T lU IK H h A Y A P H IL 1«. 1931 T H E H P H IN O E IE IJ ) N E W S SUMMER HOME S IT E S O N W IL L A M E T T E R E A D Y For«»! Officials Preparing Public Camping Ground* Along High­ way Under Conelructlon LANE WOOD SHOW G R A H A M P A IG E F IR S T T O C R A T E R L A K E T H IS Y E A R r PAOB bM R S. H U N T L E Y A T T E N D S C H IL D W E L F A R E TOWN AND VICINITY MEET F - lit r e » - of *I1<| E u g en e ; M a ry H sskllC S, B K b W a rre u K oetad am t Julia Vodjnneky. both of Kugene; Richard Darla and Edna Farmer, both of Cotta«« Grove; R. R Pearl. Brownsville and Kdna Scott, Eugeno; Walter Baird and Nina Wilson, both of Eugene. The flrat car to reach Crater Mrs. M. B Huntley will leave l.nke rim thia year wa* the gov for Portland tooday where she *UI Visits Brother— latVerne M< l'her eriiment'* four »p< ed Graham I’alge Visitor from Thurston— Ira Gray I aUund the Western Child Welfare »•■dun n*a!gn«d to the park super non «pent the week-end at Italia» of Thurston wa* a bu»Ine»* visi­ |Conferen«e which meets at the Mult­ Five iKKIKWtlll-a ubton the Will« tor In Springfield Wednesday nomah hotel for a three-day ses­ C h a m b e r o f C o m m erce S p o n ­ In'endent. K C. Solln»ky. accord with hla brother, Virgil. liislte highway have Imnn aurvey i sion starting Friday In« to Information received by (he sor« In te re s tin g D isp lay w ith Visit at Salam — Mr and Mr». Visitor from Leaburg— A. W Fra ' <