THURSDAY. APRIL 23, 1981 □ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Y O U N G W IF E , A F R A ID T O EAT, L IV E S ON SOUP S P E C IA L PR O C R A M 9 ON KOAC R A D IO H O U S E J U D G IN G T O L D L IS T E D IN "Afrultl nt stmnui li huh I lived on Four Intvresllug broadcast pro- i soup for f> limn I ha Then 1 tr io 1 Ad lerlka und now I cut moat anyt'.iag •«< » ’"»• o » « »tntlon KOAC without any «a«.''- Mrs A. Con run at 111« Oregon Hint« Agricultural Adlerlka relievos stomach gu« In college at Corvttlll» during the next ITKN mlnulee! I . on BOTH upper r,.w d -y , brw, tt„ 1M,un,.B<1 and lower bowel, rvnmvlng old pot . . . . . . . . . aonoua witale you never knew w»» " r** * **' 1 1 " afternoon at there Ihin't fool with medicine ■• '•t whwil Judge lloliert Huwyer, NOTICE OF HEARING OF which cleana only PART of bowels, exatute highway iomml»«loner, FINAL ACCOUNT _ boL«te«AM ri|l,* | Bl’'’ . * ,U d'"‘ u- l>f— rvu.lon of beauty Not to* Is horsby «Ivon that (ho “ M E A L c lo u n lu < und not rhl ... underalgued executor hua filed hl* "r ",l Ftanery’a Drug Store. p <>r"«wn highway«. To- filia l account In the estate of John ~ | night at 7 30 Dr. W Wenlger. head II lllew ett, deceased, and that nt IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ,,‘‘h“ r,hient of physics, will the hour of ten o'clock A. M on T H I STATC OF OREOON FOR ,M’ In a dtscuealan of the re May Ih. IM l, at the ch unb«ra of LANE COUNTY. latlonehlpa be. ween the aun and the ( ounty Court of the State of ........ . Oregon for Lane county In the Hl MMnNH FOR PUHLKIATJDN ! human problem« IN FORECLOSURE OF Tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock Lane County Court llouae lu th TAX LIEN City of Eugene, Oregon, hua been Lillian Jeffrie« I'etrl, head of the CULVER, 1‘lulntlff fixed by the order of «aid Court J piano and music theory depart va. a« the time and place of hearing .. objections to th«' aettleuieiu and ,T- teELUK N a »Ingle man, and the college, will give the allowance of «aid flnul account. *'• ^-O SB U R N , Defendants. first of u aerloa of lecture« Intend Haled April tth, 1931. To II T. MELLIEN, a alngle inuii. ,d aa u guide to parent« In giving the above named defendant. 1 FRANK L. BLEWETT, IN T H R N A M E <>» t h e S T A T E i . | OF OREGON: You ttro ,lereby no. | lecture« will la, continued every Fred E. Smith, lifted that J. L. Culver, the hollder I Friday. Attorney for executor. of Certificate of Ikdlnquelicy num Monduv evening April 27 at A 9 16 NEW P U B L IC A T IO N □ a p a rtm e n t of C o m m e rc e C o m m it­ T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y te e P re p a re « In ta ra a tin g pub Visitor From Waltarvllle—<>. II Comas From Jasper— Mrs. T S Harden of Waltervllle wo« a bu«l Kuaael of Jasper visited friend» in A new «4 page booklet, written ne«a visitor In Springfield Monday i thte city Tuesday. ••apoclally for the proapectlve Visitor From Marcola — A llen. Mohawk Man Hara— Ed. Nooke« bom« buyer . haa been recently Wllkena of Man ola won a visitor of Mohawk was a vl«ltor In the printed by the Uoveraaneut Print­ In Springfield Monday. ¡city Tuesday. ing office at Waalilngtof). H. C„ and may be obtained In «Ingle Visits at Junction City— Mra. J Visitor From Yarnoll— Mr» R eoplee for 10 cents or In group« of M. lotrson spent Sunday visiting E. Hllla of Yarnell visited with 100 for >7 oo from the Superintend­ with relatives at Junction City. friends In Springfield Tuesday ent of Document« at Wuablngton, Ill at Home Mra. John Moscop Jasper R aaid an t H a ro — H. H. Coa- according to F. B Hamlin, Kprlng- altt of Jasper was a baalneo« vis­ la reported to be III at her home field postmuMtur. who ha« recently received d e t a i l e d Information t at Ninth and D Streets this week. itor In Springfield Tuesday. lic a tio n fo r R elaaaa about tile book. Buainea* Visitor—Vic Hammett P o rtla n d D o c to r V is its — Dr. C. The In,ok la written in light reud : O. Van Vatzah of Portland »pent of Mohawk was a visitor In Spring able »tyle, uod the proapectlve | the week-end visiting In Spring ' field Tuesday. borne buyer 1« Liken on a tour of j field. C o ttag e G rove M an V is ito — D. T. Inspection throughout the hou»c Fish on Coast—Carl Olson and Newland of Cottage Grove was a from attic to baaement. Every Im­ portant feature of conatructlon and ttowal Olson spent Sunday fishing visitor In Springfield Tuesday. d««lgn 1» treated In pointing out ! on the North Fork of the Sluslaw Marcola People Here— Mr and In each loetauee how to Judge the i below Mapleton. Mrs. Sam Spicer of Marcola were " NOTICE TO CREDITO RS I fti- J.” " “ JU“ "" workmanship and material«. Fish at Florence—George Valller visitors In Springfield Monday NOTICE TO CREDITORS lector of the County of Lane. State M"'“r wl11 'he 16,00« Ore- The bouklel ha« been prepared ! and Riley Snodgrass left for Flor- Notice la hereby given that the <*f Oregon, for the amount of j **’» A ll club members. R a in b o w R esid en t H e re — Joe under the guldunce of a «ub-eom i ence Saturday on a fishing trip, undersigned tie« beeu appointed <•&.«&» Five and 66100 Hollar«. Williams of Rainbow visited rn llto e o f-th e National Committee Admtnlatrutrlx of the estate of the »nine being the amount then i They returned late yeateray. "What time do you get up In on Wood Cltllxallon of the Depart­ friends In Springfield Monday. Sadie Hagland, decetued. by the due end delinquent tor tax«« for County Court of la n e County, tire yeer 1026 together with pen sum m er?' Thurston Realent Here—Charles ment of Commerce, it« tnember- Visitor From Fall Creek— Mis;- gon All perxon« having claim« Interest and coata thereon, “ As soon a« the flr»t ray of «un ablp 1« made up of leading arrhl- Taylor of Thurston visited friends Gwendolyn CaUJpon of Fall Creek agaluet «aid eelate ure hereby no- UIM"> 'he real properly a««e««ed Io I comes In at my window tecta, builder«, contractor« and In Springfield on Monday after­ llfle.l to present the aatne, duly j you, of which you are tho owner was a visitor in Springfield Mon "Isn't that rather early?" real entate dealer:, wi the country. noon. verified, to the underalgned at the a« appear» of record. Nituated In day. "No, my room face» we«t.'' oftlce of Well» mid Well«, I h i l l k »aid County and State, and partic­ Return From Trip— Mr. and Mrs. of Commerce Bldg., Eugene, Ore­ ularly bounded and de«crtbed aa Sprinkler Painted — The city LOCAL W O M E N A T T E N D gon, within «lx month« from the follow«, to-wlt; D B. Murphy returned the middle Flrat Shark: "What'» that funny «treet sprinkler truck and tank dale of the rirat publication of th!» E L E C T R I C M E E T IN G of the week from a vacation trip Beginning et a point 22.58 looking two-legged thing that just was [tainted green this week. It notice. chain« Nor i of the Houthwe«! which took them to Seattle and fell Into the water?" Unte of first publication, April will be trimmed in bright red. corner of Janie« II. Hhortrldge Ml»» Maxine SniMlgra«« and Mtea H<«)d River for the pa»t week and 23. 1831 Second Shark "Hnnno but I'll Claim No 62 North .16 6« rod«, Lulu McPberaon motored to Stay a half. bite" W e n d lin g R esid en t V is its — M rs ANNA MYEItH, Administratrix thence East 132 48 rod», thence Ion Monday evening to attend the Well» and Wette. Attorney«. A. D. W iitse of Wendling was a In u southwesterly direction Leave fo r C a lifo r n ia — Mr.». So­ A23 M7 I« 21 28 monthly m eeting of the National 37 77 rod» to a point Kant of business visitor in Springfield NOTICE TO CREOITOR8 phie Schiewe and Mrs. Rosa Mey­ beginning, thence 121 84 rod» Electric Light a«»oclatioii. Follow Tuesday. Notice 1« hereby given that the W est to beginning containing i under«lgned ha» been duly appoint­ lug a 7 o'clock dinner Mlaa Snod- ers left Saturday for Ixxll. Cali­ 29 acre«. In Section 2k. Town Purchases Feed— D. Kercher of ed administrator of the eatate of gra«« led a dlscu««lon on meter fornia, where they will make an »hip 21 South Range 3 W e a l j Eugene Cumming«, deceaaed. and extended visit with relatives. the Grand View poultry farm was rending. W M, 1-ane County. State of xny and all persons having claim« In Springfield Tuesday to purchase Oregon. ugalnnt the «aid eatate are hereby Dismissed From Hospital— Mrs. feed for bis poultry You are further notified that Preaent aald claim». Ray Palmer was dismissed from the »«Id J L. Culver ha« paid tax«« r»., i . k , w'thln «lx month« from the date home at Camp Creek Monday noon, „ Y' ’ '" *“ «• p“ ld' N,,¥ ! "f 'hla notice. Visit With Mother— Mr. and April 20. 1931. 12. 1828; Tax Receipt No 32MI m a M io in u Mra. Lloyd Adams of Portland ar­ Arnouut. »6 17; Hate of Intere«). . . . . S t At Y CI M.MINtJS, 12", per annum I Adtnlntetrator of the eatate of rived In Springfield Saturday to D E C R E A S E S H O W N IN Year-, tax. 182k l»«te paid. Nov visit with his mother Mrs. Eva , ~ „ Whitten Swafford. Attorney for F A R M S D U R IN G P E R IO D 6, 1928; Tax Receipt No 3H269; ..„tate, r • • Adams. Amount. 14 78; Rate of tntereat, 2-8-16-23-30 S P E C IA L IS T : 12% per annum. P asto r a t P o rtla n d — R e v . C. J. The total number of farms in Year'« lax, 192» I>ate paid, Nov. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING in Internal Medicine for the Pike, paidor of the Methodist Epis­ regun decreased from 4,168 In 1925 5, 1929; Tax Receipt No. 36907; ___________ ____ _____ The undersigned Ia liti __ B. ______ Huberts copal church, spent Monday in to 4.069 in 1930, according to fig­ Amount. |6 06; Kate of Intereat. I haa filed her final report and ac past eighteen years Portland transcating business. ures released recently by the Cen­ I c o u n t aa admlnlatrntrlx of the Said II T Melllen aa the owner eatate of David McBee, deceaaed, sus Bureau at Washington. This M akes Solo Flight—Art E. Davis is a gain, however, over 1920 when | of the legal title of the above de- and the county court of laine »crlbcil property aa the same ap county, Oregon, ha« fixed and ap DOES NO T O PERATE of Eugene made a solo flight at the total number of farms was list­ : pear» of record, and each of the pointed Friday, May 1st, 1931 at the Municipal airport last week ed at 3,279. j other person« above named are 10 o'clock A. M. at the County after six weeks Instruction under hereby further notified that J. L. Court rimm. Court House, Eugene. The total acreage of all farms In Will be at ! Culver will apply to the Circuit Oregon, for final hearing thereon Jim MncManiman. instructor. In the state in 1930 was 514,267, ( ourt or htute I «ml Bml any objections should he filed of m the e county County and State and the value of land and build­ OSBURN HOTEL aroreaaid for a decree forecloulng * nr presented on or before »aid Fish on Siuslaw—Among the ings was $33,713.955, the report the Hen against the property above lime. Springfield people fishing on the Saturday, April 25 shows. described, anil mentioned In «aid Dated and flrat published April lower Sluslaw river Sunday were certificate And you are hereby 12nd, 1931. An Interesting comparison found Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. Mr and Mrs. N. L. Pollard Mr. j summoned to appear within sixty LULU E ROBERTS. • in the report is the compilation of Java after the flrat publication of Administratrix eatate of David and Mrs. Glenn Holman and Mr. operators of farms. »Owners op­ thia a ii mm on», exclusive of the day McBee, deceased, ONE DAY O NLY and Mrs Jack Henderer. erated 3.393 farms, while 33 were o f »aid first publication, and de Whitten Swafford. Attorney, fend thia action or pay the nmount A.2 9-16-23-30 managed by managers, and 637 No Charge for Consultation ( due na above shown, together with ___ ______ ____ _ Returns to School— Miss Edith were farmed by tenants. coats and accrueil Intereat and In , N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Eaton returned to Ashland Sunday Dr. Mellenthln Is a regular grad­ case of yonr failure to do so a STATE OF OREGON. FOR uate In medicine and surgery and Is where she is attending the South­ Tom: “I'd like to give my I decree will be rendered forecloa LANE COUNTY. llcenned by the «tate of Oregon He ern Oregon Normal school. She ancee a surpirse for her annive I Injf in»* Il^n of nal<| Iuxen and coata does not operate for chronic ap­ had been visiting at the home of sary present" Jiicainat the land arid ppcmlaes S (vMMt)NS pendicitis. gall stones, ulcers of her parents while here. n I 111 > . . |F m "- ■ > KOPLIN ami NELLIE E stomach tonsils or adenoids. Jerry: "Why not tell her whi Thia aumnion» 1,1 P ^ llah ed by KOPLIN. Plaintiff«. your income really is?" , order of the Honoruble O. F Skip- VR va- He has to his credit wonderful Moves to Hill—Dr. and Mrs. W. i worth, Judge of the Circuit Court o l the Htute of Oregon for the ELMER D. YOUNG and CLARA F. results In diseases of the stomach. N. Dow moved into their new res­ Want Clean Soft Rags. no but YOUNG, LOUIS BELAND and liver, bowels blood, skin, nerves. County of luine. and «aid order »•«.< | ADDIE BELAND. A. H. PAT- heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting. idence on Emerald H eights during tona or hooks. Springfield News mail«' and dated thl» 23rd dnv of RICK and HELEN PATRICK catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, the week-end. The entire house has Office. April. 1931, and the date of the and FIRST NATIONAL BANK sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail been remodeled and a new roof put ! first pu hl I -attorn of thia summon» of EUGENE, OREOON, a corpor ments. la the 19th day of June. 1931. i on during the past few months. Tennis Racket Repairing. Dinty’s at Ion. Defendants. and papers In thte . , All process . ------------ Remember the above date, that Cycle and Toy Store, 120 West i To LOUIS BELAND and ADDIE consultation on this trip will be Pay Checks Distributed—Quar­ 8th. Eugene. iu rn« Id I n j w ith n BKLANI). IH'fondant* free and that hla treatment la dlf terly pay checks for members of h.’.'r.miM i r« r’ iT>n- i t ,h<‘ ! IN THK NAME OE THE STATE ferent h ^ F n n P H T u - 'liiM it t H B WP You are hereby re- Headquarters company Oregon Na­ Uf.lOIEIt r W. IiOMRARD, to Bpp„ar a„d answer the Married women must be acconi tional tiuaril were distributed to Attorney for Plaintiff. ««implalnt filed against you in the I »n'e5114 West Eighth Phone 402 That the undersigned, as executor lake a decree against you for the Lake Friday evening to conduct tions. m akes you fe e l tire d , depressed and discouraged, tr y th e C ystex Test. | of the Last Will and Testament relief as prayed for In said com­ civic service examinations for the W o rk s fast, s ta rts c irc u la tin g th r u plaint, to-wlt: j of Charles E. Stevens, deceased, e system In I t m inu tes. P ra ised by General Law Practice That there Is due and unpaid postamstership In that town. The th thousands fo r ra p id an d p o s itiv e a c ­ has filed his account for the final upon the land sale contract speci­ tio n . D o n 't g iv e up. T r y C ystex (p ro ­ postmaster there resigned and a settlem ent of said decedent’s estate I. M . P E T E R S O N nounced S le s -te x i to d ay , u n der th e In the County Court for Lane fied in the complaint the sum of substitute h:.s been serving for the Iro n -C la d G u ara n te e. M a s t q u ic k ly Attorney-et-Law a lla y these conditions. Im p ro v e re s t­ County, Oregon, and that Sat'..uay 41200.00 with Intereat thereon at past few weeks. f u l sleep and en erg y, o r m o n e y back. City Hall Bulldlhg | the 2nd day of May, 1931, at the S'", since the 13th day of January. O n ly 60c a t 1929 until paid. 9140.00 reasonable J Court Room of said Court In the Springfield, Oregon ¡County Court House, In Eugene at attorney's fees and costs and d is­ ten o'clock In the Forenoon, has bursements of suit; that you be been fixed by said Court as the required to puy the aforesaid sums time and place for hearing objec­ Into court within « reasonable time F R A N K A. D E P U E tions (hereto, and for the settle­ and that If not so paid Into court, ATTORNEY AT LAW then In that event you he absolute­ ment (hereof ly foreclosed of all right, title and NOTARY PUBLIC EDWIN STEVENS, Executor of the Last Will and Interest In anil Io the following de - 8utton Springfield Testament of Charles E. Stevens. scribed premises, to-wlt: Beginning nt the southeast Building Oregon L. L. Knv, Attorney for Estate. corner of the south half of A.2-9-16 23-30 SE*4 «f section It In Tp. 18 S.R. 3 west of W.M. In lame E s ta te o f B an ch a m B. D ie tz, County, Oregon, and running P resum ed to be D ead, thence north to the aortheast IN THE COUNTY COURT OF corner o f said south half of A ll aboard! A sm iling p o r­ The STATE O FOREGON, said SE% of said section 11, In and for Iaine County te r takes y o u r bags and thence west on north line of To Bancham B. Dletx: shows you to your seat. The said S% of said SE14 of said You are hereby notified that you | FUNERAL DIRECTORS train pulls out. section 11; 4 chains, thence : were on the 4lh day of April, 1931, south parallel with east line hv the above entitled Court nd- So you begin a th rillin g of said south half of said SEIk ?28 Main S t. Raaldenca 125 C St. : Jutlred and decreed to be legally trip that cods in San F ran ­ of said section 11—870 yards presumed to he dead; and you 62 J 62 M cisco or Los Angeles, w ith thence west 25 yards, thence lira required by said decree io ap- south parallel with cast line of m e m o ries o f g re a t M t . i pear and produce In said court said south half of said 3E U of : evidence, If nny there be, within Shasta and the w ild hills of Full Auto Equipment said section 11—seventy yards i fourteen weeks from this 9th day N o rth ern C a lifo rn ia . . . I-ady Aaalatant to south line of said south half of April, 1831, that you are alive. of said SE14 of said section 11, C. P. BARNARD. . . . o f an evening on the thence East on south line of County Judge, Lnne County, Ore­ observation p latform w hen said S ’* of said SE14 of said gon. you watched (he dashing section 11; 4 chains amd 36 A. E. Wheeler. signal lights and th rilled to yards to place of beginning A.9-16 23 containing 8H acres more less. the musical c lk h tty -tlic k of NOTICE TO CREDITORS and for such other relief as may wheels on rails. Notice Is hereby given that the be specified In said complaint. The T his is the Southern Pacific undersigned has been appointed ad- date of the order requiring service of this summons by the publication way to C a lifo rn ia — perfect minlnlratrlx of the estate of Armln thereof Is dated April 15th 1931 The day an electric refrigerator safety.spced,comfort, meals Hess, deceased, by the County and requires publication once each starts working for youz you can in the Southern Pacific tra­ Court of Lane County. Oregon. All week for four successive weeks dition. start slicing the edges off your persons having claims against said and that you appear and answer within four weeks from the date of Before you plan your trip, estate are hereby notified to pre­ the first publication, and the date household expense. It saves time, ask about our choice o f low sent the same, properly verified, to of the first publication Is April steps and labor— supplies ice fares to C a lifo rn ia and the the undersigned nt the office of 16th 1931. C. A. W1NTERMEIHR, cubes— makes frozen desserts— East . . . about a trip East 1 W ells and Wells, Attorneys, Bank Attorney for Plaintiffs. through C alifornia. of Commerre Bldg., Eugene, Ore­ simplifies marketing problems— Eugene. Oregon. gon, within six months from the Stale of Oregon ) prevente food spoilage and waste. ) SS. dale of the first publication of this County of Lane ) notice. I hereby certify th e foregoing SAVE AS YOU PAY ON EASY TERMS Date of flrat publication, April 9, and within summons to be a true 1931. and correct copy and transcript and of the whole thereof of the JOSEPHINE HESS, ' original summons. Administratrix. A. WINTERMEIER CARL OLSON, W ells and Wells, Attorneys Attorney for Plaintiffs A- 9-18 23-30 M 7 A . 16-2330. M. 7-14. . Agent Business Directory Coming to Eugene t'AOK THRKK N E W A IR M A IL L IS T A T L O C A L P O S T O F F IC E _______ A revised list of postal fees plus air mall service chargee for each half ounce or fraction haa been re ceivetl at the local poatofflce by F It Hamlin, postnuieter. The rate to Canada and .Mexico te five cent« for the first ounce or fraction and ten cents for each additloneU ounce or fraction. Thie te the same rate os te in effect In the United State« The list contains the names of thro- countries in varlou« parts of South Amerira which are the moat expensive necre of air mail. They are Argentina. Paraguay, and Uru­ guay. It coeta only flvo cents to s«nd a I Iter Welshing a half ounce or leee by air mail to Cubu and the Ba­ hama«. F IR S T um* ° * “ J * ,M t r<* r •’’ •P“ * th’ buslnsoa depression. R E S IS T A N T HOPS NOW B E IN G T E S T E D B Y O . S . C. Sixty young hop plants bava lust been received from England by Dr E N Breeeman. associate ag­ ronomist of theh Oregon Experi­ ment station, for use in an attempt to breed hope resistant to the downy mildew dlseaee which threatened the hop industry of the W illam ette valley last year. These plants have proved resistant to the same disease In England, and are »aid to be of a high yteldlug va­ r ie ty . L E G IO N TO TRY SPOT DANCES ON SATURDAY POSTOFFICE SHOWS G A IN ful In reaching tha nmaasary val- Q UARTER A gain of $60 in receipts at the Springfield poatofflce for the first quarter of this year over the first period last year was reported here this week by P. B. Hamlin, poet- re a t e r This is especially Interest­ ing to local people In view of the fact that the office was «uccees- Springfield Po»t number 40 of the American Ixvgton will sponsor a »pot dance with several prises for the lucky coaples to be given away at the Thurston hall on Sat­ urday evening, according to Jack Larson, finance officer of the poet and dance manager. The lavglob dances are held at the Thurston hall everv other Saturday. Just the Thing to Hit the Spot on a Hot Da> One of our delicious ice cream sodaa— made ex­ pertly of pure ingredients— delicious! (Iratifying in every sense of the word! Just come to out fountain and try one—you will find that our sodas are the best in town. We also serve soft drinks, and sundaes of every description. We can fix up a sundae to suit every individual taste. G G I M A N N ’S "W here the Service Is Different" Dr. Mellenthin NOTICE Cleanup Week May 4 to 9 Place rubbish in sacks or boxes and put out to the curb or alley. City w ill haul rubbish away free of charge ttr- the property holder. STREET COMMISSIONED. Bladder • Weakness Eugene Furniture Hospital THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC WAY ! California Walker-Poole Chapel SAVE YOU MONEY Southam Pacific ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION BUREAU O needless to suffer from ex­ cessive oven heat, when this S Insulated Tappan range can keep your kitchen delightfully com­ TAPPAN G A S RANGS fortable— even on the buaie«t baking days. Its insulated oven holds all the heat for baking— has a heat-reflecting chromium- lined oven for faster baking. T h e automatic oven heat control does the ‘pot-watching’. Finished in beautiful snow-white e n a m e l... Sold on easy terms with a polished, cast-iron cooking tap . . . it w ill always be easy to keep shining clean. See its unique imokeke«« hrotler befose you bojH Ask abcot PKRB CoeMbx« \ Cnees wlsfc Tusse NORTHWEST CITIES GAS CO. 8P R IN G FIE LO , ORE.