T l 11 IRR I )AY, APRIL »0, 1 M l THE 8PR1NOEIELD NEWS Vegetable* bava practically doubled OREGON APPLES LEAD In Ihe laal fan year».” Ihe report IN Q U A N TITY S H IP M E N T S aaya. "Kraali paura accminl for a Total of 17,000 C arload* of F ru it* and Vegetable* Sent from State During Y ear Oregon'» appiè »hlpment* con­ tinue tu milk flral In volume. In (Ile carini fruii unti vegetatile In ni|U et (Vai A Mother’s Day Gift That Combines 48 of peach«« 36 of atrawberrl««, 33 of mixed declduoua fruit« and 31 17 of triad apple«. The can ta lo u p e I iu h I ucnh Jumped up (0 121 carloads from 12 In 11*21* uml practically nothing In former year« The watermelon curlot bunt lieecc waa IN ImAl*. with 6 curlot* of mlai-ellaneou» melon» recorded l,nadlngH of celery In 1930 total ei| 047 curlot«, of cauliflower, 02M and onion: 616. Tomato ahlpment« were ON carload*, green pea« 73. lettuci 14, aapnragu* 21. cabbage N, and mixed vegetable* 161 COUNTY COURT S U IT FOR R IG H T-O F-W A Y Your Mother will be de­ lighted with thia Mother'a t»ay package of Itoyal Vel lum Tjia box la coverall with an exclualve, Impor­ ted, decorated paper Tha ivinlaiita ronatat oP 24 large folded «heat» and 24 large envelope« made of pure wrhlta vellum paper with deck led edge*, In the ■ laa that Mother* like heel Included la a Mother'« day greeting card that «lie quently expreeee* love for Mother. Hull agalnat two property owner« along the M cKenzie highway wa* ■tarted Tueaday by county official* to force condemnation of ne«-ea«ary right of-way for the relocation of Ihe Mi Kenxle highway. Effort* to reach satisfactory ugreem «ita were unavailing line ault wu* filed In circuit court ugaluat Isaac K Howard of June lion City. Ha waa offered >617.69 for his property The Other ault wa« (Had agalnat s Mr Zimmerman of Vldu who refused un offer of 11.209.16 for right-of-way through hl« property. R E S TR IC TE D PARKING ZONES GIVEN PA IN T Mother’s Day Royal Vellum $1.00 Flanery’s Drug Store ________ Wi-alherbeanten restricted park Ing linos along the curbs wore touched up Tuesday morning by the street commissioner. The aufe- ty lanes on the pavements will probably be painted again when continued dry weather Is assured F IFTE E N SHEEP KILLED DR. CARL’S DISCOVERY DURING PAST WEEK STOPS GAS.CONSTIPATION AND EQ U IPM EN T GIVEN _ ,, . . I In oia private practice, Dr. Carl ! Stats College Professor Suggests 1 ” '’"P* are l»e|le»»-d to W'eetbike first perfected the simple TOWN AND VICINITY larga part of Ilia lurrnaaa In »hip- mania, bui loading of charria*, prunaa, potalo«*, green paaa, on­ Hae Operation— Mr*. Ham W a r ion*, celery, cauliflower ami canta­ ner of Muri óla underwent a major loupe* hay« aleo Increased aubalan- operai Ion at Ilia Pacific Chrtattaii llally. hoaplial In Eugene thia morning. Out of a record total of 17.000 Qoee to Portland— Koreat Krill» carload« of frulla and vegetable« «hipped In 1030 from Oregon load left Sunday for Portland for a lug pointa, 6.301 war« apple* and abort burine«« tri 6,130 pear*. Potatoes accounted for Collect* Bounty— Merle McMul 0,174 cariota Thaae Ihraa cornino lln of lllu * Itlvar collected a >2 dilla* made up 12,4114 carload*, or bounty Monday on one laibcat pelt. 76 par cant of the total. Presti prune ahlptncnt« hava av- Vlaltor from Donna—J M Brick- aragad 1000 cara or mora In racaut lay of Donna wa* a burin«** vlal- year* In 1030, 616 carload« of ■ tor In Hprlngfleld on Tueaday. dried pruno* ware loaded at Ore­ Vlaltor from Rosaburg— W II. gon «lutIon*, which la about an average amount. Other fruit* ahlp- Hobart of Itoeeburg wa* a bualneea pad were” 426 carload* of V b e r r l« J <>» M .m d ey. Beauty with Usefulness H IN T S ON CAMPING FOOD Necessary Supplies fo r Eatond- V laltor from Marcola— Mr» J. A. Martin visited with Hprlngfleld Haturday. friend* *d Outlno Trip* In b* responsible for the elaughtertog I mixture now known as Adler Ike fifteen «beep between Jaeper H ’nllke most remedle*. Adlerlkaacts and Fall t ree« during the I.M week | <>" BOTH upper and lower b ow el, and removes old pulsone you w ould *<'•'<»*<••»> to K J. Morris, county sever believe were In your system. , Stop» G AH bloating In 10 minute«! ' • » • " < « * « • » * » • <>»««»* »*>« Relieves chronic constipation In 2, '» coMtkittag an lnve«tlgatlon. Want Clean Soft Rags, ao but Thia I* the largeat -number of hours! Let Adlerlka give your atom- acb and bowels a REAL cleaning : ton* sheep reported killed In this man and see how good you feel! > will i o f ,,ce or hooka. Hprlngfleld News surprise you; Flanery'e Drug Store. | ner for ******* ***** Another Oingon spring has sent out Ils "call to the w ild " and peo Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Ted pie everywhere are re.poodlng to Pricket! of Wandilng are the par­ the urge to get out and "rough It” ent» of a baby «on horn at their for awhile home on Haturday April 26, 1931. Kor some tbia mean* ma rely an Major Operation— Mr«. Mina K. occasional afternoon picnic In t h e . IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U N T OF T e n n l* Racket Repairing. Dtnty'a Dillard of Hprlngfleld underwent woods, while other* prefer a more MANY PEOPLE A TTEN D T H E S T A T E O F OREG O N, FOR ^ y c le and Toy Store 126 W eal a major operation at Ihe Pacific extended camping trip. The former CAMP CREEK PROGRAM LANE CO U N TY. gth. Eugene. Christian hospital In Kugene Fri­ can take as much equipment a* S U M M O N S KOR P U B L IC A T IO N day. they can pack In the car and still A läge crowd wae present at the IN F O R E C L O S U R E OK have room for the children, but TAX LIEN Key* and Lock Repairing. Dtnty'a lower Camp Creek cooking club Attends P.E.O. Meeting—Mr*. W. the latter group will do woll to C y cle and Toy Store, 120 West program which waa presented at J. L. C U L V E R , P la in tiff. 11. I'ollurd attended the meeting of v*. keep in mind the slogan of the true the Lower Camp Creek church Fri­ H. T. MELLIEN a »Ingle man, and 8th. Eugene. the P.B.O. sisterhood at the home woodsmen. "Travel light but travel day night. The program consisted Of Mr». Elsie Patterson In Eugene C. E OSBURN. Defendant*. right." o f a demonstration of a model To H. T. M E L L IE N , a s in g le m an, Monday evening. Will Pay CA8H for Clean Rags. A few suggestion* us to how this the above named defendant. meeting an waa followed by a num- Visit* from Cedar F la t— Dick IN THE NAME OR THE STATE “New* Office.” Marcola Man Operated — Glenn i maxim can he followed In the mat- ber of humorous skits and short H urt o f t'e d u r F la t wa« a v is ito r ment , . . . . _ . » OK OREGON: You are hereby no­ Hplcer of Marisda underwent a ter of food and cooking equl’ M playlet* pre«ented by members of tified that J. L. Culver, the hollder In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. NOTICE OF HEARING OF . major operation at the Pacific I are offered by Ml«« W illetts Moore, of Certificate of Delinquency num­ FINAL ACCOUNT Thurston Resident Calls—George Chletlan hospital In Eugen*; Mon­ [ who ha« taught courses In camp bered 2704 issued on the 12th day Notice I* hereby given that the cookery for moo at Oregon Htate November. 1929, by the Tax CoL I'lull of Thuraton visited with day. lector of the (!ounty of I-ane, State I undersigned exec utor ha* filed hie college for a number of year*. It I " ” friend* In Hprlngfleld Tueaday.’ of Oregon, for the amount of - final account In the estate of John Recovers from F lo — J M I air son, 1« beat. »he »ays, to select food« N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S <15,66) Five and 65-100 Dollars, H. Blewett, deceased, and that at Shops Tuesday— Mrs. A. Math service «tation operator returned to ( that are high In nutritional value, Notice Is hereby given that the the same being the amount then the hour of teo o’clock A. M. un«y nf uKII Creak waa a »hopper III» duties at Ihe »taiIon Monday af­ small In bulk and light In weight. undersigned ba» been duly appoint-. due and delinquent for taxes for -May 15, 1931. at the ch«mhers of ter having been kept In bed for Energy producing food* are eesen the year 1926 together with pen the County Court of the Stale of In thia city Tueaday. . , erick L. Shore deceased, and any alty, interest and cost* thereon Oregon for Lane county In the four daya with an attack of the tlal because of . the great amount and al, havlnif clalnilI upon the real property ass« seed to Lane County Court House In the Major Operation — Mr*. Kaye Influenza. of energy expended on such trip* against the »aid estate are hereby you. of which you are the owner City of Eugene, Oregon, baa been Brown of Carter Htatlon underwent Spend* Week In Portland— Mra. Kor that reason, »«gar I* better required to present »aid claims, as appears of record, situated In fixed by the order of said Coart a inujor operation at the Eugene ¡than saccharine a* a sweetening duly verified a* by law required. said County and State, and partlc- «» the time and'place of hearing Clifford Wilson and son. Mac, are ............... , „ at the taw office of Whitten Swaf- ularly bounded and described as ; objection« to the settlem ent and hospital Tuesday morning. B,d(f r ^ g ^ , »ponding the week in Portland with - agent In »pit« nf IU greater bulk ford 20z allowance of said final aeeouBL follows, to-wlt: liecauae of it* hleb energy value Oregon In Lane County, Oregon. Dated April 8th. 1931. Mr*. W ilson* parents, Mr and Fall Creek People Here— Mr and Beginning at a point 22.68 It I* well to avoid canned food* within six month* from the date of K R ANK U B L E W E T T . chains Nor i of the Southwest Mr*. Churl«» Neat of uFll Creek Mr«. Ill« .Mcla-aei. an much aa possible, with exception no,lce. Executor. corner < > ( James H. Shortrldge were bualnea« vlalto* In Spring- Fred E. Smith, Recovering from Injury—Jack 1 of tomatoes, whloh have a place In Dated and flrat published April Claim Nf. 62 North 36.56 rods, field Tu««day. Attorney for executor. Gorrle la now on the rvud to re­ I th e cam p supplies becaur.e o t their 30th. 1931 thence East 132.48 rods, thence A.9-16-23-30-M.7 Date of last publication May 28th in a south w esterly direction covey following aeiou* Injury to vitamin and mineral content. De­ 1931. Fish Lake Creek—Rllny flood 37.77 rods to a point East of gru*» and II 11. Hchwffonbej-g hl« legs recently when he fell hydrated vegetable* offer variety AMY Y. 8HOVE beginning, thence 121.94 rods executrix of the estate of Freder­ »pent Sunday fishing In the Lake while working on a county bridge as well a* food value. W est to beginning containing ick L. Shove, deceased. 29 acres, in Section 28, Town­ Creek district In Western O regon . near Marcola. Cloth bags are much better than Address. Wendllng. Oregon, ship 21 South Range 3 West , « aim or boxes for packing grocer W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . W. M.. I-ane County, State of Injure* Thum b— J. Berger Erick­ Visits at Portland— Mr*. Arthur lee. Ml»» Moore »ays. They are le»» Attorney for Eetate. Oregon. Taylor loft for Portland Sunday to son of M a rc o la broke Ills thumb bulky on the return trip, and If A. 30— M 5-1219-3 You are further notified that «pend u few day* visiting with Haturduy while working with a ma dipped In paraffin, will keep sand­ said J. L. Culver has paid taxes JEWELER chine at the l-Tacher mill at Mar­ friend*. on said premises for prior or sub­ wiches and other foods fresh. A N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S cola. Repairing a Specialty very thin coating of paraffin Is ap- Notice is hereby given that the sequent years, with the rate of in­ Lsavaa on Trip— ,M M Peery terest on said amounts as follows: Springfield, Oregon Spend Week-end at Portland — piled so that It will not crack, undersigned has been duly appolnt- left Hprlngfleld for Klamath Fall*, Year's tax. 1927—Date paid. Nov. T h e s e hags can l>e rolled up and *** xlntinlstrator of the estate of lie will also go to Marshfield he- Mrs. ft G. Van Valzah. Mia* Ann1« Eugene Cummings, deceased, and 12. 1929; Tax Receipt No. 32889; fore he return* to hl* home here. Llnklaten Miss Lillian England. used again. any and all persons having claims Amount, >5.17; Rate of interest, Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN As personal equipment, each per against the said estate are hereby 12% P*r annum. Miss Jeannlne W'lther*. and Ml»» N aturopathic Physician »on needs a canteen, a water proof ^ J ulred_ .? ’ Pre«ent »“ < ’ Year's U x. 1928— Date paid. N o r .; Visit* Parent* — llarry Wrhetit .Margaret Gorre motored to Port­ First National Bank Bid*. . . . . « , u duly verified as by taw required. 5. 1929; Tax Receipt No. 38269; spent Saturday In Hprlngfleld with land Haturday morning to spend matih box. a compass, a first aid at the ,aw offlce of Whitten 3waf Amount, >4.78; Rate of interest, Phones: Office 73J; Rea: 14» months from the date 5. 1929; Tax Receipt No 35907;: Amount, >5.06; Rate of in te re s t several month* during the late win M O TH ER 'S DAY FARES piles and equipment needed and of this notice. r: " .'•"'r I STACY CUMMINGS. 12% per annum. ter and spring FOR SALE check off the Item« as they are ANNOUNCED BY S. Administrator of the estate of I Said H. T. Mellien as the owner packed. Eugene Cummings, deceased. of the legal title of the above de- Good 14-lnch Black woed, alaa Drive* to Portland— Welby S te­ Whltten Swafford, Attorney for scribed property as the »ame ap- Aapeclal Mother'» day ticket sale 16-lnch and 4 foot old g ro w th ven» drove to Portland Friday to estate. pears of record, and each of the si ah wood. for those wishing to travel at that B IR TH D A Y PARTY HELD attend to bualnea« In connection A.2-9-16-23-30 other persons above named are FRANK T U H Y hereby further notified that J. L. I with the Guaranty Trust company. time was announced this week by FOR A. J. SC H N ETZK Y ---------------------------------------------------I Phono Sp. 182J NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Culver will appty to the Circuit He returned to Hprlngfleld Hatur­ the Southern Pacific railroad com­ The undersigned Lulu E. Roberts Court of the County and State pany over 11» entire Pacific line*. day afternoon. Relatives of -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. has filed her final report and ac- aforesaid for a decree foreclosing The new bargain offering of Schnetzky gathered at their home count as administratrix of the the lien against the property above A ll K inds o f Attend Convention— Mr* Frank roundtrip train fares. Including all Sunday to enjoy a potluck birthday estate of David McBee, deceased ., described, and mentioned In said Hurtholoniew, Mrs. Eugene McBl Ihe concessions of the recent “dol­ and the county court of Lane certificate. And yon are hereby dinner and to help Mr. Schnetzky county, Oregon, has fixed and ap- -ummoned tQ appear within sixty lianev, Mra Emma Olson, and Mrs. lar day" excursions, will be made R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G A. H Van Valxah went to Halsey Friday and Saturday. May 8 and observe his seventy-third annlver- pointed Friday, May 1st. 1931 at days after the first publication of sary. Those present were Mr. and 10 o'clock A. M. at the County this summons, exclusive of the day ( 128 W. 8th Street Friday to attend the district con­ 9, with return limit of Thursday Mr« M A Pohl and family Dr and Court room, Court House, Eugene, | o f said first pnbltcation. and de- Eugene Phone M 0 vention of the Methodist foreign midnight. May 14, according to o u . i ~ i Oregon, for final hearing thereon, fend this action or pay the amount Mrs. it. r. Mortenson, Joel ana an(J any objectiona should be filed due as above shown, together with missionary society. Carl Olson, local agent for the rail­ Louisa Cowden, Mr. and Mrs. or presented on or before said costs and accrued interest, and In Thomas Patrick, and Major and time. j>HE NAME OF THE STATE That the undersigned, as executor ilants. j OP OREGON: You are hereby re- of the Last wl11 and Testament Our Ice Cream is made of the Purest Ingredients General Law Practice To Paul Stewart and Mary D o e ; quired to appear and answer the oi Charles E Stevens, deceased. Stewart, his wife, Mary Hzabeth complaint filed against you In the has h,<1 account for the final I . M. P E T E R S O N Stewart and John Doe, her hue above entitled suit within four settlem ent of said decedent’» estate band. John Doe Stewart and Jane weeks from the date of the first in the County Court for Lane A tto ra e y -a t-L a w Doe Stewart, his wife, and Richard publication of this summons and If County. Oregon, and that Saturday "Where the Service I t Different" City Hall Building Roe Stewart and Jane Roe Stewart, you fall to appear or answer, for the 2nd day of May, 1931. at the Springfield, Oregon his wife. Defendants: want thereof the plaintiffs will Court Room of said Court In the In the name of the State of Ore take a decree against you for the County Court House In Eugene at gon. you and each of you. are here- relief as prayed for In said com 0 bv required to appeal and answer plaint, to-wlt: ^ e n fixed by said Court as the FR A N K A. D E PU E the Complaint filed against you That there is due and unpaid ‘J®* f 1“ I * In the above entitled suit within upon the land sale contract sp ed tlon» ‘he ' and f0 the ett e A TTO R N EY A T LAW four weeks from the date of the fled in the complaint the sum of tn ent inereoi. N O T A R Y P U B L IC first publication of this Summons. >1200.00 with interest Yhereon at and If you fail to so Anewer. for 8% since the 13th day of January E,x ecu‘°,r J ’1* 1’aat X ven. Sutton Springfield want thereof the Plaintiff will ap- 1929 until paid. >140.00 reasonable Tes., a "’®"‘ fo r Ptarate Oregon Building ply to the Court for the relief as attorney's fees and costs and dis L- L- KaY- Attorney tor ; prayed for In Plaintiff's Complaint, bursements of suit; that you be _____________________ ------------------- Io wit: for judgment of and from required to pay the aforesaid sums NOTICE T O C R E D IT O R 8 Fiank Pierce and I,aurn Pierce, his Into court within a reasonable time wife, and of and from the defen- and that If not so paid into court. Notice Is hereby given that the dant Frank Pierce, as Executor of then In that event you be absolute- undersigned has been appointed ihe Estate of Loretta Pierce de- ly foreclosed of all right, title and Administratrix of the estate of ceased, for the sum of >1614.39 to- Interest In and to the following de-1 Sadie Ragland, deceased, by the County Court of Lane County, Ore- gether with Interest thereon at scribed premises, to-wlt: FUNERAL DIRECTORS Beginning at the southeast I gon. All persons having claims the rate of 10% per annum from against said eetate are hereby no­ Nov. 20, 1930. and for the further; corner of the south half of tified to present the same, duly SE% of section 11 In Tp. 18 «uni of >374.33 together with In­ 22S M ain St. Residence I2B C SL verified, to the undersigned at the S.R. 3 w est of W .M . In Lane terest thereon at the rate of 10% 63-J 62-M office of W ells and W ells, Bank County, Oregon, and running 1 per annum from July 17. 1929. and of Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Ore­ thence north to the northeast for the further sum of >167.15 to­ gon. within six months from the corner of said south half of gether with Interest thereon at the F u ll A u to E q u ip m e n t date of the first publication of this said SBt4 of said section 11, rate of 10% per annum from Feb. Iaidy A ssistant notice. theme* w est on north line of 17, 1931. and for the further sum Date of first publication. April said SH of said SE14 of said of >306.78 together with Interest lection 11; 4 chains, thence ; 23. 1931. thereon at the rate of 10% per an­ south parallel with east line num from June 27. 1929, and for ANNA MYERS, Administratrix. of said south half of said SE»4 the further sum of >72.74 together W ells and W ells, Attorneys. of said section 11—370 yards with Interest theron at the rate of thence w est 26 yards, thence 10% per annum from Feb. 7. 1981. south parallel with east line of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S and for the further sum of >13.00 said south half of said SE(4 of and for the further sum of >225.00 Notice Is hereby given that the said section 11—seventy yards as a reasonable Attorneys fee, and undersigned has been appointed ad­ to south line of said south half for the costs and disbursement» of ministratrix of the estate of Armln of said SE14 of said section 11, 1 this suit; and for the foreclosure thence East on south Jlne of Hess, deceased, by the County of a mortgage against Lot ten (10) said SH of said SE U of said hi Block three (3) In Shelton'» Ad­ Court of Lane County. Oregon All section 11; 4 chains and 35 dition to Eugene, Lane CounRy. persons having claims against said Styles as smart as you could wish at any price . . . yards to place of beginning Oregon, for the said amounts above estate are hereby notified to pre­ containing 8Vk acres more lees. set forth, and for such other and •ports dresses with vivid accents of color, prac­ further relief as to the Court may and for such other relief as may sent the same, properly verified, to seem Just and equitable. be specified In said complaint. The , he undersigned at the office of tical atreet dresses and suit types, engaging This Summons Is served upon dat® of 016 order requiring service w „ d Wel)s Attorneys, Bank you by publication thereof once th,3 su m m o n s by th e p u b llc a tto n a " <’ y faminine afternoon and evening dresses . . . in all each week for four successive thereof Is dated April 15th 1931 '»f Commerce Bldg., Eugene, ore the new colors and printed designs. At this price, wonk« in th e qnrim efieid N a a s hv requires publication once each : gon, within six months from the X r of Hon F Skip7orth succeeslve weeks ,|n ll of the flrat puWlcat|on of this you can buy a complete new wardrobe now. Judge of said Court, made and en and that you appear and answer n o tic e . within four weeks from the date of tered April 28. 1931. and the first the first hubltcaUon, anti the date Date of first publication, April 9, publication thereof being made of the first publication Is April 1931. i April 30. 1931. 16th 1931. J O S E P H IN E H E S S . WELLS and WELL8. C. A W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorneys for Plaintiff, A d m in istr a tr ix . A tto r n e y fo r P la in tiffs . Residence and P. O. Address, Wells and Wells, Attorneys E u g e n e , O regon . Eugene, Oregon. 9 4 2 Wi I la mettp S t. Eu gene, Oregon Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers I’ H IC E CUTTERS 500 Main Straat SPR IN G FIELD STORE ONLY Friday and Saturday SUGAR-C.&H. Cane Ucrr.v Berry Berry 51c 51.25 54.85 10 pound sack 25 pound Hack HM» pound Hack Fine Cane Sugar 10 pounds in paper Hack 47c See Eugene IteglBter-Guard and District News for Other Special«. BONDS ICE Nothing Better Eugene Furniture Hospital FOR THE KIDDIES F G G IM A N N ’S Walker-Poole Ghapel A MONEY SAVER There i< not a family today that can afford to be without an electric refrig­ erator. It is true economy to own one. By keeping milk from sotiring — by fre e z in g d e » ie r t i— m aking ice— simplifying marketing problems— and eliminating spoilage, it cut* expente. SAVE AS y o u PAY O N EASY TERMS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION BUREAU J. C. Penney Co. «•» D IIA 1T M B N T 4 IT O 1 I A. S0-M.7-14-I128 A. 16-23-30; M. 7 -1 4 1 A- 9-IIL28-I0-M