THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1931 Beautifying THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Rural Villages Urged Many Communities Have Set a Splendid Example for Others to Follow lly CAI.KII A 36 square mil« rural luwitslilp llou Id ha«» within 11» burders 101)0 tauillle« If II In ■»lu« to ha«« lh« L 'lgei community Ilf« which rural condltlona al their hast provide Common sense and a little fore »Iglil applied to community plan nliiK In rural arana can maka them many lliuea a* prufllabl« and al truutivu to II«« In aa they are now. The»« arc lh« twin guapvla of suduluglala who have davotad year* to a atudy o f the clrcum «taucea of rural Ufa. And th«y can clla you example after example of what community action ran do when It la In «arnaat alxiut mak In« an attrartlv« town. The merit ot community better ment however, la not the 36-mlla square township of the ««era«« slate. Rather It Is the villa«« which can function effectively for social purposes. (leneral propositions with recard to this work are easily slated. VII- la««a ou«ht Io be easily reached and their approach«« direct, dur able and enjoyable Houaln« condi­ tions should be sanitary, convent «nt and economical. Public build- in«« should be built with a view to .heir relationships to each othe<- snd the needs of tbs community, both from a viewpoint o t doing business and of attractiveness. Points of I tstorlc Interest should be preserved und restored. Itump heaps and ron«eeted places should give way Io open spares, and ro­ i l cat ten spots In abundance should be easily accessible. Above all, a community plan which Lie majority wants and will help Io make effective, and one suf­ ficiently flexible to allow for grow- lb aud ha-ig«. One Instance of community Im pit »«nunl In W sm spi, Kona., a "farmers tovzn' where big summer plculrs and Chautauqua course« at­ tract hundred* of people from a large territory. Although Wam<*gn has a »plaudld modern hoapltal financed by local contributors, Ita pride la the city park. Bines 1901 thia little city of 1709 persons has spent $2600 for a acre lake. -d, Block I bridgi' wus a roniiniMiplace, ru llier d lrly and u n a ltra c ilv e amali lown I | Ita example cali I m > followed h> I almost any rural community ihul | wants ih» salii» Ihlngs and seta out «nergellcully lo g e l lh »m I Cir Wood, Detroit's iumou* drsigncr of last hoata, drove hi* "Mi** America IX” over a measured nautical mile at Miami Bearli at a »peed ol 1(12.25 mile* per hour Thi* heal* the world'* record of 9876 mile* an hour estab­ lished lait year bv Sir Henry O D Segrave in England NEW AUTOMATIC RANGES ““<• for NOW ON DISPLAY HERE * ,vlv,d He Is sur h” * ‘fe’ dau,h - | for the costs and disbursements of l,,rg uni ,w o K<’n’' A baseball team from E. B. U. An ullriti-llve display of the lat­ this suit; and for the foreclosure SHADOWS est iiiuili-rii cooking equipment now of a mortgage against Ixit ten (10) In Eugene defeated the Thornton In Block three (3) In Shelton's Ad­ By Richard Moncklon Ml In»» on exhibit In the show window» of dition to Kugune. laine County, , high school team s Tuesday after- Oregon, for the said amounts above | n'M’" °" ,h- ,ocal They »»«med, to those who saw Mountain States Power company la set forth, and for such other and | riinrstxm high school baseball ruuslng no little Interest among them meet, further relief as to the Court may L-am s motored lo Santa Clara last The caaual friends of every day; local housewives. The newest mod­ se e m Just and equitable. Friday afternoon where they met This Summons Is served upon Her sm ile was undisturbed and els In both the Holpolnt and West Inghouso automatic ranges are be­ you by publication thereof once with defeat with the teams there. aweet Last Hunday the Crow baseball ing featured at remarkably low each week for four successive His courtesy was free and guy. prices and terms during the power weeks In the Sprtngfleld News, by team met their defeat with the order of Hon. (J. F. Sklpworth, But y«l If one the other's name company's spring range campaign Judge of suld Court, made and en Thurston club team on the local In som e unguarded moment now under way. tered April 28. 1931, and the first h l/h school diamond, John Travis who works on the publication thereof being made heard, April 30, 1931 road got hls arm badly burned by The heuri you thought so calm and WELLS and WELLS. »pilling some hot tar on It a few tame Attorneys for Plaintiff, J days ago. IN TH E C IR C U IT CO URT OF Would struggle Ilk» a ruptured Itesldence and P, O. Address. T H E STATE OF OREGON, Mrs John Edmlston and daugh­ Eugene, Oregon. bird: IN AND FOR LANE COUN­ TY, A. 30-M.7-14-21-28 ter. Huzel, motored to Junction And letters of mere formal phras« City last Saturday. SUMMONS Were blistered with repeated Mrs. A W. Weaver motored to The Pacific Savings and I-oan tears,— Creswell Tuesday where she spent Association, u Washington corpor­ And thia was not the work ot days. ation. Plaintiff. the night with her niece. But had gone on for years aud vs. The fish racks above Hendricks years! Frank Pierce, as Executor o f the bridge have been put In the river Estate of l-oretla Pierce, deceased; I-ast Wednesday afternoon Miss and are ready now for the season's Alas, that love was not too strong Frank» Pierce and baura Pierce, For mnlnden shame and manly his wife; Luiiru Yarnell and Ed Travis, teacher of the primary run. Yarnell, her husltund; Emma Bora- grades, entertained her room with pride' zoo and Charles Parazoo, her hus­ a birthday party In honor of Leo Alas, that they delayed no long band; Ixiretta Hodges- I'aul Ste­ Weaver and Albert Gene«. The goal of mutual bliss beside! wart and Mary Doe rftewart, hls Mrs. Inus Shough and daughter, wife; Mary Elizabeth Stewart, and Vel what no chance could then John Doe, her husband; John Doe Catty, ure spending thia week at S te w a r t and Jane Doe Stewart. hls The Dalles visiting her stater, Miae reveal, And neither would be fire! to wife; and Richard Roe Stewart and Mildred Price, who la teaching Ji*oe Hoe Stewart, hls wife. Defen­ there. • own, dants. If V r TTlffbU. B a ck a ch e, bet fate and courage now conceal, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackaon fr» e ’D lit iti> < • . Lr . ¡ ’al». «. N tr v - To Paul Stewart and Mary Doe When truth could bring reniorae Stewart, his wife, Mary llzahetli and aona, I-awrence and Byron, - • : «v* I ttr-d , d ep rci.icd Stewart and John Doe, her hus from Eugene visited Sunday even­ t b' i c ’*?, alone. f ,I «•* y th e C y » tex T « sL band, John Doe Stewart and Jam* ing und took dinner at John Ed- W ork» r ;• . ¿.’a r ts c ir c u la tin g th ru tl c ryatem in 15 rnlnutea. P ra ised by Doe Stewart, hls wife, and Richard thou- nii'in fo r rapid and p oetttve a c ­ Roe Stewart and Jane Roe 8tewart, miaton'a. tio n . D on't g lr a up. T ry C yatex (p ro - Mrs A. W. Weaver attended the n yunced S la a -tex ) to d a y , under th e POLICE CHIEF SHOOTS hls wife. Defendants: Irr.’.-C'ad G u aran tee. M u it q u ick ly con d ition », lir p rove rea t- HORSE W ITH BROKEN LEG «“^“ roch of’ y o ^ h ^ X funeral of her niece's husband. a fu lla l v the»* P an d e n e r g y , o r m o n ey back . Frank Jones, Tuesday afternoon In Wic »t ----------- I by required to appear and answer E u g en e. He passed away in the j O o ’’-' KETELS DRUG STORE If any resident of this vicinity is the Complaint filed against you noftpltnl in Portland last Sunday | & th & Mala Sprlnffleld, Ore. missing a black mare It Is possible j *" ,h«* ''«titled suit w ithin, .. . .. ... . , four w wk« from the date of the i that they will never see her again f(r„ pl| of , h u Summons, About a week and a half ago bum ; „nd If you fall to so Answer, for Anderson was called to Kunt want thereof the Plaintiff will ap- Springfield where residents found $*ly to the Court for the relief for In Plaintiff's Complaint, a horse with a broken leg. Indi­ prayed to-wlt: for Judgment of aud from] cations were that the horse had Frank Pierce and Laura I'lerce, hls been struck by an automobile The wife, und of and from the defen­ animal woe In great pain so Ander­ dant Frank Pierce, as Executor of son killed It after efforts to find the Estate of Loretta Pierce, de­ ceased. for the sum of $1614.39 to­ the owner were unavailing. The gether with Interest thereon at I carcass was turned over to the Eu­ the rate of 10% per annum from Nov. 20, 1930. and for the further gene Chemical works. sum of $374.33 together with In­ terest thereon at the rate of 10% per annum from July 17, 1929, and MANY PEOPLE GET NEW for the further aunt of $167.16 to­ We have purchased the stock and good­ gether with Interest thereon at the AUTOMOBILES HERE rate of 10% per annum from Feb. will of the McMurray Grocery, 521 5th 7. 1031, and for the further lum Delivery of »lx new Ford cars of $306.78 together with interest street, and took possession May 1. thereon at the rate of 10% per an­ woe made during the post few days num from June 27. 1929, and for by the Anderson Motors Inc. local the further sum of $72.74 together Policies of the store will remain as they Ford agency. Those getting new au­ with Interest theron at the rate of have been during the past eight years tomobiles were Harry Hutton, Eu­ 10% per annum from Feb. 7, 1931, gene, coupe; Bernald Holton, under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Chose Gardens, coupe; Clam Jones, ■■■■■■ J. C. McMurray, and we trust that we Springfield, coupe; Alton I’qwell, "Say it with Flowers” Springfield, victoria; F. N. Snyder, shall be privileged to continue serving Lowell, coupe; and Conrad Sellon, Eugene, coach sedan. FOR MOTHER S DAY customers of this store. Thurston Kidney Acids Bresfc Sleep ('runty Agent O. S Fiet< her has him to West Springfield, upon ar-ith t lining In It and removed a $8 been assistin g several farmers In rival at the station he sat down btl. and took the stage back to Cor- 7hurslon and Cedar Flat In rodent and removed hls shoe and ripped vallis. nt • I lost week wti'i h has been jron-.unred a success. Mr. and Mrs John Calvert from Pear Creek spent Sunday at Ray Baugh's. Miss Hazel Edmlston and Alex Mathews motored to Signal last Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lum Mays. A very Interesting baseball game was played lost Friday on the local SPRINGFIELD STORE ONLY grade school dlamood. Thurston FRIDAY AND SATURDAY and Cedar (Tat team s combined against Mt. Vernon and Maple Tree TUNA FLAKES WINE JELLY teams the tM. Vernon and Maple "Sunrise” I Ounce girls wan 13 to 9 while Thurston No. 1 Flat Jar« __ ____ and Cedar Flat boys won 7 to 3. Cans I-ast Friday evening otuden'a from O. 8. C. at Corvallis celebra­ CATSUP BEAN HOLE BEANS ted by distributing their fellow atu- Van Camp's Van Camp’s dents along the McKenzie highway Small ............ . Medium Cans blindfolded and relieving them of I-arge ............... all their money, even removing Large Cans their shoes to make sure they had GREEN BEANS LIMA BEANS none concealed In them. Two of "Betty’B Pride” “Seaside" the Thurston high school boys No. 2 No. 1 Tall r»me along In time to play the part Cans Cans of the good Samaritan, one of the boys picked up the student that was left near Vida and gave him a TOMATOES CRACKERS ride of several miles, the other be­ Salted or Plain “Betty’s Pride ing a little more sym pathetic pick­ 3 Pound No. 2^2 ed up one who was left near Walt- Box ........ ... Cans ......... ....... ervllle and learning hls plight tr,ok 15c "Why Snoots, how did you come to get those holes In your umbrel­ la r "I made them myself. Auntie, so I could see when It stopped rain­ ing.” RAUP'S FLOWER SHOP 988 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon Store Phone 616 hmm 10c 19c 10c 10c 29c 10c How Far will 97c Go NOW? If you really want to find out Here’s where we SHOW you— And HOW! 97 968 Willamette c For Thrifty Shoppers 2 Days of GREATER VALUES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY C. J. BREIER CO. You will always find good Quality Gro- ceries. Fruits, Vegetables, Confections and Fountain Supplies at this store. We invite your jiatronage. MR. AND MRS. DONALD TOOMB O n e o f T h e P r iz e s in O u r “ E a rn a n d W in C o n t e s t ” THIRD GRAND PRIZE Let her hear your voice on This town ot about 1800 popula­ tion Is approached through an at­ tractive atone railroad gateway, station and park. The visitor finds a broad, leafy main avenue more than a mile long. A 13-acre fenced field contains baseball fields and tennis courts. A lfracre wooded knoll near the center of the town has been converted Into a park and playground with a natural amphitheatre where festivals are held annually. There are triangu­ lar parka at street corners and In­ (Sunday May 10) Next to a visit in person, there is nothing quite like your v o ic e . Inter-city telephone service is fast, clear, dependable. Operators are glad to make every effort to serve your needs. tersections. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION BUREAU R O U N D T R IP T O A LA SK A For 2 Persons All Expenses P a id An Ideal Vacation Without One Cent of Cost! T iif . P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany i*-------- t -- i t - - — 10c 10c 15c Announcement ty. All of these features and hund­ reds of others are due to the Laurel H ill Association of the town, ot- ganlxed In 1863 and said to have further sum of $13 00 after a lingering Illness PAGE FTV1