springfield booster without your nam e Is on the the I.O.O.F. lodge for Oregon. The of the Girts league at the high convention sessions will last three CREAMERY CHANGES Springfield News rolls. school at their annual election held i|uys. Tuesday. Wednesday and yesterday. Other officers elected Mrs. Thoe. Campbell, Eugene ................................................398,000 Yours for a G reater and MILK DELIVERY TIME are Eunice McFarland, vlce-presi Thursday. More Prosperous community. Hazel Edmlston, Thurston ------------------ ------------- - ........... IW.0H dent; Helen Hulett, secretary treas A change In- hours of delivery of Mra. Eathel Forstrom. Eugene ............. —.............- ............... 4W.HB TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS urer; Irene Jeter, social promoter ; DEGREE STAFF TO HAVE milk from the Springfield Cream Mra. Ruth Oaroutte, Cottage O r o v e.................................. .401.0«« and Evelyn Baccus, reporter. MEETING HERE TONIGHT ery company which was started We a tte st to the above facts Mrs. J. Irene Hanekamp. Eugene. Rta. S - ......- ............ .....403,«00 about ten days ago Is working very The newly elected officers as­ and strongly recom m end The sume their offices immediately and Mrs. Arthur Hayes. E u gen e-------------- ----- — ................... ..««A«« The degree staff of the Rebekah satisfactory according to J. D. Pyle Springfield News to you. president of the company. will have charge of the senior lodge will hold their monthly so­ Mrs. M. B. Huntley, Springfield ............. ............ —..... *....... 404,00« The milk was formerly dellv breakfast to be given soon. cial and business meeting at the W. C. REB1IAN, President Lion's Club. „ ___387.000 Cleo Moats. E u g e n e ...........................................—...... — W. K. BARNELL, President Cham ber of Commerce. LO.O.F. hall tonlghf. The meet­ ered early In the evening, but Is Outgoing officers are Faye Par­ 24M 000 Mrs Pearl Schantol, Eugene. Rta. 3----- -— ...... - ......................... ing was to have been held last now being delivered early In the J. D. PYLE, President Springfield Cream ery Co. sons, president; Eunice McFarland, Mra. Elma Moes, McOlynn ....... ................ - .............. ....... .... - Friday, but was postponed. Mra. morning. This allows the cream vice-president; Junta May, social Alice Ix>rah. Mra. Eva Louk, and ery to keep the milk In their cool promoter; and Dorothea Potter, re­ Miss Amy Love will have charge era for several hours longer and porter. Miss Ann Vogel Is faculty of the entertainment and refresh aids greatly In keeping the milk advisor. sweet. menta. A REMINDER Contestants £ 2