THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1981 ......................... » TDK 8PRIN0PIBLD NEWS n» IN T M 1 C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H S S T A T S O F O R EG O N , FOR LANE C O U N TY. 2 MEALS DAY, PLENTY PROMPT ACTION URGED WATER. HELP STOMACH AGAINST CATERPILLAR HUMMONH 2"OK PUBI.IHAT9UN "Since I d rink plunty w ater, eat 2 IN FORKCLOHUKK OF good rneulx a day and take A dlerlka T A X LIEN new and then, I'vs had no troub a ! An Infestation J. L. C U L V E R , P la in tiff. of ten ! caterplt clatlons. according (o Morse States ranking above Oregon In this re­ spect, In order, are C alifo rn ia. Art- xona. New J«rsey and New Ham p­ shire. • PAO« FOREST SERVICE OFFERS GROWERS WARNED ON NEW OREGON ROAD MAP FRAUDULENT SPUD TAGS This la the ftrat tim e im itation tags of thia sort have appeared la Oregon according to Jackm an, a l­ of Oregon ha» Just been tasued by for certified need potatoes this year though they arc common In tlie U. S Foreet service. are advised to read the taca care­ other statea. A new roan and Inform ation map with any stom ach."— C. DoForost ars which may equal the proper vs. U n like other medicine, A dlarlka II. T. M E L L IR N a single man, uiid lets on R O T H upper and low er bow Goes of the Invasion of several CANOE FETE AT U. O. C. B. O S IIU K N . Ik . fend an la. > I, rem oving poisonous waste which years ago Is showing up In Oregon [T o II. T. M B I, L I BN. a Mingle man, INTERESTS LOCAL FOLK This 3-sul or calcium C laim No 62 N orth 36 66 rods, Exeeulrlx of the I .as I Will and arsenate dust Is also effective, tie vided during Interm ission periods. the regional o ffice in Portland, Ore­ F IN A L A C C O U N T Ihuoce East 132 48 rods, thence Teatamenl of John McOulre, de­ Saturday w ill bring the annual gon. and from any of the 14 forest Notice la hereby given that the says, as Is a commercial pyrethrum In a Mouth W esterly direction ceased. campus luncheon at which tim e vlo- tupervlaors offices In the M ate. undaralgnad e ia iu to r haa died hla 87.77 rode to a point Hast of liquid preparation put out under L, L. R A Y . At the same tim e regional for­ dual account In tha eatate of John latton of an Oregon tradition beginning, thence 121.94 rods A tto rn ey for Estate. num ber of trade names It. lile w e tt, deceased, and that at W est to beginning eontalnlng against the wearing of neckties will ester C. J. Buck announces a new M 7 14 21-28. J. 4 the hour o f ten o'clock A. M oo 22 ncraa, In Section 28, T o w n ­ h ad many studengs to take an edition of a m ap (older o r "ranger May 16. 1231. a t the chiunbere of ship 21 South Range 3 West OREGON HERDS HIGH »mforoed plunge Into the senior map" for the Ochoco national for­ the County Court of the State of N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T W M . I-ana County, State of est In central Oregon. N ew features Oregon fee l.aee county In tha IN T I I E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E IN DAIRY RECORDS fountain. Oregon laine County Court House In the S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR L A N K T h e name evening students and this year of these forest map fold­ You are fu rth e r notified that C ity of Eugana, Oregon, has been aald J I. Culver has paid taxes C O U N T Y . IN P R O B A T E NO. Herds owned by 273 Oregon th e ir mothers w ill enjoy an an ­ e r* are th a t they show the location file d by the order of said Court on aald premises for p rior or sub 6446 dairym en h a re h em placed on the nual banquet. This w ill be followed of a ll Improved forest camps, as as the tim e and place of hearing sequent years, w ith the rate o f In­ IN THE M ATTER OF THE objections to the settlem ent and terest on aald amounts as follow» ESTATE OF JOHN W CUBIT national herd honor roll for 1930, by the Jun ior prom at % tcArthur well aa airplane landing fields and allow ance of said fin a l account game refugee. Coplea of these for­ DECEASED. according to announcem ent made court. Year's tax. 1917— Data paid. Nov Dated A p ril 2th. 1231. T O W H O M T H IS M A Y CO N est folders may be had from the 12. 1222; Tax Receipt No. 32882 by Roger W Morne, dairy special­ F R A N K L. B L E W E T T , A m o u n t 36 17; Kate of Interest. C E R N ; Notice Is hereby given that ist of the Oregon State college ex­ regional office, Portland, o r from Eighth Grade E xam ination* the ad m in istrato r of the above en­ Eiacular. 13% per annum forest officers of the Ochoco na­ tension service. titled estate ha« filed In the above Fred K. Hmlth, Year'a tax. 1328 Date paid. Nov. T h e uniform state eighth grade A ttorney for eiecu tor. This honor Is accorded each year examinations w ill be given In dis­ tional orest. P rineville, Oregon 5. 1929; T ax Receipt No. 38262; proceedings, his final account; A.9 16 33-80 M 7 A m o u n t 34 78. R ale of In te re s t; that the court haH set the tim e of to dairym en whose herds have been tricts where the teacher hae ap­ hearing thereon to be bad before 12% per annum on test In a herd Im provem ent as plied for questions and who lias Year's l» I . 1929— Date paid. Nov. said court at the hour of 10 o'clock pupils who are legally qualified to soelatlon during the year, and have A M. June 6, 1931, and anyone 5, 1929. T ax Receipt No 36907. take the same, on Thursday and ¿ A V E SAFETY having any objection» to the Maid produced an average o f more than Am ount. 36 0«; Rate of Interest. Friday, M ay 14 and 16, 1931, at flnul account shall file the name 13% per annum 300 pounds of b u tte rfa t per cow. the school house. Questions w ill be Said II. T . M elllen aa the owner In w riting In said probate proceed­ T hey are also aw arded diplomas. sent to the chairm an In each dis­ ing on or before the date Het for o f the legal title of the above da tric t fo r the same. A ll of the 12 Oregon associations I he natd hearing scribed property as (he Name up E J. M O ORE, II E SLA TTER Y. whose testing year ended January pears of record, and each of the • ..iiniv School Superintendent A dm inistrator. other persona above named are 1, are represented on this year's JEWELER M 7 14 21-28 J 4 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S hereby fu rth e r notified that J. L. national honor roll. T h e Tillam ook Repairing u Specialty Culver w ill apply to the Circuit lutmx-latlon leads w ith 60 honor Notice Is hereby given that the Court of the County and State N O T IC E O F F IN A L Springfield, Oregon members, whose herds averaged undersigned line been appointed aforesaid fo r. a decree foreclosing SETTLEM ENT executor o f the estate of F. A. Rich­ the lien against the property above N O T IC E 1» H E R E B Y G IV E N . from 300 to 454 pounds of b utterfat ardson. deceased by the County described, and mentioned In said That Laura M arg a re t T ryon, exe­ for the year. Or. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN c e rtific a te And you are hereby cutrix of the Iasi w ill and Tests' T h e U m a tilla association was 'ourt of Lane County, Oregon. A ll lem o ns h arin g claim s against aald summoned to appear w ith in sixty ment of Charles T ryon , deceased N aturopathic Fhyalalan estate are required to present them , days a fte r the firs t publication ,,r has rendered and filed In the Coun­ next w ith 28 herds on the honor »Trat N ational Bank Bldg with the proper vouchers, to the this summons, exclusive o f the day ty Court of the State of Oregon ro ll, followed by W a llo w a and Co Phones: O ffice 73J, Ras: 14 JW undersigned at the law office of of said first publication, and de­ for the County o f lju ie her final q ullle valley, each w ith 27. Y am ­ O ffice llo u ra : 1 to 6 P. M. II. Sedgwick, Odd Fellows fend this action or pay the amount account and said Court by order h ill 24. Redmand 23, Union 21, Mel- Residence 233 II street Building, Cresw ell, Oregon within due aa above shown, togethor with duly made and entered therein has lx months from the date of this coats and accrued Interest, and In fixed and appointed. Saturday the owest No. 2 at M arshfield 19. Mel- notice. ease of your failu re to do so, u 6th day of June 1931 at the hour owest No. 1. M arshfield 16. Baker Dated this 7th day o f May 1931. decree w ill ba rendered forecloe of to o'clock A M. of said day at 14, Pine Eagle a t Richland 13, and FOR SALE H. E R IC H A R D S O N . Ing the lien of said taxes and costs the County Court room In the Hood R iv e r 12. Executor of the estate of F. A. against the land and premises County Courthouse In the C ity of Good 13-lnch Sleek wood, else Oregon ranks fifth in the United Richardson, deceased. above named t tln c h and 4 foot old growth Eugene, Oregon, as the dav. tim e C H. S E D G W IC K . A ll-S ilk Packages of Thia Hutnmoua Is published by and place for hearing of objections States as to percentage o f herds alabwood. Creswell. Oregon. A tto rn ey for order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- to said final account and the set­ In dairy herd Im provem ent “ “o- Estate. M. 7-14-21-28. J. 4. FRANK TUHY Mother's Day w orth. Judge of the C ircu it Court tlem ent thereof. Phone 6p. I3 2 J of the State o f Oregon for the A ll objections to said final ac­ Artstyle Chocolates County of ljin e , and aald order was count must be In w ritin g and filed marie and dated this 21st day ot with the C lerk of said Court on or $ 1 .5 0 A p ril, 1931, and the date of the before said dav and tim e A ll Kinds of firs t publl at Ir a of thia summons a pound LAURA M ARG ARET TRYO N. Is the 23rd day o f A p ril. 1931. Executrix. A ll process and papers In this F R A N K A. DeU U E . R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G proceeding may be served upon Candy — the tradition al A ttorney fo r executrix. the undersigned residing w lth 'n 128 W 9 t h 8treet symbol of love— is espe­ M. 7-14 21 28 J. 4 the State of Oregon at the address Eugena cially appropriate fo r Phono 200 h ere in a fte r mentioned. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S M other's Day. Before you HERBERT W LOMBARD. Notice Is hereby given that the select a package for your Attorney for P la in tiff. undersigned has lieen duly appoint­ M other exam ine the All- Address. Cottage Orove, Oregon. ed A dm in istrator o f the estate of You will find an unusually large assortment of OR. BERTHA DAVIDSON S ilk Package o f A rtstyle A23 30 M7 14 21 28 J11-18 E. B. K E S T E R deceased, and any Chocolates prepared for Osteopathia Phyatslan and all persons having claims Beautiful Boxes, either with flowers or card dec­ this occasion. T h e choicest IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E against the said estate are hereby assortment o f chocolate STATE OF OREGON, FOR required to present said claims, orations filled with Rggiman's Choice Candies. dainties has been placed 30« I. O. O. F. Tem ple LANE COUNTY. duly verified as by law required, at in this p io tbrially deco­ Telephone 3266 Bugene, Ore. the office of F ran k A. DePue, a t­ rated silken box. You'll H T 'U U ïlM Ç torney for the estate, a t Spring- adm ire It. Y o ur M other E M IL J K O P L IN and N E L L IE E field. Oregon. In Ixine County. Ore­ w ill be delighted. One, two K O P L IN . P lain tiffs, gon, w ithin six months from the and three pound packages. Universal Mortgage Corp. vs. date of this notice. E L M E R D Y O U N G and C L A J U F. R“^ "W here the Service Is Different" ERNEST KESTER Y O U N G . IZ J U IS B E L A N D and Sold only at Rexall Drug A d m in istrato r of the estate of A D D IE B E L A N D . A. H . P A T ­ K B. K ester deceased. Store«. R IC K and H E L E N P A T R IC K Dated M ay 2. 1931. W . P. Tyson, Agoni amd F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K F R A N K A. IVePUE. I M E St. Phono M W o f E U G E N E . O R E G O N , a corpor­ Attorney fo r the estate. ation. Defendants. M 7-14-21 28. J 4 Business Directory Edw. G. Privat o fficial lags are a lw a re w ith a lead anal. The Perfect Oregon potato growers who pay fully and be sure kt Is certified Hattenaaiaa — They aay Mrs company In Oregon Is buying ord i­ Beeflelgh Is so m ortified she la ashamed to leave the house. nary seed potatoes and selling Jergenalotlon — Yes, the was them w ith a tag closely resemb­ knocked down and run over by ling the o fficial certification tags one at those midget Austins. Issued by Oregon State college to growers of certified seed has Juet C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S been received by E. R Jackman, Notice Is hereby given that farm crops specialist of the Oregon School D istrict No. 19, In Spring- extension service. field, I o n e County. Oregon, will T he Im itation tags are the same pay at the office of clerk of aald » lie and color aa the genuine o ne»,, district, all w arrants from 148« to and are labeled "Seed C e rtific a te ” I 14,7 lnc,* s lv * , dated February 13, 1931. Interest ci May 9th 1931. Instead o f “Certified Seed." T he C. L. B A R B E R , C lark. seed they are getting. Word that FLOWERS for MOTHER Forget all the practical thlnge she m ight N E E D . M other's Day was dedicated to sentim ent, and flo w e r* are the tradition al token of love. Leave your order and Mother's preference w ith us. W e w ill take care of the rest. We Grow O ur Own Flowers and Can Sell Them for Less W E IN V IT E Y O U T O V IS IT O U R G R E E N H O U S E S KIRKLAND’S FLORAL CO. Eugene— 8 p ring field Bridge W E D E L IV E R Phone Sp. M W Symbol of Love for Mother Lawn Mowers Moving To Our N ew Location A continually expanding business makes it necessary for us to move again. Starting in business in a resi­ dence two years ago, we soon found ourselves crowded for space and moved into the building we will soon vacate. The large volume of our business at the present time makes it necessary for us to seek more spacious quarters therefore, on and after Monday, May 10, we will be doing business in the Kepner building across the street from our present location We are adding to our equipment and hope to be able to serve you better. The public is cordially invited to In­ spect our new home after Monday. Remember, we cater to all kinds of special baking orders. What Could Please Mother More Than a Box of Eggimann’s Candy F G G I M A N N ’S BONDS T o L O U IS B E L A N D and A D D IE N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S B E L A N D . Defendants. N otice Is hereby given th a t the IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Upholstering O F O R E G O N : You are hereby re­ undersigned has been appointed Itafln ls h 'n g - Repairing quired to appear and answ er the A d m in is tra trix of the estate of Screen and all kinds of m ill work com plaint filed against you In the Sadie Ragland, deceased, by the C E C IL C A L K IN S , P rop rietor above entitled suit w ith in four County Court of luin e County. O re­ 661 H West Eighth Phone 402 weeks from the date of the firs t gon. A ll persons having claims publication of this summons and If against said estate are hereby no­ you fa ll to appear or answer, fo r tified to present the same, duly want thereof the p la in tiffs w ill verified, to the undersigned at the General la w Practice la k e a decree against you for the office of W ells and W ells. Bank re lie f as prayed for In said com­ of Comm erce Bldg., Eugene. Ore­ I. M. PETERSON gon. w ith in alx months from the plaint, to-wtt: A T h a t there la due and unpaid date of the firs t publication o f this C ity H a ll Building upon the land sale contract speci­ [ notice. Date of firs t publication, April fied in the com plaint the sum of Springfield, Oregon 31200.00 w ith Interest thereon at 23. 1931. 8% since the 13th day o f January, 'A N N A M Y E R S . A d m in is tra trix 1929 u ntil paid. 3140 00 reasonable W ells and W ells, Attorneys. FRANK A. OE PUE a tto rn e y ’s fees and costa and dis­ A23-M7-14 21-28 bursements o f suit; th a t you be A T TO R N E Y A T LAW required to pay the aforesaid sums N Ö T A R Y P U B L IC N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Into court w ith in a reasonable tim e Notice Is hereby given that the and th a t If not so paid Into court, Sutton Spring, mid •hen In that event you be absoluto- underslgne4 F u ll Auto Equipm ent o f said section 11— 370 yards 1931. thence west 26 yards, thence la d y Assistant J O S E P H IN E H ESS, south p arallel w ith east line of A d m in istratrix. said south h a lf of said SE% of said section 11—seventy yards W ells and W ells. Attorneys to south Hue o f said south h alf A- 9 18 23-30-M 7 of said SB14 of said section 11, thence East on south line of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S said S H of said S E U o f said section 11; 4 chains and 36 Notice Is hereby given th a t the yards to place of beginning undersigned has been duly appoint­ containing 8*4 acres more less, abd fo r such o th er re lie f as may ed executrix nt the estate o f Fred I lie specified In said com plaint. T h e »‘Uck L. Shove deceased, and any date of the order req u irin g service Hni' persons having claims of this summons by the publication agulnst the said estate are hereby thereo f Is dated A p ril 15th 1931 required to present said ’ claims, and requires publication once each duly vorlfled ur by law required, week fo r four aucceeslvft weeks nt the law o ffice o f W h itte n Sw af­ j and th a t you appear and answ er ford, 202 T iffa n y Bldg., Eugene, I w ith in fou r weeks front the date o f Oregon In I^ine County, Oregon, [ the firs t publication, and the date w ith in six months from the date of | of the firs t publication Is A p ril this notice. 16th 1981. Dated nnd firs t published April C. A. W IN T E R M E IB R . 30th, 1931. A ttorney for P lain tiffs. Date of last publication May 28th Eugene, Oregon. 1931. A. 16-23-30; M. 7-14 A M Y Y. S H O V E executrix of the estate o f F reder­ M a ry 8.: I w onder w hat causes ick L. Shove, deceased. Address, W endllng, Oregon, the flig h t of time. W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . Flanery’t Drug Store Eugene Furniture Hospital 3 0 POI NT N ew Home Bakery C. J. McKEE, Prop. 327 Main St. We Thank You:- Walter-Pool« Gbopol Libs D.: It Is probably urged on Attorney for Estate. by tha spur ot the moment. A. 80— M. 5-12-1921 E L E C T R IC REFRIGERATOR __ L et U s E x p la in Its 3 0 F e a tu re s T o Y o u —N o w ! Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE PAINTS We wish to announce the sale of the McMurray Grocery Store, effective as of May 1, to D. S. Toomb of Corvallis. Our eight years of successful business in Springfield have been made possible only by your continued cooperation and patronage. These years have been equally pleas­ urable. They have brought us many sincere friendships. In leaving Springfield for Southern Oregon, where we will make our new home, we desire to extend our thanks and appreciation to our many friends and former customers. MR. AND MRS. J. C. McMURRAY Phone 103