THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KNTY-BUHTH Y KA IL ATHLETIC FIELD V Tomst Gaining | Use o f both Eyes Young Man Back From Hos­ pital; Father Still Suffers School Board Authorizo* Naw From Injured Hand Football Ground Back of Brattain School, at Meat HIRE ANOTHER TEACHER Call for Bids for 200 Cords of Wood to Ba Oalivarad at Schools During Summer t'otialructlon of a it»* football Hold tllrviitly bar II of lb« Ural lain nt'bool wan authorised Monday niab( at ih« monthly moadng of Iba school board The naw field will taka the place of t h e o lio fiirtuarly used which has now boon plowed up and planted The naw (laid will bo on property owned by tba school board and will probaldy bo fanrad at aotna future date. The field will ba bark of the arbool which will make U Impoealble for large numbers of people to alt In I heir parked automobiles and wntrh the game without paying ad- mlaaloii Hid» were also called tor ZOO eorda of wood for tba achoola dur­ ing the n ail year The bids will be received up to tba time of tba next regular meeting of the board In June. They call for quotation* on both «tab wood and body fir In t foot lengths to be delivered to the three achoola. Tha resignation of Mias Wilma Hootl SS taachar at the ldnroln school was accepted by the board Mia« Miriam Male was elcrled to take her place on tha faculty No action was taken on tbe pro prated change« nereaaory at the high «chord to art-ommudate tbe In­ creased numbers which wHI result from the decision of the M<-Kenale union high school to »end atudenta to tbla city Instead of continuing tbe school at W eltervllle. Member» of tbe board wanted to wait until they heard »«niathlng from tbe of flclal» of the W eltervllle achool to determine tbetr plena for tba year The matter of free teat books for the «chorda of the city arsa discuss ed. but no action taken. The atate la* provides an expenditure of ft 64) for ear'll student, but tbla II not enough to purchase tha neces­ sary «uppllaa. Receipt of <1,1)00 front the oouu- ty treasurer for the echord district was reported by the clerk. EASTERN STAR HONORS M r s . j. c. M c M u r r a y Charter Member Presented With Flower«; High School Girl Quartet Provides Music A party In honor of Mra. J. C. McMurray was given by the Cas­ cade chapter of the Eastern Klar lodge Tuesday night at tbe Ma sonic hall. Mra. McMurray, who la a charter member and has held office In tlie group. was presented with a large basket of flowers She ta leaving Hprlngfleld shortly. Muy Day was the motif tor the party, basket lunches being served The Hprlngfleld high school girl«' quartet sang, and a skit waa pres ented by chapter inembora called "A Country Komcnce." Forty-five members were present. The next meeting of the lodge will be held Tuesday, May IS. A potluck dinner trill be served. MANY ATTEND BARNELL RECITAL ON SATURDAY A large group <>t Hprlngfleld peo­ ple attended the public song recital of Mra. W. K. itam eli at the Mo Morran and Wuahburne audt'orlum in Eugene Haturday evening. Mra. Harnell was assisted by Mias Wild frld Tyson, pianist, and Mlsa Ro­ bert« Hpicer, cellist. TWO MEN INJURED AT SAWMILL ON TUESDAY H PIU N G H ELO , LANE C O U N TY, OREGON. 'H IC W B ItA Y, MAY 7, 1931 Hai No. 17 W O CROSS PLANS ‘Arrival o f K itty’ Extra Votes Given In HEALTH K R I M FREE SWIM LESSON Offered Tonight fo g Prize Henry Tomeeth will probab'y re gain the use of both oyoo, u mem­ ber of tbe family told lb«- News yesterday. When Henry uud Itle father, I’tde Tomaetb. were Injured by a bla»tllig egplueloit last W«rl nesday. It wns feared that the youth would lose tbe sight of ul least one ( eye, but be returned front the Eu I gene hospital yeeterday, expecting ' Io have tbe u«e of both of them - shortly Pete Tomaetb. whoso hand wue budly Injured from tbe accident, Hun. Post Wheeler, photographed at la ¡mid to be recovering, although «he White House, has the imprcsiivs It will be som e lim e before be will '¿,le . J * &»»<* £ ’“ « ‘*¡’”» 7 . .»«J Mini Her Plenipotentiary of the V niter! lie able to return to work o( America to the Republic of The two victims were doing some Pvru blasting for a well being driven on Emerald Heights April 29 when tin F O O T B A L L SCHEDULE accident occurred. They had set 1 a charge of exphsilvea which did NEARLY COM PLETED not go off when expected. The two men began to Investigate, but Oame With Roseburg Scheduled as they neared the well, the charge ' For Fall Campaign of Local High School Eleven Ignited, knot king them both to the ______ / ground. Both were rushed Imtuedl alely to tbe hospital. The Hprlngfleld high school foot­ Red Cross Instructors To Young People of Christian Church Give Three-Act Lincoln Studonta Will Givo Contactant* Working Hard Hold Week's Sessions at U. for |2 0 Club* of Naw Sub­ Comedy at High School May-Pole Danoe Under of 0. and Y, M C. A. scription*, Each Earn* 60,- Direction of Miee Scott "The Arrival of Kitty", a three 000 Extra Vote* Until May MANY STUDENTS LEARN act comedy, will be presented by 16, Still Tima to Entar. Will Leave Shortly for New BETTER HEALTH GOAL the Chrtetlan Endeavor of the Today Final Day for Regis­ Christian Church tonight. May 7, Home On Rogue River, Many Student* Will Get Blue BOOM! BOOM! Tbe big battle of tration; Course Open To at the high achool auditorium, tbe Corvalli* People Buy Ribbon* for Complying All Non-Swimmer* curtain rising at 7:30. Tbe play votes Is on In earnest. Moat of Is being given to ralae funds for the contestants In our "Earn and With County Rule* Sale of the McMurray grocery Hprlngfleld residents who are not ulieady efficient swimmers will have their opportunity to learn this useful and healthful «port next week when lied Cross swimming instructors will conduct classes every day ut the two pools at the university and at theh Y M. C. A. In Eugene. The ‘Learn to Hwlm' work of the Red Cross Is directed primarily for young people of school age but Is open to any person who wants to learn. Instruction is free and trans­ portation from Hprlngfleld will be arranged beforeylhe first class on Monday William Cox Is directing tbe re­ gistration here All school children over three years who cannot swim are urged to sign one of the regis­ ball schedule la practically com­ tration slips distributed at the pleted for next year, contracts hav­ schools. They will have their ing been signed for alm ost all" of clasaed during the afternoon. Adult the game«. A trip to Koeeburg on olassea will be held In tbe even­ October 9 to play the high achool ings. Adults who desire to learn to Expanding Butinea* Makes there has Iwen added to the regu­ swim should register with Cox at lar county schedule. A game is Third Move in Two Years also scheduled with Eugene on Oct­ the Irish Murphy store Immediate­ Necessary for Firm ober 2. the place as yet undecided. ly. Registration closes tonight. The course of Instruction will . ■ ’ ( A new football field 1» being The New Home Bakery will move planned Io lie built behind the Brat- last one week, and certificates will acroaa the street Into larger quar tain school It is hoped that this Is- awarded those krho master tne tera during thia week-end accord Held win he fenced In before the sport st the conclusion of their Ing to announcement made by Carl beginning of football season lessons. J. McKee, proprietor. A large group of atudenta, esp eci­ More room for tbe wholesale de­ ally grade school pupils, attended partment of the bakery and eltml- SPR IN G FIELD LIBRARY the classes last year. Most of them nation of truck loading from the BOARD HAS M EETIN G learned to swim. Main street entrance will be ef­ ________ ) This instruction is given annuol- fected by tbe move. F lfty -tw o Book. Presented to Loea. I * ln ■ “ ? ,part’ * * U nlted Slates, and is especially valuable Heveral ndilltlotiai pieces of mu Association; Large Num ber to people living In this vicinity chlnery Including s cake mixer Read In Month where we have many streams of and another oven will be added to ------------ i running water, and where lives tbe equipment of the plant soon. A m eeting of the Hprlngfleld | could frequently be saved If on- This will provide the bakery with a llbrary bourd was held last Mon lookers could successfully rescue battery of three ovens day afternoon, Mrs. N. W Emery them. All frying and wrapping for the ipresidine All members ware pres- — wholesale trade will tie handled len i. Notuble uuiong tbe actlvltlc» from the back room. This will eli­ | of tlie library for thè | blnd. instead of 8:30 and school will be and now the need for more space ary. dismissed at noon. has led to another change of loca One of the discussions held at A picnic luncheon will be served lion. the meeting was on how to pre­ at noon on the school grounds. Mr, and Mrs. McKee have recent vent the loss und destruction of Special musical entertainm ent will ly purchased a home on the »»m j 1mm,Um Hllll .„ « ..z in e s , Many or the be provided by women atudenta at In Houth Hprlngfleld. They w II I la st book» have been disappearing r n , ven,(ty Oregon during move Into It soon. anil such periodicals as Western , he incheon. Story and Popular Mechanics The en „ re afternoon wlu a*. HARDWARE STORE HAS Mrs I.. K. Page secretary of the v(de,i (O auch sports as various NEW MARQUEE BUILT j library board urges people to h e , noy(q ,y races, two bast-ball games, sure Io return all matter taken horshoe tournament, sack race, and. Wright and Hons' hardwnre store ' from the library. ethers. are having a new marquee built on ' __________________ The affair Is being sponsored by the front of their store, 618 Main _ _ C T i i n V rtl HD the Girls I-engue at the high school. street The new addition will add S STUDY CLUB protection to the windows, and MEETS FOR DISCUSSION MULHOLLAND TO GIVE adds greatly to the appearance of ------------ MOTHER'S DAY SERMON the store. Tb*» Mother's Study club of the I Hprlngfleld Parent Teacher's Aseo- "The Career of Motherhood" I elation held their semi-monthly HORSE FALLS ON MAN MAN GOES TO DOCTOR meeting last Tuesday at the home ¡w ill be the subject of the sermon of Mrs. Chester Aldrich. The sub- to be given this Sunday at the H. E. Garrison sustained several Ject of the discussion was on how Baptist church by Ralph R. Mul- bruises about his Ixxly som e time to handle quarrelling tunslng. bttl- holland. pastor. In the evening the ago when a horse fell on him. He lying, and whining children. topic will be "Puff Up or Build did not think hla Injuries serious The hist of a se r ie s of talk s by Up." at first, but this week he consulted Mrs. Surah Prentiss ovei; radio --------------------------- a local physician und x-ray pictures slut Ion KO AC was listened to by LIONS HONOR MEMBERS were being taken to determine the the members. Other meetings are W ITH SPECIAL DINNER extent of the bruises. scheduled for this summes, at which a course being sponsored A Joint dinner for members of OFFICIAL FROM BURNS by The P arents Magatine will b< i (b(. | j (,na cjui> Bnd their wives will b), be|d prlday night at 6:30 at the VISITS DAUGHTER HERE studied. I Community house. The affair Is In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mur- H. A. Withers, Burns spent last MOTHERS. DAUGHTERS Wednesday evening with his riuugh HAVE BANQUET MAY 11 ray Mr 8n'' “ rR, W„F,'V"?ke1, who art* leaving Springfield short­ ter, Jeannlne Withers, In this city. ly. Jack Henderer is in charge of Mr. Withers is county comm ission­ The annual Mothers and Daugh­ er for Harney county. He was on ters iMinquet e f Hprlngfleld high | the program. hie way with a group of Harney achool Is to be held this year on men to Interview the governor con­ May 11, the evening following DEGREE STAFF PLANS cerning the Improvement of roads Mother’s day. Plans for a larger MEETING FOR FRIDAY In Harney county. banquet than usual are being made. Bakery to Move Into New Home Clarence I-aJote Injured his eye st the Booth-Kelly lumber mill Tuesday while working. Smith Mouutjoy Injured hla finger when he ran a large silver Into the fin Tlie location of the banquet Is as The monthly meeting and social ger. Both men were given medical LEGION MAKES PLANS yet undecided on account of the for members of the degree staff care. Their Injuries were not serl of the Rebekah lodge will be held FOR BALLOON DANCE I weather. OU*. at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday evening A biialness m eeting and practice A "balloon" dance Is to be held KAFOURYS RETURN TO LEGION MEETING AT period will be followed by a social by the Bprlngfleld American l-e- SPRINGFIELD FOR VISIT gathering. LOWELL HALL TONIGHT glon at Thurston Saturday night. The "spot" dance held recently was Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kafoury vis-1 IUKA CIRCLE TO MEET The regular meeting of the Amer­ \ big success, und It Is hoped by C. Moffitt re- 1II j Itect the home of ican Legion aind latglon Auxiliary Legionnaire« that this one AT ARMORY TONIGHT oently The Kafourys, who former ' will be held at Lowell tonight. Due find equal favor. I ly operated a dry goods store In to a ntlx-up In dates tha meeting Plans for a social to be spon- Eugene, are her»1 for both business had been announced In th is paper PLEASANT HILL GIRLS iitld pleasure. They now live In Ha-1 sored by the Iuka circle of the lat- for last Thursday Instead WIN OVER SPRINGFIELD ) lent, where Mr. Kafoury Is In th e , dies of the G.A.R. will be discussed business of manufacturing smocks. | at the regular meeting of the group --------------------------- I at the armory tonight according to Girls of Hprlngfleld high school P.-T. A. TO GIVE TEA Grape: "What happened that you officers of the group. The members were defeated In an Indoor baseball FOR TEACHERS MAY 13 game this week by Pleasant Hill didn't go on the Zeppelin flight are trying to raise funds with ’ which to send delegates to the an- 6-4. The game was played on the around the world?" The Parent-Teacher Association latter’s grounds, and the pitching Vine: "Too expensive—my bank nual convention to be held I» Port- of Hprlngfleld will entertain teach mound was Just 30 feet from the roll wouldn't stand the Graf.' land in June. er< at a tea Thursday. May IS, at home plate rather than the 40 feet tain school. Election of offl to which the Hprlngfb-ld girls are Called to Salem— Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Nexdore: "How much a ■ - is will ba held, thia being the accustomed. A week ago on the week do you pay your maid?" Adrian was called to Salem Wed­ meeting of the year. Mra. Mar large-s'xed Springfield diamond. I Mrs. Hiram Offun: "Really, I nesday evening due the illness of I- Adams Is In charge of the pro- i the local girls at Pleasant Hill C an't say. 1 always pay them by the her aunt. She was accompanied by gi a«A 28-5. hour. They never stay a week.” Mrs. Clifford Wtleon. \McMurray’s Sell Grocery Business pledges towards the church bud­ | Win" campaign have been busy get. piling up votes during the past Mrs. John Ketels Is directing the week and n o * -that the 10 day per­ rehearsals. Barbara Adams will iods are about over they are look­ play tbe leading role of Kitty. The ing forward to May 1C which is following Is the cast of characters: the end of tbe first period of the William Winkler, Hubert Hiss; campaign. Realizing that after that Aunt Jane. his sister. Miss Irene date tbe bonus votes are decidedly Brownfield; Jane, his niece, Mias lower they are all doing tbeir best Jessie Benia; Bobble Baxter, Roy to build *20 clubs of New subscrip­ Hreebear»; Benjamin More, Wil­ tions. as each one turned In from liam Hword; Ting, the bell-boy, Wil­ the beginning of tbe campaign un- liam Mills; Ham, a colored porter. iH 8 p m. Saturday. May 1C earns Vern l,a«well; Kitty, an actress. a bonus of 60,000 extra votes. Of Miss Barbara Adams; Huexette, course It Is not neceesary to com aunt Jane's maid. Mlsa Beulah piete a full club of |20 before turn Richardson. Ing aame In as the bonus will be The scene Is that of a hotel In prorated and each fraction of a tbe t'-aitakill mountains, and the ac­ club counts. In other words, <0,000 tion Is supposed to have taken extra votes for <20 In new subscrip­ place last August. The three acts tions mean» 3,000 for each dollar. of the play ore divided into the Amass Votes New three periods of time, late morning, This campaign Is no different early afternoon, and alm ost even­ than any form of competition or ing even a campaign of warring arm­ The remainder of the staff are ies. The general who knows his Mary Hadley, prompter; Jew el business will build up a strong re­ Helterbrand, property manager; serve at the beginning to be pre­ Ruth Slas, costume manager; pared later on so he can bring Ernest Ludlow, make-up; John F. enough reinforcements up to the Ketels, furniture. front line at the critical m om ent Music will be provided between If YOU amas:< all the votes pos­ acta by the Christian Church or­ sible rignt now while they are the chestra. William McLain will give higheet It will be very much harder some Impersonations. for any one to pass you later on ln the campaign as they will have to work harder for each subscription and at the sam e time only earn about half the amount of votes they can earn right now. store on Fifth street was an­ nounced In Springfield this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald 8. Tootnb of Corvallis purchased the business and took possession May 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMurray started their grocery business at tbe present location eight years ago and have built up a large pat­ ronage during those years. They plan to leave scam for a place on the Rogue river near Grants Fhaa where they will make thehr home. Their son, Thayer, will accom­ pany them now, while their daugh­ ter, Nadine, will probably remain to finish her work at the university for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Toomb operated a store near f'orrallla before coming to Springfield. They have two chil­ dren. Donald. Jr., aged 7, and Claire, 6. Pre-School Clinic Offered M ay 13 The annual children’s May Day program will take place on Friday afternoon. May 33. It was an­ nounced hy Mre. L. K. Page, chair­ man of tbe education department of the Hprlngfleld school*. The pur­ pose of the day, of which Mrs. C. O. Wilson, as president of the Springfield health group la chair­ man. is to promote good health among children. Among the features on the pro­ gram will be a May-pole dance hy first and second grade pupil* of Lincoln school under tbe direction of their teacher. Miss Wilma 8cott. The other grades will contribute drill* and dance*. A song chorus la being formed at the Lincoln school. Mi»» Beth Konkel, executive sec­ retary of tbe Lane county public health association, will help the committee direct the program. Blue ribbons are to he presented to those pupils who have followed the little eet of health raise fnr- Ished them. The May Day will probably be held on the lawn of Lincoln school. It le hoped that Mayor Tyson will speak. Ail Springfield Chrildren In­ vited To Take Health Ex­ SPECIAL SERVICES FOR aminations Wednesday MOTHER'S DAY LISTED A pre-school clinic for children up to the age of six Is to be given Wednesday. May 13 by the Spring- field unit of the Lane county health association. The clinic ta to be operated to make sure that the eye­ sight and general health of the sm all children of Springfield la ln good order. Mrs. Fitzgerald county health nurse, will have charge of the event, which is to take place at the Community hall. Local doctors w ill be ln attendance. Mrs. Rachel Thatcher is general chairman for the event. Mrs Walter Loxton and Mrs. George Prochnow are members of the com­ mittee. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson is chairman of the Lane county health association. The clinic will open at 9 a. m. and operate the entire day. Every family in Springfield Is invited to take advantage of this splendid opportunity. Christian Church Group T e Hold Service One Hour E a rlie r Each Sunday e f Sum m er Oregon Is the leading tulip grow­ ing state in the Union according to a survey completed by the United States government. The state Is al­ so a leader among many other Dr. W. H. Pollard was recen’ly states ln the production of flower­ MEETING OF BETHANY elected to be one of the four rep­ ing bulbs. This state harvests three CLASS HELD MONDAY resentatives from Lane county to times as many tulip bulbs as does attend the state Methodist confer­ her nearest competitor, Colorado, ence In Eugene In June. At this The Bethany class of the Baptist and nearly half of the entire har­ meeting one man will be elected to Sunday school held a business vest of the entire country, accord- attend the General Conference of meeting at Mrs. Eva A. Tobias’ 'ng to the report. home Monday. Miss Grace May was Methodists at Atlantic City, New selected as social promoter to take Jersey, In 1932. MRS. BARNELL SINGS Once every four years an Ore­ the place of Miss Marion Chase, FOR FEDERATED CLUBS who ie taking over the class of Mrs. gon man Is sent to the east to re­ Fred Freer. present the state at the convention. Mrs. W. K. Bam ell, with Miss A motion was passed to catalogue Dr. Pollard was the representative Wlnlfrid Tyson as accompanist, and repair all Blbn-s and mission­ to attend the conference at Spring- was soloist for the program spon­ ary reading material. field. Massachusetts in 1924. sored by the Women's Federated Clubs at the Community Liberal Church In Eugene Thursday even­ ing. This being National week, many organisations and clubs have featured special programs. Both Mrs. B am ell and Miss Ty­ son have been requested to appear Contestants In thia campaign have the privilege of publishing on several programs In Eugene and all their votes at any time or may hold some ln reserve. There­ Hprlngfleld this week. fore, the votes shown in this list each week will be the total which the contestants desired to be published. This method GIRLS BASEBALL TEAM leaves It entirely up to the contestants them selves. LICENSE ARE HANDY FOR LOCAL FISHERMEN H.S. Ball Squad Drop Two Games Locals Bow to University High and Pleasant Hill; Came Here Friday Springfield high school dropped two baseball games this post week, the first to University high, 74. and the second to Pleasant Hill, 7-0. Both games were played on their opponent's fields. The ta m e against the Eugene school was a thrilling affair the two teams battling nip and tuck all the wav. The scores were tied at 1-X, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, and 5-6, but University high came to bat last, and conse­ quently they scored the most runs The winning marker came In the last half of the ninth Inning. The batteries for pringfleld were: Lynch, pitcher; Mattison catcher. For University high they were Kneeland. pitcher; Smith, catcher. In the game with Pleasant Hill, the trouble was too much pitching by Mauney. the Hill hurler. Spring field was able to garner Just two hits, and their opponents had little difficulty in winning tbe game. The batteries for Springfield were Robeson, pitcher, and Hartman, catcher; for Pleasant Hill Hill, Mauney. pitcher. Pebbles, cacther. A game is scheduled by Spring- field to play University high here next Friday afternoon. OREGON LEADS STATES IN BULB PRODUCTION Time Is Flying The time is flying—Are yon try­ in g’ A lltUe extra effort NOW while the votes are at the peak will place you ln a commanding posi­ tion in the race for the beautiful automobiles and other magnificent gifts to be awarded In leas than a month The list of contestants shows a new leader today. Who will be leading next week? Still Time to Enter The entry period is still on and there is Mill plenty of time left for a contestant of the go-getter type to enter and win. A few days of concentrated effort while the big­ gest extra vote period is still on enables anyone to build a strong re-serve for the finish. Besides the biggest extra vote period a new contestant has a ten day period of double votes. This is our last call for a go-getter as the nomination period will soon be closed and no REPORT SHOWS GAINS more entrants' will be accepted IN HOC RAISING HERE after that date. Work—fight—win! It won't be long now. A gradual Increase in the produc­ tion of hogs in Oregon and a lessen­ SERIOUS BLAZE IS ing of out of state shipments of NARROWLY AVERTED wheat and barley is noted in the re­ cent agricultural report Issued at What might easily have become regon State college. For many one of the worst fires in the his­ years we have been shipping wheat tory of Springfield was everted at and barley to the east and pork the Springfield garage when Jack from there and the mid-west here, Foster carried a pan of gasoline paying the freight both ways. Fifty which had become ignited out into million dollars work of pork pro­ the alley, severely burning his duces were shipped In to the Paci­ hand. arm. and face. fic northwest lost year, says the He was given immediate medical report. care and Is now carrying his arm In a sling. Had the building become Ignited DR. POLLARD ELECTED the entire business block would TO ATTEND M. E. MEET have been endangered. Contestants TO PLAY AT U. OF O. Hprlngfleld high school girls baseball team coached by W E. Buell, principal, will go to Eugene Friday to participate In the annual University Play Day activities sponsored by the Women's League of the school.. The baseball team made a strong bid for supremacy last year and are expected to do even better Friday. Has Operation— Mre. Sophia War­ ner was operated upon by a local physician at the Pacific Christian J hospital Wednesday morning. Mrs. Thoe. Campbell, Eugene ................. .............. ........... 238,000 Hazel Edmlston. Thurston ..... ....................... ........................... 232.ÖÖO Mrs. Mrs. Mr». Mr». Mrs. Eathe Foratrom, Eugene .... .............. ..................... ........230,000 Ruth Garoutte, Cottage Grove ..... ..................................228,000 J. Irene Hanekainp, Eugene, Rte. 3 ............................. 235,000 Arthur Hayes, Eugene ........................ .............................. 208,000 M. B. Huntley, Springfield .............................................. 230,000 Cleo Moats, Eugene ................. ..................................................212,000 Mrs. Pearl Schantol, Eugene, Rte. 2....................................... 222,000 Joel Trapp, Eugene ............ ........... ............................................*08,000 The Christian Church will bold special Mother's Day servtcee this Bunday. Lucille Schott, crayon art­ ist and cartoonist, will be pr** >nt- ed, as well on som e special music by the choir. Tbe Mothe'rs Day sermon will be glvoo by Vekle Pruitt, pastor. Special attention Is called to the fact that the time for the morning service has been advanced from 11 to 10 o’clock. Honor will be paid to father* at the eveninc servtcee. starting nt 3 o’clock. The pastor will deliver a •ermon on "Father and the Home.” Miss Schutt will entertain with some more drawings. TWO WOMEN HONORED BY KENSINGTON CLUB Mrs. W F. Walker and Mr». J. C. McMurray were given a luncheon in their honor on Tuesday. Both of the honored guests are leaving the city shortly. Gifts were presented to both women. The luncheon table was beautifully decorated. Following are those who were present: Mrs, W E. Buell, Mrs. W. K. B am ell, Mrs. L. E. Dodforth, Mrs. Clarence Chase, Mrs. W N. Dow, Mrs. C. E. Kenyon, Mrs. L. May, Mrs. J. T. Moore, Mrs. A. J. Morgan, Mrs. Charles Poole, Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Mrs. C. E Swarts. Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. Harry Whitney. Mrs. S. C. Wright, Mrs. W. Wright, and the guest* of honor, Mrs. W. F. Walker and Mrs. J. C. McMurray. W. K. Bamell had an unusual story to relate to hla friends Mon day morning after he returned from Smith River where he together with Frank Smltson Riley Snod­ grass. and Dr. W. N. Dow had spent Sunday fishing. After years of fishing in Oregon streams Barnell told of being ask­ ed by a game warden to »how his fishing license. He doubted the authenticity of the supposed war­ den and demanded that he »how his star of authority before produc­ ing the required license. He found he was addressing a real warden. "They were not biting very good and they were all pretty sm all any­ way,” declared Barnell. E. SCHNETZKY VISITS FROM SOUTH DAKOTA Ervan Schnetxky le In Sprit: field to visit h is frlendo and re tives. Mr. Schnetzky’s home Is South Dakota. He Is being ent< tained by his brother, A. J. Schm sky. M. A. Pohl, and Dr. R. Mortensen. Mr. Hchnetxky has i elded to enter the coawt guai but has not yet decided where will go from Eugene. CARLOAD OF ASPHALT BEING LOADED HERE A tank car of asphalt woe re­ ceived In the Springfield yards Wednesday morning. The cor le being unloaded her* and will bo used for the Improvement o f high­ way» around and BlnoUw.