THURSDAY, MAY, 7, IM 1 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX I »ulted In a general paring down of a* production Increases, It la fig hearted support of Ute Industry's Scout troop met al the Pleasant are few approaches Io these spots Ho­ lllll baseball diamond Tuesday and car» have to be parked on help of all kinds, although there ured, and the manufacture of the most progressiva producer lllghl and re-organised their troop Ihe side of Ihe highway. were fewer dismissals and less cuts new ventilation appliance Is expec ward Hughes The Pleasaut HUI Junior play. Mrs. Kilpatrick. "Thu Flout Page" la played by "The Euglea.“ lu pay than in former depressions, led to take up thia slack Officials figure that next to the one of the moat brilliant casta ever Mrs. Drury and Mrs. Ralph laird "Ain I Inlrudlng." will be given al moat lines of business carrying out Teacher Visits— Virgil McPher­ their promises, made two years ago ventilating line cornea the antici­ assembled for a picture. Adolphe were present. about 34 gills (urn ihe gymnaalum this week Friday Drive to Salem—Mr and Mrs. C. The Insip has not mcl and Saturday Menjou, departing for the first ed out | F. Egg ¡man 11 motored to Salem on son and Raymond Kotor spent the to President Hoover, to stabilise pated exploitation of “backyard fly­ during the winter months. >\wr ing ’ This Is the term (hut has lime from his standardised char conditions as much as they could. The editorial staff of the llepta week-end here at the home of Mrs. la business trip Tuesday afternoon. been coined for the new autogiro. aclerlaatlona of the post, plays the patrols were organised with the are very huey preparing material Stella McPherson, mother of Vlr-» Those •*« "n “> « * t*X mil develop- G ot Star and Diploma, but l.oree l.altxl. for Ihe amnual. Visitors Monday—Mr. and Mis. gil. Mrs. McPherson accompanied ■ o l greater efficiency, and proved which has passed the stage of ex role of the duppoi but diabolical following leader» No D e fn itio n of W h a t I Sam Miller of Junction City speqt the young men to Dallas where she ' that many offices and factories had perlment and Is nearly ready for managing editor. Pal O'Brien, for 1 Evlyn Phelps. Luclle Jordan anil In a practice game of baseball Monday at the home of Mr. and will spend a few days. Her son Is been ovcr-slaffed under old con­ commercial development. Airplanes years a popular stage actor 011 Bonnie Jean Tinker. Plans were held al Ihe Pleasant HUI grounds Form» a Felony Mrs. J. M Larson. principal of the Dallas junior high ditions. It Is certain, say govern­ will never become a great employ Broadway, has the pari of lllldy made to complete the swimming Ihe Pleasant Hill hoys defeated (he ment officials, that all of this ex er of labor, like the radio and elee Johnson, the go gelling reporter. tents slatted last summer After Ihe Springfield high achiail train by a White Plain», X. V —Jumc* II»- school. mer Wood »Mil tin» III* nickel- Recovering at Hospital—Mrs. J. ' cess help will never be re-employ trlcal fields, because of the condi­ Mary Brian is (lie feminine lead, business meeting a is ill ft re with score of 9 to 0. The Pleasant HUI plated Iwdgc. hul he has lost a r Moscop who recently underwent I Drives to Seattle— Mrs. Dallas ed at their Jobs. Just to di­ tions under which they are built and Edward Everett Horton the wslner roost wus greatly enjoyed, girls won by a score of 7 to 6 good deal of hla assurance a» a detective «Ince Judge G o * »u» a major operation Is reported to be Murphy drove to Seattle Saturday minish the ranks of the unetnpoy- and operated. Already there Is an comedy sensation of Ihe year as the games played and songs rendered The IMeaaaul HUI Athletic club morning taking with her Mr. and cd. oversupply of licensed pilots, of "rhyming reporter." petiiletl aentemv ou him in Weit- recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs E K Kilpatrick ol Mrs. I D Murphy of Eugene and chester county court, »here the To combat Ibis idleness in the whom there are 6.000 more lhau Others in the cast Include Slim Pleasant lllll and Mr and Mrs will play Ur Brat scheduled game young man had pleaded guilty of Visits at Oakridge— Mrs. M. B their daughter. Mrs. Ernest Alt ranks of would he workers, which planes to he flown Summerville. Mae Clarke. Walter Thomas Powers of Lowell spent of the Benton-Lane aeries next unlawful entry. Bunday at Pleasant HUI when they H,Hilly sp< nl Saturday In Oakridge derson and her daughter. Patay. The autogiro la a different pro Is expected to become serious again C a tle ii, Mull Modre. Fred Howard, Ihe week-end al Florence enjoying "You ought,” Judge Close ad in the Interests of her subscription They attended a Bible program at Ject. Even now (heir use In small Frank McHugh. Phil Toad. Eugene flshlug. dam digging and sea luith will mwl Wendllng vised him. "to tell your professor next winter, everybody in official The farmurs are altnoal praying of detectology- or whatever the campaign. I the University church while in Washington, from the President to suburban yards la not ouly feasible Strong. George K Slone. Clarence Ing. science la called—that he might for rain l*ractlcni)y all farm work Seattle Miss Era Dell Murphy, an­ the lowest executive» is concen­ but actually occurs. The machines, II Wilson. Spencer Charters, Man Miss Iris Wallace of Edelivale has been halted by Ihe dry wea (Delude In the course a feu riefinl- Visitor from Creswell— William nlttons of what constitutes a fel­ Holtster will be In Springfield for other daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. trating on measures of relief they which rise vertically from any piece rice Black and Effie Ellsler. spent Ihe week end with Miss liter Fields and orchards are too D. Murphy had charge of the pro­ expect will lie needed when snow of ground large enough (or them ony." Verna Wiley al llle Kilpatrick hard to plow. truck garden» are James Homer Wood Is tweuty- a short time on business. His gram. (lies again Charitable agencies will to ri>»t upon. are safe and speedy. home. one years old. He lives In Peeks­ home is in Creswell. practically standing atlll aud ap­ have more funds to work with than Their general adoption will result a--------- 1 1 kill and works as a printer In Os* Visits from Junction City— Mr. Several residents «if Pleasant Hill hids are becoming very numerous In the employment of thousands out they had in the past two winters, inlng. He also sings baritone In A tte n d s F u n e ra l— John Nelson and Mrs. Charles Toftdal of Junc­ The Ploaennt Hill public school were Ilshlng up Fall creek recently. IU1 peas and small vegelablea Ber­ of work right now. a church choir In Peekskill, hut while the government's program James Homer Wood demands more traveled to Silverton Tuesday to at­ tion City spent the week-end here of public improvements, already A third field that awaits only the and Ihe Enterprise public school They report Ilia I a great many ries are beginning (o bloseom of life than a place either at a lino tend the funeral of Officer James as guests at the home of Mr. and Mr aud Mr«. J. P Hull aud fam­ inventive genius of some man to ontei'talned the parents at Ihe trees kn I hul district were uprxaited weil in hand, will furnish thousands type machine or In a church choir. Iverson. Mrs. J. M. Lareon. Mr. Toftdal is Pleasunt lllll school grounds Frl by the meant wind. In one In ily have moved Into (be house re­ make II commercially possible to with work. Ha Craves Mystsry. a brother of Mrs. t.arson. He sees no satisfactory career lu Economists charge that unem television. At present the heel day. May I. celebrating National stance Ihe ria>t and ground uproot­ cently occupied by Mr. and Mrs Birthday Party Given—A birth­ Health day. The morning was ed measured 40 feel s e n m and ex Dorrence Warner Mr. and Mrs. either vocation. He craves mys­ day party for Mrs. Thomas Patrick Rbodendrons Here—A large vaae ployment of capital creates an even engineers have been able to accom tery, excitement, peril, the Joy of given over to a program both tended 26 feet Into Ihe air Warner are living In Ihe Elliott plish Is to produce an Image not living which come* to the man was given Monday at the home of of rhodendron blooms were on ex­ more serious condition than the schools taking tstrt At noon a The new Upper Willamette mad home by the river al Jasper hibition at the recepjion room of lack of Jobs for the citlsens. The larger than five Inches square. This hunter who mingles In his being the Mrs. R. P. Mortensen. Miss FloreStce HI Holt and Mias cold faculty of reason, the ardent government Is wasting little time limits Its general field. With the basket dinner was served cafeteria Is proving Io be very popular aud Drs. Dow and Rebhan. Travels to Lowell— M. A. Pohl, thrill of the chase, and the su­ on relief measures for the capital­ discovery of a way Io present pic­ style In the primary room. After many fishermen ami pleasure seek itu lli H y d ril tea* hers of (he Lowell preme courage of the capture. In electrician returned from Lowell Returns from Portland—Mrs. Guy- tures suitable for movie screens an dinner race» and games were play­ ers do! Ihe hill sides every day high school walked lo Oakridge other word». James Homer Wood Tuesday where he did some wiring Gabriel returned Saturday from ists as it feels they ought to be able to care for themselves. This enormous new field will be created, ed on Ihe school grounds Touchers and especially Sunday. There are Bunday. April 3» and returned by felt In his soul that he had the work. Portland where she had spent a they are doing by seeking new ave­ almost overnight. While engineers for Pleasant HUI are W. P. Sheri­ many beautiful places to picnic by train They made the hike a dis making of a remarkable detective week visiting with her mother. About six months ago he enrolled are unable to cure the defect of dan and Mrs. J. A. Phelps for En­ the side of the water but there lance of 26 miles In 8 hour». nues of Investment. Visits from Seattle — Mr. and for a correspondence course In de­ its smallness at present yet they terprise. Mrs. George Brown. In this struggle to invest surplus Recovering from Operation—Mr». tecting. Every week a questionnaire Mrs. John Allen of Seattle spent a The women of the Pleasant lllll was mailed to him. which he an few days at the home of O. B. J. D. Pyle, who underwent an op­ funds Is seen the greatest hope for do n*R question their ability to do community club met at Ihe home •wered with painstaking thorough Hardy near Springfield recently. the future. The Patent Office Is the »« eventually. eration in Portland Saturday morn­ of Mrs. George Brown Thursday ne«a which won commendation from -------------------------- ing. is repi rted as doing nicely one department here closest to the the Institution of learning In afteruoon April 30. The ludles had Moving into Springfield— E. G. future. In that building crowd the which he was a student. He also now. brought some wonderful pieces of new devices that can be expected carefully omitted to shave hla up­ Prlvat, local jeweler, is moving handiwork in Ihe form of qullta, per lip and attended all the motion with his wife and two boys to Former Residents Here— Allen to become generally accepted In rugs, spreads and pillows that were picture shows which gave him an Springfield at the end of this week. Kafoury was a business visitor in the not distant feture. Opportunity of studying the stage put on display, celebrating Bertha Their home will be at Sth and C Springfield Tuesday. Mr. Kafoury Some fifty years ago the new tel­ detective In action. Homes week. There were several formerlv operated a furnishings ephone and electric tight indus Most encouraging reports came streets. Lewis Milestone, the young di qullta over a hundred years old from his Instructor, who said that store In Springfield. tries poured in their thousands of Drives from Portland—G. Griffith rector who has turned out more (hut showed wonderful patience James Homer Wood was displaying patents, foreshadowing the growth an astounding aptitude for the pro­ of the Springfield Creamery made a Motor toBlue River — Mr. and prtxe-wlnnlng motion pictures than and hours of labor by great grand­ fession and would make a name business trip to Portland Friday of Mrs. C. E. Kenyon and Mr. and Mrs. of those commercial giants. Later any other movie maker In the In­ mothers who had made them. Cake, for himself and for the school. This the automotive line began to flood F. A. DePue motored to Blue River dustry. handled the megaphone on sandwiches and tea were served by pleased the young man almost at last week. patent officials with their caveats "The Front Page." the attraction the Misses Helen Carter and Kntmu Sunday. The road along Blue River much as did the lndutlable mus­ and designs. The radio followed. Assists at Eggimann's — Mrs. tache which was budding beneath is in fine shape according to Mr. ait the Colonial theatre opening Olson The next meeting will he All these lines are now employing Alice Lorah started working at Kenyon. Sunday for fouy days. held al the Woodman grounds, on 1 Ambition Surges Up. Egggimann's Monday morning. millions of people who would other­ "The Front Page" la the rapid- Thursday May 14. The ladles of He devoted a lot of time to the wise be out of work. Safety Meeting Held—The month­ Guests at Hotel—F. E. Roberts. mustache, and by the time he got tempo comedy-drama of newspaper Ihe Tri-Community club of ('lover ! Similarly the patent officials pre­ hla diploma and badge last month ly safety meeting of employes of Frank Safley, K. Sims, F. W. Con­ life and reporters in action, written dale. Bear Creek and Enterprise 1 dict. the rise of several other new- the Mountain States Power com­ rad. J. Miller. F. Shepard, and M. there were few bona fide detectives who could boast a more vigorous pany for Southern Oregon was held L. Smith all of Albany were regis­ colossal industrial lines that will originally for the stage by Ben have been asked to be the guests Hecht and Charles MacArthur, and of the Pleasant Hill ladlee for that ! or more somber growth. absorb the efforts of the unemploy­ The head of the detective school at the local power plant Monday j tered at the Springfield hotel dur­ now presented In film form by day. ed left stranded by the present de ing the past week. himself signed the diploma sent to evening. Howard Hughes, producer-director Friday morning the students of pression. Perhaps the most promis­ James Homer Wood and wrote him of the 14,000.000 air spectacle. the Pleasant HUI high school went . a personal letter I11 wiilch he point for experimental work of a harm ing of these fieldla centers In the i "Hell'a Angels." down to (he Wtsidman picnic ed out that while Janies Homer less nature such as had been sug­ artificial cooling and ventilating of Wood was now thoroughly ground This Is Director Milestone's third grounds and cleaned them up pre­ gested In the letter he had re homes. Although several big con ed technically as a detective. It eeived. Howard Hughes production. "Two paratory lo giving the annual ! would be advisable to undertake cem s are operating in that field Pins on Badge. Takes Field. Arabian Knights.” the picture Pleasant lllll picnic In June. In | field work In an exjieriiiiental wax This particular slot machine wa* and many public and private build­ which launched Producer Hughes the afternoon the young folks went : before attempting anything really out of kilter and had not been used ings are now kept cool In summer dangerous. Into the movie business, the "The to Elmira where they attended the: for months, which seemed to make , by the same plant that heats the A badge came with the diploma It all the better subject for exper- j Racket." Hughe's second produc Elmira Muy Day festival and play I and In spite of the veiled restraint lmentation. Moreover, so far as rooms in winter, yet few private 1 lion, were Mlleetone-dlrected film ed buseball. The girls team was which the head of the college evl | a detective with a diploma could dwellings, except thoee of the plays. Both won awards from the defeated by the Elmira girls by u deotly strove to Impose upon his ( discover, it was the only thing in ; promising pupil, James Homer ' all Peekskill which smacked of llle BY RADFORD MOBLEY wealthiest, have been outfitted with Academy of Motion Picture Arts score of 16 to 6. The Pleasant HUI ! the new machinery. The White Wood felt capable of tackling any gallty. M/TOLAfTER VVAtWINCrON BUdAAb and Science». "All Quiet on the boys defeated the Elmira hoys 7 baffling crime that came along House and Houses of Congress and James Homer Wood pinned his j Western Front," the 1930 prlxe pic­ to 4. Baffling crimes were somewhat nickel-plated badge beneath the WASHINGTON. D. C..—Officials many other public buildings here ! scarce In Peekskill just at that lapel of his coat and went after ture, by unanimous vote of the film The Intermediate Endeavor so­ time, however, and after a few I that slot machine at an hour at here are concentrating their great­ are cooled in hot weather. academy and by vote of critics ciety have Invited Ihe mothers to , Capital Is already looking over minor Investigations which came to which all Peekskill should have est attention these days on the throughout the country, was also a meet with them Sunday evening 1 untimely ends, the graduate detec­ been asleep. He had no difficulty this field, which is no longer an May 10. honoring Mothers day. tive decided he had better take the in breaking into the filling station subject of unemployment. The opin­ experimental one. Its basic prin­ Lewis Milestone production. Already "The Front Page” la be­ There will he special uumbers on , advice of the college president un and decided that he would write a ion Is being freely expressed that ciples having been fully tested and til something turned up. It had thesis on that subject In case the ing hailed by New York reviewers the regular program and refresh- I become exasperating to make In correspondence school gave post­ up to a few weeks ago the depres­ developed by the artificial refrig­ quirles In a casual way ahou: graduate degrees, but the disposal sion had continued to grow. The erators now In common use. Along j as the prise production of 1931— ments will he served. W RIGHT A SONS Mrs. A. Copeland leader of the deaths which Invariably proved to of the slot machine was a different upturn has finally come, they now with the exploitation of this field the laurels going once again to Di­ be the result of nephritis, pnen rector Milestone. high nehl 4-li clubs entertained Springfield, Oregon matter. monla, or something equally unln It was much bulkier thaD the assert, although only in a small by the sellers of the new apparatus In "The Front Page," Milestone the clubs a l her home at Pleasant teresting. and Janie* Homer Wood graduate detective had thought It degree. It is certain the return to will come additional work for build-’ gave himself seriously to thought would be, hut eventually he got normal will be much quicker than ers in all lines who will have to has poured his finest dlreotorltal Hill Friday night. May t. efforts, and he has had the whole­ The Upper Willamette Girl on the subject of harmless field It through the window. the time the slump required. That supply new beat-rasistlng floors, 1 work. As he had brought no conveyance He recalled that there was a slot with him, he had to carry the slot business will gain momentum as it ceilings and walls. The automotive, radio and simi­ machine In a filling station not far j machine on his hack down the road continues to improve Is obvious, as­ from Ills home. As a detective, he to a dump. lar lines have about reached the J sert the officials. knew that slot machines were llle One bad thing noted about the point where no labor will be need-1 gal. and as a choir singer, he knew trend of conditions la that business ed. no matter how the demand that they were immoral. The Blot LOST— Black velvet Jacket at machine, he decided, had as few In Springfield ball diamond. Return to is gaining faster than the employ­ grows. New machinery will replace fluantlal friends as the man eating ment of workers. The slump re- labor in those fields about a» fast ■hark and w-as the logical subject this office. GRABUA1E DICK* LANDS IN JAIL Upper Willamette ‘The Front P a g e1 Is C ostly Story This wonder set will be given to the winner of Fourth Prive in our big “Earn and Win Contest ” FOURTH PRIZE Atwater Kent Radio ^ T - Í New Personnel for Your Added Service COLONIAL Beard’s 856 Willamette Phone 1996 A MAY EVENT Proving Conclusively the Style and Value Giving Power of the Beard’s Garment Section THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE GREATEST FILM SENSATION SINCE TALKIES WERE BORN Opens Sunday For 4 D ays. FRONT Mfil 4 3 8 SILK DRESSES On Sale CIIAS. P. POOLE PRESIDENT In 3 G roups $ Select from this charming group of 148 Dresses. For Afternoon. Sport. Bunday Night, Dancing- Many have Jacket»— Material»; Printed Chif­ fon*. Plain and Printed Silk», Pap tela In Georgette and Washable Bilk*. All size* to 4*> and half «lies. 177 LOVELY DRES3E8 In this group nullable for all oc- •a*lous. Graduation Frocks jf plain and Printed Chiffon*. Printed Silk» aud Smart Frocks of Flat Crepee, Shan lung and Georgette. Si»e» 1» to 48. Regular $12.75 to $18.75 values. $ 9 .9 5 95 14 R. CLAUDE GRAY HECRRTARY-TREASURER Reg. $16.75 to $25.00 Val. 103 DRES3ES. The new ow ners are: I’. .1. Bartholomew, funeral director for 7 years; R. Claude Gray, well known Eugene business man for the past 30 years; lady attendant, Mrs. Margie A. Bartholomew. It’s an Experience You’ll Never Forget. FIRST RUN TRUE FEMININE STYLES IN $8.75 Flower* trim smart mid-summer hat» of atraw, effectively; good selection In natural, navy, white black and colors. THE W HITE PANAMA for sport woar is most popular.A n ew selectio n at VICE-PREHIDENT Mr. W. E. W alker has left this firm and two new men have been taken into the company, which will still he Identified as the W alker Poole Co. $ 4 .9 5 and $ 5 .9 5 $3.95 P. .1. BARTHOLOMEW Becoming lieases of Shantung, Silk and Rayon Print*. Many in guar- I anteed washable material*. 19 ■ 1 dresses are htgJier priced ■ dresses from regular line*. A Fashion Value Event That No One Should Miss— Starts at 8:30 Thursday Millinery The W alker-Poole Company is now headed by 3 experienced men. $5 Prices for this super st- traction only CHAS. P. POOLE JACK OAKIE nautical riot P. J. BARTHOLOMEW R. CLAUDE GRAY Chapels at SHOWING SATURDAY ONLY In the THE WALKER-POÒLE CO. SEA LEGS Usual Prices 25c SPRINGFIELD 222 Main Street Phone 625 Ras. 126 C Street EUGENE 11th ind Charnelton Phone 723