PAOR FOITR CHAMPION CHOPPER TO PERFORM HERE SOON AT THE FOX McDONALD ALASKAN RESOURCES TO BE INVESTIGATED • Thurston P « t« r M c L a r e n , W o rld Fam o us Axe 1 April d 2-1 T here will he no business Hog A free program will he l> IIOWI ed by Hie opening of I mki H is f all kinds, such us a beauty par- lot'. fortune telling, a fish pond, lee i-leiiat anti candy booth as well as many oilier attractio n s. The public is cordially Invited lo attend T here will bo a music recital at Die I'loasant Hill gym nasium Frl dav night. April 24 Those who »III lake) a rt are W inifred Honey, l.iid le Jordan, Eddie Jacobv. and the I’leusant lllll public schtatl rli’ tlimlc build MANY JOIN CHURCH AT SERVICES ON SUNDAY G overnm ent Makes A ppropriation T hirty new m em bers were taken lots) Sunday was a beuutlful day fer P ttsrm in in g Values of Re Into the M ethodist church ul the and many people front town and sources Along Railway set vite« Sun,lav m orning Twelve neighboring d istric ts motored tit P eter M cLaren, world champion of these were taken in by baptism th e Blossom farm her.- operated bv W orking with an a p p ro p r ia tio n Ihe Conley B rothers T here were log c u tte r, will ap p ear on the and th,- olhera hdttetl either by BY R A D F O R D MOBLEY f - 2',il thio (he Goolovlt al Survey nearly 100 cars th ere during the s tre e ts of Springfield In an exh'bl- tran sfer of m em bership or by eon AWTOCArtFQ evAim sCrON B e a t A, work ng thruogh the U nited S lat tlon perform ance tinder the a u s­ fes-Ion of faith d ay . WASHINGTON. 1» U.. April Hi depart m eat or t*« Interior, will pices of W right and Sons, hardw are T here were oyer '.'no people pres G eorge W illiam s and Ills logging ( *u 'o .-a-ter:- Th, Intensely hu «tart work im m ediately on an In dlcaers. next T h u rsd 'y , April .10 matt s'd c of P resident H oover's n a­ e ul Hie Munday selon,I in Hie crew from Ciinip Creek ore Itulldi-ig ve»Ug«t of m ineral and o lh , The event will be held at the cor­ tu re Is em phasized hy his inv la oioinini«. according to Rev. I’Ike. a large barn for W alter Easton. resources of Alaska located «long ner of Sixth and Main stre e ts and tloi to B ryan U ntiedt to pass a pastor. Mr. and Mrs Jam es H art cele­ the A laska railroad T his Is a spe will sta rt a t 3:16 o'clock whole day and be an o v errig h t brated th eir 16th w eddlag annlver d a l appropriation m ade hy the gov The cham pion will offer a prize guest al th e W hite House. Bryan sary with th eir d au g h ter Mrs llaw em in en t for the purpose of develop RECREATION GROUP HAS to any ntan who cuts a log In two | s the |3-year-olil hero who earned ells and family at L eaburg last Sun KENSINGTONS MEET Ing the rem m rees of Alaska espe providing Ihe cham pion i-arm I do ggthui wide praise for his efforts day They have a family of 8 MEETING HERE TUESDAY dally along Ihe ro u te of th e rail at M c M urray home the sanx* feat in two-third-- of the (,, saze ’he lives of h s little b ro th er children six of them and th eir fam way The lltlrd m eeting of lhe Spring lim e taken by th e co n lertan t M (j 24 o th er children w ho were Hies were present Th-’" - pre-e nt The appropriation Is not avail M, tuberà of tin- K ensington club field children's recreation group Only one restrictio n Is made In , aught in a stalled school bus n ear w ere Mr and Mrs R ichard lla rl able tin d e r the authorization law the contest rn d th s t Is that th, op- ix m a r. Colo. The president has and d au g h ter Norma. Mr and Mrs were ctiierta ned Friday afternoon was held ul ihe C om m unity hall until July 1. and this Is late for ponent do not use a Plum b axe p,.lid lh e 1(, , le fel,„ w »u.Utixonal V era Gillespie, children Itolu-id ul the home of Mr». J, C. M, Mur Tuesday afternoon ul » 30 Mrs. the m em bers of the inyestlgatlng M cLaren uses th is brand of axe and honor ,,r |e„ inK hlnl namt. , he t | nle. and Joan. Mr and Mrn. G eorge ray Titoa,- present fot lite after Ullfford Wilson was In charge of parlies so the Geological Survey will nol com pete ag ain st anyone <>fferln g to wait uMol he is fully E aston. Mutt and Eria H art and noon wtM-e Mrs W K llarnell, Mrs. the games. Mrs H enry Fandrem has provided the necessary fund using a sim ilar axe. Anyone wish- recovered from the effect of frees Miss E thel Scott besides Ihe boat I k E Baaford, Mrs W N. Dow, conducted ihe story gelling hour, a rd will s ta r t as soon as w eather ing to com pete for Ihe money ing his hands and feet while keep- and hostess. Mr amt Mrs. Ed Mrs. I May. Mrs J T Mo, >re. and Mrs Floyd Thom paon led the conditions will perm it. They have should reg ister with W right and ¡n g (he „(h er children active and Howell and son Edw ard Jam as Mrs W C Iteb ln n . Mrs C E songs Mrs lledln and Mrs. Alice divided the appropriation Into va h,.r,, Nwnrln, E dna Sw arta, Mrs lla rry 1 Heeaou hud charge of Ute refresh Sans before the tim e set. warm Mr and Mrs. H t.rt cam« rlotts sections each allo tted to in­ W hitney, and Mrs McMurray. Intents All m others who are Inter- McLarea has spent several y ars from Tenneuaee m any years ago. Those who view th e nation's vestigation and publicity of a p ar­ The next m eeting of lh e group I osl»d In the work of this group In vaudeville circus work, end chop­ Miss Sm ith gave her week day chief as a cold, unem otional being laudette Colbert and Fredrie March in "Honor Among tic u la r m ineral o r o th er resource ping tours. He has ripen from a Bible school dem o n stratio n at Ml will be held May 1, with Mrs L. are Invited to atten d the m eetings will get a new slant on him by this Lovers” Coal will be one of the principal farm lad in Australia to his pre: every Tuesday Vernon sc h x tl house Tuesday May as host,»« incident. O th er p residents have had > non m ineral resources invaatigated. evening. ent position through his ability | th e happy faculty of dram atixling AT THE COLONIAL T his Investlgatloo It h as been es T hurston high school baseball ’ -> public ac’s. becom ing popular llm ated will coat »27000 and th at team m otored to Crow last Friday jlfg n re , in th e ru b lic mind. Xlr. core drilling in the field will cost aftern o o n w here they met th eir d e | THURSTON RESIDENT j H-kivt-r p reserv es h.s digtt tv a t ail »100,000. feat with th e Crow leant PASSES AT HOSPITAL " mes ex“ >pt wh‘‘n “ c"n<,'rns 'hii In order to expedite the dissent C edar Flat g rade school b asd aill ________ dren. T he little ones ‘‘see through nation of Inform ation m ade avail team defeated the T hurston grade him " and ta k e to him in stantly. able th e findings will be released team last Friday afternoon 20 to Fielding V. Crump. 49. died at They ap p reciate his real sym pathy the Pacific C hristian hospital in direct from A laska Instead of Itav 16. and un d erstan d in g and five m inutes Eugene W ednesday evening follow­ Irez them come through the office The lotwell high school Itasebull a fte r m eeting him a re on term s of ing an extended illness. He was Of the D epartm ent of the Interior leant defeated Ihe T hurston high cordiality with him. . t W ashington. D. C. born in June, 1881. at K ansas City. SPRINGFIELD STORE ONLY schtatl leant on the loeal diam ond Few p residents have been draped Missouri, and cam e to Oregon with last Monday with th e a u sterity th at Mr. Hoover 500 Main Street his p arents when he was two years Mr and Mrs Jam es M cAllister is supposed to have. T h at he is so old. They made th eir home at Ash­ from Medford and Mr. and Mrs cool and devoid of o utw ard signs of SPRINGFIELD— RED HOT EYE OPENERS land and la te r lived at Izee. Ore­ G eorge M cA llister front Eugene I w orry can be charged to th e fact gon. for some tim e before coming visited John Edm laton last S un­ | th at since his early m anhood the BEAN HOLE BEANS to Lane county in 1917. He estab ­ FEDERAL MILK day I Chief has alw ays been in th e thick lished his home n e a r T hurston. He Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bonney Ta». 4 Can« Medium of im possibilities, most often in for­ was m arried in Eugene on April 9. moved to M cKenaia bridge last Cans eign lands w here th e hig h est "poli­ Small, 8 Can« 1917. He was a m em ber of the Un­ Sunday w here they expect to spend tics" had to be played to get people denom inational church the sum m er. of d ifferen t upbringings to come ELGIN MAYONNAISE DEL MONTE PEACHES Surviving a re his - Mrs around to his way of doing. It is be- Pint Iowa Crum p; th ree children. Mary- No. 1’/ 4 T h e Dandelions ' ginning to seep through to th e pub­ Jar. Ann. 12. Ruth E lizabeth. 10. and Can By H elen G ray Cone lic consciousness th at Mr. H oover's Jessie. 6; one brother. John. Fort Upon a show ery night and still. coolness is alm ost en tirely of the ELGIN W orth, K ansas; and two sisters. T he stu d en ts of P leasant lllll W ithout a sound of w urning. GUASTI WINE JELLY Mrs. Anna Root. Springfield, and ° f ,‘h® h e a r‘ as ®Ti‘ RELISH SPREAD A trooper band surprise,! the hill. a re busy practicing for the junior Mrs. E lisabeth Pierce. Eugene * ‘S °"® r ,O 5-ounce play. "Am I Intruding." which will And held It in the m orning. with little B rvan for a whole day. Pint Jar The funeral services will be held • • • be given May 8 and 9 Those In Jar« Friday morrfing a t 10: SO from the Those who have m et th e Presl- We were not waked by bugle-notes the east a re Ida Shelley. Nina Me- W alker-Pools chapel In Spring dent since hl„ returD fron, ,h e C af. Peek, A lthea Baughm an. Veda No cheer o u r dream s invaded, VAN CAMP'S CATSUP MARSHMALLOWS field. Rev. H. M atthew s of Port- ibbean a re in,p reiS ed by his buoy- And yet at daw n, th e ir yellow coats Ihtley. B lanche W heeler, Lueile Large Size land will officiate and interm ent ancy of step, show ing th a t he is in Jordan. T rum an Akers. Hick Noble. Pound On the green slopes paraded. Bottle will be made in th e Laurel Grove the pink of condition. Since coming Ja c k Uoane. Earl M,-lx>od. Harold ö-lb. Box c*nie,erY- to the W hite House he has lost We careless folk the deed forgot: McLeod, anil Hale l.lnddley The g irls' and boys’ baseball Till one day. Idly kalklng. --------------------------- tw enty-five pounds and w hatever LONG BIKE RELAY AT fat he may have had has tu rn ed M a r > P l c k f o r d Reveals Her Many Personalities in "K lk f W e m aik tsj upon the soiffeame team s of the P leasant HUI high school m otored to O akridge Tues spot FAIRGROUND«? iliw mU8fle of P hls ictures = = o u = tlets = I-A IK L .K O U N D S « SU N D n A iv Y ln£" rouIMinefl8 face showing do no( the = taail day afternoon and played baseball A crowd of v eteran s talking by the mail order "HONOR AMONG LOVERS" with the team s of the O akridge A fifty-mile bicycle race for all an ad ®‘>u at® idea of his fitness. The ho“^ s h“ helped> m aintain th eir A J M cD Q N A L D SU N D A Y They Shook th e ir trem bling heads high school. T he scores were: bike riders of Lane county will be us® of th ® m ®dicine ball daily and " » “ ««h ’«he report indicates, as P leasan t HUI boys 14. O akridge and gray sponsored at th e L ane County fair- a car®ful di®‘ a r ® th ® 013111 Recret8 custom ers send for K,1<>d8 »-hen u n ­ F redrie M arch will present an FRI. and W ith pride and noiseless laugh boya 0; ’'leaaan t IIIII girls t l . Oak grounds Sunday afternoon a t one ° f hls f,n,> Ph >'si''al condition, ac- aWe to find thPm on t!le «helves of entirely different screen personal­ wtffc U'allac* S A T. te r- i r,dge IS- O'clock by M oore's Cycle and Toy i eordin* ,o Dr Bowie, his m edical th e lofal branch. ity In th e new picture in which he W hen, well-a-day! they blew away. I Th,‘ ,adl,*s of P leasan t HUI club Store. Any bicycle rid er is eligible aide j and C laudette C olbert a re starred . And n e'er w ere heard of a fte r! ' wlR m eet at th e hom e of Mrs. G. to enter, special sections will be * * ’ fe rp e tu a l motion m achine inven C redlt for th e ,.hanKe of chara ones req u ired to te r wil, 5e due ,arg(,,y fo a a B etter Hotne display. Each lady present. self wel1 Pleased w ith th e resu lts of furnish a working model, according I fache. R eturn From C alifornia— Mr and is to bring a quilt, pillow, rug or *J i» 1 T V U Y U ltA H Y A M I E dgar G earhart and Bob G illette his plea a y ear 10 bi« indus‘ ’° “ s,atH m ent is8ued ,h e P atent In "The Roval Fam ily of Broad S ' C' W rl*hl a re «'»P*,‘ ‘Fd '•> som ething m ade to Im prove u PO41V MOnxN will captain the tw o team s and will trialist8 to keep wages up to a high o m r8 W iz a r d , to D e m o n s tra te A b il­ ity on S tre e ts T h u rs d a y WASHINGTON 25c 25c 10c OT Z ZC 10c Upper Willamette ------------------— 4 9c 27c 15c 17c 80c C O L O N IA L John GILBERT BEERY ,n~ .W A V FOR A JAILOR' races. te r balance sheet, w ent th e rounds fe8S° r L angley’s epochal but fatal cultured Yale g rad u ate stock brok­ __________________ ' of th e new spapers. M eanwhile gov- fliFht. One flying m achine paten t e r who has so much money and A P B A V F C D a d d , c- a d l j i o e rn m en t rep o rts show a lessening i9a«<‘d was for a balloon to be tow- social position th a t he doesn’t need rA'»' A r r L E APHIS in unem ploym ent ed by a flock of eagles. One of the to be precise in h ls d re ss If he BEFORE LEAVES CURL S upport of Mr. H oover's dem and Prized exhibits of the P aten t Office cares to be com fortable. j for high wages is seen in a report is a modpl o t a device for enabling And thus m oustached, he Is p re -! ___ Apple tre e s should be sprayed from Italy in which M ussolini is boats to su rm o u n t san d b ars In , w ater before b reak fast every m orn­ for aphis before th e leaves curl, quoted as say in g th a t fu rth e r cu ts riv ers. It w as issued to A braham c - , | in "H onor A m ong ixrver»." Lost Her Double Chin ing—cut out pastry and fatty m eats according to L. G. G entner, super- in the pay of governm ent em ployes Lincoln, m any years before he be- at the McDonald th e a tre , begm- Lost Her Prominent Hips —go light on potatoes, butter, ning Sunday The plot develops Lost Her Sluggishness intendent of the southern Oregon in th a t country will seriously im- carr>e p resident. cream and su g ar—In 3 weeks get the d ram atic rom ance of a p retty Gained Physical Vigor experim ent station. A later spray pair th eir buying power, ordering --------------------------- on th e scales and note how many Wall S tre e t brokerage secretary Gained in V ivaciousness pounds of fat have vanished. may not give control over the pest, th at no fu rth e r econom ies of such MARY PICKFORD ROLE so M e d in love With h er man th '.t G lined ’ 8 h ’ p e' y F 'Bure Notice also that you have gained The recom m ended spray is c h aracter be made. IS DELIGHTFUL COMEDY She spurns a m ore luxurious life „ you-re fa t_ f)rBt remane Afler-Shnve Powder Is march years, beyond which records of the th at a t once made Miss Plckford county were guests of honor at the J slightly perfumed with a In A m erica» llu mof- Labor D epartm ent do not extend, "n e of the outstan d in g rom antic fragrance th at men like regular m eeting of the Eugene Le­ Comedlan a " o iving I ’-bfttary s low total ap p ears even figures of th e screen. gion auxiliary a t th e ir m eeting! ”' 1 Cu"1®“ * low er when com pared with the ------------------------- — Monday evening The m others were i;tesale ot 3TAG ANTI-8HAVE num ber adm itted In Ju n e 1913 BOSTON TERRIER LEADS Mrs. Em m a Olson. S pringfield; 1931 POWDER when 176.26] aliens arrived, the a ii n n r c , w n D c r c n Mrs. V erna T yler, C oburg; M rs’ g reatest num ber ever to come h en IN OREGON L. C. Sherm an, and Mrs. M ildred | F r 'day '* ;'he°"ste0e |ln a single m onth. S tric te r enforce- The playful B oston T e rrie r leads Jan e f rr, Eugene. m ent of the Im m igration laws is .-,11 o th er dogs in Oregon m n„m- Mrs. Olson told th e group of her I I credited with the^decrease. t „ rR, according to a survey of pure- trip to Europe to visit h e r sons! Sold only a t Rexall Drug ' ’*d dogs ju s t com pleted In th lr grave. Each Gold S ta r m other was; or _ 8to rss. Oood roads, m aking shopping al state. The W ire F o x -terrier and (resen ted with a Gold S ta r by the I Bachelor Boss ■Her chain s’ores easier for farm ers, (he Irish T e rrie r lead th e te rrie r auxiliary. A program of gam es. I T h at I)»«'«’" Coming Next W ednesday have not m aterially affected the gronn. The Pekingese, o r O riental i C,rdB' a n '1 re i>'eshmenta followed; T o T .U t h . | Rules hy the big mail o rd er houses, toy ih v Is a stro n g favorite today Ith ® P ^ e n t a tlo n . „ L i n d Office Doom NORMA SHEARER accordtag to a governm ent survey. Tnc pug dogs and m astiffs which In 5 “ — 4 ™ = “ i "8TR A N G ER 8 MAY KISS” How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat The Finishing Touch before the final O.K. 35c 50c WILL ROGïRS Honor Among Lovers F l a n e i y ’s D r u g S to r e .. .............................................. UM W ith Robt. Montgomery 25c — STARTS SUNDAY FOR 4 D A Y S ^T Our Mary" M o r e Captivating Than Ever As a Modern Madcap ! A glorious e n tertain m en t alive with fas« and furious fun vertin g rom ance and startlin g surprises! di­ KIKI Reginald Denny v N I y « d as riiv i P ic ru n -t UNITBD ARTISTS PIRST RUN SUPER- ATTRACTION $50 Matinees 2 5 c 3 5 c to 4:30 Till 2:00 Nights Kids 50c 10c PRIZE to the man who can chop through a log in 50% more time than it takes Peter McLaren AMERICA'S CHAMPION CHOPPER I' a local man c , k »|» h through a log |n G minutes Amor­ ita « ( humplon ( hopper must cut Ih« Ham« |Og In le«« than 3 minute«, or forfeit the prize. Contest will be Held Here Corner 6th and Main Thursday, April 30, 3:15 p m. McLarlen Will Demonstrate That The blade of the Plumb Axe cut« fu«t and clean, doe« not hind m the wood, hold« ItH razor edge. Opponent must not use the famous PLUMB AXE Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINTS