WALRUS ERS r It waa th’ day after th’ skipper had his adventur« with th’ polar bear that ha decided to go walrus hunt­ in’. Perky Swipes, one of th’ crew, said he'd killed lots of walruses, »o Perky went along with th’ skipper and me to demonstrate. Everything would have g o n e off shipshape and Bristol fashion if th'skipper hadn't wanted to capture a baby walrus td take back to San Francisco. Well s’r, we’d got woll Into th’ ice-fields, and were skirtin’ a strip of open wa­ ter. when Perky ipotted a whoppln’ big mumma-wal- rus with a little one by her side. Right from there was whore th’ fun began. Slip- pin’ along on his hands and knees, Perky crept closer, and closer to th’ little wal­ rus that was playin’ around on th’ ice. Watchln’ his chance. Perky leaped and grabbed th’ little feller. Wow, what a yowpin' that baby set upt Perky was aw tickled he held up th’ baby walrus to show what he had done, for a minute forgettin* about mamma walrus. Wham! Mamma landed on Perky, and that gent went sailin' into th’ air. A herd of walruses holdin’ a meet in' over near th’ water heard th* rumpus and came over to get in their licks. Well s’r, things were be glnnin’ to get interestin’ around thore. There we were, surrounded by a yow­ pin’ heard of mean-eyed walrhses, except for th’ strip of open water, which we knew was colder*n a mi­ ser’s heart. But Into It we wont. Ow, It makes me shiv- er now when I think about It. For some reason th’ wal­ ruses didn't follow us into th’ wafer, but stopped at th’ shoro-lino and gave us a walrus-laugh as we scrumr bled out on th’ other aide. That was all th’ walrus hunting we wanted that day. Vt-U S H O W T t t 'ONV T O ' W T T H ^ M WAd-R.US.tS'SKVPWt. H t'K am o l d 'AHt> HAT r -4 w a x t>M> TW o r r ^ - r ( \ th at T t THAT * ---- — 1 L -^ X * \TW THOT •y LOR.'- LUHM^.1 OUT* c o a A i m G VACATION ? t ’l’ bio, H oT 'THAT- THE NEuj CAT. TOO A n e G o in g T o TiuY ? H o.- t-OOH OP T H €^. - vsNT \ t vV oN t^enPou bouu F u e s CAH UJAUH t in s. L