H« Major O peration— Mri Kay I ’n liiir r ■>( W est Hprlngf lelditn tier went lunjor oper u tic o iU Ihe KuCone hospital Woilumuluy ufler- noon. N O T IC C OF H C A N IN Q 0 N F IN A L A C C O U N T FOR IIIAH IH Call nt 16b Hlxlh street or prop» 9 (or nppolut- ■noiit, M 194 Young h o u ssk esp er, lion 2ix itoui« 2. Bugen«. M2fl :i W ANTED l.uH T III own leath er B rief Cnee. Itewuid Io (Inder. John Ander- K imi . Ford lin in g«. HprlngHuld. PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIIVHHUAY. APRIL », I M I NOTICK IH HKKBBY G |V E N , That thè undernlgned. an executor of thè Lant WUI and Tentnm ent o( Charlen K. Hlevenn, deceaaed, ban flled hla accollili (or thè (Inai nettlem ent of nald d eced en tn entate In III« County Court (or Lane County, Oregon, and that Hnturday thè 2nd day o( May, 1*31. al thè Court (tonni of Hiitd Court In th« County Court H o u le, In B u g in e at leu o’elot’k In thè Forenoon. han been flxed by nald Court an the lim e and piace (or hearing objec dona thereto, and (or thè netti« nielli thereof p |jW (N HTKVKNH E x e c u to r o f Ih e l.an t WIII and HAI.EHMKN W AN TED To run T e n ta m e la o f Charlen E. H teven«. lloltorling hualnesa In l.un« lou n I.. L. Kay. Attorney (or Enlute ly. Many m ake »60 to »76 weekly A.2 » 16 -23 30 year «round work no lay off. C ita ta of B an ch a m B. O latx, W ill« today (or (roe booklet. P r o iu m id to bo. D ead. G C, IIEHKRLINU COMPANY, IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF Uapt. 1712, Bloom ington, III. 2t The ST A T E O KOKKOON. In uud (or lain e County T.< Ham bum II D ieta: INCREASED ACREAGE POSTPONED ONE WEEK OF POTATOES CERTAIN MISSION MEETING IS The regular m eeting of the For I elgn Minn loll society of the Metho- I dint churi h which wan to have been i held on TilHnday uderuiniu l«un i been postponed (or one week he- i aune of the revival aervlrea lie lug held al the church T he m eet Ing will lie held at the church next Tucmlay » ta ilin g at 2 «’«lock. POWER CO. EMPLOYEES ATTEND FOOD SCHOOL Minn M axine Hnodgruan, Frank Hlullnon, and II. Miller, em ployee i of thè M ountain Htatea Power coni puhy ,j,o v „ u , Junctlon City Mi«»- day to alterni a cooktn« aebool ap on aored b y th è p o w er com pany (or e in p lo y e a ut thè grou p . Mine Low P rices for Large Crop Prrdlct ed by Market O fficials ot Cor­ vallis; U. S. Yield Low K e|n,rts from the exletw lou se r ­ vice of Oregon S ta te college Indi­ ca te that the farm ers of th is state plun to plant an Increase of 10 per cent more acreage to potatoes this year than they did during th e year 1930 Production In expected to be one-fourth greater than lant year E xtension nervlce o fficia ls at Uie colluge sta te that the potato m arket situation during the 1931 32 mar kettng sea so n may resem ble that of 1926 29 when surplus production caused extrem ely low prices. N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT N otice Is hureby given that Asa J H iggins has flled In the County Court of the S tate of Oregon in and for Lane County, bis final re­ port as adm inistrator of the esta te of Ora H H iggins, d eceased ; and that ten o'clock In th e forenoon of Saturday, the 11th day ot April. 1931, at the Courtroom th ereof th Eugene. O regon, have been fixed and appointed by said court as the tim e and place for hearing ob jec­ tions to said report and for the final settlem en t of tbe e sta te of said deceased ASA J HIGGINS, A dm inistrator of the E state of Ora II Hlgglnn, D eceased A E. W heeler. Attorney. M 12-19-26- A. 2-9 S U M M O N S IN F O R E C L O S U R E OF D E L IN Q U E N T T A X C E R T IF IC A T E S POULTRY INDUSTRY HELD STABLE IN THIS STATE B e tte r Demand for Egge Seen by Specialists; Hatchings Exceed Those of Previous Year G reater sta b ility tn Oregon's com m ercial e g g and chick hatch ery buslnesa than prevails In other se ctio n s. Is apparent from a report on the agricultural situation Just released by th e Oregon S tate c o l­ le g e ex ten sio n service. The number of salable ch ick s hatched by com ­ m ercial h atch eries In Oregon during February was reported aa 14 per c en t m ore than tn 1930. w h ile for the w hole country there was a de­ crease of over 37 per cent. "Oregon egg producers apparent- In the C ircu it Court of the State ly Intend to profit from the m arket T he average yield of potatoes In of Oregon for the County of Lana. outlook inform ation they received Lulu Mi Phernoil, Frank Hehuffen the t ’nlted S ta te s wan low In 1930 bergvr, unit Mr M iller atten ded the and 1929 hecuuae of the drouth. In the Pacific N orthw est, how ever, school Tneaday afternoon. good eropa w ere h arvested , esp e­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S cially In 1930, according 1° m arket N otice la hereby given that the reporta. undernlgned ban been duly appoint­ ed adinlnlatrater of the entate of »hat poultry favorable conditions here ars MANY RODENT CONTROL SUPERVISORS APPOINTED AMERICAN STANDARDS OF LIVING IMPROVED Significant Changes In Q u s M ltls i nnd Quantise of Foods and A * parnl Noted by Profoseie Agricultural Agent Gives Names of Som e in tsrsK lo g facts io o r « r s Appoints«» fcr Campaign in in< the foods w s «at and t b i This Part of County Seventy rodent control su pervi­ sors were appointed by the Lane county court on April 4 to lead In the cam paign against gray digger ground squirrels In their resp ective districts S tity -tw o supervisors w ere nom inated by tw en ty farm organtxattonn and the rem ainder w ere nom inated at com m unity m eetin gs or by the county agent. ch an ges which w s aro m aking la (he quantity of the various lt»raa that go to m ake up our food supply are contained In I atatom ont n - cently Issued by Professor N. H. Cornish of econ om ics and sociology at Oregon S ta te college. In foods for instance, Dr. Co­ rnish points out that the per capi­ ta consum ption of flour baa fallen In the past 30 years from 214 to 178 pounds. Corn has deerseoed from Su pervisors appointed tor this 120 to 46 pounds, beef from 17 section of th e county are listed be­ pounds to 62 pounds and rye flour low. In this list num bers refer to from 7 pounds to 1.6 pounds. school d istricts In which su pervi­ The consum ption of sugar, on the sors are to serve the nam e o f an other hand, has grown tn 30 years organization or other Information from 68 pounds tn 109 pounds per after the nam e the com m unity capita. In the sam e tim e, the use Indicates the organization or group sh u g a r t. D efendant: or presented on or before said P I , O lie n O f f i c e 7 3 J ; H en I4 3 W 1926 Tax, paid May 5th, 1927, of C om m erce Hldg . E ugene, Orc IN TH E NA ME OF T H E STA TE tim e. o f f ic e Hourn: 1 to 6 1*. .M Tax R eceipt No. 13027, Amount sta b ilisin g tbe dem and for chick s Dated and first published April »12.06, rate of in terest 6%, total In th is state. Itealdcnre 223 It nt reet Trent (By people of the school I gon within nix monthn from the O F OREGON: You are hereby re Many of the la test w eed control »13.59 dale ol Ihe firm publication of th is r (i^ cr lb e d prem ises to sa tisfy dence of A. E. W heeler, 710 L aw ­ and S a tte aforesaid for a decre« foreclosin g the lien a g a in st the All you have to do is to send or bring us the ages of the oldest cooking stoves or und accruing c o sts, to sell the fol- judgm ent In the sum of rence S treet in E ugene, Oregon, above described and m en­ ranges th a t you know of . . . the nam es of the owners, where the old stoves are low ing described real property, to- , 500 00 w ltj, im prest thereon at 7% within six m onths from this 12th property tioned in said certificate. And you wit: per annum from A ugust 27, 1920 day of March, 1931. in use and then your own name and address. If your own range is an “old tim er” are hereby sum m oned to appear MARTHA C. KEY. W . P. Tyson, Agent The Sou th east Q uarter of the until paid. »60.00 reasonable attor- so much the better, for this is an opportunity to replace it with a new 1931 Montag w ithin sixty (60) d ays from the E xecutrix of Last W ill and T e sta ­ N ortheast Q uarter (B B U N B U ) d n«y's fe es und c o sts and disburse 126 E St. Phone 96W S ection Num ber Six (61 In Town m enta of suit taxed at »20.76. I m ent of O live E thel A llglre, De­ date ot the firqt publication of this sum m ons, ex clu siv e of the said sh ip Num ber S ix teen (16l South w ill on Monday the 6th day of ceased. first day. and defend th is action R ange Four 141 W est of the W il­ April. 1931 at the hour of 1:00 A. E. W heeler, Attorney. M.12-19 26-A.2 9 or pay the am ount due as above lam ette Merldlun. con tain in g 40 o'clock P. M at the S ou th w est door shown, togeth er w ith c o sts and a c ­ ,^ t> c o u n ty Court H ouse in Eu­ scree o f land. In Lane County, crued In terest, and in c a se o f your U pholstering N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Oregon. gene. lain e County. O regon, offer R pflnlshing - Repairing NOTICE IS H ER EBY GIVEN: failure to do so a d ecree w ill be (T he above describ ed property f()r R„ |e Bn(j He|j for cash at public Screen and all kinds of m ill work being plaited und recorded as I-ots auction, su bject to redem ption as That C. J Fulton has been ap rendered fo reclo sin g th e lien of To the en tran t turning in the name of said ta x es and co sts again st the C E C IL C A L K IN S , P rop rietor N os 1. 2. 3 and 4 o f W ashburne gj-ovlded by law. nil th e right, title pointed adm inistrator of the esta te To the en tran t in the Pacific Northwest 561H W est Eighth Phone 402 the owner of the oldest wood and coal A M lllett's Plat. Lane County, Ore- Interest of the aforesaid de- of Annie S. F ulton, deceased , by land and prem ises above described. The date of the first publication turning in greatest num ber of nam es go n ). fendants and each of them and all th e County Court of latne County, cooking stove or range in this district of th is Sum m ons Is March 12th, Oregon. All persons havin g claim s NOW, TH ER EFO R E, In the nam e pHrties obtainin g by through or of ow ners of wood and coal cooking a New 1931 MONTAG K ITC H EN of the S tate of O regon. In com pll- under them or any of them sin ce against said e sta te are required to 1931. General Law P ractice stoves and ranges actually 10 years In All process and papers In th is ance with the said execution and the 8th day of April, 1930 In or present them , w ith the proper RANGE will be awarded. service or longer. proceeding may be served upon the vouchers, w ithin six m onths from order of sale, and In order to sat- to the follow in g describ ed prem ises. I. M. PETERSON Isfy said Judgm ent, Including In­ The W est half of Lot 12 and the th e 12th day o f March, 1931, to undersigned residing w ithin the Attorney-ut-l-aw terest. attorn eys' fe es, c o sts of su it North 8- 2 3 feet of th e W est half the said adm inistrator at the law S tate of O regon, at the address City Hall Building and accruing costa, I w ill, on Sat o f Lot 11 ull In Block 16, Gross o ffice o f L. L. Ray, In the Miner h ereafter m entioned. JAM ES K. KING. urday, the 11th day o f April, 1931, Addition to E ugene. Lane County, Building. E ugene Oregon. Sp ringfield, Oregon A ttorney for P lain tiff C. J. FULTO N, at the hour of one o'clock In the Oregon, R egistered T itle. R esid en ce and P o sto tflce Ad­ A dm inistrator of th e E state of To th e en tran t In th e P acific To th e en tran t in th e P acific T o th e entrant in th e Pacific H. L. BOWN. afternoon of said day, at the S ou th ­ dress. M iner Building, Eugene, N orth w est turning in third N orth w est turning in fourth Sheriff. Annie S. F ulton, deceased. N orthw est turning in second w est front door of the County Court Lane County. Oregon. largest num ber ot nam es of largest number of nam es of largest num ber o f nam es of By A. E. H ulgaard, Deputy. L L. RAY. A ttorney for E state. H ouse tn E ugene, Lane County, FRANK A. DE PUE M.12-19 26-A.2-9 M.12-19-26 A.2-9 M.6-12-19-26 A.2 ow ners of wood or coal cook­ ow n ers of wood or coal cook­ ow n ers of wood or coal cook­ S ta te of Oregon, offer for sa le and A TTO R N E Y AT LAW ing sto v e s and ranges actual­ ing sto v e s and ranges actu al­ ing sto v e s and ranges actual­ se ll for cash, at public auction, N O T A R Y P U B L IC ly 10. years In ser v ic e or ly 10 y ea rs in ser v ic e or ly 10 ye&is in service or subject to redem ption as provided longer. longer. longer. by lnw, all o f the right, title and By Albert T. Raid Sutton Springfield Interest of the said d efendan ts J. Oregon Building E Murphy. R ose C. Murphy and W ellington A. W illiam s, and all persons claim ing by, through or under them or any or eith er of them , In nnd to the said prem ises. H. L. HOWN, For the Oldest Stove Johnson nuto « r u n saving hard enmnd S h eriff of Lane County. Oregon M.12-19 26-A.2-9 Furniture Company Will Give An dsllan by Insuring with tbe E very person, excep t our em ployees, is eligible. FARMERS EXCHANGE Statem ent of the O wnership, M an­ R an ges m ust have been in u se ten agement, C ircu latio n, etc., re q u ir­ years or m ore. With Velour Covering ed by the Act of Congress of Reliable, ttan d- August 24, 1912. of The Spring- L ists m ust be in our hands not later ard protection at field News, published W eekly at than m idnight, April 11th. For the Longest List Wright very low rate. Springfield, Oregon for April A ges of old wood and coal cooking 1932. W anted— M an or l-ady to represent sto v e s and ranges, and nam es and and Sons Will Give A State o f Oregon ) ua In Springfield, and vicinity. ad d resses of ow n ers, m ust be given . Ht***« ) SB. F A R M E R S A U T O M O B IL E Your ow n nam e and add ress m ust IN T E R IN S U R A N C E E X C H A N G E County of L ane ) be given. B efore m e, a notary public In and With Decorated Parchment Shade 632 East Broadw ay L ists m ay eith er be m ailed or turned for the S ta te and county aforesaid, Eugene, O ris o n in to us. personally appeared H. E. M axey, who. havin g been duly sw orn ac­ Jud ges w ill ann oun ce all aw ards as For the Second Oldest Range cording to law, depose« and says soon a fter c losin g date as possible. Powers Will Give A that he Is the publisher o f the T h eir d ecision s w ill be final. Springfield N ew s and that the fol­ In ca se of tie s in a g e s of oldest wood low ing Is, to the b est of h is know l­ or coal cooking sto v e or range, or tn K o: edge and b elief, a true statem en t len gth of lis t— the person turning in o f th e ow nership, and m anagem ent list first w ill be declared the winner. For the Second Longest List Powers of th e aforesaid publication for the t C t Cash prizes are for en tire P acific date Hhown In the alxive caption, Will Give An N orthw est. Stove prize is for th e old ­ required by the A ct of A ugust 24, est range In u se in th is district. 1912, em bodied In sectio n 411, P os­ ta l L aw s and R egulations, printed on th e reverse of th is form, to wit: 1. That the nam e and add ress of th e publisher and ed itor ts H. E. M axey, Sp ringfield, Oregon. --4 h 2. That the ow n er ts 11. E. M axey. 3. That the know n bondholders, T he N ew Sh ield shapo m ortgageee, and oth er secu rity I-enscs m ade In Soft- holders owning’ or holding 1 per L ite Shad» 2, reduce cent or m ore of total am ount of I a¡ Eugene Springfield I muii I h , m ortgage», or other secu ri­ I E ties are none. H. B. MAXEY, Sw orn to and subscribed before m e th is 6th day of April 1931. Business Directory Edw. G. Privat L a w n M o w e rs Walker-Poole Chapel THE STOVE HUNT IS ON! JS f BONDS H unt C loses at M idnight, A pril 1 1th Eugene Furniture Hospital $50-00 CASH $ 3 5 -0 0 C a s h First Award in This District $ 2 5 -0 0 C a s h $ 1 5 -0 0 C a s h I'inu' For E verybody lo Lend a H and Rules of “Old Stove Hunt” 0 0 ,0 0 0 Extra Awards Occasional Pull Up Chair 2 Candle Floor Lamp Electric Waffle Iron ÆÏ 9x12 Congoleum Rug A S K U S F O R IN F O R M A T IO N Powers Furniture Co. Wright & Sons OR.€ C MEADE O P T O M 2 T R I-T T » a w z r T B TH a V t Johnson Furniture Co. (S E A L ) I. M. PETERSO N, (My chm nilaslon exp ires June 1, 1932. ’. Ao.'x. Eugene