THUR8DAY APRIL 1«. IM I THE SPRINGFIELD NBWS IE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PublUhed Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS II E M A X E Y . Editor Knleretl aa second claaa matter. February 24, t»03. at the poetotfice. Springfield. Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Year In Advance ............ $1.75 Three Monlh» Six M onth« S in g h »1 0(1 75c Copy IT’S TRUE THURSDAY A ritll, Id. 1931 W ILL PORTLAND PI LL FOR US ’ In an a ttem pt to put th> P ortland spirit to w o rk fo r the upper end o f the W illam e t< valley business men are in P ortland today to attend the firs t m eeting of the W illa ­ m ette W aterways association in the Oregon m etropolis. The meeting w ill be called to order by President F rank Jenkins in conjunction w ih the week.v luncheon o f the Portland Lions club. It is hoped to get the Lions to scratch­ ing fo r the canalization of the rive r and wake P ortland up on the value o f riv e r trausporation to th is inland empire. Except fo r a few men like. ,1. C. A insw orth, P ortland has never “ come to b a t” fo r canalization o f the riv e r as it should. Portland has been content w ith the dredging o f the channel from Astoria up stream. Astoria in the beginning wasn’t very " h o t” fo r Portland as a port. P ortland, has not pulled any too m uch fo r Oregon C ity's request fo r a deep channel. Salem has not been 100 per cent fo r navigation to Eugene and one o f her newspajH'rs scouts the idea o f boats ru n n in g fa rth e r than the capital c ity Eugene, when she requested Senator M cNary to introduce the b ill in congress, fo r a survey of the W illam ette asked fo r it only to Eugene and th a t was as fa r as the survey was made. S pringfield had herself included at the last congress in December by an amendment to the river's and harbors b ill by M cNary. The w a r departm ent engineer m aking the survey this sum m er recommended the canalization o f the riv e r but the chief engineer in W ashington, D. C.. turned it down, u n til fu rth e r proof o f tonnage was evident. Is it jm y wonder they tu rn us down when we show th is sort o f team w ork. Lack o f team w o rk between cities is holding Oregon back m ore than any th in g else in our opinion. We sim ply have n o t learned as yet how to lie " a ll fo r one and one fo r a ll.” If the W illam ette W aterways association can unite the cities in a common fig h t fo r canalization of the riv e r and get 100 per cent support the project w ill go over and the eyes o f W estern Oregon w ill be so opened th a t team w ork w ill result in the accom plishm ent o f other great u n d e rta k­ ings. B etter cooperation among the sm aller cities has re­ sulted in each m eeting o f the w aterw ays association. The question now is "W h a t w ill Portland do?” THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS is giving FREE two beautiful new cars and other valuable gifts, cash and commissions totaling $4,000.00 to ambitious Lane County Residents, June 3, 1931 . . . . LIST OF PRIZES 1. 2. 3. 4. - - ■■ 5. Merchandise C e rtifica t te DOCTOR Four speeds) u 4 mi Nomination Coupon T H IS C O U P O N TURNED IN BY M A Y 20, 1931 IS GOOD FOR 5 000 FREE VOTES I hereby e nter and cast 5,000 Votes fo r Miss. M r. o r M rs............... .......................a......... ......... ..... ....... A d d re s s ........ ...... ........................ ............... ................ ................. as a contestant in the Ben F ra n k lin “ Earn and W in " Campaign. Purchased o f 852 Pearl Street N O T E — O nly one nom ination coupon accepted fo r each contestant. Nom inate yourself or a friends today. CHAS. TAYLOR'S GARAGE Eugene, Oregon Campaign Just Starting- - Entries Now Being Accepted THIRD GRAND PRIZE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Round Trip to Alaska for 2 Persons ALL EXPENSES PAID GRASP An Ideal Vacation Without One Cent of Cost! “EARN and WIN” 20^° Commission or a Prize and 10^ JOHN JOSEPH GAINES, M.D SECOND GRAND PRIZE F IE LD NOTES The physician who is lite ra lly "in the harness,” encoun­ ters m any very stern d iffic u ltie s as he goes about doing the best he can fo r su ffe rin g hum anity. His is a hand-to-hand encounter w ith his b ro th e r’s arch-foes, disease and death. He lias little tim e fo r sentim ent o r em pty theories; none fo r p o litic a l debate; his purpose is embodied in the one principle, th a t o f relief fo r s u ffe rin g and the conquering o f a fflic tio n , fig h tin g even to death's door. A few days ago I was called to the bedside o f a man seventy-five years of age; he had been indisposed tw o or three dayB previous and had supposed he bad a “ cold.” A year ago he had had an attack o f "dropsy,” o f heart and renal o rig in ; from this he had only in part recovered. He was a very poor risk fo r the case of “ flu ,” w tiich he had m istaken fo r a severe cold. 1 found him w ith a well-established ease of broncho­ pneum onia; the "lin n e ts " were chirping all over one side o f the chest; fever and disturbed breathing; a very irre g u la r heart, w ith feeble pulse at the w ris t; cool extrem eties; “ fo g g y ” m ental c o n d itio n : in fact, a condition that boded one chance in ten fo r recovery, w hich at the best m eant the m eager existence of an enfeebled old man b u t he had a rig h t to t i i a t ! it was my a ffa ir, m y business to keep him alive fo r his aged w ife and other loved ones, as long as possible. Dear reader, 1 prescribed alcoholic stim ulants, to be com bined w ith nourishm ent; fire cannot burn long w ith o u t fuel. He used a pint o f whiskey in the next fo u r days! It was not a very d iffic u lt m a tte r to control the cough to keep the tem perature w ith in safe lim its. Today the old man is •recovering a t least his usual health. N either I nor m y aged patients are wets.” We are no w etter than you, dear sir, I care not how " d ry ” you claim to be. 1 am very sure m y patient would have died, had it not been fo r the tim e ly use o f I he alcoholic s tim ulant, which was here sim plest, best! My m oral is, I pe rm it no theory to «tep between me and the man w ho tru s ts me w ith his Me. 1 demand freedom in cases lik e this. (S ix w indow s $4000.00 Total There is no tim e like the present spring to give the lum ber industry’ a hand. F ix up the place a little . P u t a few b u ilt-in s in the kitchen, give yourself a garage o r wood shed nice and new . W hile you are using up o u r surplus lum ber v o u ’ll be helping the carpenters too. ------------- e------------- T H E FAMILY Special Six Sedan Fulop’s Department Store, Sprinafield 40.00 6. Cash Hundreds of dollars set aside to pay fo r cash 1458.00 commissions, cash prizes, etc. estimated -------- AN A D V E R TIS IN G SUGGESTION C alifornia is advertising her w ild flow ers over the radio — in v itin g the w orld to see 'em and pick 'em. The C a lifo r­ nia fa rm e r wishes they would come and dig a ll the pesky poppies up by the roots. C alifornia know s how to a ttra c ­ tive ly advertise even her weed pests. Now le t’s see w h a t the Oregon Chambers of Commerce can do advertising o ur flowers. In the Three Sisters region in sum m er, botanists te ll us, can be found flo ra and fauna representatives of every clim ate fro m the tropics to the arctic. W hy don’t we te ll the w orld about it through the press and radio? $1335.00 647.00 300.00 146.00 75.00 GRAHAM-PAIGE Special Six Sedan FORD TUDOR Sedan or Coupe ALASKA TRIP for two persons Atwater Kent RADIO The tonnage is here to ju s tify the canalization o f the river. Lack o f proof that it is here is our own fa u lt. Perhaps no like area in Am erica has greater potential tonnage than the W illam ette valley from Portland to Cottage Grove Come on Portland, by team w ork we w ill reach our goal. L E T ’S C E LEBR ATE The last section o f the McKenzie highw ay has been let and soon it w ill be a state road from beginning to end— one that costs m any hundreds o f thousands o f dollars and lin ks eastern and western Oregon. When it gets good and hot in eastern Oregon next sum m er we should in vite the folks to a big picnic somewhere in the McKenzie bridge area and fittin g ly celebrate the com pletion of this great scenic and com m ercial highw ay. Big trees and a cold riv e r sure looks good to the people of the bunch grass country. We th in k they w ould come. ----------------------------- A L L TO G ETH ER FOR T H E U N IV E R S IT Y W hile we believe in econom ical conduct o f o u r schools and colleges, we are against any change th a t w oulld cripple the U niversity o f Oregon. We have a great school here and we should resist any raids on it. T his un ive rsity has been builded slow ly and soundly in the lig h t o f experience to fill the needs o f educating the youth o f this state. The fact that we have one o f the most enlightened states in the union attest to the influence o f the u n ive rsity in years past. Let not some meddlers, w ith a superficial knowledge of what a u n iversity shouldl be, tw is t th is federal re p o rt around to the detrim ent o f our great school. FIRST GRAND PRIZE - Graham Paige Sedan Weekly Commissions Choice of Ford Tudor Sedan or Coupe TUE NEW FORD TUDO R Purchased of ANDERSON M OTORS, Inc. S pringfield A uthorized Ford Agency SED A N " FOURTH PRIZE Atwater Kent Radio Till« cam paign I h namcn “ E arn and Win" because each person participating 1« paid ten per cen t i uh I i coninilHHlnn w eekly; baaed on th e ir total subscription «ale* for th e pre v I ouh week. T here 1« no limit to the am ount of cash to be earned aa the more subscrip­ tions sold, the more enmmlH- «Ion will he paid. T he m ore cash a co n testan t e a rn s d u r­ ing the cam paign, the g reater I h th eir opportunity to win the first prize. T here a re ah Holutely no losers In thl« cam paign an everyone who I h en ­ tered and rem ain* active until the close will win one of the prizes or they will be paid an additional ten per cen t of th eir total subscription sale« for th e en tire cam paign. E V E R Y B O D Y W IN S — If W h a t could be Fairer? For Full Information Inquire “CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT” The Springfield News 9 WRIGHT <& SONS Springfield, Oregon Phone 2