PAGE TWO Feed Department Moved under same roof with New York Taxicabs New Vork'i 30.H00 or no taxtcahs arc to be »evil scuriylnx around at all hour« ot the da> and night and they are singularly cheap to ride 'n. That I*, provided on» d '•»» out t h l ill to g ' a 4 during the rush hours when the many delays will make riding in them one of the most expensive of all trips. The meter works Just as fast when the rah Is standing still as when It is under way., as in all towns. The rate average« twenty cents a mile after the first quarter of a mile, which Is flfteent cents, and visitors wonder how autos of the highest price makes can be used for such a cheap service The cars are specially made to stand up to the wear and tear of the city streets and the frequent use of brakes. All New York taxies must be built to carry not fewer than five passengers, which Is the reason why there are no Fond taxies used here Efforts to introduce Fords have met with failure, as a car to conform to the law requires a long­ er wheel base than that of the low priced car. Many Tammany offl clals own stock in some of the big taxi companies, and have opposed any change In the law. the results being that the streets are clut­ tered up with long taxicabs when smaller cars would do quite as well. The verage taxicab driver earns about $35 a week and has to know a lot about the city to hold his Job. • • • Cats Whether the rats used to be so plentiful here that cats were needed as an offset, or whatever the rea­ son. there are probably more cats to the square mile In New York than in any other city of the conn try. All hours of the day one can see them strolling about even in I the busiest of streets and they are not bothered to any extent. In fact. New Yorkers are noticeable for their love for animals and small children, the latter particularly. One of the most curious sights of the city to one who happens to stay out very late at night is the number of cats to be seen prowling about, ransacking garbage cans and often, indulging in voice culture, although most of the gongs are given in backyards. Sleeping in a back room in a New York house, in a majority of cases, has to be done to the nocturnal wailing of tabbies. It is one of the least plea­ sant aspects of the city. • * • Some T a ll Insurance People along the "main stem" are pretl} w.-ll c -e-tard-iK J t<- al most all sorts of big deals, but one business transaction recently gave even city people a thrill. It was the placing of an insurance policy for $55,000,000 for three years on two associate risks. The annual prem­ ium was figured at $91,300. and the risk was distributed among many companies, no single one caring to carry all those eggs in one bas­ Use for Abandoned Farms A new use for abandoned farm may be indicated by the way many- New York people, able to leave thf city over the week-end or perhaps squeeze a whole month or more o f ' vacation, are buying up deserted country places. Of course the men with money buy only the choicest farms. If they are located in the right country. The professional man. with only a compared rely small amount of money, Is Just as well satisfied to take over a farm that has been worked to death, buy a few goats perhaps, and turn them loose on It and then more Into the old farm house. Some of these farms, with housv dating back a hundred or more years, can be acquired, it la said for as low as $500. provided one ts willing to go far away enough from the New York City Hall. Even abandoned farms will grow fine shade trees and velvet lawns while, with the proper use of fer ; dllter. kitchen gardens can be In- j stalled on almost any piece of ground unless It Is composed of I solid granite. Husband: From the glimpse I had - ' I p r thl’ mernlnr I rsther like our new cook. There seems to be plenty of go about her. Wife: Yes, she's gone. M AY 9th CONSOLIDATION COME EARLY SALE To Our Customers Well. Folks, let's make this a nine­ teen thirty-WON! We are going to have an honest to goodness SALE here Saturday. Our store wil be full of Real Bar­ gains. We are not only going to sell goods Cheap, but we are GIVING AWAY lots of merchandise. Plan to be here on this day as there is a big ime and saving in store for you. Aunt Het Says— Having a privat» telephone costs more than bein' on a party line, but I reckon I save the difference by not burnin' so many vituals. Save like Aunt Het does and trade here. DALLAS B. MURPHY. Pork & Beans with Tomato Sauce 16 Oz. Cans 4 FREE \ Big Stock BALLooiXMay 9th of Merchandise Given Free Accompanied By Come Early Their Parents FRF F r BEX Nalleys Mayonnaise CD IT F " R t t COFFEE CAKE SANDWICHES >ur store each we»k. Trust our sel­ ection and you will profit. Not Just a screaming of prices on inferior foods . . . but a real sale of thrifty housewives. prices In their tastiness that it will ¡»ay you always to shop here first. This week: 4 CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 3 3 1 5 c lb. Pounds 25c 5c each Carnation Milk RIPE OLIVES We are giving a beautiful Large Cans Pure Cane Full Cream Pounds Golden West Pounds for Price of Sugar Oregon Made With Each TEA SET (Colors, Pink or Green) 2 cans 19c tie had here. Vegetables so different Cheese PETER PAN COFFEE FREE 25c 20 lbs. 89c Preferred Stock I HOMINY No. 2’/ j Size 15c tins 10c L em ons Brooms Med. Size with each Soap Deal— featuring Swift’s Soap Chips— Soap Powder — Laundry Soap ant Tall Cans Toilet Soap TOMATO SOUP 4 cans 25c 10c dozen Made-ln-Oregon 29c 3 dozen 25c DON'T MISS TH IS DEAL O ranges Med.-Weight O ranges each PEACHES Halves or Sliced in Syrup 9c pkg. 2«/is LARGE SIZES Red Beans 5 lbs. Ix>ok at these One Pound I Pound INSTANT TAPIOCA quick delivery Is the policy which is first grade shipments are always to 12 Oz. TIN Veribest Brand ALBERS and Crispy fresh vegetables of selected Packed in Oil, Tomato and Mustard Sauce 13 Ounce Tin 49c service quality of which la known to alt P-NUT BUTTER cans Good food, prompt standard and advertised brands, the SARDINES DEVILED MEAT Our Policy bringing more and more orders to To All Kiddies 25c 7 cans ARMOURS FREE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Full Pint 25c cans SATURDAY IRISH-MURPHY CO's Groceries ket. The property Insured was that of the new Hudson River bridge and the Holland tunnel, which runs under the -same river and carries millions of passengers every year. Ag both structures are as near fire­ proof as human hands can make them the policy cannot be called fire insurance. Instead, the policy guarantees against loss from any “Act of God," the country’s enemies depredators and other individuals. It is about as complete coverage as can be had for such structures. The Port of New York Authority, the interstate board which built and operates the two enterprises. Is forced to carry such Insurance In order to protect the bondholders who lent the money to build them. . . . THURSDAY. MAY. 7. 1931 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 17c Pint Jar, Comb and Strained SWEET AND JUICY case $1.49 HONEY Mixed It’s Different 23c DELICIOUS Shortening Cleaning and Grinding lb, pail cans A Complete Service Fancy Hard Wheat Flour SW IFT’S JEWEL We are equipped to do your 2 $1.00 NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICES 49 lb. sk. F eed 99c F eed A Few Specials For Our Consolidation Sale of Grain W HITE ROLLED OATS—-60 Lb. Sacks ...............................................80c Right here in Springfield. We have CLEAN W HITE WHEAT— PER C W T ............................ recently taken over the old Spring- MILL RUN— 80 Lb. Sacks Shop $1.30 ......................................................................... 75? We have just completed the mov­ $1.15 ing of our Feed Store and now have 4 GRAIN SCRATCH FEED— PER CW T................................................ $1j5b it under same roof with our Gro­ do your cleaning and grinding and ALL KINDS OF POTTED FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY ceries. You can get everything in the will soon have our mixer in opera­ LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR SATURDAY Food or Feed line here with only one fileld Mill and Crain Warehouse and Feed Mill and have all machinery to PROCESS, ROLLED BARLEY— 75 Lb. Sacks .......................... tion. Also Storage. Visit our plant — It’s modern and Complete. »top and we have plenty of parking MARION ADAMS, Mgx space at all times. This is for your convenience. <