THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1081 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FAQ« FOUR Adventure Fiim Big Enterprise ■tfl Motorized Caravan Required in Taking of "Trader Horn" in African Wilds WASHINGTON BY R A D F O R D MOBLBY M/TO v ATTFH WAWlNCrON ButitAv Wh > WASHINGTON. 1». « will ihe Speaker of the lion*« In the next Coagrsa» “Nick" U*nlworth » a s not yet In hi* giave when the |>olittcal gossips began to buzz that q«os lion around. It 1« a hard one to anawer because of the «•< nsi.leiable doubt as to whether the Republt ran» will be able to organize the next House. A» thin*» stand new the Republicans have n nominal majority of one But that Includes several members of strongly Insur­ gent tendencies, who tnay find it expedient for reasons relatlnc to their own chances of re-election to get off the reservation and line un with the insurgent Senate bloc headed by Norris and MFoIlPlte If they should bolt the Republican caucus, then the Democrats would organize the House, and In that case there is no question who would be the Speaker. It would be Con rressnian John W. Garner of Tex­ as whose personal popularity on both sides of the center aisle is »1- most as great as wasi that of Speaker Longworth, and who Is the undisputed leader of the Dem­ "Trader Horn," Metro-Goldwyu- Mayer's sensational ft I ml tat ton of the famous book of Afrlcau advea* ture. will open next Wednesday at the Fox McDonald theatre, as the biggest undertaking in the filming of adventure film s in history With a motorized safari of a hundred trucks and autos, the troupe press ed into Jungles In Africa never he- fore traversed by white men. They 1 arried the first and only sound recording apparatus ever brought to African Jungles aud filmed and recorded the drama, with wild beasts savage native dunces and ceremonies and other details right on the ground. They covered British East Africa the Belgian Congo, and Invaded the dreaded Murchison Falls "Sleep­ Dr. C J. Galpm, of the Department of Agriculture, shows that ing sickness" country. In the 28. JU0.1XX) more ara living in the country thu year than la st 000-mile location trip. The story, as adapted from the ALFALFA INCREASES famous book by Alfred Aloyalua Upper Willamette IN WESTERN OREGON y,orn an^ Etheireda Learia, deals with the trader and his protege. Crop | y ru, who promisee a woman mia- Mrs. J. A. llielp s teachers of the Helps D airym en W eath er slonary to find the "White God Pleasant Hill public school have Present Depression dess" of the savage laorgt. whom invited the parents and friends to she belives to be her daughter. ’ «hool Friday. _M»> ’ ot^erving The production of alfalfa In west lost ta a native raid as a baby. Health Day". This will be an all How they brave terrors of the ... a basket «... at— day meeting with dinner ern Oregon, which has Increased more than 700 percent during the Jungle and the savage head hunt- und program. ocrats. era find the girt, escape, both fall The ladies of Pleasant Hill com- four -vear9 ha* man> Nobodv can tell now how the un- a dairyman weather the depress in l° ve w'»h her- and Trader Horn s expired terms of Mr Longworth raunlty club are to meet at the ion. says E R. Jackman, specialist dramatic sacrifice at the end to and one or two other Republican home of Mrs. G. A. Brown Thurs in farm crops of the Oregon Exten­ send 'th e two younger people to members who have died since elec Jean Thompson. Elaine Schaffen rence May, Delores Nice. Drucile berg. Gloria Stewart. Jimmy Smith gllvle. Wtlnilna Spriggs. Attendance — Harold Becker. Harold Nealson. John O gilvie,’ Ro­ bert Smith. Jimmy Smith. Fern Sldwell. Wayne Seamans. Roger 4^— ' ' i - -...... — •* The Thurston club baseball team , Stewart, Duane Thomas. Junior Wilson, Loren Foote, Maxine defeated the Oregon Flower shop OF Chandler. Colleen Daniels. Gloria team s from Eugene last Sunday on | Green. Nova Jean Heiser. Jule the local diamond Vern Stone from San Francisco. Heiser. Imogene Sweeney. Elaine Calif., arrived last Thursday foi Schaffenberg. Peggy Anderson. an Indefinite stay with his grand I (Second Grade) AT Scholarship—Inez Oram. Billy parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wea- . AT THE FOX McDONALD FLOWERS for MOTHER KIRKLAND’S FLORAL CO. Thurston Opening “ W e e W e e G o lf ” Dawson. Sidney Ward, Patricia Powell. Attendance— Robert Miller, Ida Ann Moore, Mabie Conklin, Nathan Fletcher. Elwln Johns. Donald Baldwin. Thurston Evans. Peggy Fritts. Iva Gillette. I-awrence Har wood. Lucile Melson, Ixirralne Peddlcord. Betty Virginia Sher­ man. Roy Vaughan, Sidney Ward. (T h ird A) Scholarship— Lots Evans. Shir­ ley Haack. Beryl Robertson. Doro­ thy Stewart, Warren Ingram. Bob­ by Pollard, Frank Stuart. Flora Bertsch. Attendance — Frank Anderson. Willard House. Warren Ingram. Merle Nice, Bobby Pugh, Dave Smith, Frank Stuart, Annabell Johns. Leona Ware. Wayne Wet- zell. Valentine Uchytll. Lois Evans, Shirley Haack. Winifred Lyon», Emma Meakins. Dorothy Mulligan. Beryl Robertson. (Fourth A) Scholarship— Karl 8cotl. Dorothy Chase. Dean Wilson, Robert Nice. Lawrence Thompson. Attendance—Jr. Endicott, Billy Olthens. Jack Heckey. Norman Neolon. Karl Scott, I-awrence Thompson. Billy Johns, Dorothy Chase, Maxine Coglll, Polly Dut thuk, Lorraine 8qulres. Thelma Johns. (F ifth A) Scholarship—B lise Ingram. Hel en Lyone, LaVerne McPherson, ver. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Forkum from | Jesper visited friends In Thurston last Sunday. County school Superintendent E. J Moore from Eugene visited the Casey ’« Friday, May 1 Bladder * Weakness 6:00 P. M. Regular Golf Hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. I f G e t t in g U p N lg h t a . B a c k a c h e e q u e n t d a y c a lls . L e g P a lo s , N e r v - -u s n r e s , o r B u r n in g , d u e to f u n c t io n ­ a l B la d d e r I r r i t a t i o n , In a c id c o n d i­ tio n » , m a k e » y o u fe e l t l r o « L d e p ra a aa d u n d d is c o u ra g e d , t r y th e G y s te a T a e L W o r k s f a » t , s t a r t s c ir c u la t in g t h r u t h e s y s te m In I t m in u te s . P v a la a d b y th o u s a n d » f o r r a p id a n d o o a lt lv a a a - t lo n . D o n 't g iv e up . T r y C Y a ta x ( p r o ­ n o u n c e d S ts a -ta x ) to d a y , u a d s r t h e Ir o n - C l a d G u a r a n te e . M u s t q u ic k ly a ll a y th e e a c o n d itio n s . Im p r o v e r e M - f u l a la a p s a d e n e rg y , o r aum ay book. O u iy eoc a t 5 th * Greens and Hazards Entirely New Come and Try Out the New Course OUR PRICES 1 G am e, 15c — 2 Gam es, 2 5 c KETELB DRUG STORE Main Springfield. Ora. The Grocery Store for the Thrifty Housewife Here ahe can do her Hhopping wllh the p< rf<■< I aHHuran* e that every article she buy» i» fresh and pure and priced nt the lowest possible figure. There are no stale goods on our shelves! Mrs Housewife, we are In a position to serve you efficiently and well und to help you economize. _________ Be wise! Stop at our store! FRESH HOME-GROWN VEGETABLES, ASPARAGUS. RHUBARB, LETTUCE, RADISHES. CELERY, ETC. A m a z in g O f f e r To New and Old Customers, by Trading Here, You Can Get These E L E C T R IC C L O C K Each AT TH IS SPECIAL PRICE! FOR THE KITCHEN! All-Electric Wall Clock to accurately time your cooking and baking CORRECT TIME ALWAY8 Beautiful Gothic-design all- Electric Mantel Clock Beautifully enameled In blue, green or ivory FINISHED IN WALNUT For use on 60-eycle, 1 Hi­ voit alternating current A. For use on flO-cycle, 1 Hi­ voit alternating current (A. C.) C.) JUST PLUG INTO LIGHT SOCKET NO WINDING- NO OILING- NO SETTING White Front Grocery 424 MAIN ST. W. A. TAYLOR, Prop. Phone 9 Your Home Store SPRINGFIELD, OREGON