The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 23, 1931, Image 1

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. V. i :,\TY h
YMAlt. ~
No. IS
There’s Happy Days IO
CLERK EXPL k .. . ' City To Entertain Lane Odd Fellows 'W
Chamber Meeting To Meet at Crow
Around the Corner
Segtegntion Show* that Over
Threg-Fourthe of Money
Ramaina at Hom»
County Hat Great Pork, Tur- Oregon Loggers* Crow High
key, and Chicken Possibil­
School, Eugene Rebekah
Professor Mez Tells of Con­
ities, Says Portland Man
Orchestra on Program
ditions Found in Various
not sell.
Countries on World Tour
Hprlngfleld Chamber of Com
The program for the lame Coun 1
tn ja ,
Missionary Society to Spon
•or Benefit Recital* at M.
E. Church Tomorrow
Bueinees Men Seek to In­
crease Consumption of
Springfield Bread
The rice problem Is similar In
marca wll entertain the latua conn tv Convention of the I O. O, F to ! _
the Japanese Islands, he stated,
r <5 a d PERCENTAGE LOW ty Chamber of Commerce at thalr be bald ut Crow. Oregon, all day I PROHIBITION ISI LAUDED
Can Come True Through
"P«“11"« instructor, will be pre BENNETT SHIPS TO FLY
and other Instances were cited.
iiiiuual maalin« to be held at tha Hutuiduy ha < been completed and
»ented In a benefit recital at the
Idtsnsse Is Problem
Our Big ‘Earn and Win. Metbudlgt chlITch
County Officar Provaa That Community hall May XI, Il was u Urge number from here are plat- Idleness and Payment of Re­
decided at the monthly dinner ulna to attend the saaalons and ! parations Big Problems of
under the auspices of the Mission­ Mayor Reports That City Haa
world, especially In India and In
Tax Reductions, If Any,
Paid Ta*ea on Industrial
■naatin« of the organization which to assist In putting on some wi
ary society of the church There
Foreign Governments
China where masses were starving
Mint Start Locally
Meeting the response that Is will be no admission charge. An
was held at Kugene last Thurmluy | tc* tain me nt stunt as u part of the
Tract, Title la Secure
was Increasing the various traf­ steadily growing In volume, our
offering will be taken aod every­
fics especially In opium and white big "Earn and Win" campaign lias
Ureater consumption of local
one Is Invited to attend.
slave traffic and was seriously In­ already become tbe uppermost to­
products, more trading at home,
juring the countries
pic of conversation In homes consist of tbe following numbers: with eapeclaj emphasis on an In­
High praise was given tbe league throughout tbe community.
crease In (he use of bread made
“A Smile.” Fern and Frances in Springfield will be undertaken
of Nations and tbe World Court
News of our liberal offer. In
by the speaker wbo stated that which a brand new Graham auto­ Cornell; “A 'Noffle Dream.” Ila by the members of the Springfield
the court has among Its member­ mobile la to be given away as the Putnam; "The Difference." the Cor­ Chamber of Commerce, tt was de
ship all of tbe leading <-ountries first prixe and a brand new Ford as nell Triplets; "The Thirsty 8um." elded at their first dllnner meeting
with the exeeptloo of the United second prixe. wttn a wonderful trip "The Frown and the Smile.” June which was held at the Eagle cafe
Movement Tuesday evening with W. K. Bar-
Htates and a few other lesser ones. with all expenses paid for two peo­ Carr;
The court has elready handed ple to Alaska, and return offered Cure,’ Alice Miller- Violin ■°*°- nell, president, presiding.
__ —
, „
down 18 decisions which have set­ as third prise. Is spreading dally Allen Sneed; “She Wouldn't Say
Please," "Little
’Little Perry’. Awful „
h*“ b~
tled dispute« to the satisfaction and. more and more, people are
of contending parties and which beginning to see the big opportun-1
but a lively discussion was brought
have possibly prevented actual Ity that la being presented to them
of a •r’armer- France, about, members present pledged
military conflict.
by this newspaper. The unusual Cornel1 -
Crime." Fern Cor-! them «eves to work towards this
‘ The United States government generous prixe Hat. the class and ne*L TA hen Class A Gave Thanks, goal.
asked certain reservations be made fhi*r'if’td-r
r»r1x/*K tf»
C>OZ, Violi©
Bolo, Allp© S©FH*fi J
. waa pointed , out at the meet-
< naracter fit
oi vne prue«
to H a * aw
when she was Invited to Join and ed I. attrm tlng a r e p r e ^ ta t.v e ,
‘»a, Springfield merchant.
The House by the Side of
now that they have been made she
! spend an average of 31500 a month
Conditions In most of the world still remains aloof” declared the dtlxensbip—people In all walks o f i leU
life are becoming interested In the!
Mrs. Conyers; "The with Eugene bakeries for bread
were found to be worse than they speaker.
and Roberta Put-1 and bakery supplies while two good
ate In the United Htates, the speak­
Prohibition Lauded
has launched. Perhaps the out man; “Original Pantomime, Ida bakeries ore making a bid for sup-
er stated, streaalng particularly the
Prohibition was lauded by Dr. standing feature of this unique of-!^ ox: ' The Kuggl«» Family Goes
conditions of the people of Europe Mex early In his address.
_ „ u
. port
thla cltjr- Merchants wers
fer Is the guarantee that we are Visiting,"
1 not homed for the situation, moat
and their attitude towards tbe
"Mallagar Bay,” Edna June Yar-
"Those people wbo clamor for making to all who participate.
of those present realxing that they
United States on the reparations the return of liquor without re
nall- “Nearer My God to Thee,":
You Can’t Lose
i have to sell what the public wants,
by Ida Fox and sung,
_ . .. .
stralnt have forgotten In a very
Eux-h person taking active port in . pantomimed
I The public, however, needs to be
Dr. Mex spoke very personally few years the transformation this campaign will be paid cash by Mrs. Pike.
persuaded to remedy the problem
about the condition of the German wrought by prohibition” he said.
commission of ten percent of their
It was pointed out.
people His aged parents still re­
A trip on any large passenger total subscription sales up to the
Air Service to Start
side In the vicinity of the Black boat and a visit to any of tbe for­ end of the second period of the cam­
Dr. W. C. Rebhon reported that
Forest where the professor and his eign porta will surely convince any­ paign which is May 29th, Just a
the Bennett Airways Incorporated
brothers grew to manhood and ob­ one that the so-called ‘good old few days before the ckwe, when
would very likely resume regular
tained several university degrees days' were not so good Such a the prises will be given away, or
passenger service through thia city
before he came to America where visit will convince those who boast June 3, 1931. Then, if you fall to
he continued h e edoeatlon and that the cltlxens of the United share in the awarding of the prises Eugene High Takes Opener early In May.
later spent several years with the States are drinking as much llquoi at the finish, you will be paid an
I Delegatee to the Willamette Val­
7-5 Friday; Team Goes
government at Washington, D. C. today as before the amendment additional ten percent cash com­
ley Waterways association meeting
to Albany Friday
at Portland reported that Portland
"Taxes taxes,-and more taxes., was passed of their error, he mission or in other words. If you
Springfield high school has one business men were willing to back
fail to win a prixe you will receive
are the continual burden of tbe thinks.
same Inveetment. according to the '
'«*< X*ar and <>r- » •«»
Fid Privat and P. J. Bartholomew 20 per cent commission In all for defeat and one victory for her base-' the fight for the canaUxatlon ot the
speaker who slated that laine coun­ erul hundred visitors to the city. taxes on the moderately preten­ were taken In as new members of your total subscription sale« dur­ ball efforts after the first tw o ! Willamette river from Oregon City
games of the persent season. Frl ' to Springfield. J. D. Pyle, Clifford
ty could do a 33.000.000 turkey
tious home of the speaker's par­ the Brotherhood at a short busi­ ing the entire campaign.
business each year
day the local team dropped a heart­ Wilson. F. B. Hamlin, and Dr. Reb-
ents amount to about 396 of our
Now then, if you have been breaking game to the Eugene high ban all made reports. Other dele­
BANQUET IN TH IS CITY money every month of the year dress.
The committee on tree planting! thlnkii« of entering this llbe al nine after having outplayed their gates at the meeting were W. A.
A Ford automobile costs 31000.
Junior Class Decide» to Havs An­ Taxes on a Bulck amount to ap­ along Main street was continued awarding of FREE gifts, but for opponents most of the gome, and Taylor, John Henderer, W. K. Bar-
nuii Event at Community
proximately 3300 a year and each and asked to discuss the m atter' various reasons have been delaying i Tuesday afternoon they took the nelL and A. J. Perkins.
Dr. W. H. Pollard, chairman of
radio set Is taxed as an amuse­ 1th the committee of the Lions ! your nomination until a more con- measure of the Cottage Grove team
club. Home trees are available, veuJent tlmf. by all means get your at the Southern Lame county city the school board, reported that
now. and Lie Woodruff nursery has
ln the lu t
contestants by a score 10-6.
plans were being made to handle
The Junlor-Henlor banquet, an-
Young Plan Rapped
offered to donate others.
Dr. Milton V. Walker of Co- nual social affair sponaored by the
from the McKcnxle union
The "T ouiim Plan" of n-para
quiile to Open Practice
Junior class at the high school for tlons was termed an 'Insane Plan,’
tances will know that you intend game score was 7-&. Springfield high achool when
to try for one of the magnificent had led their opponents on the ing the local high -school next fall
With Local Doctor
’n«nib*r» <* «»• < >*•• Bb«ut to It requires the payment of large
graduate will be held In Springfield sums to the Allied countries and
gifts Even if you haven't a mom- local field Friday until late In the He explained that tha tuition
ent’s time UDtll a little later, the j game when Eugene players made charged for each student was hard­
Dr. Milton V Walker of Coquille thia year for the first time In many prohibits the exchange of goods
will come to Springfield May 1. (years In former years It has been and manufactured products as pay­
fact that you are entered will get a spurt and established a lead ly enough to cover the coat of ad­
Io Iwoims an associate of Dr Eu- customary to go to Kugene and ment. Germany has no gold mines
you many subscriptions that might which the locals could not over­ ulating the studanta but explained
that their presence would moan a
gene Kester In the practice of their ■ hold the banquet at one of the sat- i and Is only able to meet her pav- _
. .
| go to someone else if your friends take.
profeenlon It was announced yea- In« places there, but t.)ls year the rnenU by Botn< ,o
Qf Group Adopts New Constitu-1 di<1 not know tbat you were a con­
Springfield players scored 12 hits great deal to the* city and to the
tion at Meeting Thursday; testant. If you have not yet given as compared to 11 for the Cottage high school work.
terday by Dr Kesler Dr and Mrs.; members of the Junior class decld Na, Jonl|
an(, noatlnjf
It a thought, we want to tell you Grove players Tuesday afternoon.
Walker were In
‘ ‘ Springfield
............. ' Hat- '><
\ I ' h“‘ . lh” _ COUW_ ? B" J U? L “ l | “ ni' ^ I c h are with large
Officer Presents Gavel
Land Ttlle Settled
urday to find a residence and they elaborate dinner and enjoy thorn rates of Interest. It becomes a vi­
right now that this is an opportun­ The Springfield players made four
The back taxes on the Industrial
Members of Springfield Amer­ ity, such os you will only find, once errors.
will tnnke their home between . "elves better by holding the af cious circle with Germany paying
tract have all been paid and 200
Ninth and TYnth street on D f* lr
th* Community hall,
High school students In the game acres of the land has been taken
off a large part of her debt and ican Legion post number 40 adopt­ In a life time and Is worth investi­
May l h .s been j e t as the date , h„n
lhe ed a new constltut'on effective im­ gating.
street. The) have two chllldren
Tuesday were Hulett, Tomseth. over by the n ty os municipal prop­
Each doctor will conduct a gen f°r the banquet. Members of the same money at an Increased rate mediately at their meeting at the
Costs Nothing
Lynch. Mattison. Thathcher, Rob­ erty. according to a report made
leral practice, but Dr Walker will ! ladles aid of the Methodist church of Interest to pay off the next Community hall last Thursday
There is no entry fee and you erson. Wright. Squires. Chase, and by W. P. Tyson, mayor. The re­
eveolng The document takes the don t eTen haTe to gubscribe to thlg ! u leg
specialise on obstetrics and child w111 have charge of the prepara- obligation.
maining 46 acres were sold re­
place of a former constitution newspaper to share in the awards,
reo's roses, with Dr. Kester devot , ,,on °f ’he meal.
The locals will meet the Eugene cently and the revenue derived waa
Other Countries Suffer
Ing more of his time to surgery.
which had been last.
^11 you have to do Is to clip the
alumni team in a practice game used to pay the back taxes. The
But Germany Is not the only
Mrs. Clara Fnwver will serve as , CAMP CREEK GROUP
, country suffering from the war. r T h T ^ ,u p also voted to ap'porve ™™‘° a'‘«’> coupon appearing in this afternoon. Friday they will property iecludes the five acre
office nurse for both doctors.
PLANNING PROGRAM according to Dr. Mes. The toll of of the propsed 320 InitlaUon fee our » ^ « ’’‘« ’ment In another sec- play Albany high at Albany. The park, the airport, and considerable
The doctor from Coquille was
the war ami the slicing of parts to be made effecUve in 1932 This “ on ot the P“P " P»1 11 001 and next conference game will be May land available for Industrial sites.
formerly county physician of Coos Four-H Club Members to Present
Approximately thirty business
of Austria and Hungary have left fee will be charged all new mem brfn* “ “ “ mal1 “ W the "Ca“ ' 1 when Springfield goes to Eugene
county. He has had considerable
Entertainment at Lower Church these countries with only fractions hers and those who seek reinstate P“ « n department" which is located to meet the University high nine. men attended the dinner Tuesday
experience with child welfare work.
Friday Night of Thia Week
I In the business office of the news­
evening. The next meeting of the
of their former poulatlon and that ment.
Chamber of Commerce will ba held
Oswald M. Olson, past com­ paper. The campaign Is Just get NEW GOPHER CONTROL
mostly congested In cities without
A special program to which the Hufflclent
tbetr mander of the post, presented >t ring under way and as each entrant
at the Community hall on May 5,
; earns double votes during their
own food.
with a gold banded gavel.
now and will be presented by the
Members of the committee i first ten days according to the
The tariff walls of the Euro­ which drafted the new constitution rule«, you can he among the leaders Farmer» at Cadar Flat Begin Work
Public Invited to Student Program Camp Creek Cooking club, a Four
H organisation, at the Lower Camp pean countries were also criticised were W. A. Gossler, C. A. Swarts i with very little effort systematical-
on Second Voluntary Con­
at Methodist Church Next
Creek church Friday evening of by the speakm wbo pointed out Sid Ward, and Dr. W. H. Pollard. * “W ’«« Considering the liberal
trol District
Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock
Funeral services for Irving Jobs
that each small country was Injur­
this week.
The next meeting of the Legion
and ' « h e m i s s i o n s this Is
70. who passed away at hie
Farmers of the Cedar Flat com­
8tudents In the Weekday Bible
The program will open with a
group wll he held at Lowell In surely an opportunity for any am­
school classes at the Lincoln and model buslnens meeting and a dem- cited Germany with her tariff on two weeks.
bitious person. Come ln to the of­ munity are poisoning gophers to­ home in Springfield Tuesday morn­
fice or phone and full Information day in that part of the community ing will be held at the Walker-
Hratlaln schools will be presented imatratlon participated In by all rye which protected the farmers
will be supplied by the campaign lying between the creek and the Poole chapel in Eugene Friday aft­
In a program of religious songs and members of the club. Several prog- of Germany and kept the price up.
but nt the seme time kept It so —Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. R. G. manager who we have engaged to McKenxie river and below Hend­ ernoon at 3:30 Rev. Harry Neet
readings at the Methodist church «•»"» talks will also be given,
The second number of the pro- high that only a few could afford SL Clair of this city are the par­ conduct the entire campaign In an ricks bridge. They are working In will officiate and Interment will be
next Tuesday evening at 7:30 by
will be a Swedish version of It end rs a result many are starv- ents of a baby son born to them impartial and business-like manner. a crew under supervision of H. S. made In the new I. O. O. F. cem­
Miss Goldie Smith Instructor.
Speer, of the U. 8. Bureau of Bio­ etery.
The Bible school classes for the The Courtship of Miles Standish ing und the farmers have their at the the Pacific Christian hospital
Mr. Fritts was bom In Wiscon­
present school year have been end [ I»Y Lucille Terpenlng. The other bins full of gjaln which they can April 16, 1981.
July 18, 1881. He lived there
Among the farmers Interested ln
ed and the program Tuesday eve- numbers on the program will In­
HIGH IN TYPING MEET the project are Richard Hart, and In South Dakota until 1903
ning marks the final event of the elude: “Looking Around for a
when be came to Oregon. Ha was
season for those tklng part In this Wife,” a short threeact play with
Springfield Group Makes Least James Hart, Joe Hart, Conley married to Mrs. Katherine Thomas
Esther Strunk. Pauline Conley,
Errors But Write Fewer Words
Mirs, Keeler, and Marie States;
nie. Richard Easton, J. L. Watrous, at Clear Lake, South Dakota. July
Per Minute
M. Bristow, and Mr. Shelter. These 6, 1901. The family settled at Elk-
Contestants In this campaign have the privilege of publishing
by Esther 8trunk; "Crossing the
organised for this work under head. Oregon, and lived there until
all their voles at any time or may hold
* Typewriting students at Spring-
fore, the votes shown in this list each week will be the total
of County Agent they came to Wendllng where they
Tracks," a skit with Vera Strunk,
field under the direction of Miss
spent nine years. They moved to
which the contestants desired to be published. This method
Optimism prevails In the latest
Clara Wagner. Instructor of the
leaves It entirely up to the contestants themselves.
This Is the second small volun­ Springfield last Jnne.
economic report Issued by the Ex­ Stales; "A Yankee In Love,” read­
commercial department, made the
Survivors include his widow, one
gopher control area organized
tension service at Oregon State
least number of errors of all other
Mrs. Laura Neet, Myrtle
college Turkey supplies in the na­
entrants ln the state typing con­
Mrs Oeorffe Blair, Kugene ..................
tion'« coolers are 60 per cent less participated In by all the club
test hel&at Corvallis lost Saturday. on a similar area on Fall Creek Creek; two gmndcklldrm; and
' . 5,000
than n year ago. a shortage of members.
They did not win any prise how­ were poisoned about two weeks four step children: Mrs. lad le Em­
ever, as their percentage of errors
1 ‘irnlprsj cooperating ery. Vancouver. Washington. Mrs.
6 million pounds compared to April
was greater than that of the team w!th Mr. Speer and the county Grace Ressler. Hprlngfleld, David
1. 1930, and over 4 million pounds LAUNDRY FRONT GETS
from Grant high school at Portland. agent. The gophers are poisoned Thomas. Astoria, Illinois, and Lloyd
compared to the 6-year average for
Only first place was awarded In I wl,h P°Xd‘>r‘*' «’ryehnlne alkaloid Thomas, address unknown.
April 1
this event and Springfield received | 0,1 red clover ,eaveB
,n the
The egg And poultry outlook Is
The front of the Hprlngfleld i
main runways.
also more favorable, according to Ijinndry and Jimmie's dry clean-!
honorable mention.
the report A sharp reduction In Ing parlors received «. new coat of
Forty-three schools were repre- j
Mrs. M. B. Huntley, Springfield ...........
aented with five from most scn.ois ODD FELLOWS, REBEKAHS
the number of pullets seems as­ light green paint tills week. Some
Mm. Arthur Hayes, Eugene ................
sured, and market receipt of eggs of the woodwork on the Interior
and each group wrote for 15 min­ WILL OBSERVE FOUNDING
Stephen Covington, employee at
Mrs. Ruth Garoutte. Cottage Grove
at leading markets have been light­ of the two business houses wi'S|
the New Home Bakery, cat a bad
er than- at the same time last year, also painted.
Representatives of Springfield
Members of Springflelld I. O. O. gash In the Index finger on hl«
Mrs. J. Irene Hanekamp, Eugene. IL
and stcOage holdings of both poul­
high school were Marceline Sever­ F. lodge, with the assistance of left hand Sunday when the axe
try and eggs are less than In 1930 HUGHES, HOLTON, ON
son and Marjorie Prochnow In the Jaunlta Rebekah members will ob- he was using slipped and etrack
... 6,000
Mrs. Myrtle McAlpin, Bugene
at this date.
novlce group, and Barbara Adams' serve the 112th anniversary of the him Two stitches were ne
Mrs. Pearl Schantol, Eugene
and Gordon Hauke in the amateur founding of the lodge with special to close the wound.
Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs.
Howard A. Hughes and Boruald
entertainment and exercises here
Edna Smith, Eugene
Robert Neet of Jasper are the par­ Holton were the principal speak­
Monday evening. The actual am-nl-
Mrs. Harley Troxel, Eugene
Daughter Born—Mr. sad Mm.
ents of a seven-pound baby daugh­ ers at the dinner meeting of the
Property Traded—J. J. Hoole of versary date Is April 28, but thia Garnet Rowland of Bpriagfletd are
Howard A. l*ark, Eugene .......................
ter, Betty Lou, born to them at the Toastmaster's club In Eugene on
Camp Creok has traded his 44 acre falls on Sunday, therefore the pro­ the parents of a baby daughter
Joel 'Trapp, Eugene .....;................,......
home of Mrs. Neet's mother In Tuesday. The group meet regular­
farm to Otto J. Eldnon of Eugene gram has been set for Monday,
born to them at the Pacific Chris­
Glenn Ternahan, Eugene .....................
Hprlngfleld Tuesday night, April 21, ly at the Y. M. C. A. nt 8:10 for
for property In the Fairmount dis-
The I. O. O. F. lodge was found- tian hospital la ■ngeaa April If,
Glenn M. Woods, Bugene _________ - ----- ------------- ___ 13,000
their dinner and discussions.
ed at Baltimore, Maryland, la 1(19. 191.
s evening
evening's program.
Heventyelght and »even-tenihs
Officer« for the new year will bn
Members of the various Oddfel-
cento of «vary dollar paid by raal- chosen at the meeting. II. K. Maxey,
low lodges In the county will gath­
dents of Hprlngflelld for direct lax , president of the l iruuty Chambor
er fin- their oponlng session at tha
atlon are spent by the ally of of Commerce, haa Uppolnted the
I. O. (). F. hall at 10:30 o'clock.
Hprlngfleld or by school district following on a nominating commlt*
They will hold a business meeting
number IV. according to a segre- j tee to present names of candidate«
until noon when the
gallon compiled Ihla week by W. at tba next meeting: W K. Ilarnell,
lodge of Elmira will serve a lunch-
II IMIIard. county dark
Hprlugfleld ; Hubert F. Cullahun. ! eon.
I'hart ■ for tha various rill«» of Bugene; J. ||. Miller, Junction 1 The
afternoon seas Ion will ba
lha county ere bain« prepared by j City; C. K Hlewart, Cottage Grove;
called at 1:30 by W J. Holland,
tha dark Io aacartaln and show j Karl lllll, Hluslaw; C. W. Allen,
president of the county associa­
residents of « u h of tba oommunl Farmers Union. Vida; K. A. Mc­
tion Ixidge work and a business
tlaa Just what bappana to tbalr tax Cormack, Pomona Grunge; A. K.
session will occupy the afternoon
tnonay and whara tba graalaat ex­ Garrlmonte , Westfir Community
New officers and selection of the
penditure« ara mada.
club; and Frank llaugon. Mr-Ken- meeting place for 1V32 will be fol­
Tha dark contandad that tha clt- «le Rlvar club.
lowed by a dinner for tha visitors
laa and school dlatrlrta themselves
Lane county has a possible ten | between the hou rs of f>: 30 and
muat cut down thalr expenditure« million dollar dairy Industry, II. K 7 30
If any malarial reduction la to ba Ctllly. executive of the United . fh a forenoon and afternoon sea
mode In tha tax levy.
Htates National bank. Portland, and
Bre ,„ r roembers only but
Out of aach dollar paid In laxaa chairman of the Agricultural com , he evening session at the Crow
achool district numbar IV. which In­ mlttaa of tha Chamber of Com ! ,llgh . (.h(M,| iyInna. l unl w,„ tn*
clude« Hprlngfleld, (ata 38 8 cento. marre In that city told tha mem-
open to the general public and
Tha city receive» 40.1 cant a. The bar. at their gathering last week w,„
„.alure<, b, an .„dreas by
atata taka« only 8 3 cants of aach
The potential possibilities of the ; ,;ran(1 Magl,.r Dr ,, u Haker
dollar, and lha county 8 5 centa.
county In hog and poultry produc Kugene Students at Crow high
County roads gat only 8.5 cants j tlon was also stressed by the
school will pranent a short skit,
of the dollar Thia has bean fur s|M-nker who declared that an av­
"Entertaining the Old Polka,” and
thar segregated to show that 4 3 | erage of 14 carloads of hogs we-a
the Veneta 1-oggers will have a
cants of this Is apant for (rneral shipped In to the atata every day
part on the program.
road work, 2.5 cants for market last year whan all of thaae could
The climax of the evening will
roads, and 1.7 cents for payment ( have been raised In the Willamette
with the presentation of
of bonds Issued
Tha antlra county will pay 1108,-! Pedigreed poultry stock Is In stunts by visitors from each of tha
161 80 to tha state as Ils share for great demand and tha county ought association lodges In the county.
Officers of the association thia
lha first half of the year 191, BC- to eventually do 36.000.000 groaa
cordlng to a statement race I »ad by ; poulary business annually, he year are W J Holland. Crow, pres­
ident; C. A. Sovereign. O ow . vice-
Grace Hcblaka. treasurer, from ' sta ted
Tom Kay. state treasurer Iswwy's j Turkey raising will return three president; and II J. lain» Crow.
shara last year for tha same po­ times as niurb as dairy and twice , secretary and treasurer.
rted was 3110.030 73
us much as chicken raising on the ! , The convention was held In
Halmon racks will be placed In
tha McKeosle rlvar at Hendricks
brldga and at Oakridge on the Wil­
lamette rlvar very soon, according
to officials In charge of this work.
The racks form a pond In the
rivers and prevent the fish from
getting above thorn and also keep
them from getting down stream
■gala. I-ate in the summer tba
salmon eggs are taken from the
fish and placed In the hatchery.
Officials In charge of the racks,
remembering the trouble they had
last year when an early run of
salmon mada their way up (be
river, are determined to have the
racks In early enough to stop the
first run. 1-aat year the man In
charge of the racks were frequesHly
accused of letting salmon get up
the river. An Investigation proved
that the fish went up to spasm
liefora the racks were completed.
Final Chllld-Parent Rsatlonshlp
Broadcast to Be Over Sta­
tion KOAC May 8
Mrs Lee Putman entertained at
her home Tuesday for members of
tbe mothers study club of the Par­
ent-Teacher association. Tbe topic
for discussion ws* "l*unlshments
and Rewards.” A discussion group
was held the first part of the aft­
ernoon »nd was followed by listen­
ing In on the radio broadcast over
station KOAC.
There will be only one more ot
this series of lectures given weekly
by Harsh Walt Prentiss, professor
of child development at the Oregon
Htate college. The next and final
broadcast will be "Why Children
Quarrel and Tease." This will be
given on May 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Htearmer
entertained a number of their
friends at a social gathering at
their home In Springfield Wednes­
day evening. The guests enjoyed
themselves with games and refresh­
ments. Those present Included:
Miss Maxine Snodgrass, Mrs. Ma­
bel Riddle, Miss Esther McPher­
son. William Cox, Katherine Jack,
George Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Cline, Alice Calvert, William Cor-
nutt, lawrence Meaklns, Mr. and
Mrs. William Htearmer, and the
host and hostess.
Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the
Hprlngfleld Methodist church, will
preach on the subject, '*texplana-
tory,” at the 11 o'clock service Sun­
day. His evening topic will be
"Wear and Tear.” The latter serv­
ice starts at 7:30.
The Epworth l*«ague will meet
at 7 o’clock Instead of at 6:30 as
has been done for some time. The
Hunday achool meets at 9:46 wider
the direction of Mrs. Wm. Gants.
D r. K ester Takes
Associate M a y 1
"A trip around the world Is the
best thing one can lake to make
themselves fully appreciate the
advantages of tbe country In which
we live,” Dr. John H. Mex, profes
sor of political scleoce at the Uni­
versity, told members of the Broth­
erhood of the Methodist church at
their monthy meeting Monday
Following the usual dinner In
the church basement the members
Of the Brotherhood heard Dr. Mex
play a group of numbers on his
violoncello and tell about the trip
he and Mrs Mex took during the
past year. William Pollard p|ayed
his piano accompaniment.
B a ll Team Downs
Players a t Grove
of eu°ene
Legion Approves
Fee F o r In itia tio n