% THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS % o % TW K NTV-KIUHTH YBAH. BASEBALL STARTS IT H.S. ON FRIDAY Entire Schedule for Teams of County Given by High School Officiate SHIINGEIKIJ), LANK COUNTY, OREGON, Geo, „ , w„i mi m inkbes T Is May 4 to 9 IN PARLORS SOLD r«™" '• P .T .A . Officer 1 11I'KHDAY APRIL 1«. 11#31 BIBLE SCHOOL GROUP DEMONSTRATION SET Sludsnts Taking Final Esamina tiona Thia Weak; Program at Church April 28 Young L ady A sk s M any Q u e s tio n s O n C a m p a ig n Street Commissioner to Han­ Springfield Woman to be vice- i Fair Contestant Gets Infor- Program of the W eekday Bible _ mation First Hand About P. J. Bartholomew and R.j Preeident of Organization dle Transportation Work school demonstration la now being Claude Gray Acquire Inter­ Saving Money for City During Next School Year ..B ig Subscription Contest prepared and will be given at the est in Walker-Poole Firm Is Told How to Win. Methodist church commencing at Contestants C III SELLS OLD BAILROM LIND 45 Acres C o m to Philip Saul This Is a list of those who for Farming Purpoaaa; have entered our "Earn and Property Adjoint Hie Mra. G II Good. Eugene, was Cleanup day thia year will he Win" campaign or 7:30 p. m April 28 according to have been , i hi me n president of the laut« Coon Mav 1 to V, according to a motion i' Did you ever have a bunch of JOHN LYNCH WILL PITCH made on Mnndaiy night hy the city PLAN TO RETAIN NAME ly Council of I'urent-Teocher aa Miss Goldie Kmlth, director of the questions fired at you with aucb 1 nominated by friends The votes MONEY TO PAY TAXES ■" soctallons at the final meeting of | *°rk OOUtlcll. A thorough cleanup like are Ihe 5000 free votes given rapidity that you hardly knew Students In the Junior high Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew I n«’ present avhoet year at Kunta former years free Io (he property where you were? Thia fair maid Tentative Starting Lineup for with the nomination. Remainder of Land to ba Held mere on Saturday. Other officers ! •*'••**>• took their final examine- Other Positions Given by owners will he rondurled. More Move to Springfield; In Include Mrs. L. E. Putinn, Spring Il,on» ln '*»• * ork Tuesday The wanted to know What. Why and for Airport and Other Louts* Archer lime la aUoMeil to rleauup this 5,000 When! Charge of Local Chapel Coach May Municipal Purpose« field, vice-president; Mr». Lee program being planned will mark John C. Benton year and It 1» expected that the 5,000 That's what happens to the cam­ Winy, River Itomi, secretary; and ; c*°ae of the work for the pre- Mrs. Alice Beeson street i-ominlaaloner will be able 5.000 paign manager alm ost every day. Elnul negotiations In the trans­ llaseball m w j m u i wIM nffli-lajly Hale of about 4G acres of the Mrs ( ’. U Buck, Eltnlra, treasurer. u-nt school year. Mrt George Blair 5 000 Io do all the work with a resultant except that you can't faze him and fer of the W F. Wulker Internats «poll u.1 Hprtogrftohl liltrti »duxil Industrial and park site, recently The Bible Instruction work Is Gertrude Bauer saving to the city, 5,000 Election of officers was mode In the Walker-Poole funeral home» tomorrow, Friday, when the lilgli purely optional with students and be will welcome others to call and I N. L. Bond 5.000 deeded to this city hy Eugene, has E E Keppner mint In Ills realg- In Eugene and Hprlngfleld to I’. at the forenoon seuaton of the all m 4 i < h >I teem m««ela the Eugene nine their parents. Support for the In- do likewise. Ask him as many quea Mrs. Edna Davis 5.000 I been made to Philip Saul, by the III the fir» I game of I he season In nation aa rlty engineer and It was J. Bartholomew and It Claude day meeting, delegates accepting latractor is obtained by donations tiona as yon like, and he’ll answer Hprinfleld council. Tha land sold Mrs. Eath Forstrom 5,000 ihlH district. The gums will be accepted Earl Thompson woe up-1 Gray, both of Eugene, were com-j"**’ P,M*pb* suggested by the nomi­ from women’s organizations of tha them as fast as he can talk. for approximately «100 an acre Hazel Edmiston 5,000 „lend ,1Br<. ,hla week and the new nating committee. A lunch was local churches. Some people might become played on I he field Imi'k of the |ollgeo!('harle vu. II. II H at Eugene, May I; '*oolc of Eugene. The land which will be used for the High School Students to Glenn M. Woods 5.000 tkin of Parent-Teacher associations Cot luge Grove at Eugene. May 5, flrwt c lass, with over 2000 popu 1 name. Walker Poole will he con­ municipal airport, a city psu-k, and Mra. Elsie Allison 5.000 Springfield Next Year It," and if medals were given to I’. II H. at Cottage Grove. MayM; lation according to the state health tinued fur the present It lias been to In- hold In that city In October other municipal purposes. Very lit­ Helen Spray ................ 5.000 question propoundera. this young C. II. H at Kprlugfleld, and Eugene department. The department asked announced. RepreaentaGvea from Hprlngfleld tle If any of the land will be sold, Attendance at Hprlngfleld high Otto Olson .................. 5.000 lady would be given a solid gold ut Collage Grave, May 15; Spring that Dr W II Pollard he «ppolitt- city officials say. It Is desired to Mr. und Mrs Bartholomew have ' at the mooting Saturday were Mrs. school will be Increased by at Mra. Myrtle McAlpin 5,000 field va. Eugene at Eugene, May ■«I registrar of vital statistics and moved to the Wulker residence In \ L. K. Page, Mrs. D. ( Oglllvte. Jegst 22 students next fall as a re one studded with diamonds hold the property and atempt to She walked briskly Into the of­ IS, Kprlugfleld va. Cottage G rove' receive fees accordingly. It w ,llilh ls city which was also Included Mr». M»e Putman. Mrs. T. ( Hur- suit of the decision last week to convert It to usee which will bene­ days that you are ln the campaign- fice and came to the point right ut Springfield May 22; and (I. II Is- ntM-eeeary for the i lly Io pay | in the transaction und and they will w ill, , ker. Mrs. D. O. Fisher, and Mrs send students at the McKenzie val- i yoo receive doable the amount of fit both Hprlngfleld and Eugene In awAy. Mortwl^ „ K v a Eugiwa- at V. II. 8.. May 2S thews fees out id the emergency hare a<.l|v „ (.har<„ (jf w<(rk at lh1’ ’ *’ will go to Eugene tomorrow night planned to go to W altervllle soon "And does R make any dlffer- per cent will at third lleraey Tomaath or Moyd give me spending property waa deeded to thia city. u graduate embalmer and a gradu­ to attend the district m eeting of to consult students there as to enee where I l i v e u r From Eugene School. Mattlaon will get the rail aa short­ | money Wh“* ’ am winn“* » I Eugene originally bought the pro- ate nurse. She will handle all wo­ the organization which includes the their choice of subjects before a No difference whatever. Just so nlce pr)le. I think It’s Just wonder from the Southern Pacific stop. The field will be covered by a I men and children cases for Ihe group at Junction t'Ry, Cascade < urrlcula for the next year Is pre- you u live ln In Lane county." f„i fuj -• aelixiloii from the following: Alton I April Frolic, gay gathering of i new firm. » railroad company In order to get chapter at Hprlngfleld and the Blue pared. "Well then tell me what I must Robeson. ( heeler Hobeaon. Dorman mothers and daughters at the high 1 Gray Is uow asw xiulcd with the Everybody's Csmpaign i (he car »hope located to that city River and Evahgeltne groupe at; Under the plan adopted at Wal- do to win.” and she moved her (111 see. I*uul Holdey, Bob Htark, school which is always the climax K ter ville the students there »rill be chair a notch forward. ♦! The campaign is open to every InMead of Springfield. The county to Girls la-ague Week, will MM First National Hank In Eugene Eugene. and George Thatcher. carried the tax assees- where he has been for the past 22 meeting will be held at the D^nsported to Springfield in a "That's easy. AH you have to do ° f. 5°°**. over H Hprlngfleld has a Quantity of sway al Hprlngfleld high school year.. He will not take any a c tiv e , ‘ The J " bus each day. The district I- to see your friend, and acqunln-1 y~ rs ° ld and lf YOU h* ’ e b~ " J meDt tbe “ d U” good material for a baaaball team ! Friday evening of this week ac­ part in the work of the firm for w... pay a tuition of ,90 to th e , lan ce, and get them to subscribe ’ h'"“ EU,One “ h 0 * * - this year and IndlcaUons are that cording to Fay Parsons, president the present time, although he does i officers are expected to attend. The Springfield district and will also to The Springfield News through j a"d ¿®“rn thJ" ™ of the organization. Hprlngfleld delegation will have a good record will he made It la I campaign which is chuck full of i Intend to leave Ihe bank eventual­ j charge of opening and closing ex­ la y the transportation costa. This you. That's al there is to it.’ Daughters wilt come dressed In only year-before last that the high ly nud become active In undertak I ______ _________________ has beet, estimated at between; "How much does each subscrlp- opp<,rt,,n,t1“ for - ’ •rjrbody. As It FAMOUS GUIDE. TRAPPER ercises for the meeting school turned out a team which costume and fnlkiwlng u program lug work. tlon count? I haven’t got that quite; “8ualIy u k e s from two 10 three'D IE S SUDDENLY SUNDAY ,1200 and ,1500 per year. I won the county championship, and , dancing and refreshments will be In announcing Ihe purchase of straight in mv mind." she eagerly I " eek8 for a “ >is mag­ The McKenzie high school was lhe leant last seaaon proved strong en jo y ed . nitude to get under way, by start- the local chattel. Mr Bartholomew MRS. HARRIET M. SCOTT Death claimed George H. Moody. etoablished In 1911 and Is a two loqutred. opposition fur all teems In the «He-1 The entire week has been desig­ stated that either him self or his , BURIED HERE MONDAY That depends entirely on the lnK 8oon you c*» “e one of the 39. famous as a trapper and guide .teach er school. The building bad -------- ---------- — — -e,,— trlct. n a ted aa p rin t dress w ee k anti the wife wilt be at the chapel every toxnvfH r»F 11 rvi j . «H a v,_ , trLtJ-u x_ «v£\UCs S VT-tQlIl 3 (l&Y OF tWO. l^UrH for outings in the upper McKenzie become obsolete and residents of *enou^ ° ’rn “ >ls George Moody was born In Chica­ workouts. terialned for 25 from University Oldest Business Man Baptist church. I too glad to have som eone come and your b» ‘ yeer The <'am Pai« n «<■ go on August 12, 1891 and come to high school and yesterday they e n -’ The retirement o f Mr. Walker get their subscriptions, thus saving flce *8 open from 9 m to 6 p' m Oregon settling at McKenzie Bridge She is survived by her t h r e e ..... FRIENDS GATHER FOR _________ terialned for a similar number from business In tills city marks daughters. Mra. A. 8. Jelllson. T Y S 0 N Q U I T S A T M ILL them the ________________ bother of bringing it to , i elce p t Sunda’r8 Same ls located ln In 1912. In 1924 he married Miss business office office of of this this I newspa Marie Paulsen. POTLUCK DINNER HERE from Eugene high. Each afternoon the leaving of the oldest business Portland. Mra. E W McKinnon. HAS OTHER DUTIES the office, lf but properly approach the 'Be business per. rSpingfield. phone 2. they entertained their guests with man In the city In nuntfier years Globe, and Mra. C. J. Pardue, Ta- He is survived by his widow and ------------ [ ed in this manner.' Friends and relatives of M. A. a short program In the auditorium of service. W alker first started coma two sons. W aller J. Scott, W. one son, George J. 13; a slater, Mra. W. P. P. Tyson, Tyson, mayor mayor of of Spring- Spring- The young woman drew a deep, Mabel McWilliams, of' Loe A ngeles; Pohl gathered at his home on south and later served lea and visited In business here In 1905 al the corner Klamath Falls, and Charles F. Scott field, announced Tueoday that he breath and resumed: “How many COUNTY CHAMBER TO Second street Monday evening for the hallway upstairs which had of Mill and and two brothers. Arthur Moody, - Main streets a cro ss, (>f Springfield. She also leaves sev- was leaving the employ of the prizes will be given?” u r i n D PiD T i s t u n a i A .l l u surprise potluck dinner In honor been artistically decorated to re- from what Is known os Ihe I*Ar-Ien grandchildren and 19 grrot- Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. that eve- "There will be six prises and cash H EAR P O R T L A ND MAN Eugene and Charles Moody. Loe of hls birthday. Among those pre­ present a Japanese teu garden. ker garage 1-ater, In 1919, he grandchildren. nlng after 17 continuous years of comm issions a total of ,4.000." Angeles. of New State ^T****1"* sent were Mr. and Mrs A. J. has served as trans- "Gracious, that is a lot of money. Chairman „ / T * " 5__._ Funeral services were held at The program In the auditorium moved to Ihe present location in: Tw)> hrothers \y a|ter Hall. Men ment of Agriculture to Address Hchnetxky, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas consisted of a vocal solo by Ernest the Veatch chapel in Eugene Wed­ omlnee. Wisconsin, and Edward engineer for the company And how will all these prizes be' Dinner Gathering Patrick. Mr. and Mrs M B. H um McKinney, director of music at the recently taken over by the Liberty Hall. Rifle. Colorado; nesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mem­ together at Springfield ever since the local awarded.” ley. Mr. and MYs. R. P. Mortensen high school, selections by a sextet Masonic lodge. Walker has taken a with two sisters. Mra. A. E. Noble. ptaj” was constructed. He has also bers of the Eugene Elks lodge had "The grand capital prize will be H. E. Cully, executive of the Uni­ charge of service« at both the cha­ und two children. Joel and Ixiulsa from the glee club, a one act play, very active par. In the I been active in the work of the awarded to the one securing the ted States Bonk at Portland and pel and at the interment which was Cowden. Jengen Grwn ’’Two Naughty Old Maids,” given ment of this community during hls Mrx Four-L organization and In safety largest number of votes, regardless chairman of the new State Depart - made ln the new I.O.O.F. cemetery. by members of the league, and u many years residence here. and first-aid work among em- as to where he or she may reside W isconsin, also survive. , _ . . i. . i ment of Agriculture, created by the vocal solo by Virginia Christie. FARM SALE REPORTED by this , . . . Funeral services were held Mon- ployes. Hls successor has not been In the territory covered . legislature at their last session, t h K. H .w, . which I. Lane county; wjn prlncipal 8peaker u BAPTISTS WILL HEAR IN MARCOLA DISTRICT A radio program dedicated to LOCAL LEGION POST , day at 2o'clock from the Branstet- - _____________ - _______________ tbe oU,er p ril*8 ** awarded ln the April meeting of the Lane Conn­ the girls Is-ague was broadcast ov­ WILL MEET TONIGHT ter i-hupel in Eugene. Rev. Ralph h lTY ° n ^ thbeen ,dey^ S r - OBLIGATIONS OF W IFE ie Mulholland, pastor of the Spring- h 8 ,h * 8a'; of bond8 llke and *» * * >‘8'' tv Chamber of Commerce which is Hah- of Ihe E. T. Truesdale 200- er radio station KOBE and heard ucrw farm near Marcola to R. B. on a radio Installed In the science “The Fellowship of Christ” will The adoption of a new conatltn- field Baptist church officiated and since he was made a part time ed. to m eet at the Lee-Duke cafe In "Oh. I see,” as her face lightened ' tlon for the Springfield American ' interment was made In the Laurel em ployee of the company last fall. Webster of Iowa was announced room In the high school. Eugene this evening according to be the morning serm jn topic at the It is expected that he will devote up. ’’Then I have an equal chance lust weekend by the McCully real­ Legion post number 40 will be the Grove cemetery. A. F. S. Steele, secretary of the Baptist chnrch Sunday according hls entire time to that work in the with the others to win any one of ly company of Eugene who hand- LODGE DRILL TEAM HAS principal business at the meeting I _________________ Eugene Chamber of Commerce to Rev. R. R. Mulholland who will future. the pritea.” led the transaction Mr. W ebster I to be held at the Community hall occupy the pulpit at both services. who Is arranging the program. INSPECTION SET PRACTICE ON TUESDAY tonight according to W alter N. IUKA ■TBrnctly." bus already taken poaseaslon of the' ___ _ Hls evening sermon topic at 7:30 Cully has taken an active part “But suppose I don't win any of place and will devote hls time to Gossler, adjutant. A discussion w ill' FOR FRIDAY EVENING SMALL BOY ATTACKED will be "Foolish Preaching." The regular practice meeting of in the agitation for the formation the raising of pedigreed chickens also he brought out over the sug 1 A mission study hour will be held BY DOG; LEG INJURED the prises, what then; have my ef­ of the new state department of agrl- the Progressive 22 drill team of Iuka circle number 28, Ladies of forts been all for nothing?” und duJry cattle. gested plan of charging un Inltla 7 o'clock and a pre-sermon topic. the Rebekah lodge was held at the the O.A.R. will meet at the Com­ Abeolutely not! If you stay with culture a,,d 18 deep,y interested ln “Is A Wife Under Obligation to lion fee of ,20 for new members James Orem, four and one-half I.O.O.F. hall Tueoday evening at BAPTISTS ADOPT ANNUAL 7:30. The meeting was to have been and members who are to be re-ln- munity hall Friday evening, April years old. was severely bitten by it to the finish and make a regular ^b's wo,’*c- Obey Her Husband?” will be dis 17, for regular Inspection by state cash report, but fall to score among cussed by the pastor. elated. a dog belonging to neighbors of BUDGET LAST THURSDAY held last Friday night, hut was officials. The meeting was to have Fifteen members of the Legion The Sunday school meets every the Orem family Tuesday night. the prise winners, you will be paid MRS. MARTHA WALLACE postponed because of the operetta been held tonight, but was post­ istsl have contributed the sum of PASSES AT MARCOLA | Sunday morning at 10 a. m. Teeth of the dog penetrated the a cash comm ission of 20 per cent An amuiul budget of ,2500 wan at the high school that evening poned because of the meeting of udnptod for the Baptist idiurch at Regular drill work followed hy u ,18 dollars to be used in the pur­ the Legion at the hall at that time. fleah of the boy's leg ln eight or of your collections." “Then I can't lose; I am sure to Funeral services for Mrs. Mar McKENZIE BRIDGE TO chase of a new flag for Ihe A tix ili- ten places according to the phy- the quarterly bualnees meeting of aupper occupied the time o f t h e . The m eeting will be open to the | slclan who attended hint receive som ething anyway! W ell tha B. Wallace who died at her . ... , ... ary group. Other eontribullona. to :;<• congregation held at the church members of the organization at the , . . BUILD NEW SCHOOL The boy’s seven-year-old sister '^at certainly ls fair enough." home at Marcola Suuday were held . Ihe total sum of ,25 will he sought. public and a pot-luck supper will last Thursday evening. The budgut Tuesday meeting. be served after the meeting. The sustained a dislocated elbow ear- “Nothing could be fairer— besides at the W.O.W. hall at Marcola on I n the same iu i for the previous Residents of the McKenxle inspection will be conducted by Iter In the week when« she was the opportunity of winning one of Tuesday at 2 o’clock with Rev. year. Members of th e budget com­ SHEEP. GOATS CLIPPED Bridge school district voted 29 to PROFIT REALIZED FROM Mrs. E g g im a n u . state president, playing at her birthday party and Pr