' r I II ’ It s I » A Y, A l'K Ih »<>■ 11)31 TH E SPRINQPIIBLD NEWS PAOB TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Hubl'abed Bv«ry Thursday at Springfield. t-ane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. B. M A X E Y , E d i t o r __________________ ____ B ataM d as second <*lass m atter. February 24. IM S . at the poetofftce. 8prlnafleld . Oregon. OVER $300.00 A WEEK! M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E »1.7» T hree Months One Year In Advance . ......... „...............»1.00 Single Copy S il Mouths T H U R S D A Y A P R IL 30, 1»31 THINGS ABE LOOKING VI’ We do n 't m ean only the green th in g s in fielld and g a r­ den Econom ic d ep ressio n s have no effect upon th e p ro ­ cesses of n atu re : the leaves com e out and the g ra ss com es up to say nothing of the weeds w het her business is good or bad. And at this tim e of year it is alw ays tru th fu l, though not alw ays the whole truth, to say th a t th in g s are looking up. . v u T his y ea r it seem s to he tru e ot o th e r things besides th e ones th at grow. T here a re plenty of signs of im prove­ m ent in business, not m uch in some lines, a good deal in o thers. Automobile production is increasing, w hich m eans m ore men w orking in the factories. T he electric pow er o u tp u t is higher than it was a year ago. T hat m eans not only th at m ore people are using electric light but th at industrial plants are buying m ore power. Buillding con- tra c ts reported for M arch show a gain over F ebruary. And it is hard to travel tw enty miles in any direction from a n y ­ w here w ithout running into a new highw ay o r bridge under co n stru ctio n , o r som e o th er big piece of pubic w ork, giving em ploym ent to large num bers of m en and p u ttin g in the ag g reg ate h u ndreds of millions of dollars into circulation T here has been a great deal of unfriendly com m ent abroad over the situ atio n in the Vnited S ta te s d u rin g the past eighteen m onths. U nem ploym ent, the breadlines in th e big cities, and sim ilar sensational itetps of new s were printed in E uropean papers, with th e resu lt th at G erm any F ran ce and Italv picture the whole population of the I nited S ta te s reduced to d estitution. A pparently they have never heard, over th ere, of o u r m iniature golf craze, which began Just a fte r th e depression hit us and so fa r lias developed into a $150,000,000 business. Not everybody in th e Vnited S ta te s spends his tim e in th e breadline! And. to com e back to th e green g ra ss and the weeds, n a tu re is doing a little b e tte r by us this year th a n last. At least, th ere h as been m ore rain this spring all over the co u n try th a n th ere w as a y ear ago. and m ore snow in the n o rth th an for several w inters. T here is still a lot of w a te r to fall to bring up th e average, but th e re d o esn ’t seem to be any d an g er of a n o th er widespred drought in 1931. On the whole, all th in g s considered, we re doing p retty well, th a n k you. ----------«---------- BOATS MUST GO B oat fishing m ust go. In the sm aller sections of the W illam ette and McKenzie boatm en have tak en lately, ab ­ norm ally large catches. Bank fisherm en have g o tte n a few. It is not a m a tte r of w h at we an d o u r friends would like to do. but w hat is th e best for th e fishing sport g e n e r­ ally. Is the value of your spare time during the next four weeks if vou enter our “Earn and Win” campaign NOW and win the Dont Procrastinate Graham sedan, June 3rd FIRST GRAND PRIZE - Graham Paige Sedan (Six w indow s Special Six S edan Four speeds) Investigate! Opportunity is Knocking ------------ -------------- CHAS. TAYLOR'S GARAGE P u rch a sed of 862 P earl S tre e t ALL OPEN BUT ONE T h e road to C ra te r Lake and down to Fort K lam ath is open. W apinta cutoff is open, a s are all th e o th e r im proved ro ad s th ro u g h the m ountains, except the McKenzie. W hen will we get th e highw ay dep artm en t to feel som e obliga­ tions to th e people of th is p a n of O regon as re g a rd s the McKenzie pass? How to Get A Flying Start SECOND GRAND PRIZE Choice of Ford Tudor Sedan or Coupe Ryen m e u nprecedented dust sto rm which sw ept the s ta te last week brought its bits of hum or. Som e fu n ster assu red th e public th a t G overnor M eier w as Just cleaning house at Stlem . ------------ ------------ T h en again one of o u r co rresp o n d en ts says th e storm proved th a t th ere was no such thing as strict enforcem ent. "T h e p ass,” referrin g to th e “ M cKenzie p ass,” h as been declared officially closed, and yet d u st and breeze of the en tire C entral Oregon c o u n try cam e over the p ass.” Eugene, Oregon Well if th e new s ta te police is to be a m ilitary o rg a n iz a ­ tion, w hy not put G eneral George W hite in com m and. We can see no reason for im porting any high powered publi­ city generals. 10 Subscriptions. One Year Each VOTES 20,000 2 Subscriptions, Five Years Each 100,000 Double V otes if tu rn e d in during your first 10 days in cam paign THE NEW F o i l B onus given d u rin g first period of cam p aig n SED A X T C lt 120,000 97,600 TOTAL 337,500 Purchased of THAT'S EASY ANDERSON MOTORS, Inc. Springfield Authorized Ford Agency ISN'T IT? TAKE TIME TO THINK IT OYER T h ere is a m an. now old in years but still very vigorous, ho built up th e largest com pany of its kind in th is coun- y. One of his younger associates w as recently giving me 'ine sidelights on his c h a ra c te r and m ethods. “ W henever we had som e especially big problem on hand e sam e thing invariably happened.” he said, "It m ight be building program involving the investm ent of m illions, or e launching of a new product, or a plan for extending our terations into a foreign country. "Always, in the midst of ou. discussions, the-O ld Man ould bring his fist down on the desk w ith a bang. “ 'We will stop right here,’ he would say. ‘We will not scide a single thing. 1 am going aw ay to the c o u n try for vo w eeks to re st ami fish. W hen 1 com e back I will tell you >w to run this com pany.' ” My in fo rm an t said th a t the Old Man invariably re tu rn ed 1th a b e tte r perspective, clearer vision and fresh courage. Years ago 1 read a biography of B enjam in Diraell who jgau life, as you will recall, as a writ r with publishing am - tions. He conceived th e idea of a m agazine, and w as bold to u g h to hope that be might persuade Sir W alter S c o tt to i its editor. He took the train to the city w here Scott lived and ar- ved late in the afternoon. Instead of m aking his call at ace, he registered a t th e hotel, ordered a com fortable join, and w ent to bed. In recording the experience, he said th a t he had m ade up is m ind, even in thoRe early days, never to a tte m p t a diffi- Lilt interview , when he w as tired. Tw o m en of niv acq u ain tan ce w ere throw n o u t of em- loym ent by a m erger T hey were men of ability for whom pportunities were sure to open sooner or later. T h e first m an proceeded to w orry him self into a sta te I nerv o u s Inefficiency, lie hurried around am ong his •lends; he let fear show in his eyes and face. T he o th e r m an w ent away. W hen I m et him la st he a s sun-brow ned and reBted; he had purchased som e new lothes, and w as s ta rtin g o u t serenely to co n q u er the orlld. M ost of us have to tak e our vacations a t sta te d in te r­ n s, which a re fixed by the routine of business ra th e r th a n y o u r perso n al desires. B ut it is possible for even the m nblest of us to avoid th e m istake of m aking im p o rtan t »cisions w hen o u r m inds a re w eary o r worried. lx>ts of tim es the best th in g we can do is to say: “ I lall now tu rn my b ack on this desk and leave th e office, id I will not th in k a b o u t this thing again tonight. T om orrow w ill be a new day and, if I am rested, a day ill o t mu« b m ore co u rag e an d w isdom. So my decision will I so u n d er an d braver th a n it can possibly be today. THIRD GRAND PRIZE FOURTH PRIZE Atwater Kent Radio FIFTH PRIZE $75 in Merchandise Fulop’s Dept. Store SIXTH PRIZE $40 in cash ! , _ _ Nomination Coupon T H I8 C O UPO N T U R N E D IN By ' M A Y 20, 1931 18 GOOD FOR I 5 000 FREE VOTES I ROUND TRIP TO ALASKA | 7 7 ' 7 ...v ' Miss, Mr. or Mrs. I Address as a F o r 2 P er so n s >11 n W RIGHT A SONS Springfield, Oregon . . . . . . 1» ' 1 All >• Expenses r a id W >1_ > t r> i l l I hl (he Bell F ranklin "E arn and Win” Campaign. I _____ I ^ ° T1 E ~ Only * " ‘ Mnomln” lon coupon accepted for . . c h c o n U . t . n t An Ideal Vacation Without One Cent of Cost! 20% Commission or a Prize and 10% For Full Information Inquire “CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT” The Springfield News 1 Everybody Wins! Phone 2