THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SHIÜNOPUSLÜ. LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, THUKHÜAY, APRIL 30. I 31 “Better Homes'9 Talked Tuesday FIFTH HDNDR ROLL f e “" - t C I K WILL HAVE Observe Birthday BA SEBA LL M HAS MANY MIKES GOLF COURSE PLANS TO RE-OPEN FRIDAY ■W»« W aa' Links C o m p leta i/ Re- modalad; M any Naw Innovatlona Moka Placa A ttra c tlv e More Than $300 a inntc in JUREO III Week CanBeEarned ACCIDENTS HERE in “News” Campaign Civic Club Hears Speakers, Birth of National Organisa­ Exchange Plants, and Plan The "Woo Wee' golf links on Students Maintain Faithful tion Celebrated Monday with Team Enters Southern Ore­ East Malo street will have tbelr to Observe Anniversary Rebekahs; Program uiven gon League; Eight Towns formal opening for the season Fri­ Attendance and High Grade Are Represented day evening at • o'clock according! Opportunity Afford-1 Average of Winter Period l The "Hotter llumee" program sr- A apectol progni ui mul entertain- ed Ambitious Paopla: Many . . ranged (or the member» of the Cl- to George Carson, owner. The _ _ _ u #t ,h" 1 o t, F Monday course will be open from 10 A M Valuable Prize, to be Given O N L Y O N E T E R M R E M A IN S <««»niii»Ninornlwl th« onw hundred D R A W S C H E D U L E F R ID A Y yj(. ( |U,( Tuesday evening St the — _ _ ' t'oinminilly hall by Mr». A. B Van to 10 P M every day after the op­ und twelfth aiinlvcruary of the Absolutely Fr»e: Ev- J u n io r H ig h Puplla W ill S ta r t , nmnUini7r"tk7("dd'Feib.w»'lodge Open Season H e re S u n d ay vaizah chairman of t h . program ening Many uew feature« have been Incorporated Into the course to make It more attractive. A trout pond with llllles has been put In­ to oiu, corner of the course, a lighted windmill, typical of the old Dutch mills can be found In an- other place, and a light-house with It» warning light at the top can be found lu »till another spot. All of tFe hole« on the courae have been reconstructed. New paths have been built and bench«« have been placed for spectator« and others who are not playing. Ä . 1« or O IJbrar, p rQgram -p j G lU e /1 / liesday '/•« • Students Demonstrate Work ery Contestant Wins. Accomplished in Week-day What la your spare time worth? I Classes During School Year Explosion of Dynamite Sends Pete and Henry Tom- seth to Hospitale WERE DRILLING WELL Mrs. M B. Huntley Breaks Arm in Car Accident on McKenzie Highway With Pleasant Hill Team, committee, proved to be one of the »I llalllniora, Maryland In IB1B moat interesting meeting« of the The regular »oclal meting of Hie Norval May Manager »«»»on for members of this group. Three Springfield people were Rebekah and l.O.O.F. member« | That's a question most of us Speaker» made the meeting both Juat »IX week» more of school, wo» forfeited Ibi» week for the an- Springfield I» gblng to have a Kludeot» of the W eekday Bible Involved In accident» which might would have difficulty In answering five In fact a» this ond I» almo»l nlveraary event. Regular Rebekah town basehal learn. A group of In- entertaining and Instructive. Ihree without «.m e thought. All of u» »«-bool under the direction of Mlw. have become fatal yesterday over, and then atudenla ««id facul -I lodge work waa conducted prior to terested player» have txtnfled them- vl"l,ors from Eugene, Mr», have more or less «pare time which f»«‘d ‘* »">'“ > »«ve presented in a Pet« T° “ “ *h •" d ty members will start their 1911 I the program presentation which selves together snd have entered Calkins, Mnt. Jessie Honeyman, intelligently would prove publlc program at the Methodist were terionaly injured In a de- 1 was - - followed by refreshments what Is to Ite known as the Hou .and Mrs. John B. Bell. Sr. each summer vacation periods. to be « valuable asset In our quest i church Tuesday evening The pro ‘*?ed evploelon of dynamite. Mr». The schools of Springfield are: Many visitors were present them Oregon latague This com- made short talks pertinent to the gram waa given an a demonstration B Huntley sustained a broken for a livelihood. occasion. Mrs. Honeyman, whose of the work accompllahed during *rm »nd Injured knee In an auto- already making preparation» fo r ! Number« on the program and prlHoe team s at Drain, Cottage Value over »300 W eekly the school year and wa» well re mobile accident. the final events of the year. At the taking part were as follow»: Grove. Elkton. Sutherlin. Yoncalla. life as It Is lived In Scotland, both If arjmeone told you that your celved by an appreciative audience Reedsport, Roeeburg. and Spring Tomsetk and kls »on were doing high school where some will finish n „ u(jlng«. ‘ H he Wouldn't Hay In the home and outside. »pare time waa worth over »300 a »he program for the evening was blasting for a well being dri­ the first step of their higher edit |,|,Mae," "Little Perry'» Awful field A representative of one of the week you would no doubt think >a yoijowa; ven on Emerald Heights Wednes­ cation, students a're busy with tbelr | Threat." Roberta Putman, reading. The local team will start action that the person was Joking or that gong, day when the accident occurred. - l a d «11 producing compam Senior ring« play and will have "Roses," Kdnu June Yarnall; read Hu,.day afternoon when they meet there was a catch to It somewhere. May, "How We Got Our Bible," I They had »et a charge of exptoelves tbelr JunlorHenlor banquet tomor­ Ing, "Joe's Prime," Fern Cornell; the l*lea«ant Hill high school team, lea was present at the meettnc and Well to moke a long atory sh o rt' by «tudenta I d the 7th B at Brat and It did not go o tt when they ex- row night At the Lincoln school reading. "A ’Noffl« Dream." Ila victors over Springfield high. In a denioimtrated various types of sal­ that Is what this newspaper la o f-. taiu gch>“ ' or n “" r aDd e l Eugene Friday Afternoon , their friends and acquaintance« be Paul'« mlselonary Journey», by »uatalned injuries to his eyes, the n» high school pupils Their nemes vocal quartette; clarinet eolo. Mr. snd to draw up their schedule. , ch“ 'Xln K with some other member Hprlngfleld high school baseball tween now and » p. m. June 3. 1931 Upper grade pupils at Lincoln ft*11 extent of which were not . _ I has become an annual affair and will no! appear on the honor roll Wooley; reading, “Rebecca at the The starting line-up for the Sun proyed t<) an team dropped their second baseball )UB‘ » Httla over four weeks. The ^ b o o l Stories re-tolld by Edgar known this morning. He lx at the at (lie end of the year as they are Well," Ida Adams, "lx-ad Kindly day game will be E Rgulrea pitch >f |n< r(,u>l lb e varlelJr pUnU game of the present season Tuea- value of thia automobile Is »13351 johnny Miler, Clara Brook. Eugene hospital. exempt from classe« If they pass ¡ Light, pen tom I nod by Ila and Ro- Ing, and Norval May catcher, O.' The acldent Involving Mrs. Hunt- I In the average yard. day afMmoon when they played and anyone entering oar big cam- Elizabeth Olson, the examinations. ■ berta Putman, sung by Mrs. Mosier. Wright. F. Squire«, and D. Palmer, the Pleasant Kill team here 6-4. P*‘gn now. winning the first prixe Dramatization of Paul before ley occurred about three miles thto Elementary and high school stu I Refreshments of punch and cake will hold down first, second and Mrs. It wa« a costly game for Spring- would earn a prixe equal to over Agrippa by pupils In Miss Dorothy side of McKenzie bridge. dents face another elx week« per­ third bases respectively. L. Matti­ were prepared and served by Mrs. HunGey was working oo her cam­ field os the Hill Billies took the »3»• someone. Why not let that sen for the first presentation of Juniors for one of the priaes being offered cooperation of the people of the church will officiate and Interment men that walked to the batting someone be you? I l l s not too late "The Arrival of Kitty," three act Velda Parson. Eldon Ellison. Winifrid Tyson, pianist In the contest, she announced thia city In their venture. comedy to be. presented at the The program will be divided In­ will be made tn the I,aurel Orove box. It was not until the sixth In- “> e«“ " “ “ t« “ 1» ‘»ke8 from Lewis Rodakowakl, Hasel Shelley. high school auditorium by the mem­ morning. to three parts as follows; cemetery. Dvel Stevenson. I-ee Vail. rin g that Springfield could score. two to three week» for a campaign bers ot the Christian Endeavor of of this magnitude to get running I •en lere FUNCTION OF NEW STATE Mr. Kester had been a resident Tula t,me the bases were full and the Christian Church as a means NEW FOX FARM OPENS Curran Myrna Itorlholomew, Dawn Church Life Mattison made a three base h it ! smoothly. With due reaped to AGRICULTURE BODY TOLD of Springfield for the past 27 years. of raising funds for their pledgee Now Sleep« the Crimson Petal .... Dale Daniela, Fraaklla Elmer. Dor wh,> “ tor ” on upper M c K enzie Ho was »3 years old and had been ,, i .ttne In three score« Wright ....... Quilter bunted and aacriflced to bring In want to say that they are doing towards the church budget. othy Fleher. Kathryn Jach. Ruth sick but s short while before his State Departm ent to Be Organised Those playing leading roles In Mooney .Mattisin which ended the scoring | ‘»‘fly well and like the work but Lee. Irene Manley. Mina Peterson. Consecration Announcement of the opening of death. July 1; W ill Corporate Five the production are Jeeele Beals as Mrs iiltrnell for Springfield. ; ,here « • ' plenty of room for one Marie Htatea. Nellie Stuart a new silver-black fox form in the He was born March 20. 1838 near Division Directors .. u ii., two go-getters. The Hat of con- Cousin Jane; Irene Brownfield, on upper McKenaie river country waa II ■ R A T T A IN SCH O O L Suringileld high school lost their Terre Haute Indiana. He married P , u All. v. u 7« -r^. testanta today verifies the above Old Maid Aunt; Barbara Adams, made here thia week by H. D. Adagio E Tarantelle Gollermann (First Grade) Miss Ella Kerr, who survives him. « m e with Albany Friday 7«. To- statem ent—note how little dlffer- Kitty; Roy Breshears, Tom, a col­ Steel-Brooke, owner. The new fur The organisation and function of Miss Spicer Hchoarshlp — Howard Parrels. when he lived near Springfield Illi­ niorrow they will go to Eugene to ence there Is in vote« between lege boy; Verne Las well, Sam. a farm la located on King road near the new State Department of Agri­ 111 Hlllle Culver, Boyd Fish. Tommy nois, They later moved to Olympia, meet University high. , most of them. It indicates that thus red headed negro, clever and full Belknap bridge. culture has become the subject of Adieu Forets (Jeanne d'Arc Thomas. Junior Peeraon. Betty Pat i Washington where they lived for ’’’he local girls team tromped o v -,, # jea(jer has not come to the of fun; and Hubert Siaa, Uncle ............................. . Tachalkoweky numerous Inquirlea at the office of The farm will start with ten Aldrich. Hetty Jean Jacobsen. Beu- 15 years before coming to Spring- er the girls from Pleasant Hill 32-6; Winkle, an old batchelor. , the State Market Agent at Salem Pace Pace Mio (La Furza del pairs of valuable anim als pur­ luh Martin. Pauline Hlnnar. Claire field where he followed his profes­ In n ion.- Inning preliminary contest The play Is being directed by Destino) Verdi and to answer them. Seymour Flying Start chased from the McKeoxle Silver- Trotter. sion of Jeweler. He was a member Tuerdr.y afternoon. Mrs. John Ketels. Rehearsals are Jones, agent, has Issued the follow­ Mrs Itorngll Black fox farm at Rainbow. It will Turn to our campaign advertise­ Attendance — Howard Parrels. of the Christian church moot of his being held every evening. IV ing statement. be known as the Castle Rock Sti­ ment la another section of this pa­ Dale McBee. Fritts Hmltson, Thor- life. Gollermann The first step In the organisa P. MAKES LARGE TAX ver-Black Fox ranch. Many new per and note how to get a flying vald Johansen, Hetty l*at Aldrich. Elude Caprice He Is survived by his widow, a Miss Spicer RESIDENT OF LEABURG thin will be the governor'» appoint­ buildings and pens are now under start. Then clip the nomination Hetty Jean Jacobson. Ida Johnson. PAYMENT WEDNESDAY Speaks ment of a director In whom will be daughter by a former marriage. coupon and briAg It or mail it to Beulah Marlin, l-ols I’halr, Pauline The Bells of Youth PASSES ON TUESDAY construction e t the farm. Mrs. Ida Cline, Holland. Oregon, centered chief responsibility ftir the campaign department and you Hlnnar. Hlllle Culver. Melvin Shan Musetta'» Valse Song (La and two sons, Ernest Koster of Eu­ I,ane county received a check Boheme, C u c in i the success of the department. Fol­ will be supplied with a receipt book Mrs. Elvina Ward. 66. passed TWO MEN INJURED IN ion, TSimnty Thomas. gene, and Eugene Keater of Hol­ from the Southern Pacific railroad The Sw eetest Flower that lowing his uppolntment the direc­ and full informatloo at once. Do asray Tuesday at the home of her (Second Grads) land, Oregon He also leaves one company Wednesday for »149,201.10 ACCIDENTS AT MILL Blows ..................... Hawley tor shall, as provided by the law U now—don't put It off any longer daughter. Mrs. Barney Oldfield. St Scholarship—Hob Adams, John grandchild. as Its share of taxes on holdings Ave Marta (Cavalleria creating tly department, organise —get out of the "automobile wish­ Leaburg. She was born In Miss Parrels. Donna Gene Ernest, Doro­ W. N. Williams and R. A. Bates, of the company in the county for Rusticana Mascagni the work under five divisions— (1) er" class and be In the "automo­ ourl on Nov. 11, 1866. She was a employee« of the Booth-Kelly lum­ thy Flatxery. Ethel Ruth Fulop. the first half of the year. Thto is Mrs. Barnell administration, (2) plant Industry, THREE PRINCIPALS AT bile owner" class June 3. member of the Christian church. ber company were Injured at the Virgin« Moon, June Mulholland. the largest single tax payment The public Is Invited to attend )3) animal Industry. (4) foods and Mrs. Ward is survived by her local sawmill Monday W oil lams EDUCATIONAL MEET Peggy Wright. made each year at the office of the this recital. dairies, (51 market«, grade« and widower. Frank Ward of Leaburg; sustained a broken left arm when Attendance — Bob Adams. Ray CHURCH PLANS SPECIAL five daughters, Mrs. Oldfield. Mrs. standards. The principals ot the three tax collector. moil Bainbridge. Hobble Bonne«,. he struck it against a machine at Springfield schools, O. B. Wood, MRS. SWARTS HOSTESS SERVICES rO R SUNDAY Russell Stokes ot Kellogg. Ind., which he was working. Bates In­ Over each of these division« Harrison Billing«. A»lbetjt Cldrk. Mrs. Denzel Godard of Leaburg. jured an eye which caused con­ FOR ANEAIS MEMBERS there will be an officer designated Brattaln school; Roy Qulney, Lin­ MRS. KETELS HOSTESS Donna Gene Ernest, Ethel Ruth chief of hl» division, appointed by coln; and W. E. Buell, high school, FOR RECREATION GROUP Special services have been an­ Mrs. V. T. Larson of Pendleton siderable trouble. HU eye was ser­ Fulop. Dorothy Flanery. June Mul­ Members of the Aneals club were the drector wth the consent of the attend the gathering of elementary nounced for the Christian church Mo., and Miss Blanche Ward of iously injured several years ago. holland. Ruth Phslr. Peggy Wright. entertained Tuesday afternoon at chief executive The director will school teachers which was held at Mrs. John F. K etels entertained next Sunday by VelUe Pruitt, pas­ Portland; five grandchildren; and both were taken to the hospital for (Third Grads) the home of Mrs. C. K. Swarts. lx> ex-offlclo chief of the division Monmouth last Saturday. examination but were released the at her home Tuesday afternoon for tor. The Bible school will meet at several brothers and sisters. Hrholamhip—Jlinmle Htam. Dal­ Mlaa Edna Swart« wa» the Milat- of administration. Many prominent educational wor­ Funeral services will be held same day. o'clock at which time a very the child recreation group of this is« Knight. Chester Schlewe. Eu Ing hoeteas. Club member» present unique program of music consist­ Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock In The office of the state dairy and kers from the east were on the city. gen» Fulop. were Mr». L. K. Puge. Mra. E. K. food commission will be retained program. New problems, changes The group will meet next week ing of a mixed quartet with piano the Branstetter chapel, Rev. E. V. METHODIST SERVICES Attendance — DCIbcrt Koch, Fraedrlck«. Mr». N. W. Emery. by the present comm issioner until now under consideration, and pro­ at the home of Mrs. W. C. Rebban. and a horn quartet playing the ac Stivers officiating. Janie« Bonner. Gladys Peeraon, FOR SUNDAY ARE GIVEN Mr«. M J McKlln. Mrs. John Ihtr the expiration of hs elective term jects being tested were all dis Mrs. A. T. Fraedrlck will have companiment. Dalton Horton, Billie Chapman, her, Mrs. J. Fulop, Mrs. J. T. Moore when the uppon-tment of chief of ussed. charge of refreshments, Mrs. Earl The morning service will start MRS. STEARMER HOSTESS Robert Culver, Richard McHenry, Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Mrs. L. May, Mrs. 8. C. Wright. thin division will be made unde Thompson will conduct the games, at 10 o'clock. This will be featured Emma Ixm Stratlon, Jerald Stem FOR CLUB LAST FRIDAY Methodist church will preach an Mrs Ella Iximbard. and Mr». C. the new department. It Is provided and Mra. eKtels will lead the sing by the observance of the Lord’s MAN INJURES TOES »en, Bruce Maxey, Arda Robert- the subject, "God Is” at the morn­ E. Kenyon. by the law cresting It that this new Ing. Mr», Rebhan will have charge supper. The choir will sing special «on, Dalian Knight. Members of the Priscilla club ing service. The choir will sing AT DEXTER SAWMILL The next meeting of the group state department will go Into effect music. The service will be over by were entertained Friday aftem oon of the story telling hour. Fourth Grade) the anthem, “Worthy Lamb.” by will be held a t the home of Mrs July I, 1931. All mothers of chlldmn are in 11 a. m. Scholarship— Peter Chace, l*aul O. E. Fergusen, employee of the by Mrs. William Stearmer. Assls Carrie B. Adams. Evening service Fulop on May 12. Nott, Ml Id red I Billings. R. I. Orem xawnitll at Dexter pain vited to attend the m eetings of The Christian Endeavor meets at tant hostess was her daughter-in- will be held at 8 P. M. Attendance—Ella Brooks, Prter fully Injured several of th e toes this group. 6:30 and evening service starts at law. Mrs. Roy Stearmer. Boquets LANE FAIR PAGEANT There will be no Epworth League H. E. MAXEY ILL W ITH Chace, Clarence Clark, Margaret on hl» foot Tuesday when a small 7:30. There will be considerable of tulips were presented to Mrs, service Sunday evening as the WANTED AT SALEM HARD ATTACK OF FLU Leaburg Resident Here— Beryl Hornberger, Carmel Waddell, Bll log dropped on his foot while he singing by the congregation and John Seavey and Mrs. John Parker members are going to Wendllng to ly Nesbitt, Harold Trotter, Leroy was working. He will not suffer Slavens of Leaburg transacted bust the choir at thto service. The pas­ as prizes In guessing games. The conduct services at that time H. Elmer Maxey, editor o f the Mrs. Ella 8. W ilson, secretary any serious results from the Injury. ness In this city yesterday. Church, Alice Clark, Betty Currie tor will preach sermons at both group will meet again on May 8 Walter Laxton. Paul Nott, Roberts Springfield New», lx III at his home of the state fair board at Salem services. with Mrs. M. J. McKy of Eugene ARM. HAND INJURED this week with a stubborn case of wants to have the pageant which Putman. os hostess. the Influenxn. He has been kept In Is usually a part of the Lane coun­ IN AUTO ACCIDENT (Fifth Gratis) Those present at the meeting In­ STUDENTS AT H. S. BUSY cluded Mrs. Seavey. Mrs. Parker Scholarship — W yetta Spriggs bed »Ince Friday evening, but Is ty fair program presented at the James McGlbbon of Maroola sus­ Wanettn Neet, Valeria Koch, Fran reported to be Improving this mc-n- state fair this fall. Mr». Mabel H. W ITH SENIOR CLASS PLAY Mrs. L. E. Basford, Mrs. Riley Chadwick, secretary of the Lane ces Cornell, Hobart Hornberger Ing. Snodgrass, Mrs. McKy, Mrs. Will tained serious Injuries to hl« hand Announcement of the cast of lain Curtiss. Mrs. Norman Howard and arm Saturday night In a motor county fair board, was at Salem Tommy Uchytll, Emil Uchytll, Ed Contestants In this campaign have the privilege of publishing characters for “Take My Advice" and the hostess. Monday discussing the matter with gar Trotter, Weeley RobsFtaon, EASTERN STAR WILL accident. He waa brought to a all their votes at any time or may hold some In reserve. There­ Senior class play to be presented Springfield physician's office where Henry Chace. MEET NEXT TUESDAY »tale fair officials. fore. the vote» shown In thl» Hat each week will be the total at Springfield high school May 22, Attendance—Lula Johnson, Fern several stitches were required to The Lane pageant has become which the contestants desired to be published. This method MILL FRACTURES LEG was made this week. Lloyd Matti Cornell, Frances Cornell, Isyl K- close hl» wounds. The next regular meeting of the very favorably known and requests leave» It entirely up to the contestants themselve«. son as Bud Weaver, will play the IN FALL FROM CAR tor, Valeria Koch, Mwrjorle Me Cascade chapter of the Eastern from other counties have been re leading role. The other leading Pberson, Margie Mulligan. Wane, Star will be held at the Masonic calved relative to presentation ot BAPTISTS TO HAVE characters In the production are D. Metzger employee of the ta Neet, Jannes Hebert, Alvin Me hall Tuesday night according to It elsewhere. Mrs. Earl Bryan, Elmira ........................................ ................ 6,000 BAPTISMAL SERVICE Mr. Weaver, Donald Wilson; Mrs Booth-Kelly lumber company 12,000 Bee, Wesley Robertson, Tommy Mr». Gertrude Wilson, worthy m i Weaver, Helen Mersdorf; Ann Wea Wendllng received a fractured leg 40,000 Uchytll, Jane Phslr, W yetta tron. It will be a business meeting. Rev. G. H. Braun, and member» ver, Dorothy Fisher; Mr. Clem Monday when he fell from a rail­ ..............75,000 Spriggs, Maxine Valller, Thelma The social meeting Is held the s. P. AGENT TO BE of his congregation at Veneta will m em , Richard Lylee; Jlmlem That 74,000 road car which was being loaded. Williams. Teddy Wright. Frank third Tuesday of every month. SENT TO KLAMATH cher. Paul Robley; Marella. Daisy He was brought to the Eugene hos­ hold a special baptismal service ............... 77,000 Blick, Henry Chase, Floyd Cornell Tomseth; and Mr. Van Kind, John pital where his leg was x-rayed and at the Springfield church tonight .... . .......... 76,000 Robert Keenan, Wilbur McPher­ LEGION GROUPS MEET L. U Graham, dlxtrtut freight Lynch. found to be broken between the at 7:30. 58,000 son. EM gar Trotter. AT LOWELL TONIGHT and psHseuger agent for the South Sunday morning Rer. Ralph R. Miss Marguerite Mlllhollen to dl ankle and knee. (Sixth Grade) M. B. Huntley, Springfield ....... - .................. ..................... 77,000 ern Pacific railroad In th is district Mulholland pastor of the local recting the play. 19.000 Scholarship — Ruth Keeler, Ada Members of both Springfield I ihh l>een transferred to a similar church will preach on the eubject HONOR ROLL .................................... Pearl 8chantol, Eugene, Rte. 3..................... ......................75.000 Take License to Wed American Legion post number 40 poulton at Klamath Falls effeclve "All Things." His evening sermon County Agent at Cedar Flat—O 54.000 Johnson Clara Brooks, Roy Steele, and the Auxilary will go to I,owell May 1, according to an announce­ topic at 8 o'clock will be "IW1 Delos W. Dillon, ot Eugene and S. Fletcher, Lane county agrlcul ................. . 64,000 Uem lce Smith, Sadie Gott, Ethel it Ternahan, Eugene, Crow Rte. ,........... « tonight for their regular xeml ment by railroad officials this Answer» Question«. Maude Brattaln of Springfield ob- tural agent spent Wednesday at Gott. Harley Troxel, Eugene ......... ......................... ...................... 40,000 The Sunday school m eets at 10 monthly n estin g . The program for week. C. M. Higgs will be sent Cedar Flat Inspecting the work of talned a marriage Itoenae at Van Attendance — Clifford Hornber- the meeting has not bean announc- California to (ill the position the gopher ctutrvl dietrict. i couver, Washington. Tuaaday. her«. •d. (Coutinued un page 4) State Examinations at Lin­ coln School on May 15 ififl Billies Take Contest Tuesday Mrs, Barnell In Recital Saturday i a ot Contestants t °f ^our ---------------