T i l l ’ USDAY A l'K II. Hi. H>31 TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR you been, you *cal*wagT" »he de V isit at C o ttag . Groov*— Mr and di* Aft New York, and a greet many of tumided Mra. C F Eggim an will drive io AT THE FOX MeDONALD FALL PROVES FATAL TO them die. But few leave th is m ortal "I was up at the V eterans llu C ollage Grove on hilsliu-»» tills uf OAKRIDGE POWER HEAD V Aly sp h ere a s "unm laeed" as a retired r«uu waiting In line for my corn I ornoon I a ssista n t forem an of a municipally p c lis a llo ll," replied Rip W. D. P*ar*on. Pr*aid«nt of Coo­ I owned com pany. So quiet was his I "W ell, th a t's differ« n l.” conceded sada U thttlM Company Fatally At Albany— W. K . H a i u e ll. m a il I passing th at the city ap parently the Mrs "llow 'il you get hack so Injured In Fall ; ugei of the Mountain IS alea ISiwev fallewi to note It for seven years. quick ?" i company office at Springfield is — . T hev've been sending him p«'ii W D. Pearson. O akridge, preel e y i O N t i T CAMP JO I »ion money regularly. The stran g e tran sactin g biiataess at \lb a n t to- M istress But why did you leave dent of the C ascade U tilities com circu m stan ce * a s revealed by a day. your last place? Calm as The Night Life pan? died Monday evening at Oak Conk 'Cos Mr. (iro u eh er used lo G reen g rass will he grow ing on Judge. ridge as a result of Injuries sus The city hopes to recover about P irn Trip— Mrs S Sdhlewe and • r n , » y » e t »««MBV .O 'tf* have sui h aw ful rows with Ills Mined earlier In the day when he Broadway If the th re a t of the po- half th e money. Mr» Rosa Meyer» lire to leave Frl wife. C(Vxse*Ly s u i f* U4 reeelved an electric shock and fell Ik e d ep artm en t to toll the 1 a. m. F air and W arm er day for an extended visit with w O u c O Q A T w r t - A « u B M istress Wliat did they quarrel from a power pole Inflicting serious curfew on all night clubs goes Into V arious reaso n s have been given friends at Lodi, C alifornia. ahoul ? R u g u syg e«»» "s O N Ï c l f y k Injuries to his cheat. He fell 26 effect. as to w hy New York no longer has Cook The wav the m eals was T M A « , IN B O T H “ -w feet and died as a special train T h at Is the woeful prediction of Its good, healthy snow storm s One Form er Resident* R eturn — Mr cooked. was being m ad eu p to tak e him to the proprietors who say th at night author, tn a book about th e city, and Mrs. K R. Pyne form er resi­ life, flickering feebly enough as It Eugene. W here «Io«'» F rances got lier claim s th at Its many akacraper* dent» have retu rn ed to Springfield. Have y«m heard ol Hie Seolch He leaves his widow, a t Oak Is. will be completely extinguished. and feverish m ag istrates give off so good looks?" Mr. Pyne 1» em plioed a t til«' N e w s man ridge; two p aren ts at St. Helens. They say It will banish every night much heat th at a decen t snow storm ' Erota hei fath er.'' Who went eras« trying 1« leach office W ashington, and two brothers. 11 II club from the stre e t they made fa­ descending with th e best of in ten ­ lb* lit UHI In* a buinUontr muu a silk worm how lo m end runs In mous. and William G. at Portland tions, Is m elted as soon as It gets »timi.“ I, s wife's »lockings? IN T H E C I R C U I T C O U R T O F T H E The th reaten ed early closing Is above th e city, and arriv es as rain. The laxly was sent to P ortland STATE OF OREGON. FO R “ No ««*«». b«* h a t b«*ml«l Y mi Who m akes hooked rugs out of Tuesday w here funeral services the result of the recen t shooting Reunion LANE C O U NTY. Ills discard« <1 golf twceiln? In one of the • lubs. Police believe and Interm ent took place. A resourceful re p o rte r w ith a Who »ill'll the livery stab le I m < , . . , I , 1 A scene from "Body end Soul” starrin g Chas. F arrell end E lista Lan- Rip Van Winkl« w rinkled und SVMMtINS Pearson was one of th e men tn ,(,at it was J flare-up of a gang , bagful of gum drops restored o rd er ” 7 * EMII. J KDPI.IN' and N ELLIE E Kruy from I i I n 20 )«Mtr* nliMviK««, , iiuae Hie carry all lie hired from di. a t the Fox McDonald. Sunday to.T ueaday. the boat which capsized on the m d hope to break up sin ister in H arleiu court when th ree do*», KDPI.IN. Plaintiffs, stoini h«'fiir<> I i I n wif«* “ Wh«*r«i bav«* W illam ette river n e a r O akridge try sts of m em bers of th e u n d er­ all relativ es, niet tor th e first tim e vs. taking O scar Olson and Rex Brown worid by prohibiting operation In in several m onths and proclaim ed AT THE COLONIAL EI.MKIt l> YDl'NG and Cl.AHA F to th eir deaths. T he bodies of the». ,^ e w e e . sm a' hours. YOUNG. 1.01 IS »ELAND and a fam ily reunion iu such volume ADDIE »ELAND. A II CAT two men have not been recovered u p in th e Air th at It sounded like a dog pound. KICK and HELEN CATHICK ---------------- - The great co n cen tratio n of a cti­ When they had sunk th e ir canine and FIRST NATIONAL BANK vity in New York is graphically teeth in th e gum drops they ceased of EUGENE. OREGON, a corpor­ brought out when one com pares th e ir barking version of "T he ation. D efendants. this city with others. In Detroit, G ang's All H ere." To LOUIS »ELA N D and ADDIE for example, facto ries cover a cres I'he occasion was the d ec’siop of »ELAND. Defemliuit* and acres of ground. IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE ow n ersh ip of one of the dogs. His O F OREGON: You are hereby r«>- -H av e been taking K ru sch c. Her., they a rc built one on top b ro th ers w ere brought into prove qulred to ap p ear mid answ er the Salts for fat r e d u r tlo n - a m on my o f the oth er Rent for ground floor his pedigree T h at's when the Joy cotnplulnl flltsl against you In the second bottle—1 lost 11 pounds in »pace being prohibitively high, it fu! g reetin g s began. above entitled suit w ithin four six weeks and feel fine— Kruschen ig a eonimon thing to see a factory week* from the d ate of the first The Eyes Have It sure gives yon a lot of vim and mp)o>ing hnodpeds of men operat- publication of this sum m ons and If W hich may or may not h a w any­ ^ K ru sc h e n Salts are used dally b> tag on the 30th floor of a tow ering you fall to ap p ear or a n sw er. for thing Io do with the prediction, want thereof the plaintiffs will millions all over th e world not only skyscraper. W h atev er th e ir salar- in: de in an o cu lsts' ournal, that tuke a decree against you for the to tak e off fat from overw eight m ay be, employe«* cannot corn- lh- vision ef a confirm« «1 New relief as prayed for In said coni people but to reju v en ate the entire n (ha, they a fe not high up jn plaint, tiew lt: Y orker is only half as stro n g as system . . ., Thut th ere Is due and unpaid One bottle of K ruschen Salts *"e w cna. th at of a Patagonia I where IS P a ta ­ upon the land sal«' contract specl (lasts 4 w eeks) costs but 85c and Ups and Downs g onia?) native. fled In th e com plaint the »urn of one bottle will prove of vast bene The latest design to save build- Not ever having been to Pata- 1120000 with Interest thereon at fit to people who have constipation. js , he fevlion of a 8»; s nee the 13th «lav of January. g« nia. (see preceding paragraph» headaches, indigestion, nervous , , , , 192» until tutld. 1140 00 reasonable nesa. rheum atism , depression, acid! OF* of dual elevator with two cars we can t co n trad ict th a t statem en t, a tto rn e y 's fees and costs anil ills- ty and auto-intoxication. operating in th e sam e shaft. but it's a safe bet th at, would a barvem ent* of *tttt; ih-'t po* bd Not only th a t but one bottle-w il. cgr of , he (KQ „ - f l - P atagpnian be brought here, he'd required to pay the aforesaid sum s bring about body activ ity —increase Into court w ithin a reasonable tim e in energy, vigor and ambition, express car. It s ta rts from th e have to use all of his twice-as-good anti that If not so paid Into court, sparking eyes and freedom from street level and runs w ithout stops eyesight to spot a seat in a sub­ then In that event you be absolute­ pimples and blem ishes—mi ¡lions to lltH floor, serving all floors way w here seem ingly none existed, ly foreclosed of all right, title and know -all this—you o u g h tt o know tha( to , he „ |g read ten lines of a new spaper over Charlie Chaplin and V irginia C herill in a scene from "City L ights" Interest In and to the following de a U nited A rtists production. It. T ake one half teaspoon in a , ,, scribed prem ises, to-wlt. glass of hot w ater every morning autom atically restricted from run som ebody else's shoulder or glim pse Beginning al the southeast before b reak fast—walk a little ning downward while th e low er car a traffic cop around a corner. he presents him self nt his fam iliar corner of th e south half of each day—cut down on sw eets and ¡s running upw ard. Echo an sw ers: "Eye. eye. s ir; am p get-up. Of next Im portance BEAt ° f section 11 In Tp 18 fat form ing foods. W. E. K. S ft 3 west of W M In l«an* Sold by K etels Drug Store and As soon as the express car is out a flower girl who is blind; the County. Orogitn, and running druggists A m erica over with the of the wav. the lower, o r local car. o th er is an eccentric m illionaire, thence north to the northeast distinct under tanding th a t one which has been w aiting at th e brse- FREDERIC SHOVE PASSES i T hree o th er ch aracter» th at figure corner of said south lialf of hottle will help you lose fa t or ieve| rises Io th e stre e t level prom inently a re th e blind girl's said S E 1«, of »aid section 11. AT WENDLING SUNDAY mone>—^a>,_-------------------------------- and serves th e 10 low er floors. Ihence west on north line of grandm other, played by Florence said 8H of »nld SE** of »aid The operation of both cars is so Lee; the m illionaire'» butler, por- F red eric Shove, 74. resid en t of section 11; 4 chains, thence tim ed th a t both reach th e ir upper W endling for th e p ast th re e and "City Liflhts" is Held Answer trayed by Allan G arcia, and a prixe S A V E I /A S A F E T Y south p arallel with east line I lim its about the sam e time. The on­ one-half y ears died at his home fighter, enacted by lla n k Mann. of said south half of said SKk, . \.< M r DR U G STO RE to Talkie Films; Best of II, ly g reat open spaces left on this Sunday. He had lived at E lm ira of said section 11—370 yard* Comedian's Offers thence west 25 yard», th e m e I : crowded island are skyw ard, and to r 40 y ears before moving to Mr. Newwed Darling. you wont I south parallel with east line of W hy we recommend I already we have to double up to W endltag. C harlie C haplin's an sw er to talk- io cooking school, d id n 't you? said south half of said S E 1* of ■ reach those. Yes. things are looking said section I I —seventy yards H e w as born in England on 1 eb- pictures arrived this week at Mrs. Newwed— Ye*. dear. B up. all right. to south line of said south half ru arv 2. 1857 and cam e to th e i nl- (jle 4 of said S B *4 of e»l«l tedly the g re a te st contribution to I h ardridieg guys from th e west, a re , m em ber of th e C hristian church we carry all th e nationally- section 11; 4 chains and 35 the screen of th e beloved com ed­ "H ave you ever been sentenced advertised drug sto re pro­ I appearing in a newly opened play. ; H e ,gaveg his wi(low, Mrs Anna yards to place of beginning ian since he becam e a public idol. to im prisonm ent?” th e Judge asked ducts in addition to th e ex­ I containing acres more less The producers w anted them r e a l- : L sh o v e; tw o d aughters. Mrs. Nel clusive For alm ost th ree years th e a tre ­ sym pathetically. and for such o th er relief as may B ut we Rexall know lines th a t P u retest 1 istic> 80 they turned down profes- He M K eeler and Mrs. Mary E. goers have w aited for “City Lights." "N ev er!” exclaim ed the prisoner, lie specified In said com plaint The P roducts excel all o th e r me- j! sionai acto rs and engaged th ese gw-afford both of W endling; two d ate of the o rd er requiring service It is a fast-m oving, rom antic com ­ bursting into tears. dlcines in o u r stock. f men who a sh o rt tim e ago ap p ear g(>ns A rth u r L shove, Sm ithfield. of th is sum m ons by the publication edy. with num erous dram atic high­ vou "an'd'“to ^ o u ra e lv e s ^ 'e r“ J in a rodeo here The and F rederic W. Shove. W endling. "D on't cry—d o n 't cry." suld the th ereo f is dated April 15th 1931 .... ami requires publication once each com m end P u retest Products f wer# 3,1 8Ct to hcad for the we8t also five g randchildren and one lights and touches of pathos which Judge, consolingly. A ou re going f >ur gtt<.rem lir e week» w henever th e o p portunity B but the show offer was so lu cra g reat-grandchild. He also leaves as only the genius of Chaplin to be now." an(1 (h at yo„ app ear and answ er knows. T here is not one word of J five th a t they decided to stay. On- fQUr gigters and two brothers. arises. ----- -------------------- - within four w eeks from the d ale of dialog used in the production but SLEEP ON RIGHT SIDE, ■ ly th ey 're afraid th a t th e folks back ,h e f'r»t publication, and the daM F uneral services held T uesday a t Castor Oil, 3 oz. Size 25c a delightful variation of m usic and of th e first publication Is April ■ hom e will h e a r about it. 2 o'clock at th e E lm ira C hristian Epsom Salt. 1 lb. Tin 25c I One of them has trav eled from church and in term en t was m ade in »«jtind is synchronized to the a<- BEST FOR YOUR HEART i«th 1931 _____ c A W1NTERMBI8R. I Texas to Oklahoma In an oxcart. He , nm an cem etery. tion througout. If you toss in bed all night and A ttorney for Plaintiffs, The story, by Chaplin, is one of c a n ’t sleep on right side try sim ple ■ has also ridden in an airplane. He Sold only at Eugene, Oregon, (A dlerlka). S tate of O regon I life in a large city. It has g reat glycerin, suline etc. ■ still p refers th e oxcart. A nother Rexall Drug CHAMBER DINNER TO • 8®- 8 can throw six head of c a ttle In 62 hum an appeal and has been b ril­ Ju s t ONE dose relieves stom ach Store*. BE AT EAGLE CAFE liantly directed by th e com edian. GAS pressing on h e a rt so y«>u sleep C ounty of Lane ) 8 seconds and is an ex p ert a t “br«?ak- wound all night. Unlike o th er medl- I hereby certify th»» foregoing The c h a racters a re all n atu ral and cine. A dlerlka act« on BOTH upper and w ithin sum m ons to <*» a lr u ‘‘ B tag" wild horses. The Springfield C ham ber of Com 8 He says th a t New York is tougher th a t which transpire» rings with and low er bowel, rem oving poisons and co rrect copy and tr»ui«crip m erce m em bership dinner will be you never knew w ere there. Relieve* and of the whole th en * « o « realism . 8 than any wild horse. held a t th e E lite cafe T uesday eve­ constipation In 2 h o u rs ’ Ix>t Adler- original T here a re but th re e c h aracters ika Pleasure Palace cleanse you stom ach and bow els ( ’ A. \v IN rhHM ning a t 6:30 according to W. J. S. L. R othafel, "Roxy," who plan- vital to th e story. The leading male ,a n d see how good you feel! Kian A ttorney for I lalntlffs Hobbs, chairm an of th e arran g e­ I ned and built the Roxy th e a tre , de- p o rtrayal falls to th e com edian and cry ’s Drug Store. In Two-Tone Jacquard Velour at m ents com m ittee. A program will 8 scribed as th e larg est th e a tre since also be p resented a fte r th e dinner. 8 Rome fell, is retirin g to ta k e charge All business men and in terested of a g reat am usem ent c e n te r to be farm ers in th e com m unity a re in­ known as "R ockefeller City.” The DRUG 8TORE vited to atten d th is m eeting. i m illions of th a t fam ily will play an I im portant part in th e financing of *** S' th e project. — I The am usem ent c e n te r will in­ clude th e broadcasting statio n s of a large radio concern w ith offices M ohrir with Multi-colored Reverse Cushions in a 60 sto ry sk y scrap er which will dom inate the whole developm ent. 2 Pieces L aboratories and one of the ---- thea- ... a i B lad d er Ir r ita tio n , In acid con d i- Continuing his t r . . . «.-ill he h l.lit w th th .. id. a o f tlons. m akes you feel tired, depressed tip. will I«« n u ll! w i t h t in i(l< d nl (yid ¿ |acouraged, try th e Cystex Teat, record-breaking run Sat­ experim enting in television. W o rk s fa s t, s t a r t s c ir c u la tin g thru In those days, times were tough, money was tight, people wanted value t h e sy ste m in 15 m in u tes. P raised by Although en tirely unsolicited, we th o u sa n d s fo r r a p ld iin d p o sitiv e a c ­ urday night. and they appreciated it. Breier gave them the lowest prices in the country, tio n . D on ’t g iv e up. T ry C y stex (pro­ m ake the suggestion th a t the nam e n ou n ced S ls s -t e x ) today, under the but without trimmings. Every unessential expense was cut. The entire Iron-C lad G u aran tee. M ust q u ick ly be «hanged to "R oxyfeller City." a lla y th e s e co n d itio n s. Im prove l e s t - f ’il sle ep and en e r g y , ur m on ey back. R ejected? Oh well. appeal was «a Wisconsin Woman Lost 11 Pounds C M PICÏURE DRAWING PRAISE Davenport and Chair Suites Flanery’s $ 5 9 .5 0 I Backache Leg Pains Colonial Braier Brings Back Values of 25 Years Ago! D a v e n p o r t a n d C hair $ 6 9 .5 0 —$ 9 8 .5 0 —$ 1 1 5 ,7 5 O nly 60c a t You W on't be M isaed K ETELS DRUG STORE T here are a g reat many pe«,ple in ; 5th & Main Springfield, Ore. QUALITY and PRICE Times and methods changed . . . Expense of doing business tripled . . .The consumer has paid for these innovations . . . As a consequence he got less goods for his money. SPRINGFIELD STORE ONLY 500 Main Street "CITY LIGHTS D o Y ou W ant Values Alone? FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GREEN BEANS “ Betty's Pride" No. 2 Can $2.25 Case 24 cans 10c PUMPKIN “ Betty's Pride" cN: „ 2 ^ ......... i o c Case 24 cans____ $2.40 TOMATOES "Betty's Pride” No. 2 / j KRAUT "Betty's Pride” Case 24 cans Case 24 cans____ $2.40 SNOWFLAKE CRACKERS 2 pound Box CRAB MEAT •'Korean” No. ’/ 2 Can 10c $2.40 25c 21c Again, today, times are harder . . . Custo­ mers demand mofe value, but they can­ not eat their pie and keep it, too . . . If a big part of your money goes to non-essen­ tial expense it cannot go into merchan­ dise. If SO. come to this selling event — 99c of every dollar is going into mer­ chandise. You will find goods piled out, strung up, AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE LAND! WE WILL HAVE “ NOTHING BUT VALUE." WITHOUT FIXINGS! IOC GRAHAM CRACKERS 2 pound Box 25c SALMON Libby's Sockeye No. 1 T ra il Can New Spring Patterns in Floor Coverings Good Quality Felt Base, Sq. Yd. 45c Best Quality, Sq. Yd. 65c « Felt Base Rugs But, Oh Boy, We Sure Have Value! Heed the Call, Come Early! Standard weight 9x12 $ 6 .9 5 Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINTS 29c 2